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I’m a chef but before I’d become to this I was a cook and a student but
the thing is when I start to study gastronomy I was pretty sure that I’d
like it because I always enjoyed making food or desserts but then a
couple months I realized that do this as a hobby is different when you
have to work because the feeling is different you always have to face
with stress, people with heavy mood and you must be running around the
kitchen without enjoying what you are doing, so I took a decision that
change everything due this I started to studying English by myself on
YOUTUBE, GOOGLE and others platforms. My idea was learn English and
work in other country at a restaurant, where my first day over there was
awkward because I didn’t understand nothing but with my constantly
studying every day I did it, in that moment I was feeling good complying
my goals afterward I felt great and I was working with passion and love
and my environment change completly and the executive chef putted me
in charge and he gave me a recommendation letter and a mention by the
best employed and by the time I love what I do and I learned to work
with happiness and actually I like teaching and trying people around me
change their mind about it.

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