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(STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo/

Joko Slamet2
(STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo/

In communication people use conjunctions in their speech, so did Barack
Obama in his farewell speech. His speech consists of many various conjunctions
that will be interesting to study to understand the connection between the
sentences delivered by Him. The purpose of this study is to find out types of
conjunction especially external conjunction, internal conjunction, and
continuatives in Barack Obama’s farewell speech text based on semantics
naming. It used the descriptive qualitative method. The instruments were
researchers themselves, table, Barack Obama’s speech text. The data collection
were taken from were taken from the internet, it was the President of the United
State of America (period: 2009-2017) Barack Obama's speech text of his
farewell in Chicago. To analyze all data, this study used the theory of
conjunction by Martin and Rose (2007). The data were identified types of
conjunction, then were classified, were displayed, and were described. The
finding out of words that were analyzed conjunctions and continuatives were 18
(eighteen) types of external conjunctions, 8 (eight) types of internal conjunctions
and 3 (three) continuatives.

External Conjunction, Internal Conjunction, Continuative, Speech

A. Introduction several different functions and these
The word “Conjunction” derives may correspond to several different
from Latin “Conjunction” which means a conjunctions in another language.1
joining together. A conjunction is a word Conjunction plays an important role in
that links words, phrases, or clauses. It communication. It acts as a link or
is a way of linking different parts of text connector between the clauses.2
to create cohesiveness. It is difficult to Conjunction also combines a set of
learn to use conjunctions correctly in a
foreign language as in English 1
M. A. K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan, Cohesion
Language. Halliday and Hasan stated in English (London: Longman, 1976), 277.
Heidi Lorimor, “Conjunction and Grammatical
that most English conjunctions have Agreement” (Dissertation, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 2007).

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
grammatical functions into larger of speech, phrases, and clauses. It is
grammatical units. This is claimed by interesting to be analyzed the types and
Ramlan, conjunctions are words that the functions of conjunctions in Obama’s
connect words, parts of sentences, and speech since his used all of the
sentences. conjunction related to this study. So it
The function of conjunctions is to will help us easier to understand the
join any of the following language units connection of the sentences.
such as word, clause, sentence, and The purpose of this study is to
phrase to another as quoted by Stern. It find out types of conjunction especially
means the function of conjunction can external conjunction, internal
be used to join with words, sentences, conjunction, and continuatives in Barack
clauses, and phrases. Bloor, T. and Obama’s farewell speech text based on
Bloor, M. said that the functional semantics naming. So, the significance
analysis of English is the analysis and of this study will be able to use as a
description of English using functional reference by English Department
linguistic system. students to understand more about
In communication people use conjunction.
conjunction, both in spoken language
and written language. This study is B. Method
focused on the analysis of the The writers applied descriptive
conjunctions used in the speech text, in qualitative research for completing this
this case, the speech text as the data. study. The data were taken from speech
The speech text that was selected as text using conjunction contained in
data source is Barack Obama’s farewell Barack Obama’s farewell speech. The
speech. President Obama is a public data were taken from the speech text
figure and his speech can influence where some conjunctions were found in
people all over the world. One of the speech text.
Obama’s speeches texts was delivered To collect the data, searching
in Chicago. and downloading the script of Barack
Barack Obama’s farewell speech Obama’s speech text, then, the writers
text was chosen as a media of the printed out and read the speech to make
analysis because this speech consists of effective in the analysis. The third step,
many various conjunctions to join parts the writers identified all the data by
giving highlight and underline in every
3 conjunction which appeared in the
M. Ramlan, Morfologi Suatu Tinjauan Deskriptif
(Yogyakarta: CV. Karyono, 1985), 13. speech. The fourth step, the writers
George Stern, An Outline of English Grammar: made a list the conjunctions to be
With Exercises and Answer Key (Singapore:
Learners Pub., 2003), 101. analyzed.
Thomas Bloor and Meriel Bloor, The Functional
Analysis of English (London: Arnold, 1995).

