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“The New Me"

Last pandemic were feeling isolated but fun. My mother always cooked delicious food
that time and I really loved it. We are not allowed to go out and my love in food become a
habit. I definitely gained a weight. When the time comes that we are allowed to enter the mall,
while preparing, that is when I realized that there is something wrong with me. My shirts
doesn't fit anymore and I can't wear what I want. I did not disciplined myself and feel so sorry
about it. I sometimes got bullied because of my body and that is very sad.
Now, this year 2023, I will change myself and it is really the time. This is my first priority,
to lose weight and become healthier. I will do exercise often. Do more physical activities in the
house and school. And most importantly, I will balance my diet. I definitely change my lifestyle.
And hopefully, I will get through this with the help and support from my family. I also want to
improve my grades and make my parents even more proud of me. And last, I want to change
my screen time. I noticed that I spent too much time on screens and got lost time to study and
can’t focus on it. I know I have a lot to change to become better. I'll just take one step at a time
so I can achieve and accomplish all of it. I have to commit on this with discipline. And with God's
praise and love, I hope and pray that I will have the new me.

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