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The 4-Months Chitrol Program

An ultra-exclusive mentorship program

Why Chitrol?
Have you ever seen a house-fly trapped in a car and hitting its head with windshield to get out of car? She
is stuck. She is exhausted. She fails despite her best efforts.
Some people live life like a trapped house-fly.
Chitrol Program is for such people. They need brutal intervention to change direction.
Fill a karahi with water, put a frog in it, and place karahi on low flame. Frog will be boiled slowly. Some
people keep on compromising with low flames of life and finally are burnt out.
Chitrol is for such people! Chitrol will enable them to jump out of such environment.
Have you observed a dog chasing its own tail? Some people live life like such crazy dogs. Chitrol is for
them to break the vicious cycle of fruitless activities.
Chitrol is a crude jerk and electric shock for people who are stuck in life. After reading thousands of
books, observing life trajectories of 100s of successful people, I come to conclusion that success is
outcome of mindset, heartset and skillset. 85% of your success is due to mindset/heartset while 15% is
contribution of your skills.
The objective of Chitrol is to debug the minds and hearts and help people to develop certain thinking
patterns and habits that will automate success.

“The 4-Months Chitrol Program” is blunt, brutal and extremely regimented mentorship program
based on personal life philosophy of Ashraf Chaudhry.
It has four modules
1: Parking
2: Running on runway
3: Takeoff: Fighting with gravitational pull
4: Flying at 35,000 feet

1. Parking: Working on Flight Plan

Parking is preparation time. It is time to tighten nuts and bolts of life. Any loose nut will be disastrous for
life. It is time to fill the tanks with fuel. It is time to create fire in the belly.

 SWOT Analysis of your life

 Soul searching: What stopped you in life? What is holding you back?
 Self-discovery: Discovering your passion
 Goal setting: Career, finances, life, monthly, quarterly, yearly goals
 Making flight plan
 Fuel in the tank: What skills do you need? Technical skills, soft skills. What habits do you need?
 Business plan/career plan
 Learning technical skills
 Focus on written English
Parking is the most important phase. All future victories will be decided in this phase.

2. Runway: Execution Phase

You set the direction (your vision). You listen to the control tower (your values). You ignite the engine.
Build momentum. Your focus is in right direction. You switch off every distraction and create a tipping

 Kicking off
 How to handle distractions
 How to handle procrastination
 How to handle “What can go wrong will go wrong”?
 Practice technical skills
 Building portfolio
 Training on freelancing skills by Fiverrologist, Fahad Aslam Khokhar
 Focus on written English

3. Takeoff:
A small negligence can crash the plane

You fight with gravitational pull. You are head-on with turbulence. You are consuming maximum fuel.
Most of the accidents occur at this stage. You accident-proof your journey.

 Extensive practice of technical skills

 Practice of freelancing
 Subtle marketing techniques
 Noisy marketing techniques: Shockvertising
 How to sell like Ashraf Chaudhry?
 Copywriting
 Persuasion, Selling without selling
 How to disable gravitational factors?

4. Flying at 35,000 Ft: Enjoy the ride

(Personally Ashraf Chaudhry is at this phase)
This is the smoothest, glorious and glamorous stage of your journey. 90% of things are on auto. All you
need is to follow flight plan, stay on the right course and handing over things to systems.

 Which habits are required to maintain smooth flight

 Customer service
 How to automate success?
 Expansion, Diversification, Team Building
 Rediscovering your strengths

 Brainstorming, exercises, assignments
 Live/recorded sessions by Ashraf Chaudhry and other trainers through Zoom
 Starting your day with exclusive 5-minute video by Ashraf Chaudhry
 Watching movies and reading books and discussions
 Interactive and engaging coaching sessions

Outcome of The 4-Months Chitrol Program

 You will be on the right track
 Your business/career/life will be built around your passion and strengths
 Your motivation will be on auto mode
 You will learn at least 1 technical skill (according to your choice/passion and market demand)
 You will learn ins & outs of freelancing or offline business
 You will learn sales/marketing techniques that Ashraf Chaudhry uses
 You will learn persuasion and influencing techniques frequently used by Ashraf Chaudhry
 Shockvertising: How to break clutter?
 English: Rehearsal of grammar, vocabulary, immaculate writing [Must for freelancers]
 Personal branding techniques
 Team building: How to be talent magnet? [We have a team of 35 people working without
 How to use OPT to achieve your goals? [OPT: Other People’s Talent]
 How to maintain motivation, enthusiasm and energy like champions?
 How to rule social media like a pro?
 Guaranteed Income

Money-Back Guarantee:
If you attended all 4 modules and maintained discipline but you did not transform and your
business/income did not take off, your 100% fee will be refunded.
For enrollment and payment details, please WhatsApp Ms. Beenish Jamshad at +92 345 317 2371.

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