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Pattern Recognition

ELSEVIER Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46

An approach to detect lofar lines

J-C. D i M a r t i n o 1 S. T a b b o n e *
CRIN/CNRS-INRIA Lorraine, Campus Scientifique, BP 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy,France
Received 1 October 1994; revised 26 April 1995

The problem of extracting spectral lines from sonar images is treated using a complete scheme that combines an edge
detector with a line tracing process. Comparative performance results confirm the efficiency and the reliability of the
proposed approach.
Keywords: Line detection; Edge detector; Tracing; Filtering

1. Introduction • Multi-lines can be displayed on the lofargram de-

pending on the spectrum band-width.
1.1. The passive sonar signal recognition problem • Slanted lines or slightly curved lines can be
shown on the lofargram. They are due to the Doppler
The fundamental objective of a passive sonar system effect.
is to detect the presence of target-like signals in under- By characterizing the spectral lines on a lofargram,
water acoustic fields. A typical passive sonar system one can determine the acoustic source of the sound.
is depicted in Fig. 1. Signals emitted from the acoustic Actually, trained operators currently perform this char-
source are recorded by an array ofhydrophones, beam- acterization, partially aided by machine measurements
formed and spectrum analysed. Narrow-band compo- of the signals.
nents of the signals' result provide an image of fre-
quency power versus time, more commonly referred 1.2. Related works
to as a "lofargram" (Fig. 2).
Lofar is an acronym for LOw Frequency Analysis In this section we review several methods proposed
and Recording. Its main characteristics are: in the literature to extract lines from images. Our re-
• Signal to noise ratio is low due to the discreteness view is not intended to be exhaustive, but some of
of the sources. the related works represent important advances in this
• A constant frequency tonal produces a darkening area, and we have experimentally tested some of them.
over time periods, which appears as a vertical line on Abel et al. (1992) perform a detection step using
the lofargram display. a statistical likelihood test, Then mathematical mor-
phology operators are used to extract regions which
* Corresponding author. Email: encompass lines. This method, well tested on sonar
1This work was supported by the research centre of underwater images, requires however a priori information regard-
signal processing, DCN Toulon Cedex. Email: ing the noise environment and the number and type of

0167-8655/96/$09.50 (~) 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 01 67-8655 (95) 00088-7
38 J-C. Di Martino, S. ~bbone/Pattern RecognitionLetters17(1996) 37-46

-* f;7 P

.f;Tq TIME

DELAY mmmm~ SPECTRUM mmmm~



Fig. I.Passivesonarsystem block diagram.

(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Lofargram image containing four spectral lines. (a) 2D grey-level image. (b) 3D surface.

sinusoids present. give good results for constant curvature curves but they
Other contributions in the field of curved line ex- are not well adapted to fluctuating curves (curvature
traction are proposed by introducing perceptual con- sign often changes) such as spectral lines.
siderations. All these methods rely on a two-step pro- Neural network approaches are also an important
cess. Initially, a line detector is applied to the im- field of methods that have been proposed to deal with
age in order to determine for each pixel the magni- the line detection problem. In this case the line de-
tude and direction of the image gradient. Then, several tection is performed using a supervised learning neu-
grouping strategies are used to enhance points lying ral network (Khotanzad et al., 1989; de Bollivier et
on a curve while reducing those belonging to noise. al., 1988; Leeming, 1993). These methods need a su-
Sha'ashua and Ullman (1988) define a saliency mea- pervised learning set that reduces their utility in real
sure based on perceptual constraints. A dynamic pro- cases. Di Martino et al. (1994) propose an alternative
gramming algorithm is used to guide the grouping pro- approach using a non-supervised neural network. This
cess for extracting long lines of low total curvature. one only provides a contrast enhancement process and
Other researchers (Parent and Zucker, 1989; Yang, so needs a detection step to extract the lines.
1990; H6rault, 1991) have studied the tangent fields Other usual approaches to solve the curved line ex-
consistency using relaxation constraints or simulated traction issue are based on tracing processes. Some (di
annealing algorithms. Guy and M6dioni (1992) define Martino et al., 1993; Fernandez et al., 1990) based on
a vote system to execute a directional convolution of dynamic programming (Bellman, 1957) consist of ex-
the image using saliency-enhancing operators. Di Mar- tracting optimal paths according to the minimization
tino and Alexandre (1994) also use a vote system of a cost function (Montanari, 1971 ). These methods
including an interpretation step that allows the pro- give interesting results on IR (infrared) and sonar im-
cessing of fluctuating and noisy curves such as those ages in the sense that they provide a connected chain
encountered in sonar images. Globally, these methods of points accurately localized. However, the initializa-
J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone/ Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46 39

