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YEF Fundraising Internship

Name Bhavya Sachdev

Phone 9425520900

Email id

HR's Name Simran Ma’am

Date of 16th July 2020


The internship opportunity I had with “Youth Empowerment

Foundation” was a great chance for learning and
professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a
very lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity
to be a part of it.
My deepest gratitude and special thanks to the HR Miss
Simran Maam of YEF who in spite of being extraordinarily
busy with her duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep
me on the correct path and allowing me to carry out my
project and internship.
I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my
development. I will strive to use gained skills and
knowledge in the best possible way and I will continue to
work on their improvement, in order to attain desired
career objectives.
Thank You
Bhavya Sachdev
16th Aug ’2020
About YEF
Youth empowerment foundation is one such organization to direction
these arrows through their initiatives and programs. Empowering youths to
grow, learn and be the torchbearers for the future is one of the major
impacts the organisation aims to achieve. YEF is a non profit organization
founded in June 2017 by Mr. Rambabu Sharma. Inspired by his own life
journey, the founder along with his team has laid a strong foundation to
educate the underprivileged children of the society and hence bridge the
gap between them and the world.

The vision of Project MILAAP focuses on providing help and support to

the daily wagers, migrant and roving workmen force, people working in

blue-collar jobs that have no means of income due to the current scenario

and are drastically affected by the COVID-19 lockdown. 

The key motive of this project is to help the young children of the deprived

communities by encouraging and supporting them for their betterment

and growth and provide them with a stable economic future.

We have initiated an education platform named as “Hamari

Pathshala” where children belonging to various slums are educated &

various fun activities are also organised. we make sure that no one feels

smalls or helpless as everyone is born with a seraphic power in himself.

Summary about the Projects/Tasks

When completed, write yes and week number in

the blank boxes


Task 1 Yes Week 1

Task 2 Yes Week 1

Task 3 Yes Week 1

Task 4 Yes Week 1

Task 5 Yes Week 2

Task 6 Yes Week 2

Task 7 Yes Week 2

Task 8 Yes Week 3

Task 9 Yes Week 4

Task 10 Yes Week 4

Lists of Tasks

Task 1 :- Raise minimum fund

Task 2:- Create your own link
Task 3:- Share on social media
Task 4:- collect fund through link
Task 5:- make a video on YEF initiatives
Task 6:- mail to the different companies about YEF and raise
Task 7:- mention about YEF on the comments of social
media influencers and raise funds
Task 8:- Message personally to social media influencers and
raise funds
Task 9:- Ask people to donate their birthday expenses on
Task 10:- Put a story trying to raise awareness about the new
page of YEF i.e. ‘@yef_events’

Some of the above people also helped for

donations and are mutual with YEF.
Challenges Faced

1. Faced problem to get trust from the people:- there

are many fake foundations who take money from the donors
for helping the needy or poor people but they don’t do that
which causes trust issues with the genuine foundations.
2. Hard to find Donors in the time of pandemic:-
there are many people who don’t have enough money to
donate at the time of pandemic so this led to have less of
raised money.
3. More competition:- because of many not profit
organisation is available in the society people also told that
they have donated earlier in other organisations.
4. Difficulty in getting corporations:- as there are many
fake organisations so many people I contacted were not
willingly to talk about donation as they thought it was fake
5. Lack of influencing power:- I have performed to my
best for this internship but I could raise less amount
somewhere I can find that there must be somewhere I
lack to influence people to donate more.
Opportunities and learnings

 I got an opportunity to interact and create
awareness among people through social media.

 I got an opportunity to create contact and raise

funds through big companies.

 While interning with YEF I got an opportunity to

perform various tasks.

 It helps in gaining experience about a particular
organisation and increases confidence in the work.

 It helps in enhancing my professional level

communication skills.

 I got a chance to demonstrate my ability and face

unique challenges.
My internship was a useful experience I gained
new knowledge and skills and came in close
contact with many people across the world. I
achieved many of my learning goals. I got insight
into the work of an NGO. I got an opportunity to
make connections that will last lifetime. The
internship program was not one sided but it was a
way of sharing knowledge, ideas and opinions.
At last this internship has given me new insights
and motivation to pursue my career.

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