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1. Under which category will a globe as an instructional material fall?

a. Picture
b. Model 
c. Mock up
d. Realia

2. Which developmental stage is sometimes called the pre-school years?

a. Middle Childhood
b. Late Infancy
c. Early Childhood
d. Early Infancy

3. Which is (are) NOT supportive of the development of creative thinking?

a. open classroom atmosphere

b. authoritative teacher
c. divergent questions
d. authoritarian teacher

4. The following are features of the Re-structures Basic Education Curriculum


a. stronger integration of competencies and values within and across the learning areas
b. greater emphasis on content, less on the learning process
c. increased time for tasks to gain mastery of competencies
d. interdisciplinary modes of teaching

5. Below is a list of methods used to established the reliability of the instrument.

Which method is questioned for its reliability due to practice and familiarity?

a. split half
b. equivalent forms
c. test-retest
d. Kuder Richardson

6. Which one holds true to anecdotal records?

a. combining facts with interpretation

b. ease in writing objective, descriptive behavior
c. describing behavior in natural settings
d. describing behavior in a laboratory setting

7. As a teacher you are a rationalist. Which among these will be your guiding

a. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything
b. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill, and value that he needs for a better
c. I must teach the child to develop his mental powers to the full
d. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven

8. Which is a characteristics of DEVELOPMENTAL INAPROPRIATE

PRACTICE type of education?

a. Contextual learning
c. Experiential learning
d. Integrated learning skills

9. With knowledge explosion, which image of the teacher is unacceptable?

a. questioner 
b. “guide on the side”
c. facilitator of learning
d. omniscient teacher

10. These are also known as “combination classes” organized in barrios/

barangays where the required number of pupils of the same grade level have not
met the required number of pupils of the same grade level has not met the
required number to make up a separate class thus the teacher apportions class
time for instruction to every grade level within class. These are:

a. extension classes
b. homogenous classes
c. heterogeneous classes
d. multi-grade classes

11. What is a possible effect of an overcrowded curriculum?

a. Lifelong learning skills tend to be fully developed.
b. Lack of mastery of essential competencies.
c. In depth learning tends to be given greater emphasis.
d. There is greater concept understanding.

12. Roberto who is in Grade IV has the following grade norm equivalents:
MATH-4; Reading-8; and Science-5. What can be said of Roberto? Compared to
the average Grade IV pupil, Roberto is

a. behind in Math
b. average in Science
c. behind in Math and average in Science
d. advanced in Science

13. Rights and duties are correlative. This means that

a. right and duties regulate the relationship of men in society

b. each right carries with it one or several corresponding duties
c. rights and duties ultimate come from GOD.
d. rights and duties arise from the natural law.

14. Which of the following activities is the LEAST brain-compatible?

a. Explaining how the CPU can function like the brain

b. Detecting error in the computer program
c. Making a flowchart of a computer process
d. Encoding a paragraph with speed and accuracy

15. Which physical arrangement of chairs contributes to effective classroom


a. that which makes it easier to clean the room

b. that which distinguishes teacher from students
c. that which sticks to the traditional chair arrangement in the classroom
d. that which enhances classroom interaction

16. For mastery of learning and in line with the Outcome-Based Evaluation
model which element should be present?

a. inclusion of non-performance objectives

b. construction of criterion-referenced tests
c. construction of norm-referenced tests
d. non-provision of independent learning

17. As a naturalist, Jean Jacques Rousseau claimed that everyone is essentially

good. This view can help the teacher best when

a. dealing with misbehaving students

b. helping the slow learners in class
c. teaching the students some values
d. knowing the students potentials

18. With specific details in mind, which one (s) has (have) a stronger diagnostic

a. Restricted essay test

b. Non-restricted essay test
c. Restricted and non-restricted essay test
d. Multiple choice test

19. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that pleasure is not the highest good.
Teacher’s teaching is against what philosophy?

a. empiricism
b. Epicureanism
c. hedonism
d. realism

20. Teacher C teaches in a remote multi-grade class. She is seldom visited by her
principal and supervisors. She teaches when she feels like teaching and not when
she does not feel like teaching. What trait of a good teacher does she lack?

a. Emotional intelligence
b. Integrity and accountability
c. Competence
d. Intelligence

21. Which may work against collaborative teaching?

a. Establishment of mutual goals

b. Joint rewards
c. Homogenous grouping
d. “knee-to-knee” seat arrangement by group

22. Which may work about standard deviation is CORRECT?

a. The lower the standard deviation the more spread the scores are.
b. The higher the standard deviation the less spread the scores are.
c. The higher the standard deviation the more spread the scores are.
d. It is a measure of central tendency.

23. Which one of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency?

a. median
b. mean
c. variance
d. mode

24. What type of test is given to determine the admission or non-admission of a

student to the program?

a. placement
b. diagnostic
c. aptitude
d. achievement

25. What is an advantage of point system of grading?

a. it does away with establishing clear distinctions among students.

b. It is precise.
c. It is qualitative.
d. It emphasizes learning not objectivity of scoring.

26. Which according to Jocano is a strength of the Filipino people?

a. sense of commitment to nationalistic ideals

b. sense of historical or national identity
c. sense of humor
d. sense of national pride

27. Which is a sound classroom management practice?

a. Apply rules and policies on a case to case basis.
b. Apply reactive approach to discipline.
c. Avoid establishing routines; routines make your students robots.
d. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks.

28. What is the possible effect of an overcrowded curriculum?

a. in-depth learning tends to be given greater emphasis.

b. There is greater concept understanding.
c. Lifelong learning skills tend to be fully developed.
d. There is lack of personal analysis and reflection on major concepts.

