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Charge to Bladen Hall Graduates

Thank you miss…. For that amazing introduction.

Well!! Hello….. Bladen Hall class of 2023.

How you Guys feeling today?

Believe it or not the last time I was here, was 13 years ago sitting my cxc exams, I can remember
writing on my classmates school shirts silly quotes and names as we bid farewells.
As I was entering the compound this morning, I started getting flashes of my time spent here.
Thinking this is one of the very place that shaped me into the person I am today. A place where
memories were created and where I spend way too much time in the home economics lab.
As a fellow student I feel a deep sense of pride being here. It’s an absolute honor to be giving
“you” your charge on this memorable occasion.

First let me take a moment to congratulate each and every one of you for successfully completing
your secondary education. You have worked hard and your work has paid off.
Let us take a moment to acknowledge the amazing teachers who have dedicated their time &
energy into shaping these students into the remarkable individuals they are.

To the parents/Guardians in the room, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the unwavering
support you have provided throughout their academic journey. Your encouragement, sacrifices
and constant presence have been instrumental in their achievements.

So collectively give yourselves a round of applause since all of you played an integral role that
leads us into today’s accomplishment.

Today ends another chapter of YOUR BOOK OF LIFE… it is time to turn the pages because a
new chapter is waiting to be explore .
Before you explore that new chapter here are some life prologues from my life journey that will
serve as a guide to you in the future.
Throughout my speech I will be highlighting some key words that will give you a clear picture,
these are some words that helped through my life journey.

Habit (somethings that you do often, sometimes without realizing that becomes a norm)
One of my first big girl book purchase was “ATOMIC HABITS” by James Clear. This book
taught me about how tiny daily changes can make a big difference in your life. As humans we
put too much pressure on ourselves to accomplish our goals. Which can leads to stress, self doubt
and frustration.
We have this idea in our heads that MASSIVE SUCCESS REQUIRES MASSIVE CHANGES.
But that’s not true SMALL CHANGES CAN LEAD TO MASSIVE SUCCESS. In this book
James Clear spoke about 1% daily good habits vs 1% daily bad habits. For example making your
bed , brushing your teeth, washing the dishes after every use , take the stairs instead of taking the
elevator or reading a book before bed.
Most of you will move onto tertiary education or enter the world of work … at the tertiary level
theirs no lecture there to spoon feed you, You have to get into the habit of studying real fast.
Personally I can’t remember putting much effort into studying at secondary school somehow I
still pass but when I enter university I quickly realize that if I don’t start reading over my notes it
will be hard for me to pass my exams. When you get to the university they will tell you “you
need to read for your degree “
In the world of work same method would be apply.
If you take 1/2hrs from ur daily schedule to read over your notes you will find that it will become
a norm and studying becomes apart of you naturally.
A small change can still deliver those big results. It can help you create a huge, wonderful
transformation in your life. By changing as little as one small daily habit, you can introduce more
positive and healthy patterns into your life and daily routine. It can bring more joy and bliss to
this seemingly ordinary,
"everyday" life.

Incipient (New Beginning)

Every day you wake up is an opportunity for a new start. Some of you might be disappointed
about a particular grade. I just wanted to reassure you that “it’s ok”because that too can change.
Bad cxc grade can always resist. CXC have no age limit.
When I completed my secondary education I had no idea what I wanted to do next. I did a
mixture of science and business subjects. So work-study time came around and they ask me what
I wanted to become . ME (“Doctor I want to save people” since this is a popular career path)
with this I was send to work at BV health center for work studies. The health center has fixed
schedule morning are mainly prenatal care or postnatal care or Elderly day. I actually enjoyed
that, but in the afternoon “dressing time” Me not know what to expect the nurses took me in the
dressing room and patients started to come in. I kid you not I almost pasted out and throw up
several times I saw some injury that made me redirect my career path on the spot.
So what I did was to start analyzing myself and figure out what I really like. I know I like food
and nutrition, integrated science and Agriculture. Now I am in the agriculture field and I love it.

Imagination (everything you can imagine is real) your mind is a powerful thing, self doubt is a
killer of joy. Speak positivity into your life, because everything starts with you. If you can
believe in it then you can achieve it because there is no limit in the power of perseverance. You
can achieve anything that you set you mind to. Yes you may have family and friends support but
if you don’t believe in you and love yourself wholeheartedly you will become reliable on others
opinions before you move forward in life. My favorite part of English was easy writing and but I
only writing on pictures rather that the difference topics given. The reason being is that a picture
can tell more than a thousand stories and I always wanted to create my own story.

Belief - in order to remain humble and grounded in life we need to have a sense of Belief. We all
might have different religious background whether Christian’s, Muslim, Hindu whatever you
believe in… incorporates your spirituality into your everyday life so when you’re face with the
different emotions of life your spirituality will be your guide.

Lastly Take breaks, take your vacation days . When you head out into the world of work your
life will become a cycle of work and home. Sometimes it can be so suffocating even if you love
what you do. Your Health is important, especially your mental health. Go for a walks, participate
in recreational activities, take your vacation days , go on a tour to a different region in Guyana or
overseas, surround yourself with genuine friends who have a vision. Your happiness is
important, your peace of mind is important, smile, be kind just live a little!!
I am not going to stand here and say you life will always be on a straight path , sometimes there
will be challenges, there will be ups and downs. How you handle those situations will determine
your future. Have faith, have patience, there’s a canvas out there waiting for you to paint your
own master piece. you are not just closing the door at Bladen Hall Multilateral School; you are
opening a new door to a world filled with endless possibilities. Go welcome your new chapter
with open arms.

Thank you.
Congratulations once again

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