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Instituto de Idiomas UNP

 Is this yours?

 Ingles Intermedio

 14 de septiembre del 2020

 Zurita García Jeferson Tharly

 José Enrique Zapatel

Piura – Perú

2b.- listen again. Answer the questions.

1.-which objects were
a.-sent to somebody?
Photo A.
Photo C.
Photo B.
2.-in which photos were the object related to.
a.-a natural disaster?
Photo C.
b.-the financial?
Photo B.
c.-an accident?
Photo A.

3a.-retell the story behind each of the photos.

In the first image you can see belongings of a home, such as a chair, carpet,
photography, etc. which were transported by a hurricane.
In the second image, things like chairs, toys, etc. are observed on the street. These have
owners, but they have been evicted, for not being able to pay the rent, therefore their
things are on the street.
In the third photo you can see the things that Edison Peña's family and friends sent him,
when he was trapped in the mine collapse in Chile.

5a.-listen to three people responding to 3b. which photo are they referring to?
the people in the audio 7.2 refer to the 3 photos that we were previously able to observe,
the one of the things taken by the hurricane, the one of the things on the street due to the
eviction and the things of the miner trapped under the ground.
b.-listen again. Which speaker
a.-doesn’t know why the objects are important?
b.-thinks the situation is very sad?
c.-feels the photo is unexpected and shocking?

6a.-mach sentences a-e to speaker 1, 2 or 3 from 5a.

a.-Elvis Presley and earplugs! Wonder why this man treasured those particular objects
so much? And why did he send them back up to the surface?
b.-…that’s somebody’s life that’s just been dumped on the street there…
c.-they probably really want to hold onto their stuff… o they end up just having to get
rid of lit.
d.-I thought these were possessions that somebody had found and wanted to give away
or even sell…
e.-or I imagined that it was junk, items people had thrown away… and these are things
which a family had to leave behind when they fled…

7.-discuss the questions.

What kinds of objects do you like to keep and for what reasons?
I like to keep the relationships of my lovers, whether they are key rings, chains,
watches, etc., since at some point they were an important part of my life.
What possessions do you not mind throwing away? Why?
I don't mind throwing away old clothes, old notebooks, outdated books, etc.
How would you describe your home/room? Is it full of objects or quite empty?
my room is full, I have a closet, a bed, an exercise machine, books about my career, as
well as other books, my computer, my dresser, etc.

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