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Facial Assessment and Injection Guide for

Botulinum Toxin and Injectable Hyaluronic
Acid Fillers: Focus on the Midface
Maurício de Maio, M.D.
Summary: This second article of a three-part series addresses techniques and
Koen DeBoulle, M.D.
recommendations for aesthetic treatment of the midface. Injectable fillers are
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André Braz, M.D.

important for rejuvenation of the midface by replacing lost volume and pro-
Rod J. Rohrich, M.D. viding structural support; neuromodulators play a smaller role in this facial
on behalf of the Alliance region. Fillers are used for volumization and contouring of the midface re-
for the Future of Aesthetics gions, including the upper cheek and lid-cheek junction and the submalar
Consensus Committee and preauricular areas. Also, treatment of the frontonasal angle, the dorsum,
São Paulo, Brazil; Aalst, Belgium; Rio the nasolabial angle, and the columella may be used to shape and contour the
de Janeiro, Brazil; and Dallas, Texas nose. Neuromodulators may be used to treat bunny lines and for elevation of
the nasal tip. The midface is considered an advanced area for treatment, and
injectors are advised to obtain specific training, particularly when injecting fill-
ers near the nose, because of the risk of serious complications, including blind-
ness and necrosis. Injections made in the midcheek must be performed with
caution to avoid the infraorbital artery.  (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 140: 540e, 2017.)

his second part of a three-part series require specific training and experience because
describes techniques in the midface with a of the risk of blindness and necrosis with inadver-
focus on alert areas. Table 1 illustrates the tent injection into the angular and dorsal nasal
recommended needles by product. The midface arteries.
is the most important supporting area for both
the upper and lower face. In this area, the use
of fillers is much more important than the use
of a neuromodulator. Recommended Allergan AREA AND CHEEKS
plc (Dublin, Ireland) portfolio products and vol- The midface contains important hallmarks
umes/doses are listed in Table 2. Other filler and of facial beauty and a youthful appearance; spe-
neuromodulator options are available and can be cifically, the malar projection and full cheeks.1
used in the treatment areas described; good results
are dependent as much on injector technique as Disclosure: Dr. de Maio is an Allergan plc consul-
on the product used. We provide detail specific to tant for speaking events and marketing strategy. Dr.
Allergan products because of our extensive expe- DeBoulle is an Allergan plc consultant for speaking
rience with these products in clinical practice. events and marketing strategy. Dr. Braz is an Aller-
Treatment of the lateral cheek may indirectly gan plc, Galderma, Merz, Loreal, La Roche Posay,
improve the tear trough, nasolabial fold, upper Palomar, Skinceuticals, and Vichy consultant. Dr.
lip oral commissure, marionette lines, and jaw- Rohrich receives instrument royalties from Eriem Sur-
line, and also provide support for the eyebrow. gical, Inc., and book royalties from Thieme Medical
Injections into the midcheek should be handled Publishing. No funding was received for this article.
with caution because of the presence of the infra-
orbital artery. Injections in and near the nose
Supplemental digital content is available for
From the Clinica Dr. Maurício de Maio; the Aalst Derma- this article. Direct URL citations appear in the
tology Clinic, private practice; and the University of Texas text; simply type the URL address into any Web
Southwestern Medical Center. browser to access this content. Clickable links
Received for publication April 13, 2016; accepted February to the material are provided in the HTML text
21, 2017. of this article on the Journal’s website (www.
Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000003716

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 4 • Injection Guide for Midface