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
After collecting the data,
External And 190
identifying and classifying every Addition Or 29
conjunction which consists of external
conjunction, internal conjunction or But 39
In other words 1
continuatives was the first step done by Comparison
Instead of 1
the writers. The second step, the writers
described and explained the types of After 2
External Time When 14
conjunction. Then, to analyze the types
While 2
of conjunction which appear in the
speech text the writers used Martin and Because 15
Rose’s theory. This was supported by However 1
So 8
Hameed, through a kind of analysis of Although 1
an English text can be found External By 7
conjunction, substitution, ellipsis, and Consequence If 11
If-then 1
lexical cohesion.7 The last step, the Unless 2
writers concluded the finding types of the Without 6
conjunctions in the speech text. Then, To 10
the writers made the conclusion based
on the concrete of the data in this study. a. External Addition
In addition relation, there are
C. Results two sub-types namely addition and
After all of the data were alternation. The following excerpts
identified then were classified based on provide example of External
the each types of conjunction, all of them Addition
would have been analyzed.
“My fellow Americans, Michelle
1. Analysis of External Conjunction and I have been so touched by all
the well-wishes that we've received
All of the data which were over the past few weeks.”

consisted of external conjunction

The data above explained
clearly described in the table below.
that and as a conjunction relation
Table 1. Types of external conjunction to connect one word to join with
another one to synchronize a
External Linkers Number
Conjunction sentence. As we could see that the
data showed the same idea one
another because the words
J. R. Martin and David Rose, Working with
Discourse: Meaning Beyond the Clause, 2nd ed.
(London: British Library, 2007). “President Obama’s Farewell Address: Full
Hind Tahseen Hameed, “Cohesion in Texts: A Video and Text,” The New York Times, January
Discourse Analysis of a News Article in a 20, 2018, sec. U.S.,
Magazine,” Al-Faith Journal 37 (December 2008):
81–114. bama-farewell-address-speech.html.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
Michelle and I had same meaning b. External Comparison
as pronoun in this sentence. Then The following excerpts
the conjunction and could build the provide example of External
sentence to be clear. If and was Comparison:
deleted from the sentence, it would “My fellow Americans, Michelle and
I have been so touched by all the
be unclear. well-wishes that we've received
over the past few weeks. But
“…the American people -- in living tonight it's my turn to say thanks.”
rooms and in schools; at farms
and on factory floors; at diners and The data above show that
on distant military outposts…” but as contrastive relation
The data above showed that between one statement with the
and as an additive conjunction other statement. The conjunction
which we probably applied in a but is used to clarify difference of
sentence to correlate one adverb statements. The differences of
of place to join with another one to statements clearly mention in data
get a proper sentence. Even above to show but are correlation
though both in living rooms and with some statements to explain
in schools had the same meaning some different statements to be
which explained about the place, one unit of a proper sentence.
the use of and conjunction could
“In other words, it will determine
complete the sentence so that it our future. To begin with, our
could be understood clearly. democracy won't work without a
sense that everyone has economic
“Only if all of us, regardless of
party affiliation or particular The data above show that in
interests help restore the sense of
common purpose that we so badly other words as conjunction to
need right now.” connect one statement to join with
In the data above, “or” another statement which has
conjunction was used as the different meaning. In other words
choice they really needed. In this the above excerpt clarified that
case, “or” conjunction showed the there are some statements to join
possibility two phrases. The first is with the conjunction in other
regardless of party affiliation while words. So, the data above has
the second one is particular meaning as dissimilarity statement
interest help. but in the same contexts.

