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Constructive Feedback

Exercise: Section 1

In preparation for the next section I would like you to please think of a staff under-
performance concern or a behavioural issue that you have experienced.
I assume that you most probably already in a management position. If, however, you are
aspiring to a leadership position, or maybe you are in the capacity of a newly appointed
leader and as yet have no practical experience in dealing with staff performance
challenges, then please use a hypothetical example that could be applicable to your line of
work. A second option is to go to the very last entry for this online course, and under the
heading of ‘role play exercises’ there are 3 scenarios you can choose from for this
exercise. Please now answer the following questions about your chosen scenario.

What did you do when you first realized there was an issue you needed to deal with?

Describe the issue.


Did you do any pre-planning? If so, describe this in detail.

Assuming you had a conversation with the employee concerned, describe where that
conversation took place? How soon after you identified your concern?

Describe the conversation in as much detail as you can.


What was the reaction of the employee?


Who spoke most of the time? Allocate a percentage of time that each person spoke.
You…….% Employee….…%

How did you reach a decision regarding a course of action? Did you tell the staff member
what they needed to do differently?
Did you get commitment from the employee that they would take on board the necessary
 Yes
 No

After discussing the changes the employee needed to make, what else was discussed?

What do you think you did well?


What could have been improved?


Was the outcome what you aimed for?


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