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Mystery Sets Sail  

Written by Nicole Avesani

This play was created to be performed in a virtual space- in a meeting room such as Zoom,
Google Hangout, Skype, etc. It is designed for students (10-14 years old). This play is free for
your use, but I do ask that you email to notify me of your use (​​). You
can watch my students perform it on my IGTV (@avesanivoicestudio). Enjoy!

This play takes place on a ship, where there are 3 staff aboard (Captain, Chef and Waitress)
and 3 VIP guests (a Billionaire, a Movie Star and a Detective). They meet together for dinner,
when suddenly the lights go out and the first guest mysteriously disappears. Throughout the
course of the evening, the players begin disappearing one-by-one. We witness the pieces
begin to fall into place through a series of flashback scenes. In the end, only one remains, but
there’s a surprise in store for him as well!

(in order of appearance)

Chef Cross-​ The head (and only) chef on the ship. She is short tempered and arrogant. She
speaks her mind without shame.

Daisy Ditz​- The ship’s waitress. She is young, clumsy and easily distracted. She doesn’t
notice the chef’s annoyance at her.

Manny Bucks-​ Businessman and billionaire. He is confident and cocky. His main focus is
always himself.

Scarlett Estar-​ A glamorous movie star. She loves being noticed and gawked at.

Captain Meeks- ​The ship’s Captain and organizer of the evening. He is kind and
understanding, always trying to smooth things out.

Detective Worn-​ A good detective, but he’s worn out and tired. He is patient, calm and slow to

The entire show happens in various rooms of a large boat (not a cruise ship). There are many
virtual background changes, so you must have them chosen and ready. You will need a
Kitchen, Deck, Dining Room, Captain’s Office, Dressing Room and Wallstreet Office.
Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Chef Cross​- large knife, wine glass

Daisy Ditz​- glasses (martini/wine/tumblers), drink

Manny Bucks​- watch, drink, cell phone

Scarlett Estar​- drink, cell phone

Captain Meeks-​ cell phone, manifest, watch, wine glass

Detective Worn​- watch, wine glass

Chair scraping
Glass breaking
Door slamming
Dishes breaking
*Create a Continuous Sound Effect Track

Scene 1- Kitchen

Chef Cross/Daisy Ditz- Cameras ON

Chef Cross: ​ (​handling a large knife)​ aren’t you almost done mixing those drinks? You know
they're out there waiting for you!

Daisy Ditz:​ (​mixing drinks)​ - I’m going, I’m going. Just adding a few finishing touches. (​Looks
innocently at the camera).

Chef Cross:​ Well, get out there already- I’ll be there soon.

Chef Cross/Daisy Ditz- Cameras OFF

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Scene 2- Ship’s Deck

Manny Bucks/ Scarlet Estar- Cameras ON

Manny Bucks:​ And so naturally, I sold it to him. What else could I do?

Daisy Ditz- Camera ON

Scarlet Estar:​ (​laughs)​ Oh darling, you’ve always entertained me with your games. Excuse me,
dear, are those ours? I’m simply parched.

Daisy Ditz:​ ​(looking around nervously)​ Umm, well, umm, yes, they’re all yours.

Manny Bucks:​ Just put it on my tab (​chuckles)​ .

ALL Cameras OFF


Scene 3 - No Camera on- Chef Cross heard “overhead”

Chef Cross: ​ Attention all guests, please join us in the dining room promptly.

Scene 4- Dining Room

Captain Meeks/Detective Worn- Cameras ON

Captain Meeks:​ I’m sure you’ll find your accommodations quite nice. We saved the suite for
you! I know your work can be rather… unpleasant… so I just wanted to be sure you felt
comfortable and relaxed.

Detective Worn:​ That is so unnecessary, but much appreciated. Thank you for inviting me on
this trip, old friend. It has been far too long.

