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Instituto de Idiomas UNP

 The whole story?

 Ingles Intermedio

 21 de septiembre del 2020

 Zurita García Jeferson Tharly

 José Enrique Zapatel

Piura – Perú

1.-Look at images a-c and answer the questions.
 Where are they from? What do they show?
The images are from Africa, where you can see an elephant and zebras in the
image (a), a poor family in the image (b) and a beautiful house in the image (c).

 What do they tell you about this place?

history shows us two kinds of family, one rich and the other poor. In addition, it
makes us see that not everything in life is money, to be happy.

 Do you think they tell you the whole story? Why/ why not?
I think they do not tell the whole story, since several issues remain unexplained.
Besides that, I don't think that's the end of the story.

2a.-Look at the blog title and the images, and read the first paragraph of the blog
post. Answer the questions.
 What is the place in the image?
The writer’s home.

 What is the blog post about?

The different truths / stories/ aspects of Kenya and the United States.

2b.-Read the rest of the blog post. Answer the questions.

 Who was Rosa?
She was one of the servants of the writer’s family.

 What did the writer learn when she visited Rosa’s village?
She learnt that there were poor people in her country and in Africa.

 In what way did she have a similar experience in the United States?
She saw that people in the United States were not always beautiful and did not
always lead beautiful lives.

 What did her experience in the United States teach her?

It taught her that we need to see all the different sides to a country.

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