tion is not easy, and in some cases overlapping search 2.1. Detection process
trees can give wrong paths.
Line detectors, based on a differentiation operation The detection process consists of detecting and
(Ziou, 1991 ) or on a local energy computation (Free- bridging spectral line contours in order to extract
man and Adelson, 1991 ), can also be provided to ex- regions. The line detection, further described, is
tract spectral lines. Since the images are very noisy, achieved in a two-step process: smoothing and differ-
these approaches require a smoothing stage. So there entiation.
is a tradeoff between the localization and the detec-
tion of edges. On one hand, with low smoothing the 2.1.1. Line detection
detector is more noise-sensitive, but fine structures are Smoothing. Noise in lofargram images is essentially
preserved and edges are well localised. On the other characterized by high frequency components which
hand, high smoothing removes noise and fine struc- can be reduced by a smoothing step. It has been
tures too. Moreover, in this case the detection is good pointed out that the Gaussian ensures an optimal com-
but the localization error is large. These approaches promise between the detection and localization errors
are not well adapted to lofar images because the im- (Torre and Poggio, 1986). The Gaussian is given by:
ages are very noisy and we need to restore very fine
structures. 1 ( lx2+y 2)
g,~(x,y) = 2 - ~ 2 e x p 2 0-2 (1)
The work described in this paper is toward auto-
matically processing lofargrams in order to suppress
where o- is a standard deviation expressed in terms
the noise and to detect the spectral lines. This pro-
of pixel dimensions. The application of this filter to a
cess is very important because the quality of further
real lofargram image (Fig. 2) is shown in Fig. 4.
automatic processing such as classification or tracing
acoustic sources relies on the quality of the extracted
spectral lines. Thus, we propose to combine an edge Edge detection. The spectral lines in a lofargram can
detector with a line tracing process. The edge detec- be modelled by peak profiles (see Fig. 2). To perform
tion process is used to initialize the tracing process. the detection, we run a detector based on steerable fil-
More precisely, the image is highly filtered in order to ters designed in quadrature pairs as described by Free-
remove noise, so lines with good detection and poor man and Adelson ( 1991 ). The method consists of cal-
localization are extracted. Regions encompassing the culating the response of an arbitrary linear filter by a
lines (the zero-crossings) are detected to initialize and linear combination of known filter responses, which
to limit the extent of the line tracing process. will in general be significantly faster than computing
The proposed method is intended to be used in a the convolution of a rotated filter with the image (see
real-time situation, without using any information such (Freeman and Adelson, 1991 ) for more details). Ta-
as signal duration, number of lines or noise level. Re- ble 1 shows the steering equations of the pair of filters
suits on real lofargram images confirm, in practice, the used by the detector where G is the second derivative
efficiency and the reliability of the proposed approach. of the Gaussian and H its Hilbert transform. In prac-
tice, all these filters are separable, which improves the
computation time.
The detection first computes in each image point a
local dominant direction 0a (the angle of maximum
2. Our approach response of E ( O ) ) . This is performed by defining a
local energy function E(O) = [G°] 2 + [H°] 2 whose
The different steps of our approach are described maxima correspond to visual features (Morrone and
in Fig. 3. Spectral lines are extracted by the detection Owens, 1987).
process in order to find surrounding regions. Then, Once this is done, we can easily compute the second
a tracing step is executed in each region to find the derivative of the image in order to enhance the lines
lines accurately. We describe these three stages more and also to locate regions encompassing these lines.
precisely in the following sections. This is simply achieved by taking the appropriate com-
40 J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone/ Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46


Fig. 3. Approach scheme.