Manny Bucks/Scarlet Estar- Cameras ON

Captain Meeks:​ Thank you all for joining us tonight. Let me introduce you to one another, now
that we’re all together. We have our three VIP guests on board: Scarlet Estar, you may have
Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

seen her on the big screen and in many stage productions. Thank you for gracing us with your

Scarlet Estar:​ Oh darling, you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world.​ (kiss kiss)

Captain Meeks: ​This here is Manny Bucks, business man and ​(whispers)​ billionaire.

Manny Bucks:​ Come on Cap, no need to whisper… everyone knows that already! I was on
the cover of Fortune just last month! Thanks for having me.

Captain Meeks:​ And this is Detective Worn. He is my oldest and dearest friend, and lately…
well let’s just say his work has been getting to him- so this is just the trip he needs! Welcome,

Detective Worn:​ Thank you, Captain Meeks. I look forward to getting to know you all better
during the course of our getaway.

Daisy Ditz/Chef Cross- Cameras ON

Daisy Ditz: ​Chef, it looks like they’re all here!

Chef Cross:​ (under her breath) Finally. (Out loud) At the request of Captain Meeks, we shall all
dine together tonight. You will be served a 5 course meal, prepared, of course, by ​moi​. And
without further ​adieu​, dinner is served.

BLACK OUT- All Cameras OFF- Sound Effect, Chair squeaking

ALL- ​Ad lib-​ Whoa! What’s going on? What happened? Who turned out the lights? THE FOOD!
Stay calm!

ALL Cameras ON (except Scarlet Estar)

Captain Meeks:​ Is everyone all right?

Daisy Ditz:​ I spilled your drink, Captain, but otherwise, I’m just fine.

Chef Cross:​ Oh my goodness, what a silly girl you are! Hurry and fix him another drink! The
power goes out for one second and you just fall to pieces!
Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Manny Bucks:​ Wait a minute- My watch! My watch has gone missing! It was here before, right
here on my wrist, and now it’s not!

Detective Worn:​ That’s not the only thing missing. Did anyone see where Ms. Estar went?

(All Stare at the camera in disbelief)

Detective Worn:​ This is curious indeed. One minute she’s sitting right there and the next, there
was a black out and poof she’s gone! And even more curious, I was finally going to get that
much needed vacation, and now this!

Captain Meeks:​ Detective Worn, I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding. She must have simply
stepped out to use the restroom.

Chef Cross:​ ​(agreeing vigorously)- ​You know movie stars are always having to go powder their
noses or reapply their lipstick!

​ his will all be cleared up in no time!

Captain Meeks​: ​(shooting her a shut-up look) T

Manny Bucks:​ I sure hope that this is all cleared up soon, so that you can get to the real
case… my missing watch! Do you have any idea how expensive it was?

Detective Worn:​ Sir, I do believe that a missing person is more important than your missing
watch. First things first, who was last seen​ ​with that movie star?

Daisy Ditz:​ That would definitely be Mr. Bucks. I saw them having a drink together just before

Manny Bucks:​ (​furious​) Are you seriously trying to pin this on me? I was having a drink that
YOU brought me. Maybe YOU’RE responsible for this!

Daisy Ditz:​ Me?!

Detective Worn:​ Mr. Bucks, just calm down and we will get to the bottom of this. Let me hear
what the waitress’ story is before we all jump to conclusions about what happened here tonight.

Daisy Ditz: ​Well, as I said, I don’t really know what they were talking about, but I definitely saw
them out on the deck, having a very cozy conversation.

ALL Cameras OFF- Flashback Sound Effect

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Scene 5- Ship’s Deck

Manny Bucks/Scarlet Estar- Cameras ON

Manny Bucks:​ Scarlet! Is that you? When was the last time we sailed together? It’s been

Scarlet Estar:​ Manny! I had a suspicion you would be here tonight (​kiss kiss)​ But then again,
this whole endeavor is a little suspicious all together, if you know what I mean (​wink​).