Table 1.  Recommended Needle Sizes for Delivery of the depression is seen in the medial aspects of this
Injectable Fillers and OnabotulinumtoxinA area, but with continued aging, volume loss may
Product Needle Size
become evident laterally. Volume loss is seen in
the cheek area, with cheek wrinkling facilitated
Injectable fillers
 Ultra 30-gauge, ½-inch (13 mm)
by dermal atrophy and lack of fat pads.1,4 The
 Ultra Plus 27-gauge, ½-inch (13 mm) convex contour of the upper cheek region may
 Volbella 30-gauge, ½-inch (13 mm) flatten or become concave with age.5 A 2- to 3-cm
 Volift 30-gauge, ½-inch (13 mm) depression extending inferolaterally from the eye-
 Voluma 27-gauge, ½-inch (13 mm)
OnabotulinumtoxinA 30-gauge, ½-inch (13 mm) lid, known by various names including the naso-
jugal groove, tear trough, or lid-cheek junction,
may be evident.4 The loss of midfacial cheek sup-
The youthful midface exhibits a smooth convex- port contributes to deep nasolabial folds and may
ity from the lower eyelid down to the nasolabial lead to a skeletonized appearance of the cheek-
fold and buccal region. The junction between bones.1,2 Midfacial fat redistribution occurs with
the lower eyelid and cheek should be smooth and aging, including accumulation of anterior and
short. inferior cheek fat and loss of lateral and superior
fat.1 These changes cause a depression in the sub-
malar area, which is an inverted triangular area
AGING OF THE PERIORBITAL AREA limited superiorly by the zygomatic prominence,
AND CHEEKS medially by the nasolabial fold, and laterally by
The first signs of aging are noticed around the the masseter muscle.1 The loss of lateral cheek fat
eye region, with excess skin and eye bags.2 With with aging may lead to volume depletion in the
aging, fat redistribution, skin laxity, and connective preauricular area.1
tissue weakness affect transitions from the perior-
bital area to the cheek.3 Eye bags result from lax-
ity in the orbital septum and pseudoherniation of ASSESSMENT OF THE PERIORBITAL
orbital fat.3 With aging, a depression or concavity AREA AND CHEEKS
may develop at the junction of the thin eyelid skin Midfacial assessment should be made at rest
above and the thicker nasal and cheek skin below, and during animation (i.e., while smiling).6 Assess
which is associated with a reduction in subcutane- the skin surface contour and shadowing, and
ous tissue overlying the maxillary bone.1 Initially, assess the presence of dermal and fat pad atrophy,

Table 2.  Recommended Allergan plc Portfolio Product and Volume/Dose for Individual Areas
Region Product Volume/Dose Range
Hyaluronic acid filler
 Lateral cheek Voluma 0.1–0.3 ml per site; total, 0.3–05 ml per side
 Anterior cheek Voluma ≤0.3 ml per site; total, 0.5 ml per side
 Medial cheek Voluma ≤0.3 ml per site
 Lid-cheek junction Volbella ≤0.1 ml per site; total, 0.6 ml per side
Ultra ≤0.05 ml per site; total, 0.5 ml per side
 Submalar area Volift ≤0.25 ml per site; total, ≤1.0 ml per side
Ultra Plus
 Preauricular area Voluma 0.1–0.2 ml per site; total, ≤1.0 ml per side
Ultra Plus
 Frontonasal angle Ultra Plus 0.1–0.2 ml per site; for Asians, 0.2–0.3 ml per site
 Dorsum Ultra Plus 0.1–0.2 ml per site; for Asians, 0.2–0.3 ml per site
 Cartilaginous dorsum Ultra Plus 0.1–0.2 ml per site
 Nasolabial angle Ultra Plus 0.1–0.3 ml
 Columella Ultra Plus 0.1–0.2 ml
 Bunny lines OnabotulinumtoxinA 2.0 U per site; total dose, 4.0–6.0 U
 Elevation of the nasal tip OnabotulinumtoxinA 2.0–4.0 U
Please note the differing occurrences of the terms “side” and “site” in the Volume/Dose Range column.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2017