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Lofargram image after smoothing. (a) 2D grey-level image. (b) 3D surface,

Table 1
Steering equations (Freeman and Adelson, 1991)
Go = gl ( 0 ) ~ 0 q- g2 ( O ) ~ 1r/4 + g3 ( 0 ) ~ r/2 H° = hi (0)7"( 0 + h2(0)7-[ 7r/6 + h3 (0)']-/"/r/3 q- h4(0)7"~ rr/2
gl(O) = cos2(8) hi(O) = cos3(0)
g2(0) = --2cos(0)sin(0) h2(O) = --3cos2(O)sin(O)
g3(0) = sin2(0) h3(0) = 3cos(0)sin2(0)
h4(0) = -sin3(0)
Go = 0.9213(2x 2 - l ) e x p - ( x 2 + y 2) 7-(0 0.9780(--2.254x + x 3) e x p - - ( x 2 + y2)
G~r/4 = 1.843( x y ) e x p - - ( x 2 + ) ,2) 7grr/6 = 0.9780( --0.7515 + x 2 ) ( y ) exp - (x 2 + y2)
G ~r/2 - 0.9213(2y 2 - 1) e x p - - ( x 2 + 3,2 ) 7-U/3 - 0.9780(--0.7515+ y 2 ) ( x ) e x p - - ( x 2 + y2)
7 ~ / 2 _ 0.9780( --2.254y + y3 ) exp -- (x 2 + y2 )

binations of the G basis filter outputs, and adaptively • deviations in position and uncertainties o f ori-
steering them along the local direction of dominant entation where local estimates of these quantities are
orientation (see Fig. 5 ( a ) ) . After finding, in the en- adversely affected by noise.
hanced image, the 2D local maxima in the direction Our aim is to restore continuous curves as long
perpendicular to Od, the false contours are suppressed as possible. A linking process is first achieved on
using an hysteresis threshold (Canny, 1986). No ad- the thresholded image in order to obtain elementary
ditional filtering is required for this step and the whole curves, called tokens. Each token, defined by a linked
process (i.e., finding the local dominant direction and edge points lying on the same curve, is characterized
the derivation of the image) involves only one pass of by a local dominant orientation at each end of the to-
the image. kens and its main direction. The grouping step relies
on two fundamentals concepts:
2.1.2. Gap bridging ( 1 ) A strategy of association based on an iterative
Because of its local nature, the detection process is techniques of grouping by successive refinement (Mo-
not able to provide continuity and coherence of im- han and Nevatia, 1989; Tabbone, 1994a). The process
age curves. In our case, the major drawbacks of this is iterated on a set of tokens and ends when no asso-
process result in: ciation is achieved at one stage.
• gaps, where weak but significant information is (2) A set of criteria that ensures a good robustness
missed due to thresholding errors and intensity discon- of the grouping process using adaptative threshold val-
tinuity stemming from various and complex physical ues. Let ti and tj be two tokens, longi and longj their
phenomena; length:
J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone/ Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46 41

(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Contours found by the detection step. (a) Line contours from Fig. 2. (b) Line contours after gap bridging.

• Proximity: tokens must satisfy the following rule: chance of detecting lines. Such an approach enables
us to avoid initialization and solution tree overlap-
d ( ti, t j ) < min( dmax ( n ) , longi + longj) (2) ping problems inherent in multistage decision pro-
where dmax(n) is growing at each level n allowing the cesses. The main idea is to determine for each con-
bridging of greater gaps. tour the boundaries of the smallest region it encom-
• Curvature consistency: tokens must satisfy a co- passes (Tabbone, 1994b). We first compute the zero-
circularity measure. Let D be the straight line that crossings of the second derivative of the image on each
reaches two tokens, and Yi and yj the deviation of the side of the contours (zero-crossings are detected in
orientation of D from each of the tokens. Then ti and four direction scans). This information cannot be di-
tj must satisfy: rectly used as boundaries of regions because of effect
of noise that can produce wrong zero crossings. Our
solution consists of estimating each region width by
[~/i--'Zjl "( ~/max -- (~max -- ~/min)~/ "-if---- (3) calculating the mean distance from the curve it con-
Y t/max
tains and its zero crossings. A mathematical morphol-
so, when d ( c i , c j ) = 0, it means that the end points ogy operator is thus ran to dilate each curve until we
of the tokens are contiguous, so we let the curvature obtain the desired width (see Fig. 7(c) ).
be large and bounded by "Ymax.Inversely, when the This method does not insure that a region contains
distance between the two tokens increases, then the only one curve. It is always possible that some closed
maximum curvature allowed is weak and equal to ~min- spectral lines will be merged by the smoothing step
• Overlapping: sometimes, tokens overlaps due to into one contour. In our experiments, we have chosen
quantification or linking errors. A maximum overlap the smoothing parameter o- equal to 3 in order to have
value Pij is fixed to take these cases into account. good noise reduction and to be able to distinguish two
curved lines 5 pixels from each other.
2.1.3. Discussion
We have shown a global scheme to efficiently detect
spectral lines embedded in a very noisy background. 2.3. Tracing guided by contours
Nevertheless, even if they are well detected, fine struc-
tures are blurred by the smoothing step and so are not A multistage decision process (Bellman, 1957;
well localised (see Figs. 7(a) and 7 ( b ) ) . We pro- Montanari, 1971 ), based on the optimisation of an
pose to tackle this problem by first locating regions objective function qh is used to extract from each re-
that encompass the contours and then using a tracing gion R the spectral line going through it. The problem
algorithm to accurately find the lines in each region. consists of finding an optimal path from a set of graph
nodes defined by the pixeis belonging to a region.
2.2. Region locating This operation is achieved on the original image. The
fundamental property underlying this method is that
This process aims to provide the tracing process any optimal path between two nodes of a graph has
with a limited search space where we have a high optimal subpaths for any node lying on it. Thus the
42 J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone/Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46
] f

