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Nama : Fawas Dinejad Tauda

Kelas/ Semester : IX - E / Ganjil
Materi / Topik : Expression Congratulation

A. Kompetensi Dasar 3.1

Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari
ungkapan harapan atau doa dan ungkapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi,
serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menemukan tujuan teks dari ungkapan Ucapan Selamat dengan tepat dan rasa
tanggung jawab
2. Menelaah jenis-jenis ungkapan “Ucapan Selamat dengan tepat dan rasa tanggung
3. Menemukan makna kata yang terdapat dalam ungkapan-ungkapan “Ucapan Selamat”
dengan tepat dan rasa tanggung jawab

C. Soal-Soal
I. Fungsi Sosial (Tujuan Teks)
Teacher : The winner of the story-telling competition in this class is Lina.
Congratulations Lina!
Students : Congratulations Lina.
Lina : Thank you, Mam. Thank you, everybody
1. What is the purpose of the text above?

II. Struktur Teks

Complete the sentences below with expression congratulations
1. A : My brother will get married tomorrow
B : Congratulations for you brother's wedding

2. A: Today is 1st Muharam 1439 H
B: Congratulations on entering the new year of hijri 1439 H
3. A: Where will you spend your holiday?
B: I will spend it in Bali
A: Oh yeah, Have fun in Bali
B: Thank you
4. A: My younger sister get the first ranking in her school
B: Congratulations for you little sister getting first place
5. A: Today is my thirteen birthday
B: Oh yeah? Happy Birthday for you

III. Unsur Kebahasaan

What are the meanings of the underlined words.
1. Congratulation Lina, you’re the winner
2. The winner of the story-telling competition in this class is Lina
3. The vice principal said that I had all the requirements to run for the OSIS Chairman.
4. I prevail in the badminton competition
5. You will represent this class for the story-telling competition of our school next month

Winner ; Pemenang
Competition ; Kompetisi
Principal ; Kepala Sekolah
Prevail ; Mengungguli
Represent ; Mewakili


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