“And increasingly we become so

secure in our bubbles that we start
accepting only information,

9 11
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”
10 12
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
whether it's true or not, that fits our sentence. Therefore, for this
opinions, instead of basing our
opinions on the evidence that is out case because has a meaning
there.” as result of presupposing a
In external comparison, one reason that is “You can tell that
meaning can be replaced by I'm a lame duck”.
another using instead of. In this “And such a vision however
circumstance, the conjunction well intended, was never
realistic. Race remains a
instead of was used to replace the potent...... and often divisive
meaning of the second phrase that force in our society.”

is based on our opinions at the The data above show

evidence that is out there. however in the middle of one
unit of sentence and however
c. External Time above similar function with but.
“There's a second threat to our The conjunction however has
democracy. And this one is as old different meaning with but so,
as our nation itself. After my
election there was talk of a post- there is no reason from
racial America.” explanation above that the
The conjunction after in the conjunction however has the
data above showed the sequence same meaning with the
of what happened after the conjunction but. But, in the data
election occurred. The conjunction above, it showed the contrast
after in data above has a meaning between the phrases with
to clarify another statement still another and usually the
has correlation with previous conjunction however is used in
statement. the formal situation.

“So I first came to Chicago

d. External Consequence when I was in my early
1) Cause twenties, and I was still trying to
figure out who I was; still
“You can tell that I'm a lame searching for a purpose to my
duck, because nobody is life.”
following instructions.”
In the statement above,
It showed that because is
Obama used the conjunction so in
presupposing a reason of the
the beginning of his sentence to
sentence above. To show of
start his explanation about his life
presupposing a reason in data
when he first came to America.
above is visible in the end of the
The conjunction so showed the
correlation between the first
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.”
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.”
15 16
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
statement and the next one to 3) Condition
clarify everything about the journey “If every economic issue is
of his life. framed as a struggle between a
hardworking white middle class
and an undeserving minority,
“And although...... Boston and
then workers of all shades are
Orlando and San Bernardino
going to be left fighting for
and Fort Hood remind us of how
scraps while the wealthy
dangerous radicalization can
withdraw further into their
be, our law enforcement 19
private enclaves.”
agencies are more effective and
vigilant than ever. We have In the data above, the
taken out tens of thousands of
terrorists, including Bin conjunction if-then was used to
Laden.” realize one condition. Both
The conjunction although conjunction if and if-then
in the data above is cohesive actually had same meaning but
because, although is occurring when we used the conjunction
in the beginning of the sentence if-then, the condition which
followed by and after a full stop. might occur would be focused.
The data above showed
although as subordination in the 4) Purpose

sentence. It explained that. So, “And so we're going to have to

forge a new social compact to
in the data above although as guarantee all our kids the
relation to give a meaning is education they need. To give
workers the power...... to
being a comparison in same unionize for better wages. To
context. update the social safety net to
reflect the way we live now.”

2) Means In the data above, the

“The answer to people's hopes conjunction which was used to
and, because of you, by almost
express purpose was the
every measure, America is a
better, stronger place than it conjunction to.
was when we started.”

The conjunction by was 2. Analysis of Internal Conjunction

used to express means. Here, It was found in this research
Obama made sure that America that there were eight linkers of
is a better, stronger place that it internal conjunction which were
was when they started. To appeared in the Barack Obama’s
achieve those purpose, they farewell speech. All of the
needed to do an action which is conjunctions could be seen on the
act in almost every measure. table below.

17 19
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”
18 20
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
Table 2. As we can see in the data
Types of internal conjunction
above that the conjunction as well
Internal was used in the of the sentence
Linkers Number
Conjunction right before the full stop but it didn’t
reduce the meaning and the
As well 4
Internal Addition existence of the conjunction itself.
Now 5

Internal Again 4 b. Internal Comparison

Comparison In fact 1 “And the good news is that today
the economy is growing again.
Eventually Wages, incomes, home values and
2 retirement accounts are all rising
Internal Time 2 again. Poverty is falling again.”23
The conjunction again which
was used in the data above
After all 2 explained that idea might happen
in same way or simply said that the
repetition of the same event might
happen. As we can see that there
a. Internal Addition
were three events which might
“The freedom to chase our occur in the data above.
individual dreams through our
sweat, and toil, and imagination -- c. Internal Time
and the imperative to strive
together as well, to achieve a “That order is now being
common good, a greater good.” challenged. First by violent
fanatics who claim to speak for
One of the conjunction which Islam More recently by autocrats
in foreign capitals who seek free
express internal addition is the markets in open democracies and
conjunction as well and it was civil society itself as a threat to
their power.”
used in the data above to
synchronize the sentence in order The data above show first
to the reader will be able to and more recently as sequential in
begin and then it was doing in
understand more about what was
appropriate of the sequential
being said.
before. The conjunction first and
“It's why GIs gave their lives at more recently in data above, gave
Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq
and Afghanistan -- and why men explanation and example before
and women from Selma to where someone to do something.
Stonewall were prepared to give
22 So, in the end, people get the
theirs as well.”