.......i i 3 t
-~(!.4 ; -

! r-~t'-

i....4.,4-,, ..
I i i/~--5
r.............. .................. !
./' i Pij

Fig. 6. Gap bridging. (a) Successive refinements. (b) Bridging cnteria.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 7. Image for which the detector does not give a good result. (a) Fluctuating lines in noisy image. (b) Results of the detection, lines
are blurred and poorly located. (c) Regions encompassing the detected lines.

optimal path between two nodes Pa, P8 can be split and

into two optimal subpaths PAPi and PiP8 for any Pi
lying on the optimal path PAPs. More precisely: 4,(c. pj,,*, U {Pi}) = p,, max
,ev(p,~ qs(C~/- , U {Pi})
• Let R be a region defined by its set of left and
right boundaries {(li, ri)} where i is a row index. with
• Let Pi be a point in the current row i of the region
R. m , U {Pi}).
j0 = argmax @(C*
• Let V(Pi) = {Pil'_-l ' , .... ~'~i ~} be the set of the
k neighbours of Pi on the row i - 1. The function @ is chosen so that the values for a
The optimal path C*Pi of length i ending to Pi is built path increase as the path's total amplitude increases
(see Fig. 8 ( a ) ) from a previously computed optimal and as its global curvature decreases:
path C*ej,,
" of length i - 1 ending at a Pi's neighbour N N--I

point P/" j :
qO(e) = Z a(Pi) - oe ~ ]s(P,_,,P,) -s(P,,Pi+,)]
i=1 i=2

c~, = % u {p,} (4)

i I

where where a(Pi) is the amplitude of Pi, s(Pi, Pj) is the

slope of the segment [ Pi, Pj ]. The gain coefficient a
Pi~J C V ( Pi) and 1 ~<j0~<k allows more or less local distortions to be obtained.
J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone / Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46 43

/I \ \
i I \


) ¢
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 8. Tracing guided by contours. (a) Principle of the multistage decision process. ( b ) - ( c ) Extracted spectral lines (compare these
results with those obtained only with the detection step on Figs. 5(b) and 7 ( b ) ) .

