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Mary Richards


Medication Digoxin

Brand name Lanxin, , Lanoxin Pediatric, , Toloxin

Classification Therapeutic class: Inotropes
pharmacologic class: cardiac glycosides
Indications  Heart failure
 Atrial fibrillation
 Can reduce manifestation, but does not prolong life
Dosage  Oral solution: 0.05 mg/mL (pediatric)
 Injection**: 0.1 mg/mL (pediatric); 0.25 mg/mL
 Tablets: 0.0625 mg; 0.125 mg; 0.25 mg
Action  Positive inotropic effect: increase force of myocardial contraction .
Increased force an efficiency of myocardial contraction improves
the heart's effectiveness as a pump, improving SV and C0
 Negative chronotropic effect: Decrease heart rate . Therapeutic
levels, digoxin slows the rate of SA node depolarization and the rate
of impulses through the conduction system of the heart
Adverse Reactions  Dysrhythmias , cardio toxicity. Older adults are especially at risk for
hypokalemia increase the Jackson levels and cardiovascular disease
 GI: Anorexia
 CNS : blurred vision , or white Halos around objects

Patient education  Report manifestations of hypokalemia (nausea, vomiting, general

while taking this weakness )
medication  consume high potassium foods (green leafy vegetables, bananas,
potatoes )
 monitor heart rate in recognize and report changes, such as an
irregular rate with early or extra beats
 monitor an report toxicity manifestations such as anorexia or CNS
 Check pulse rate and rhythm before admin. Notify provider if heart
rate is less than 60 beats per minute in adult , 70 beats per minute
in children , or 90 beats per minute in infants
 when caring for clients who are received IV digoxin monitor for

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