Manny Bucks:​ (​looking around​)- Keep your voice down! He could be anywhere!

Scarlet Estar:​ Darling, please, I’ve grown accustomed to people watching me, and talking
about me… but I promise you, they’re definitely not listening! (​whispering and looking around​)
But most importantly, did you bring it?

Manny Bucks:​ Of course I did! Got it right here (​Pats chest with hand that has the watch​).

Scarlet Estar:​ (​eyes wide​)- Well, be careful flaunting that thing around. How’d he even get you
to agree?

Manny Bucks:​ He told me what it was all for, and you know me, I just love the run-around.
(Daisy Ditz- Camera ON)​ So naturally, I sold it to him… what else could I do?

Scarlet Estar:​ (​laughs​) Oh darling, you’ve always entertained me with your games. Excuse
me, dear, are those ours? I’m simply parched.

ALL Cameras OFF- Flash forward Sound Effect


Scene 6- Dining Room

ALL Cameras ON (except Scarlet Estar)

Manny Bucks:​ It was nothing. Nothing at all. We’re just old friends who were catching up. Is
that a crime now?

Detective Worn:​ No one said anything about a crime.

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Manny Bucks:​ Yes, I’ve noticed. No one seems very concerned over my missing watch!

Chef Cross ​(to Daisy Ditz):​ Why​ ​are you still here? Hurry and get these fine people their
drinks… or it’ll be you next!

Captain Meeks:​ Chef! What are you saying?

Chef Cross:​ Oh, you know me, always running my mouth. It’s just so hard to find good help
these days.

BLACK OUT- ALL Cameras OFF- Sound effect- Glass Breaking

​ gain? What is happening? Everyone hang tight. Etc…
ALL-​ ​ad lib- A

ALL Cameras ON (except Scarlet Estar/Daisy Ditz)

Captain Meeks:​ Two outages in under 10 minutes? What are the chances?

Detective Worn:​ Yes, what ARE the chances?

Chef Cross​: Daisy! Daisy! Where did that girl run off to now? See? I swear if she didn’t have
her head attached… ​(carelessly handling the knife)

Manny Bucks:​ Wait, are you suggesting she’s missing now too? Oh brother, no one is ever
going to care about my watch now!

Detective Worn:​ I can assure you Mr. Bucks, that your watch will be located, when the time is
right. ​(to himself)​ I guess I better kiss my vacation goodbye.

Captain Meeks:​ Now wait a minute! I’m sure there are reasonable explanations for all of this.
Let’s just retrace her steps.

Chef Cross:​ I was with her all afternoon, watching her mix drinks- more like mix-up drinks- with
her “finishing touches” and all…

ALL Cameras OFF

Flashback Sound Effect

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani
Scene 7- Kitchen

Camera ON- Daisy Ditz/Chef Cross

Daisy Ditz:​ Chef Cross? Remind me what goes in a rum and coke? I always forget that one.

Chef Cross: ​ (using the knife vigorously and annoyed) ​Girl, you really are dumb as rocks.

Daisy Ditz:​ What was that? Did you want me to go find rocks for the drinks?

Chef Cross :​ Never mind…

Scarlet Estar-Camera ON

Scarlet Estar:​ Excuse me, sweetie, would it be possible for us to get a few beverages out

Daisy Ditz:​ Oh yes, right away ma’am.

Scarlet Estar:​ Make it fast, dear… and extra special just for us!

Scarlet Estar- Camera OFF

Daisy Ditz:​ Wow she’s gorgeous… Chef, do you have any idea who that was?

Chef Cross:​ Just another of the Captain’s VIP’s. Now stop gawking. ​(handling the knife)​ Aren’t
you almost done mixing those drinks, you know they’re out there waiting for you!

Daisy Ditz:​ (​mixing drinks​) I’m going, I’m going. Just adding a few finishing touches (​looks
innocently at the camera).

Chef Cross: ​Well, get out there already- I’ll be there soon.