increased dynamic and static lines, loss of malar anatomy. For each site, aspiration is necessary
projection, and loss of bone volume and struc- before injection. Massage after the injection to
ture.1,6 Identify the point of maximal projection of distribute the filler evenly.
the cheekbone; the ideal location is 10 mm lateral In the lateral cheek, Voluma is administered
and 15 mm inferior to the lateral canthus.1 by means of a supraperiosteal small-bolus injec-
tion. If up to 0.5 ml per side of Voluma is needed,
treatment should be divided into two bolus injec-
tions. Injectors should be alert to avoid the zygo-
AREA AND CHEEKS matic facial vessels and nerves (Fig. 1, right), and
The infraorbital artery originates from the they should use a finger to avoid upper and lower
infraorbital foramen [6 to 8 mm inferiorly to the displacement of the filler into the temporal area.
arcus marginalis (orbital rim)], runs through the [See Figure, Supplemental Digital Content 1,
infraorbital foramen, and emerges onto the face, which shows injection technique for upper cheek.
where it supplies the lower eyelid, lateral nose, Injections must be below the orbital rim in the
and upper lip.6 It branches into the anterior supe- anterior and medial cheek (left). Inject by perios-
rior alveolar artery that supplies the anterior teeth teal small-bolus injection at the lateral cheek and
and maxillary sinus, and terminates in anastomo- anterior cheek (right). Inject slowly at each site.
ses with the transverse facial, angular, and buccal Use fingers to avoid inadvertent displacement of
arteries and branches of the ophthalmic and facial filler to the temporal area during treatment of the
arteries. The fat pads in the midface include the lateral cheek, and to the lower eyelid during treat-
deep infraorbital fat pad and the medial and lat- ment of the anterior cheek. Aspiration before
eral suborbicularis fat pads.7 Volumizers are used injection is mandatory at each site, http://links.
to address loss in these fat pads.] Inject slowly, and exercise
care to avoid scratching the periosteum.
FILLER INJECTION TECHNIQUE FOR In the anterior cheek, Voluma may be admin-
INDICATIONS IN THE PERIORBITAL istered by means of a deep subcutaneous small-
AREA AND CHEEKS bolus injection or, alternatively, by means of a
supraperiosteal small-bolus injection. The latter
Upper Cheek should be considered when there is a lack of bone
Volume replacement in the upper cheek can projection. If more than 0.3 ml per site is required,
be achieved with Voluma. There are three poten- it should be divided into small-bolus injections.
tial injection sites: lateral cheek, anterior cheek, Injectors should be alert to avoid the infraorbital
and medial cheek (Fig. 1, left). Voluma should artery and vein, and they should ensure that injec-
be administered at these sites as needed, paying tions are made below the orbital rim (arcus mar-
particular attention to ethnic differences in bony ginalis). Inject slowly and use a finger to avoid

Fig. 1. Volume replacement in the upper cheek using Voluma. Potential injection sites in the upper cheek: lateral cheek
(designated by site 1), anterior cheek (site 2), and medial cheek (site 3) (left). Areas of caution: avoid zygomatic facial
vessels and nerves in the lateral cheek, infraorbital artery and vein in the anterior cheek, and angular and infraorbital
arteries and veins in the medial cheek (right). a., artery; v., vein.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 4 • Injection Guide for Midface

