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Adaptable Visitors or Tolerant Governors?

By: Trinita Riana Sitorus

Traveling abroad is a common way to relax a bit from such stresses. Many people like
to experience new things and new culture to add more knowledge, sights, and perspective on
their eyes. Having such rich views make us tend to see positive things and energy rather than
exaggerating petty details which can make us forget our first and genuine goal toward
something. Also traveling can lead us to be a more sympathetic person. Those are basically
why many visitors tend to attend rite or traditional event to enrich their sights. Some of them
adapt easily with the culture. However, there are also type of people who need more time to
adapt. But, how if these slow-adapted visitors are required to adapt easily?
The positive effect if the visitors follow the rules given by the local people is that the
visitors will have more and more experience, and I believe that these thoughts, knowledges,
sights and perspective will last even longer than the ones who try to do half or even avoid
doing the culture due to inconvenient reason. And also, the local people who live there will
not feel like there’s something wrong with either their culture or the visitors. So we can
reduce the negative terms between them.
On the other hand, a welcome government has good things too. Like what I
mentioned earlier, many people out there want to travel abroad in order to be relieved from
stresses. These types of people won’t choose countries which have strict rules and regulation
for sure. They will search for comfortable countries in which they can still learn something
there and relax at the same time.
In conclusion, these two sides have their own positives and negatives. All based on
the visitor’s goal towards the trip. So, it is so important to do some researches in order to get
the experience you desire.

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