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The is a new tasks for you people and it should be done within 8 hours from now.

Since you are MIS students....

1.) Find
out there various methods thorough which we can reach
people for transfer of knowledge.
The fourth and most important stage of knowledge management is knowledge transfer. In this

section only a basic explanation of the concept of knowledge transfer is made. Further information

can be found in the following chapters.

Key knowledge of a company has to be disseminated, shared, and used within the whole company

so it can become an asset whereby the performance can be enhanced. Knowledge transfer means to

convey and to diffuse knowledge among different organizations or within one organization. Regular

meetings, training, and personal contact are ways to convey knowledge. The manners to diffuse

knowledge differ depending on the form of knowledge that should be transferred. Explicit

knowledge can easily be transferred by archives, books, databases, and groupware technology.

Whereas transferring tacit knowledge involves personnel movement and individuals that collaborate

with each other. Collaboration can take place in many ways such as on-the-job-training, job rotation,

and building structures such as cellular organizations and teams. (Lahti and Beyerlein, 2000)

2)Givea brief description of the methods or models that can be used

for knowledge transfer.
Knowledge transfer refers to sharing or disseminating of knowledge and providing inputs to problem
solving.[1] In organizational theory, knowledge transfer is the practical problem of transferring
knowledge from one part of the organization to another. Like knowledge management, knowledge
transfer seeks to organize, create, capture or distribute knowledge and ensure its availability for future
users. It is considered to be more than just a communication problem. If it were merely that, then a
memorandum, an e-mail or a meeting would accomplish the knowledge transfer. Knowledge transfer is
more complex because:

knowledge resides in organizational members, tools, tasks, and their subnetworks[2] and

much knowledge in organizations is tacit or hard to articulate.

The is a new tasks for you people and it should be done within 8 hours from now..

3. Give merits and Demerits for the proposed models or methods

The advantages of these proposed models are as followAction Review (ARs)
provides an opportunity to assess what happened and why. They are learning-
focused discussions that are designed to help the team and the organization's
leaders discover what to do differently.

1)Blogs are a positive distraction,by reading them we can increase our

knowledge and also get to know different perspectives. It helps to improve
our command over the language and instills confidence. It helps in
continuous learning and costs nothing.

2)Community groups are useful to obtain detailed information about personal

and group feelings,perceptions and opinions.They can save time and money
compared to individual interviews. They can provide a broader range of
information and they offer the opportunity to seek clarification.

3)Instant messages help in real time communication between two or more

people, with faster responses.

Podcasts help in improving public speaking, helps students to listen anytime

and anywhere. Reading along with a podcast builds confidence and literacy.

The Demerits of theses methods are:-

1)If a blog has poorly written content then it can reflect badly on the brand.
Bloggers are expected to stay consistent and active to reach their audience,
there might be risks of running out of content, if the blog is not visually
appealing then there are high chances that people won't read it .

2)Podcasts are usually large files and people without internet access cannot
make use of it. Poor content or poor audio quality can cause disinterest for
the listeners.
The major disadvantage of instant messaging is risk of confidentiality and
possibility of miscommunication. IM can be misused and more likely to get
viruses from the other system.

Inability to gauge emotional well being through IM.

3)Groups discussions can lead to disagreements and irrelevant

discussions which distract from the main focus, they can be hard to
control and manage,they can be too tricky to analyse,they can be
difficult to encourage a range of people to participate.

Mentoring is subjective based on the mentor's mentality,slow friction

may lead to frustration.Lack of understanding of the value of coaching
can make the person lose interest.

4. Illustrate with examples for the above

Knowledge transfer is the dissemination of knowledge from one organization, team

or individual to another. Knowledge is information that exists in an individual's
mind. This can be difficult to translate into words or visualization. As such
knowledge transfer is imperfect. The following are common approaches to
knowledge transfer.


A relationship between an experienced person and a less experienced person in a

particular domain over a sustained period of time that involves guidance and the
transfer of knowledge, skills and cultural capital.

Training:Education aimed at transferring applicable knowledge and skills. For

example, an information security expert who develops and provides defensive
computing training for all employees of a firm.

On The Job Training

The process of learning a profession, role or skill by doing a job with oversight and
guidance. For example, an individual who is taking a year off may train a new
employee in their role by having them perform it for

a month with help.

Presentations Information sharing sessions such as a lunch and learn program that
allows teams to share information with each other on topics of interest.

5.Conclude with latest technologies, apps and other means or

methods through which students can be reached for knowledge

Technology can improve student engagement,there are various means by which

students can be reached for knowledge transfer.

The technology you employ in both the information gathering and the information
storage will have a substantial impact on whether the material will be used or not.

Social media platforms like whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, sms, video
calling platforms like google duo, Facetime, voice calls and so on can play a major
role in knowledge transfer.

Human libraries have become popular in the recent times, where two people meet
and share their knowledge with each other.

One of the famous app used is skillrary, Zoom which is widely used for
conference calls by lecturers, teachers, IT Professionals and so on. E-Libraries,
Journals and resources available online have contributed to major learning and
knowledge transfer


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