21 23
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”
22 24
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.” “President Obama’s Farewell Address.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
d. Internal Consequence
“Health care costs are rising at the Only 8
slowest rate in 50 years. And I've
said, and I mean it, anyone can put Time
together a plan that is Still 5
demonstrably better than the
improvements we've made to our
health care system, that covers as a. Addition Continuative
many people at less cost, I will
publicly support it. Because that, “That's the economic argument.
after all, is why we serve. Not to But stark inequality is also
score points or take credit. But to corrosive to our democratic idea.
make people's lives better.” While the top 1 percent has
amassed a bigger share of wealth
The conjunction after all in and income, too many of our
the data above was used to justify families in inner cities and in rural
counties have been left behind.”
an argument that is and I've said,
and I mean it, anyone can put The data it showed that also
together a plan that is as an additional linker to clarify the
demonstrably better than the idea of the sentence. As it was
improvements we've made to our explained before in chapter 2 that
health care system that covers as continuatives typically happen next
many people at less cost, I will to the finite verb within the clause.
publicly support it. Therefore, as In this case, the characteristic of
the consequence of the action is continuative was underlined as
that they serve and what follow: is also corrosive.
happened was the reason why
b. Comparison Continuative
they serve.
“Our youth, our drive, our diversity
and openness, our boundless
3. Continuatives capacity for risk and reinvention
The continuative, it was found means that the future should be
ours. But that potential will only be
that there were only three linkers that realized if our democracy works.”

were used in Barack Obama’s

In the data above, the
farewell speech. All of the data which
continuative only used to show
consisted of continuatives have been
expectancy of one potential that
classified and could be seen on the
would just happen if one condition
table below:
had been fulfilled. The indication of
Table 3 Types of continuatives continuatives could be seen as
follow: “will only be realized …”
Continuative Linkers Number

Also 2

“President Obama’s Farewell Address.”
“President Obama’s Farewell Address.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
c. Time Continuative (12%). The remaining external
“So I first came to Chicago when I conjunction comes as the lowest is
was in my early twenties, and I was
still trying to figure out who I was;
time conjunction (5%).
still searching for a purpose to my
life. And it was a neighborhood not Table 4. Percentage of external
far from here where I began conjunction
working with church groups in the
shadows of closed steel mills.” External
Linkers Total Percentage
In the data above, the and, or 219 64%
continuatives still was used to
but, in 41 12%
describe that something could other
happen sooner or later, or persist words,
longer, than one might expect. instead of
18 5%
This explained that how his life after,
was going at the past before he when,
62 18%
became a president of United
State of America. The indicator of because,
continuative of the data above as
follows: was still trying…; still although,
searching for. by, if, if-
From the results above, it is
without, to
found that there were eighteen types
which used in Obama’s speech.
2. Internal Conjunction
Meanwhile in the internal conjunction the
The table below shows that the
researcher found eight types that found
percentage of internal conjunction
in the speech. Then in continuatives the
which were used in Obama’s farewell
researcher found that there were three.
speech. Addition conjunction was
1. External Conjunction 43% of use in proportion to all uses of
The table below shows that the external conjunction. Then, the
percentage of external conjunctions second highest numbers are
which were used in Obama’s farewell comparison and time conjunction
speech. Addition conjunction was which appeared of 5 times of each
64% of use in proportion to all uses of (24% each). The remaining type of
external conjunction. Then, the internal conjunction comes as the
second highest number is lowest is consequence conjunction
consequence conjunction which (10%).
appeared of 62 times (18%). The type
of external conjunction which is in the
third highest number is comparison