In our experiments, its value was fixed to 3 in order Table 2 shows results obtained from a set of im-
to allow tracing very fluctuating lines (see Figs. 8 (b) ages (Fig. 11 ) containing spectral lines with increas-
and 8(c) ). ing spatial frequency (increasing fluctuation of the
curves). We can see that, globally, our approach per-
forms well, especially when the spatial frequency in-
3. Experimental results creases.
We have experimentally tested the performances of
Our method has been tested on a set of real lofar- different approaches. The tested detectors are based
grams with different signal to noise ratios. The exper- on four methods: (A) steerable quadrature filters
imental results show that this method is well suited to (Freeman and Adelson, 1991) briefly described in
detect spectral lines accurately, even with a low signal this paper, (B) adaptative smoothing (Saint-Marc
to noise ratio. Fig. 9(a) shows a real iofar containing et al., 1991), (C) a set of oriented masks (set of
noisy fluctuating spectral lines. A histogram equalisa- template pseudo-laplacian impulse response arrays)
tion was performed on the printed picture in order to (Nevatia and Babu, 1980) and (D) a tracing pro-
improve the contrast. The result of the tracing process cess guided by the contours (see Section 2). These
is presented in Fig. 9(b). Fig. 10 shows the principal detectors were chosen because (1) the contours are
steps of our method on a noisy image containing five extracted in the same manner with a non-maxima
spectral lines. suppression scheme (Canny, 1986) but differ in the
We have compared the location performance of the way they compute the orientation of contours; and
detection process (edge detector) and the detection (2) the smoothing is different. The methods A, C and
combined with the tracing process (tracing guided by D use a gaussian filter where o- = 3 (see Eq. (1)).
contours). Line location accuracy is assessed by the The adaptative smoothing (method B) is achieved by
figure of merit proposed by Pratt ( 1991 ): iteratively convolving the image with a small averag-
/A ing mask weighted by the modulus of the gradient at
1 ~ 1 each point. However, we have experimentally set the
F (5)
max(It,la) ~.= 1 + ad2(i) number of iterations so that the quantity of smoothing
is the same as in the methods A, C and D.
where I~ is the ideal number of edge points, I A is Tables 3 and 4 show a comparative array of per-
the actual number of edge points, d(i) is the shortest formance for images with different signal to noise ra-
distance of the ith actual edge point to an ideal edge tios. In the first case, images contain curves with low
point, and ce is a positive constant. F is maximum spatial frequency, while in the second case curves are
(that is, F = 1 ) when It = la and d(i) = 0 for all i. very fluctuating. Table 5 indicates, for each method,
44 J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone / Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46

(a) (b)

Fig. 9. Lofargram processing. (a) Lofargram. (b) Extracted spectral lines.

(a) (b)


(c) (d)
Fig. I 0. Main steps of our line extraction method. (a) Real lofargram. (b) Result of line detection. (c) Regions encompassing the detected
lines. (d) Extracted spectral lines.

Table 2
Line-location figure of merit as a function of spatial frequency
Spatial frequency 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60
Edge detector based on steerable quadrature filters 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.85 0.82 0.81
Tracing process guided by contours 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.88
J-C. Di Martino, S. Tabbone / Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 37-46 45

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Fig. 1 I. ( a ) - ( f ) Images ( 128 × 128-pixel array) containing spectral lines with the following spatial frequency values: 0.10, 0.20, 0.30,
0.40, 0.50, 0.60.

Table 3
4. Conclusion and perspectives
Line-location figure of merit as a function of signal to noise ratio
(spatial frequency - 0.05)
SNR 1.50 1.67 2.48 2.95 3.41 4.05 5.96 7.45 We have proposed a complete scheme of processes
Method A 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 to perform the spectral line extraction from lofargram
Method B 0.80 0.87 0.88 0.83 0.88 0.87 0.91 0.92 images (sonar images). Our method is built on the
Method C 0.91 0.85 0.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.96
cooperation of two techniques which are for our pur-
Method D 0.95 0.95 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.95 0.99
poses complementary: the detection of contours and
the tracing process. Comparative results are presented
Table 4 that show the performance of the tracing guided by
Line-location figure of merit as a function of signal to noise ratio contours versus the contour detection alone, especially
( spatial frequency = 0,5 )
SNR 1.50 1.67 2.48 2.95 3.41 4.05 5.96 7.45
when fine structures are to be detected (high spatial
Method A 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.86 0.91 0.88 frequency). A set of experiments performed on im-
Method B 0.71 0.71 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.74 0.72 0.74 ages with different signal to noise ratios shows the ro-
Method C 0.87 0.85 0.92 0.89 0.94 0.92 0.93 0.94 bustness of our approach against noise. This method
Method D 0.90 0.87 0.89 0.92 0.91 0.96 0.97 0.98 is currently applied to real lofargram images in a real-
time situation.
Table 5 At the present, the amount of smoothing, deter-
Comparative performance measured in cpu time mined experimentally, is chosen to be high. The re-
Methods A B C D sults is that very near spectral lines can merge after
Cpu time (sec) 27.85 24.13 51.60 36.74
the smoothing stage and thus cannot be accurately lo-
calized by our tracing process, which supposes that a
the execution time resulting of the process, on a sparc unique line belongs to each region. In other respects,
20 sun station, of an image of size 300 × 700. our global schema of line extraction is not entirely au-
The results show the robustness of our approach tomatic, due to the manual choice of the thresholding
against noise, especially when the images are noisy parameters. Further work will deal with these issues.
and the spectral lines have a high spatial frequency.
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