ALL Cameras OFF - Flash Forward Sound Effect


Scene 8- Dining room

ALL Cameras ON (except Daisy Ditz/ Scarlet Estar)

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Chef Cross: ​That’s exactly how it all happened. As I said before, she’s not the sharpest knife in
the drawer. She’s probably just lost in the pantry or something.

Detective Worn:​ But you must admit, it’s a bit odd for 2 of the guests of this very small
gathering to go missing within a few minutes of each other.

Manny Bucks:​ The only odd thing is that you have yet to do your job and question anyone
about my missing watch!

Captain Meeks:​ Now, Now… Detective Worn is very good at his job. I’m sure he’ll find
answers to all these questions soon enough.

Detective Worn:​ (​to himself)​ Some vacation this is turning out to be.

Manny Bucks: ​That’s it! If you’re all just gonna sit around here, that’s fine, but I’m gonna go
search. My watch has to be around here somewhere!

Captain Meeks:​ I would strongly advise against that… after all, there’s safety in numbers.

BLACK OUT- ALL Cameras OFF- Sound effect Door Slam

ALL- ​ad lib “Again? Who keeps doing this? What’s going on? Don’t move!”

Chef Cross/Captain Meeks/Detective Worn- Cameras ON

Chef Cross: ​Oh no, the Billionaire! He’s gone!

Captain Meeks:​ Just stay calm everyone.

Detective Worn:​ Here we go again... I think it’s time we begin to search. Maybe we should split
up and-

Captain Meeks:​ You know, old friend, don’t worry about it. There has to be a reasonable
explanation for all of this! (​more unsure and nervous)​ Let’s just have our meal and enjoy the
evening together. It’ll give us a chance to catch up!

Chef Cross:​ Have our dinner!? When now ​three​ of our passengers have gone missing?
Detective, there’s something you need to know. I heard the Captain on the phone, making
arrangements for this voyage.

Captain Meeks:​ Chef! You wouldn’t! What about loyalty?!

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Chef Cross:​ Loyalty won’t keep me out of jail!

Detective Worn:​ No one is going to jail- yet. Let’s just hear what she has to say.

Chef Cross:​ Like I said before, I heard him on the phone making all these arrangements.
Obviously, I could only hear his end of the conversation, but I got the gist of it… “Come on, it’ll
be fun”, “it’s not a party without you” and “Just be sure you don’t forget to pack it”. Very…

ALL Cameras OFF - Sound Effect- Flashback


Scene 9- Captain’s Office (Captain)

Dressing Room (Scarlet Estar)
Office (Manny Bucks)

Captain Meeks/Scarlet Estar- Cameras ON

​ carlet, hello! I’m calling to be sure you’re still “on board” for this
Captain Meeks: ​(on phone) S
weekend’s getaway ​(laughs to himself)

Scarlet Estar: Darling, of course! You know I love these sorts of events! I’d never miss it. It’s
gonna be an evening to die for.

Captain Meeks: Wonderful! You know it’s not a party without you! See you Friday evening,

Scarlet Estar: Yes, yes… gotta run, dear, I’m on in 5! Ta-ta for now.
Scarlet Estar- Camera OFF

Captain Hangs up- dials again

Manny Bucks- Camera ON

Manny Bucks: (​answering phone​) Go for Bucks.

Captain Meeks: Manny, I know you’re a busy man, just confirming our arrangement for this
weekend… you’re still “on board”?​ (laughs to himself)

Manny Bucks: I am a very busy man, and I told you already, I’ll be there.
Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Captain Meeks: That’s great, just perfect. I’m so glad you and Ms. Estar will be in attendance-
it’s sure to make the evening more interesting. I’ve been planning this a long time and
everything must go just as planned. Did you get it?

Manny Bucks: Got it right here.

Captain Meeks: Excellent! Just don’t forget to pack it!

