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You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.

1. Listen to this couple talking about a film they have just watched. What sort of film
was it?

A. A comedy

B. A horror film

C. A romance

2. Listen to this advertisement. How much will a dietary and fitness assessment cost

A. £20

B. £30

C. £33

3. You have returned home and smell gas as you enter the house. You call the Gas
Hotline and you hear this message. Which number should you dial?

A. 5

B. 3

C. 4

4. Listen to this news item. What was James Reeves arrested by the police for?

A. A firearms offence

B. Breaking into a car

C. Stealing a radio

5. Sally has just returned from her holiday. How was the holiday?

A. Good

B. Bad

C. Terrible

6. Listen to this lecture. In which century were tartans first produced?

A. The twelfth century

B. The fifteenth century

C. It is not known

7. You will hear a conversation in which a man is giving directions to another. Where is
the first speaker trying to get to?

A. The leisure centre

B. The clubhouse

C. The community centre

8. Listen to this conversation. How many sandwiches does the speaker order?

A. Three

B. Two

C. Six


You will hear five students talking about studying at university. For questions 1-5, choose from the
list A-F which statement applies to which speaker. Use the letters only once. There is one extra
letter which you do not need to use.

A. This speaker is taking a course which includes more than one subject.

B. This speaker is unhappy.

C. This speaker is studying for a career in the army.

D. This speaker’s course involves practical work experience.

E. This speaker was pleasantly surprised.

F. This speaker wants to change the place they are living in.

1) Speaker 1

2) Speaker 2

3) Speaker 3

4) Speaker 4

5) Speaker 5


You will hear a speaker discussing a recent report on hypnotism. For questions 1-7, write T (true) or
F (false) next to the statement.

1. The home office carried out a seven-month investigation.

2. The report outlines the use of hypnosis by historians.

3. Hypnosis can be used in surgery.

4. Hypnosis isn’t used enough in helping people stop smoking.

5. Under hypnosis people can be made to imitate animals.

6. Under hypnosis people do things they wouldn’t normally do.

7. At present, private clubs do not have to follow government rules on hypnosis.


You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.

1. Listen to this speaker. Who is the message intended for?

A. People in Britain

B. People leaving Britain

C. People returning to Britain

2. You overhear this hotel receptionist speaking on the phone. How will the person she
is speaking to travel?

A. By car

B. By train

C. By bus

3. Listen to this conversation. What are the speakers discussing?

A. A university course

B. A conference schedule

C. A TV programme

4. Listen to this speech. Who is the speaker?

A. The host of a quiz show

B. A company director

C. A judge

5. Listen to this conversation. Why won’t Madge buy the cupboard Maureen suggests?

A. The maker is damaging the environment

B. She dislikes the colour

C. The price is too high

6. Listen to this conversation. Where is the husband going?

A. Siberia

B. Berlin

C. London

7. Listen to this conversation in a doctor’s waiting room. What will the patient do?

A. Wait

B. Not wait

C. Make coffee

8. You overhear this conversation at a supermarket check-out. What has the woman
been given?

A. The wrong change

B. The wrong products

C. The wrong discount


You will hear a man being interviewed at a dating agency. For questions 9-18, fill in the

Age group: (9)

Education: (10)

Occupation: (11)

Interests: (12)

What 2 words best describe your personality: (13)


How long is it since your last relationship ended: (15)

Reason relationship ended: (16)

What quality is most important in a girlfriend: (17)

What physical characteristics are most (18)

important to you?


You will hear five people talking about sightseeing tours they have taken in Britain. For questions
19-23, choose from the list A-F which statement applies to which speaker. Use the letters only
once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. This speaker’s tour was arranged by someone else.

B. This speaker took a half-day tour.

C. This speaker went to the north of Britain.

D. This speaker saw a member of the Royal Family.

E. This speaker feels the tour was good value for money.

F. This speaker saw a monument inside a church.

19. Speaker 1

20. Speaker 2

21. Speaker 3

22. Speaker 4

23. Speaker 5


You will hear a conversation between a father and his two children, Vanessa and John. Answer
questions 24-30 by writing F (father), J (John) or V (Vanessa).