displacement to the lower eyelid. After treatment, 27-gauge blunt microcannulae may avoid bruising
the cheek volume should be natural at rest and and embolization.
with animation. Do not overvolumize to erase Avoid the orbit by performing injections 1 to
nasolabial folds, as these can be treated directly. 2 mm below the orbital rim. For the first injection,
For treatment of the medial cheek, Voluma have the patient close their eyes for protection.
can be injected through a supraperiosteal or deep Aspirate before injection, and inject slowly. Move
subcutaneous small-bolus injection. Make sure to the second injection and then the third injec-
that the infraorbital foramen is marked correctly. tion. [See Figure, Supplemental Digital Content
Voluma should be injected lateral to the midpupil- 2, which shows injection technique for volume
lary line by means of a supraperiosteal small bolus replacement along the lid-cheek junction. For the
in either case. Avoid the angular and infraorbital first injection (left), have the patient close their
arteries and veins, and ensure that injections are eyes for protection, aspirate before injection, and
made below the orbital rim. Inject very slowly, and inject slowly. For the second (center) and third
use the middle and index fingers to protect the (right) injections in each region, stay deep along
eye and the infraorbital foramen. The use of a the inferior orbital rim, aspirate before injection,
25-gauge blunt microcannula rather than a nee- and inject slowly. Massage after each injection and
dle is recommended if Voluma is injected medial avoid overcorrection,
to the midpupillary line and close to the nose. It is C363.] Again, aspirate before injection, and inject
important to recognize that this is an area of risk slowly. Massage after each injection to distribute
for severe vascular damage; therefore, we empha- the product evenly, and avoid overcorrection.8
size that use of a needle is not recommended. Injectors should be alert to avoid the infraorbital
nerve, artery, and vein at site 1 and the angular
Lid-Cheek Junction artery and vein during injection at site 3. Optimal
Volume replacement in the medial and lateral correction can be delivered when using Volbella.
lid-cheek junction may be achieved using either However, when using Ultra, partial correction
Volbella or Ultra. Both products are delivered by down to 50 percent is recommended to avoid
means of very small supraperiosteal bolus injec- development of late edema following treatment
tions at two to three sites in the medial lid-cheek because of its greater hydrophilicity.
junction and/or two to three sites in the lateral
lid-cheek junction (Fig. 2, left). Injections at the Submalar Area
lid-cheek junction should be attempted only by Volume replacement in the submalar area can
experienced injectors.8 This area is at high risk of be achieved with Volift, Ultra Plus, or Voluma.
bruising, and the injections carry significant risk Two different techniques are recommended. With
of persistent eyelid edema, embolization, asym- both, injectors need to be alert to avoid the facial
metry, lumps, and double vision (see areas to artery and vein and the parotid duct, and to be
avoid in Fig. 2, right).9 Alternatively, use of 25- or careful near the buccal branches of the facial

Fig. 2. Volume replacement along the lid-cheek junction using Volbella or Ultra. Injections are made at three main loca-
tions (two injections per location; up to six total aliquots) (left). Areas of caution: avoid the orbit by making injections 1
to 2 mm below the orbital rim (right). a., artery; v., vein.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2017

nerve. With the first technique, a small bolus of injections. With the second technique, it is impor-
filler is administered at four sites per side by means tant to promote even distribution of the product
of subcutaneous injection (Fig. 3, above, left). Volift during injections. An intraoral massage should be
or Ultra Plus is recommended for use in minor used to distribute product evenly. When Voluma is
submalar volume replacement, and Voluma is rec- injected by the second technique, the skin surface
ommended in cases of severe volume loss. With should also be massaged,
the second technique, the filler is administered by C364.) Injections of Volift or Ultra Plus should be
means of a superficial subcutaneous injection at a more superficial than those with Voluma. With the
single medial site in the submalar area using a fan- latter, overinjection may lead to an undesirable
ning technique (Fig. 3, above, right). The needle is bulge. Apply intraoral massage to distribute prod-
inserted through a single insertion point and piv- uct evenly for both techniques. Promote even dis-
oted to create a series of linear tunnels in a fanlike tribution of product during the injection. Proceed
pattern. The submalar area is prone to bruising. from lateral to medial when pivoting the needle.
To avoid injecting into deep vessels and nerves For safety reasons, the use of blunt microcannulae
(Fig. 3, below), pinch the skin, aspirate before injec- is advisable when treating the submalar area.
tion, and inject slowly. (See Figure, Supplemental
Digital Content 3, which shows injection technique Preauricular Area
for volume replacement in the submalar area. Volume replacement in this lateral cheek area
Both techniques require pinching the skin dur- may be achieved with Voluma, Volift, or Ultra Plus.
ing injection, aspiration before injection, and slow Superficial subcutaneous small-bolus injections

