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Abstract: There has been an increased interest in the field of Biomimetics is the recent past. All fields of sciences are
now heavily inspired from nature driven design which include not only scientist but engineers and architects. Smart
textiles is an area which is commercially viable and has immense public interest. The research will be able to create
intelligent apparel which was previously considered product of science fiction.Curved screens are part of new mobile
and television technology. The technology uses the process of projecting light behind the object into the front of the
screen using camera the imagery is captured, stored and transmitting it on screens. It will make use of the OLED
technology through which electricity will be applied. The research will include printing of Organic layers on fabric and
deposition of Oled Layers on Fabric to produce flexible screens. The technology used will reflect the surrounding
environment on to this fabric giving the soldier smart camouflage. The research attempts to discover the use of
Camouflage for the protection of soldiers at field either in the development of a screen or fabric using combining the
technologies above. The current Camouflage prints is highly defective and the disruptive print is still not complete
hence research into this area will be beneficial for every country which invests into this technology.

Content of Thesis

1. Abstract - As Attached

2. Research Gap : Enlisting the number of soldiers who have been killed in combat in cross
border conflicts in India.Most have there deaths have occurred due to detection.

2. Objective. To Develop a smart Camouflage/ Shield for Military Personnel

3. Scope of the Research - Elaborates on the requirement for safeguarding our military
personnel when they are in combat and unprotected by the camouflage uniforms that they wear.

4. Methodology

To understand the research problem one has to understand the functioning of the eye and the
mind which assists in conjuring images Chapter with the study of the working of the eye.

Art is taken as a tool to understand how Perception works in the brain. Study of Art , Perception
and perceptual art assists in the same Chapter 3,4,5 deals with the same.

Nature is taken as an inspiration to understand camouflage in animals. How the understanding

of camouflage is complete. A review of the the praying Mantis and Octopus helps in understanding
the method of Camouflage used Chapter 6. deals with the same.

An attempt is made to construct flexible OLEDs in the BIOMEMS Laboratory in IIT Kanpur. Zinc
oxide Nano flowers have been developed and an attempt is made to layers the positive and negative
. While working on the experiment it was understood that conditions have to be extremely stringent
while layering also exposure to moisture tended to break the layers.


Taking inspiration from nature Design and The Fibonacci series a simple LED pattern is developed
based on the Fibanacci series,Using mechatronics and programs and Arduino the lights can be
controlled on the fabric resulting in designs which can be replicated. Also due to the placement of
the lights the same can be easily controlled. This is discussed in chapter 10.


Chapter 1. Introduction :Camouflage and the Indian Army

Chapter 2. Vision

Chapter 3. Understanding Vision Through the Theories of Visual Design

Chapter 4 Perception and Visual Art.

Chapter 5 Appreciation of Art with Vision and Colour

Chapter 6. Nature Design Study

Chapter 8. Future of OLED in wearable textiles

Chapter 9 Fabrication of the the Fabric.

Chapter 10. Fabric Design using Nature and the Fibonnaci Series as an inspiration

Chapter 11. Discussions and Limitations

Chapter 12. Future prospects.

Capter 13. Conclusion

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