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Instituto de Idiomas UNP

 Carnival of cultures

 Ingles Intermedio

 28 de agosto del 2020

 Zurita García Jeferson Tharly

 José Enrique Zapatel

Piura – Perú

My experience in the carnival of Ayacucho:

2 years ago I had the opportunity to go to Arequipa, where you
can contemplate an Ayacucho carnival, there were too many
people who participated in this carnival, each person wore their
best folk costume and in addition they walked through the square
in a large number of dancing, it was A too beautiful experience,
seeing how people enjoyed what they did and we enjoyed
watching them.
The best thing about these experiences is that one can participate
in these cultural events that take place.

2a.-listen again and complete the extracts from transcript 6.3

1.-It’s only three days and there’s a unique atmosphere here.
It’s a great time to be in berlin.

2.-It’s an interesting way to find out about cultures.

3.-I think berlin is the worst place to be’ at carnival time.

4.-Everything is so expensive, it’s a good idea to stay away.

2b.-look at the expressions in bold 2a. What verb form is used
after these expressions, to + infinitive or verb+ -ing? What
other adjectives can you use in each expression?
To infinitive is used after those expressions.
 Fantastic time
 Appealing way
 The inconvenient place
 Great idea

3.-What recommendations would you give a visitor who

wanted to visit your town/ city? Use the expressions in 2a and
1.- When they return, they will realize that it was a great idea to have
visited this place.

2.- bring country shoes so they can enjoy the attractive shape of their

3.- Do not visit the months from November to May, as they are very rainy.

4.- Visit Yamango, as it is a very beautiful land

5.- In August there is a very interesting patronal fair.

6.- stay a great time to enjoy the landscapes it has.

7.- That you like the sierra.

8.- You will spend a fantastic time with the people who accompany us.

9.- That visit the months of June to October.

10.- it is the right place to enjoy a good vacation.

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