Fig. 3. Volume replacement in the submalar area using Volift, Ultra Plus, or Voluma. Two techniques may be used: small-
bolus, deep subcutaneous injections at four sites per side (above, left) or a superficial subcutaneous injection at one site
using a fanning technique (above, right). Areas of caution: avoid the facial artery and vein; avoid the parotid duct; and be
careful near the buccal branches of the facial nerve (below). a., artery; v., vein.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 4 • Injection Guide for Midface

are delivered at three to five sites on each side reshaping the nose and midface area, address-
(Fig. 4, left). Injectors should be alert to avoid the ing both the loss of volume and structure and the
parotid gland and the transverse facial artery and wrinkles that develop with aging.12
vein; therefore, subcutaneous injection is man-
datory (Fig. 4, right). Aspirate before injection,
insert the needle in a superficial subcutaneous
plane angled upward, and inject slowly. (See Fig- Aging may alter the shape of the nose. Changes
ure, Supplemental Digital Content 4, which shows include a drooping of the nasal tip, increasing
injection technique for volume replacement in prominence of the dorsal hump, and a decrease in
the preauricular area. Aspirate before injection, the width of the body and cartilaginous dorsum.6
and deliver a superficial subcutaneous small-bolus With the relative shortening of the lower third of
injection. Inject slowly, and massage robustly after the face combined with a relative elongation of
injection with Voluma, the nose, there is the appearance of a drooping
tip and accentuated dorsal convexity.6,13
C366.) This area is prone to irregularity if large
volumes of filler are injected per site. If large vol-
umes are required, inject a small bolus and mas- ASSESSMENT OF THE NOSE
sage, and repeat until full correction is obtained. The frontal assessment should include evalu-
Some defects may be difficult to correct because ation of the straightness and symmetry of the
of parotid fascia attachments. Robust massage nose and whether any deviations are present, the
after injection is recommended. In patients with width of the bony and cartilaginous dorsum, the
a skeletonized facial appearance, the use of Volift width of the nasal tip, and the visibility of the colu-
with a blunt cannula is recommended. mella.1 On a side profile, measure the frontonasal
angle, nasolabial angle, and height of the nose,
AESTHETICS OF THE NOSE and assess for irregularities on the dorsum and for
the presence of a supratip break.1 Avoid treating
The nose is an important landmark in facial patients with prior nasal surgery, as they may have
beauty; even slight modifications may produce increased potential for adverse events.
dramatic changes in appearance.6,10 The nasola-
bial angle should be 95 to 100 degrees in women
and approximately 90 to 95 degrees in men.6 ANATOMY OF THE NOSE
Asians typically have a shorter, wider, and less pro- The blood supply derives from the facial
jecting nose compared with Caucasians.11 How- artery; important branches are the lateral and
ever, among Asians, a good dorsum height, narrow dorsal nasal arteries. The dorsal nasal artery anas-
alar base, and tip projection are considered pref- tomoses with the supratrochlear artery; this anas-
erable.11 The use of fillers and neuromodulators tomosis is a point of high risk that can lead to
in combination offers a minimal approach for serious complications such as blindness.1,6 Filler

Fig. 4. Volume replacement in the preauricular area can be delivered with Voluma, Volift, or Ultra Plus. Injections are
made at three to five sites in the lateral cheek region (left). Areas of caution: avoid the parotid gland and the transverse
facial artery and vein (right). a., artery; v., vein.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2017

