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PHRASAL VERBS: are a combination of a verb and one or two prepositions that when put together have a specific and
different meaning than the original verb alone. As these combinations include a verb, this verb can be in any tense to
accommodate meaning. Example: present, past, future, continuous, etc.


*Some phrasal verbs are SEPARABLE which means a noun or pronoun can go between the verb and the preposition.

Ex. Please turn on the light. (Turn is the verb, on is the preposition and the light is the noun)

OR Please turn the light on.

OR Please turn it on. (it is the object pronoun substituting the light)


When an OBJECT PRONOUN is used with SEPARABLE phrasal verbs, this pronoun MUST ALWAYS go between the verb
and the preposition.


*INSEPARABLE means a noun or pronoun can’t go between the verb and preposition. Always use the noun or pronoun
after the phrasal verb in inseparable or 3-word phrasal verbs. Follow the examples.

Ex. I always run into Sarah at the mall. (Run is the verb, into the preposition and Sarah is the noun)

I always run into her at the mall. (her is the object pronoun used after the phrasal verb)

*Run into someone means to see someone by accident or chance.

An incorrect example with inseparable phrasal verbs is: I always run Sarah/her into at the mall. This is incorrect!!

3-WORD PV (Phrasal Verbs)

Ex. He always comes down with the flu during winter every year. (come down with is a 3-word PV, the flu is the noun)

Come down with means to contract or get infected with a disease

*Remember the noun or pronoun can’t go between inseparable or 3-word phrasal verbs!!!!*

*There are many phrasal verbs and learning them requires practice and memorization. PLEASE REFER TO THE BACK OF
YOUR BOOK, PAGES 149-152 for an extensive list of phrasal verbs with meanings and examples.*

Some examples of using different tenses with phrasal verbs are:

1. John is looking up the information as we speak. (is looking up = present continuous)

2. The plane has already taken off. (has taken off = present perfect)
3. I will hand in the assignment tomorrow. (will hand in = future)
4. I woke up very early this morning. (woke up = simple past)

** More examples are available on pg. 138


1. Complete EXERCISE 1 and 2 below in your notebook.

2. The answer key to the exercises are provided below for self-correction and feedback once you have completed
the exercises.
3. Please make an honest effort to complete all exercises on your own without checking the answers before you

EXERCISE 1: Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get, look, put, step, take, throw, turn, try) and
The prepositions (away, down, for, in, off, on, out) to complete the sentences.
Some prepositions are used more than once.

1. Quick! ___________ the bus. It's ready to leave.

2. I don't know where my book is. I have to _________ it.
3. It is dark inside. Can you ____________the light, please?
4. ____________the form, please.
5. I need some new clothes. Why don't you __________these jeans?
6. It is warm inside. ____________ your coat.
7. This pencil is really old. You can ________ it ________ and get a new one.
8. My little brothers were fighting and I had to _________to calm things.
9. The firemen were able to _________the fire in Church Street.
10. Does your little brother ___________ ghosts?

EXERCISE 2: Create a meaningful sentence using the following phrasal verbs. Use your notebook to write the answers.

1. Break down
2. Call off
3. Put up with
4. Give up
5. Step in
6. Turn down
7. Think over
8. Bounce back
9. Look forward to
10. Rave about

Pg. 138 ex. 28 answers

EXERCISE 1 answers

1. Get on
2. Look for
3. Turn on
4. Fill out
5. Try on
6. Take off
7. Throw out
8. Step in
9. Put out
10. Believe in

EXERCISE 2 Possible answers may be:

1. My car broke down last week.

2. We had to call off the meeting due to security concerns.
3. He had to put up with the extra work given by his boss.
4. Give up smoking now or pay the consequences later!
5. My coworker always steps in when she’s not called.
6. Please turn down the volume! We’re trying to sleep here.
7. Think over your answers if you don’t get them correct.
8. My friend is trying to bounce back after that terrible illness.
9. I’m looking forward to world peace someday.
10. Critics are raving about the new Tarantino movie.

Additional Exercises

1. For additional exercises you can go to page 147 Unit 8 exercise 1, 2 & 3 and page 138 exercise 28.
2. Please complete your ONLINE HOMEWORK which includes more exercises to practice.
3. Be ready to ask about any doubts or further clarification during our scheduled virtual meeting.

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