24. Who suggests having an ice-cream?

25. Who suggests seeing the Creepy Crawlies exhibition?

26. Who gets excited?

27. Who is afraid of spiders?

28. Who wants to see the dinosaurs?

29. Who wants more information about dinosaurs?

30. Who already knows about dinosaurs?


You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer,
A, B or C.

1. Listen to this conversation. Which airline does Mr Wilkins choose?

A. Sabina

B. Dan Air

C. British Airways

2. You are going to hear the weather forecast for the following week. What will the
weather be like on Friday?

A. Cloudy and dull

B. Sunny

C. Very wet

3. You hear an expert talking about computers. Why should children NOT use them?

A. They don’t encourage children to think.

B. They keep children from doing their schoolwork.

C. They stop children from developing social skills.

4. Listen to this news report. What did the dog do?

A. Annoy its master

B. Disobey its master

C. Obey its master

5. You will hear Jane Thomas, a famous athlete, talking about an injury. What event
does she participate in?

A. The long-jump

B. The bicycle race

C. The 100-metre race

6. Listen to this conversation. What time will John and Betty arrive at the party?

A. 7.30

B. 9.30

C. 10.00

7. You are waiting for a train to London’s Heathrow Airport when you hear this
announcement. What should you do?

A. Take the train on platform four

B. Take the coach from the booking hall

C. Take the train on platform one

8. A chat show host is interviewing a famous chef. What does the chef think about
British food?

A. It’s boring

B. It’s second-rate

C. It’s good


You will hear part of a conversation between a university professor and a student. For questions 9-
18, complete the notes which summarise what the speakers say

Student interested in (9)

Student wants a course which is (10)

Students which complete courses can easily (11)

Student wants a career in (12)

Student’s degree is in (13)

Students must study Buyer Behaviour and (14)

To choose the options the student must (15)

Which second semester course does the (16)

professor recommend?

Deadline for applications (17)

Advantage of applying early (18)


You will hear five women talking about their relationships with their brothers. For questions 1-5,
which sentence A-F, applies to each speaker. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter
which you do not need to use.

A. She doesn’t make the effort to see her brother nowadays.

B. She used to like her brother but doesn’t now.

C. She became good friends with her brother in her teens.

D. Her parents preferred her to her brother.

E. When she was younger, she was proud of having an older brother.

F. Her brother had more freedom than she did.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5


You will hear part of a radio programme about people who have gambling problems. For questions
1-8, complete the sentences.

1. Gambling is compared to other addictions like alcohol and .............................................

2. Many gamblers are not aware of the difficulties their problems cause to themselves

3. Gamblers don’t care whether their money ..............................................................

4. Husbands and wives sometimes pay the debts of the gambler because they hope the
gambler will ..................................................................

5. People with a serious gambling problem think about gambling..............................................

6. According to friends and relatives, gambling can change people’s


7. When gamblers lose they feel .....................................................................

8. Compulsive gamblers are people who are difficult to .............................................................


You will hear people talking in 6 different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer A, B
or C.

1. You hear an athlete being interviewed on the radio. What kind of athlete is he?

A. A sprinter

B. A long-jumper

C. A pole-vaulter

2. You hear a footballer being interviewed. How does he feel?

A. Anxious

B. Angry

C. Disappointed

3. You hear someone giving instructions to some children. What are the children about
to do?

A. Run a race

B. Perform a play

C. Take part in a competition

4. You hear a woman on the radio talking about a comedian. Why does she think he has
been so successful?

A. Because he is multi-talented

B. Because he has an unusual sense of humour

C. Because both men and women like him

5. You overhear a conversation between husband and wife. What does the woman want
the husband to do?

A. Help more around the house

B. Support what she says

C. Take more responsibility

6. You hear someone explaining how to do something. What are they explaining?

A. How to toss a pancake

B. How to walk on your hands

C. How to do a party trick


You will hear an interview with a man called Ed who teaches in a school in the USA. For questions
1-10, complete the sentences.

School Uniforms

1. The teacher lists ..............................reasons why the school introduced uniforms.

2. He says that prior to the introduction of uniforms it was impossible to

.................................................who was a student at the school.