29. Matthew Arnold’s ideal person was “the person whose powers were all in
balance”. The following enumerate which have to be developed for a person to
become Arnold’s ideal person EXCEPT.

a. head, heart, hands, health

b. knowledge, skills, attitudes
c. brain, mind, reason
d. cognitive, psychomotor, and affective powers

30. How student learn maybe more important than what they learn. From this
principle, which of the following is particularly important?

a. knowing how to solve problem

b. getting the right answer to a world problem
c. determining the given
d. solving the problem within time limit

31. If you want a child to eliminate an undesirable behavior, punish him. This in
accordance to Thorndike’s law of ___.

a. Reward
b. Exercise
c. Punishment
d. Effect

32. In which cognitive developmental stage is a child unable to distinguish

between own perspective and someone else’s?

a. sensorimotor stage
b. concrete-operational stage
c. formal-operational stage
d. pre-operational stage

33. With which will the existentialist agree? The school is a place where

a. can reflect on ideas.

b. can observe by using their senses to the maximum.
c. can meet to pursue dialogue and discussion about their own lives and choices.
d. listen and accept what teachers say.

34. A person is held responsible for his actions because

a. he is mature.
b. he has a choice.
c. he has instincts.
d. he has reason.

35. Teacher Q does not want Teacher B to be promoted and so writes an

anonymous letters against Teacher B accusing her of fabricated lies. Teacher Q
mails this anonymous letter is the School Division Superintendent. What should
Teacher Q do if she has to act professionally?

a. Hires a group to distribute poison letters against Teacher B for information

b. Submit a signed justification criticism against teacher B, if there is any.
c. Instigate student activities to read poison letters over the microphone.
d. Go straight to the schools Division Superintendent and gives criticism verbally.

36. What psychological principle is invoked when a teacher connects the new
lesson to the one just completed so that the student may gain a holistic view of the

a. stimulation
b. conceptualization
c. recognition
d. apperception

37. Which prescribes the abolition of private property by force?

a. moderate capitalism
b. socialism
c. communism
d. exaggerated capitalism

38. Under which category does the MPS that we talk about in the measurement
and evaluation of learning fall?

a. Mode
b. Mean 
c. Median
d. Ratio

39. Which attitude is exemplified by a Boy Scout who says “Bahala Na!” and
drives into a pool to save a drowning boy?

a. A daring attitude
b. A “segurista” attitude
c. A daring attitude combined with” pagmalasakit”
d. An “I dont-care attitude’’

40. My lesson is on methods of family planning. I wanted my class to gain a

holistic understanding of family planning methods. So I invited a priest to talk on
morality of family planning methods, a doctor on the physiological aspect of
family planning methods, an officer of Population Commission for his
experiences as officer, and a couple who practices family planning to talk before
my class and to answer questions raised by the class. What technique did I

a. Forum
b. A panel discussion
c. Debate
d. Symposium

41. “ The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to qualify
education at all levels.” Which government program is in support of this?

a. Exclusion of children with special needs from the formal system

b. Free elementary and secondary education
c. Deregulated tuition fee hike
d. Re-introduction of the NEAT and NSAT
42. Which is the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?

a. RA 7836
b. RA 4670 
c. RA 7722
d. P.D. 1011

43. Which is an indicator of teacher’s effectiveness in instilling discipline among


a. Teacher’s presence is needed for discipline.

b. Students have developed concern for one another.
c. Students behave for fear of punishment.
d. Students behave because of a promised reward.

44. Based on Mager’s approach in writing lesson objectives, which lesson

objective is written correctly?

a. At the end of the period, 80 of the class is able to compose a seven-to-ten sentence
paragraph that observes unity and clarity.
b. At the end of the period, 80 of the class is able to solve the 5 word problems
c. At the end of the period, the student is able to compose a seven-to-ten sentence
paragraph that observes unity and clarity.
d. At the end of the period, 80 of the class is able to solve the 5 words problems with
90 accuracy.

45. Which items do not affect the variability of test scores?

a. Test items that are a bit easy

b. Test items that are moderate in difficulty
c. Test items that are a bit difficulty
d. Test items that every examinee gets correctly

46. The attention to the development of a deep respect and affection for our rich
cultural past is an influence ____.

a. Hegel’s
b. Confucius 
c. Dewey’s
d. Teilhard de Chardin’s

47. As reported by the Committee on Information Technology, Science,

Mathematics Education and other technologies of the 2000 Presidential
Commission on Educational Reform, the elementary curriculum is _____.

a. reclustered
b. integrated 
c. overcrowded
d. innovative

48. Which is a feature of exaggerated capitalism?

a. Abolition of private property

b. Sense of social justice
c. Individualistic concept of wealth
d. Social ownership of some means of production

49. In the perlance of test construction what does TOS mean?

a. Term of Specifications
b. Table of Specifics
c. Table of Specific Test Items
d. Table of Specifications



                           Column A                                          Column B

                 _____ 1. Equilateral                            a. with 3 equal sides
                 _____ 2. Right                                    b. with 5 equal sides
                 _____ 3. Octagon                               c. has a 90-degree angle
                 _____ 4. Pentagon                             d. means many
                 _____ 5. Heptagon                            e. with 7 sides
                 _____ 6. Poly                                    f. with 8 sides



a. An obvious pattern is followed in the answering.

b. It is an imperfect type of matching test.
c. The items are quite easy.
d. The items are NOT homogenous.

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