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Name : Agung Indrawan

NIM : 184537

Class : Q/S1 (Semester VI)

1. Mie Aceh

Mie Aceh is a dish made of thick yellow noodles with spicy spices originating from Aceh.
Acehnese noodles will be even more delicious with the addition of slices of beef, chicken, or
shrimp. Aceh noodles can usually be served in fried noodles as well as noodle soup with a
savory and rich spice curry soup. As a complement, you can sprinkle fried onions, melinjo
chips, and cucumber slices.

Indonesian special food

2. Bika Ambon

Bika Ambon is a kind of sweet snack originating from North Sumatra. Bika Ambon is made
from ingredients such as sago flour, sugar, milk, coconut milk, pandan leaves, lemongrass
and lime leaves. Even though the name is Bika Ambon, this snack is actually famous as a
typical North Sumatran food that is often sought after as souvenirs by tourists. The sweet and
sticky taste of bika Ambon is indeed very popular, especially now that the flavor of bika
Ambon is also growing, such as: durian, cheese, chocolate, etc.

3. Rendang

Rendang is one of the culinary heritage from West Sumatra (Padang) which is included in
CNN's list of the most delicious dishes in the world. Made from beef cooked with complete
spices, the taste of rendang is able to amaze culinary connoisseurs from all over the country
and even abroad.

Typical Indonesian Rendang Food

4. Patin Fish Curry.

Patin fish curry is a typical food from Jambi. Patin fish curry cooked using fermented
tempoyak or durian. But it can also be cooked with coconut milk because tempoyak has a
very sharp aroma. Other spices used include red chilies, galangal, lemongrass, turmeric,
shallots and garlic.

Typical Indonesian Food Patin fish curry

5. Pendap

Pendap is a typical food from Bengkulu.

pendap Typical Indonesian Food

6. Belacan curry

Riau original Belacan Gulai is made from a mixture of belacan and shrimp paste as a broth.
While the main ingredient can be used shrimp or fish.

Indonesian typical Belacan curry food

7. Brains

Otak-otak is a snack originating from Riau Islands. The brains are made of fish or squid.
Wrapped in coconut leaves, the brains are then grilled before they are ready to eat.

Indonesian special food

8. Pempek

Pempek or Empek-empek is a typical food originating from South Sumatra. Pempek

Palembang is made from fish and sago flour. This food is popular because of its delicious
taste and spicy, sour, and sweet sauce. The presentation of pempek is accompanied by a
brownish black sauce called cuka or cuko (Palembang language). Cuko is made from boiling
water, then added with brown sugar, prawns and mashed cayenne pepper, garlic, and salt. For
the native people of Palembang, cuko has always been made spicy to increase appetite.
However, along with the entry of immigrants from outside the island of Sumatra, nowadays
there are many cukos with a sweet taste for those who do not like spicy. Cuko can protect
teeth from caries (damage to the layer of enamel and dentin). Because in one liter of pempek
broth there is usually 9-13 ppm of fluorine. One complement to eating this distinctive taste is
sliced fresh cucumber and yellow noodles.

pempek Typical Indonesian food

9. Bangka noodles

Bangka noodles or noodles are typical food of the island of Bangka. The ingredients for
making bangka noodles include: noodles, fish, shrimp, squid, or crab. and often with sprouts
or sprouts, cucumber or cucumber, and crackers, delicious when served hot, and add the spicy
taste of chilies.

10. Whistle

Seruit is a typical Lampung food made from fish processed with shrimp paste, tempoyak,
mango. Commonly used fish include: belide, baung, layis, etc. Seruit is usually served
together with fresh vegetables and a drink called sherbet (kweni mango juice).

Indonesian special food

11. Milkfish Satay

Milkfish satay is a typical food from Banten

Indonesian special food

12. Egg crust

Egg crust is a typical food in the form of snacks originating from Betawi. The egg crust is
made from glutinous rice cooked on a frying pan and then added with duck / chicken eggs as
well as seasonings and other complementary ingredients (fried onions, serundeng, and
shrimp). The egg crust is tasty because it has fried onions and tellur, a little sweet because
there is serungdeng, and it is filling because the basic ingredient is glutinous rice. Egg crust is
often found at cultural events in Jakarta.

Indonesian special food

13. Surabi

Surabi is one of the snacks from Bandung. This food is very popular because of the
increasing variety of flavors. Surabi can be added with many toppings according to taste,
such as chocolate cheese or mayonnaise.

14. Wet spring rolls

Lumpia is a typical food from Semarang, Central Java. Spring rolls consist of skin and filling
in the form of bamboo shoots, eggs, meat or chicken or shrimp. This food actually comes
from China which has been modified so that it tastes Indonesian.

Indonesian special food

15. Gudeg

Traditional food’s Jogja is so thick with the sweet taste of Javanese cuisine. Gudeng is made
from the main ingredient of young jackfruit cooked with coconut milk. It takes several hours
to cook warm until cooked. The brown color is usually produced from teak leaves. Gudeg
will be even more delicious if served with thick coconut milk (areh), eggs, chicken, meat, etc.
according to taste.

Indonesian special food

16. Rujak Cingur

Rujak Cingur is a typical food from East Java. The word cingur means mouth. The cingur
added to this food is sliced beef cingur that has been boiled until soft. Cingur salad usually
consists of slices of several types of fruit such as cucumber, krai (a type of cucumber typical
of East Java), young mango, bengkoang, pineapple, kedondong and added with rice cake,
tempeh, tofu, bendoyo and cingur as well as vegetables such as kale, sprouts. / bean sprouts,
and long beans. All the ingredients are mixed with spices / sauces made from processed
shrimp paste, boiled water to thin it a little, brown sugar / sugar, fried peanuts, fried onions,
chilies, salt and thin slices of young green seed bananas (bananas). klutuk). All spices /
sauces are mixed in a pulverized manner, that's why cingur salad is also often called rujak

rujak cingur Typical Indonesian food

17. Betutu Chicken

Betutu chicken is a typical food from Bali. One whole chicken is filled with spices and then
grilled over the husk fire. Apart from being a community dish, Betutu Chicken is also in great
demand by local and foreign tourists.

ayam betutu Typical Indonesian food

18. Taliwang Chicken

Taliwang chicken is a typical food from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara which is made from
chicken which is served with spices in the form of dry red chilies, garlic, red onions, red
tomatoes, kencur, fried shrimp paste, salt, and Javanese sugar. Usually served with other
Lombok specialties such as Plecing kale. Indonesian special food

19. Catemak Corn

Corn catemak is a typical food of East Nusa Tenggara. This type of dessert is made from
corn, green beans, and wax pumpkin cooked with seasonings. Unlike its sweet color like
compote, catemak tastes salty.

Indonesian special food

20. Spicy Porridge

In the Sambas area, West Kalimantan, there is a special food in the form of porridge called
spicy porridge. Different from the name Spicy porridge has absolutely no chili components at
all. This porridge is made from a mixture of vegetables that will be easy to accept for those
who don't like spicy taste.

Indonesian special food

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