3. Some children used to show which gang they belong to by wearing clothes of

4. There is now less ......................................................on children to join a gang.

5. Since the introduction of uniforms, the .......................................of the children has slowly

6. According to the teacher, giving children a good the main aim
of schools.

7. Most of the ...............................................have been in favour of the new uniform policy.

8. Children believe that having to wear a uniform prevents them from being

9. The teacher thinks that if the children could choose what to wear they would all copy

10. Everyone at the school, including the ...............................and senior staff wears the same


You will hear five people talking about journeys they have been on. For questions 1-5, choose
which of the opinions A-F each speaker expresses. Use the letters only once. There is one extra
letter which you do not need to use.

A. It was interesting.

B. It was uncomfortable.

C. It was a bit disappointing.

D. It was exhausting.

E. It was risky.

F. It was badly organised.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:

Speaker 3:

Speaker 4:

Speaker 5:


You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer,
A, B, or C.

1. You will hear part of a radio programme about a sports personality. What has he
recently achieved?

A. A new sporting record

B. Another gold medal

C. A financial reward

2. You hear a woman asking for a recipe. What does she want to make?

A. Something for supper

B. Something for a party

C. Something for a picnic

3. You hear a man talking about animals. What is he recommending?

A. Feeding a pet a balanced diet

B. Giving a pet plenty of exercise

C. Making sure a pet is looked after

4. You hear part of a radio programme about travelling abroad. Who is speaking?

A. A journalist

B. A tour guide

C. A travel agent

5. You overhear a student talking about one of her classes. What has she done?

A. Missed attending a class

B. Withdrawn from class

C. Complained about a class

6. You hear a woman talking about a new book on the theatre. What is the best title for
the book?

A. Popular Street Theatre

B. Travelling Theatre Players

C. Open-air Plays and Players

7. You overhear two people discussing a museum they have recently visited. What kind
of museum was it?

A. A costume museum

B. A natural history museum

C. A transport museum

8. You hear a woman discussing a new fashion. What does she like about it?

A. The colours

B. The designs

C. The materials

Answer Key
 Exercise 1

1. B 5. C

2. A 6. A

3. B 7. C

4. B 8. B

 Exercise 2

9. To All

10. Teachers

11. To You

12. At parties

13. Show

14. Until 2030

15. Three

16. Profit-making enterprise

17. A foundation

18. (short) musical phrases

 Exercise 3

19. F 22. B

20. C 23. A

21. D

 Exercise 4

24. C 28. C

25. A 29. A

26. B 30. B

27. B

 Exercise 5

1. B 5. A

2. A 6. C

3. A 7. B

4. A 8. C

 Exercise 6

1. B 4. D

2. E 5. A

3. F

 Exercise 7

1. F 5. T

2. F 6. F

3. T 7. T

4. T

 Exercise 8

1. C 5. A

2. A 6. C

3. B 7. A

4. B 8. A

 Exercise 9


Went to Technical College

Mechanical engineer




2 years

Didn’t share same interests

Sense of humour

(bright) eyes

 Exercise 10

19. E 22. F

20. D 23. A

21. B

 Exercise 11

24. J 28. V

25. F 29. F

26. J 30. V

27. V

 Exercise 12

1. B 5. A

2. B 6. B

3. C 7. B

4. C 8. C

 Exercise 13

MA in Marketing

More specialised than MBA

Finds job
International marketing

Business and Law

Market Research

Complete/fill out the form

Marketing communications

(end of) June

Will get a place (on the course)

 Exercise 14

1. C 4. A

2. E 5. D

3. F

 Exercise 15

1. Drugs

2. Others/other people

3. Comes from

4. Stop

5. All the time

6. Personalities

7. Angry and depressed

8. Trust

 Exercise 16

1. B 4. A

2. C 5. C

3. B 6. A

 Exercise 17

1. Three

2. Identify

3. Colours

4. Pressure

5. (general) attitude

6. Education

7. Parents

8. Individuals

9. (their) friends

10. Principal

 Exercise 18

1. C 2. B

3. F 5. D

4. A

 Exercise 19

1) A 5) B

2) C 6) C

3) A 7) C

4) B 8) C


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