Manny Bucks: What am I? An amateur? Look, I gotta go, time is money, my friend. See you
Friday evening. ​(Manny Bucks- Camera OFF)

Captain Meeks hang up and dial again

Captain Meeks: Hello old pal, I am very much looking forward to this weekend. It’ll be just the
getaway you need. No work, just some good R&R. It’ll be a weekend to remember. Now, no
backing out… come on, it’ll be fun. See you Friday evening.

Captain hangs up and Camera OFF- Flash Forward Sound Effect


Scene 10- Dining Room

Captain Meeks/Chef Cross/Detective Worn- Cameras ON

Detective Worn: You were pretty convincing on that voice mail. Got me on the ship, but this isn’t
the R&R I was promised.

Chef Cross: Yes, we’ve all endured broken promises.

Captain Meeks: Chef Cross, I will remind you that you are still working on MY ship and as such,
you should hold your tongue when you are not being addressed. Your loyalty certainly has
waned and if I had any say…

Chef Cross: What? You’ll take my job? Or worse? Is that a threat?!

Detective Worn: Now wait just a second...

BLACK OUT- ALL Cameras OFF- Sound effect- Dishes breaking

Captain/Detective- Cameras ON
Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Detective Worn: (​staring in disbelief​) You!!!

Captain Meeks: Detective Worn, old buddy, old pal, what are you implying? These are mere
coincidences! I’ve had nothing to do with it!

Detective Worn: And yet, you’re still here. How convenient. You planned all this, didn’t you?
The venue, the guest list, the menu.. Every last detail.

Captain Meeks: Well, yes. For you! My oldest friend! But I swear I had nothing to do with these

Detective Worn: Then why don’t we take a little walk together? Let’s go find your guests.

Captain Meeks: Really, Detective, it’s all going to be fine. They couldn’t have gone far… we
ARE on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic, after all! And besides, as you will see from the
manifest, only the 6 of us are even on this boat!

Detective Worn: And only 2 remain...

BLACK OUT- All Cameras OFF- Sound effect footsteps

Detective Worn- Camera ON

Detective Worn: ​(to himself​) And then there was one. But, none of this makes any sense. I
have so many clues, but not enough evidence. I guess it’s time for me to face the facts- this
vacation has just turned into a “work trip”. Time to get to work! I’ll scour this ship for hard
evidence and uncover the truth about this mystery. But first, I need to get some fresh air.

(Detective Worn: Switch Background to Deck)


Scene 11- Ship’s Deck

ALL Cameras ON

ALL- Surprise!!!

Detective Worn: Wait? What? This was all a game? A theatrical performance?

Scarlet Estar: Darling, it’s what I do!

Mystery Sets Sail  
Written by Nicole Avesani

Daisy Ditz: (​laughing​) I thought for sure you were on to us!

Detective Worn: But why? It’s not my birthday!

Captain Meeks: Well, I know how gruesome your job can be sometimes … I thought we’d have
a little lighthearted fun, you know, bring back the excitement of the mystery. And to show you
our appreciation and for being such a good sport, I got this for you. ​(shows watch)

Detective Worn: ​(shows watch) ​Wow… this is… unbelievable! I’m speechless! You all really
had me going.

All laugh

Chef Cross: Now that the entertainment is over, there’s only one thing left to do… let’s eat! I
didn’t work all afternoon in that kitchen for nothin, you know!

Manny Bucks: Hey Cap, you know I’m always looking for new investment opportunities. This
would work out great! A Murder Mystery Dinner Cruise! You in?

Captain Meeks: Hey, that’s not a bad idea… A Mystery Sets Sail. I like it!

Daisy Ditz: I think this calls for some bread!

(All stare, confused)

Captain Meeks: Oh, a toast! Yes! To new adventures!

Scarlet Estar: To a flawless performance!

Chef Cross: To good food!

Manny Bucks: To new business opportunities!

Detective Worn: To new friends!

All: Cheers!​ (hold glass up to the camera)


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