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
Table no. 5. Percentage of internal theory and interpretation by reading the
some theories and some previous study
Internal Percen
Linkers Total in this research.
Conjunction tage
It is found 29 conjunctions which
as well, 9 43%
appeared in the speech which was
uttered by Obama. The conjunctions
again, in 5 24%
fact were divided into three types: external
conjunction, internal conjunction and
eventually, 5 24%
first, more continuative. For the external
recently conjunction, the linkers which were used
after all 2 10% namely and, or, but, in other words,
instead of, after, when, while, because,
however, so, although, by, if, if-then,
3. Continuatives unless, without and to. For the internal
The table below shows that the conjunctions, the linkers were used
percentage of continuatives which namely as well, now, again, in fact,
were used in Obama’s farewell eventually, first, more recently and after
speech. Comparison continuative was all. The linkers of continuatives were
53% of use in proportion to all uses of mostly used in the speech namely also,
continuatives. Then, the second only and still.
highest number is time continuatives The explanation about the types
which appeared of 5 times (33%). of conjunction is an important role in
The remaining type of continuatives order to decide the meaning and the
comes as the lowest is addition functions of conjunction. It helped the
continuatives (13%). reader understood about the meanings
and functions of those conjunctions
Table 6. Percentage of
exactly because sometimes the same
conjunctions had different meaning and
Continuatives Linkers Total function in one sentence and also in
different situation.
Also 2 13%
The types of conjunction could
only 8 53% help people understanding the logic
still 5 33% meaning of conjunction and the
functions of conjunctions could help the
people comprehend the whole text. The
Obama’s farewell speech was
conjunction consists of more than one
one of example which contains of the
meaning and one function which was
types of conjunction. The types of
depended on the certain situation.
conjunction expressions had been
written in findings based on Martin Rose

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
D. Conclusion References
The types of conjunction which
appeared are external conjunction, Bloor, Thomas, and Meriel Bloor. The
Functional Analysis of English.
internal conjunction and continuatives
London: Arnold, 1995.
that describes meaning of every
expressions of the conjunction which Halliday, M. A. K., and Ruqaiya Hasan.
Cohesion in English. London:
they related the conjunction with some
Longman, 1976.
words, phrases, clause, and sentences.
External conjunctions are Hameed, Hind Tahseen. “Cohesion in
Texts: A Discourse Analysis of a
concerned with construing a sequence
News Article in a Magazine.” Al-
of activities in a text. It means that for
Faith Journal 37 (December
each general type of external 2008): 81–114.
conjunction – addition, comparison, time
Lorimor, Heidi. “Conjunction and
and consequence - there are two or
Grammatical Agreement.”
more sub-types. For the external Dissertation, University of Illinois
conjunction, the linkers which were used at Urbana-Champaign, 2007.
namely and, or, but, in other words,
Martin, J. R., and David Rose. Working
instead of, after, when, while, because, with Discourse: Meaning Beyond
however, so, although, by, if, if-then, the Clause. 2nd ed. London:
unless, without, and to. British Library, 2007.
Internal conjunction deals with “President Obama’s Farewell Address:
organizing the text itself. Internal Full Video and Text.” The New
conjunction includes the same four York Times, January 20, 2018,
logical types as it has been shown in sec. U.S.
external conjunctions. The linkers used
in this Obama’s speech were as well, 1/10/us/politics/obama-farewell-
now, again, in fact, eventually, first, more
recently and after all. Ramlan, M. Morfologi Suatu Tinjauan
Continuatives are something that Deskriptif. Yogyakarta: CV.
Karyono, 1985.
expresses or causes continuation.
Logical relations realized by Stern, George. An Outline of English
continuatives include addition, Grammar: with Exercises and
Answer Key. Singapore:
comparison and time. The linkers that
Learners Pub., 2003.
were mostly used in the speech were
also, only and still.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 12, No. 2, November 2018

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