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‘Safety first’ is ‘safety always’

Safety means protecting ourselves from any threat that could hurt us or put our lives at
risk. Safety is important to keep us safe whenever we go. Safety can be seen as protection from
anything like illness, threats, injuries, accidents etc. which could happen anywhere on road, in
office, on and off the campus, or at home. As a student we also give priority to our safety and
health. In our school we have a subject that discusses about safety. We tackle about how can we
avoid accidents in sites, fire, electricity and emergency preparedness. Just like when you’re in a
construction site always follow the guidance on how to use the equipment and observe health
and safety regulations and wear protective clothing. It is important to follow the rules and
guidelines in site’s because we cannot predict if there are accidents to happen. Another thing we
need to be careful is fire, people nowadays have lack reaction to fire. I recall when there’s a fire
happening in our place people are busy to take their things in their house instead of helping to
other’s to prevent the fire. In this situation we need to think that our life and safety is important
rather than things. From what I see, I think it is better if we know something about fire so that
when there’s a fire we should know what to do and for that we can also help others if we have
knowledge on how to prevent fire.

One of the biggest fear of us is when there are emergencies that happening either man
made or natural emergencies. As a student, we already know what to do when there’s an
emergency happening, like there’s a calamity one thing to do is listen to the news find out what’s
going on and the most important is to do is to be prepared in case there is something happen.
There is a need for a proper safety training at all the levels so that people can use technology or
some kind of apps to get an immediate assistance in case of emergency.

Safety is our number one priority. Look what is happening to the world right now we are
facing a pandemic. Many people infected and died because of this virus. And many people
infected because they are not following the rules. We need to follow the rules for our safety and
no other people will get infected if we follow the rules. In this situation we need to unite to fight
this virus. To win over this virus always follow what the health expert say stay at home and you
will be safe.
Safety is what we need right now. If we have a lack of knowledge about overall safety, we can
die. Safety is the responsibility of every person who works to the company or at school to take
reasonable care for the safety of himself and other human beings and the surroundings which
may be affected by his acts or carelessness. Always remember to be cautious when you’re at
home, travelling, in school, or in work place because we don’t know when accident happened. It
is easy to stay safe if you take a few precautions.

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