or neurotoxin injections in the nose for postrhi- Dorsum

noplasty deformities may dramatically increase Injection of filler in the dorsum is appropriate
the risk of complications. These deformities for reshaping when the nose tip is adequate but
should be addressed only by experienced injec- the frontonasal angle and dorsum are low.1 Filling
tors or, preferably, by the surgeon who performed the bony dorsum and cartilaginous dorsum may be
the original surgery. achieved with Ultra Plus or Voluma. For the bony
dorsum, one supraperiosteal injection is delivered
FILLER INJECTION TECHNIQUE FOR by a linear retrograde technique or as a small bolus
INDICATIONS IN THE NOSE (Fig. 6, left). Injectors should be alert to avoid the
dorsal nasal artery and vein (Fig. 6, right). In Asian
Frontonasal Angle patients (and in Caucasians with a drooping nasal
Filling the frontonasal angle to reduce the con- tip), consideration should be given to injecting
cavity of the dorsum may make the nose appear the columella and anterior spine before injecting
smaller. This procedure is particularly suited for the dorsum. The injection and precautions for
patients whose frontonasal angle is too deep.1 Fill- administering filler in the bony dorsum are iden-
ing the frontonasal angle may be achieved with tical to those described above for the frontonasal
Ultra Plus or Voluma using a single supraperios- angle. (See Figure, Supplemental Digital Content
teal small-bolus injection (Fig. 5, left). Injectors 6, which shows injection technique for filling the
should be alert to the presence of anastomosis bony dorsum. Pinch the skin during the injection,
of periorbital vessels in the subcutaneous plane aspirate before injection, and inject very slowly
(Fig. 5, right). Pinch the skin around the injection with low pressure, staying deep and in the mid-
site and keep your fingers in place to avoid lateral line,
displacement of the filler, touch the bone, aspirate For the cartilaginous dorsum, a single injec-
before injection, and inject deep and very slowly tion of Ultra Plus or Voluma is delivered above
with low pressure, maintaining the needle in the the cartilage using a linear retrograde technique
midline. (See Figure, Supplemental Digital Con- (Fig. 7, left and center). The volume range depends
tent 5, which shows injection technique for fill- on the severity of the defect. Aspiration is manda-
ing the frontonasal angle. Pinch the skin during tory before injection. Injectors should be alert to
the injection, aspirate before injection, and inject avoid the dorsal and external nasal arteries, the
very slowly with low pressure, staying deep and in external nasal nerve, and the lateral nasal artery
the midline, Mas- in the alar groove (Fig. 7, right). Again, the injec-
sage softly after the injection to evenly distribute tion and precautions for administering filler in
the filler. Pain is not common with this injection.1 the cartilaginous dorsum are the same as those for
If there is a change in skin color or severe pain, the frontonasal angle and bony dorsum. (See Fig-
stop the injection immediately. ure, Supplemental Digital Content 7, which shows

Fig. 5. Filling the frontonasal angle with Ultra Plus or Voluma. Injections are made by means of a supraperiosteal small-
bolus injection at one site (left). Area of high caution: presence of anastomosis of periorbital vessels in the subcutaneous
plane (right). a., artery; v., vein.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 4 • Injection Guide for Midface

Fig. 6. Filling the bony dorsum with Ultra Plus or Voluma. A supraperiosteal injection is made by means of linear retro-
grade technique or as a small bolus (left). Area of caution: avoid the dorsal nasal artery and vein (right). a., artery; v., vein.

Fig. 7. Filling the cartilaginous dorsum with Ultra Plus or Voluma. A supracartilaginous
injection is made by means of a linear retrograde technique (left). Area of caution: avoid
the dorsal and external nasal arteries, external nasal nerve, and lateral nasal artery in the
alar groove (right).

injection technique for filling the cartilaginous injection is given at one site (Fig. 8). Injectors
dorsum. Pinch the skin during the injection, aspi- should be alert to avoid injecting filler into the
rate before injection, and inject very slowly with low cartilage of the anterior septum or into the colu-
pressure, staying deep and in the midline, http:// mellar branches of the superior labial artery and In addition, care should vein. Pinch the skin around the injection site and
be exercised to avoid supratip deformation caused keep your fingers in place to avoid lateral dis-
by excessive filling of the cartilaginous dorsum. placement of the filler, aspirate before injection,
and inject very slowly with low pressure, main-
Nasolabial Angle taining the needle in the midline. (See Figure,
Increasing the nasolabial angle may be Supplemental Digital Content 8, which shows
achieved by injecting Ultra Plus or Voluma into injection technique for increasing the nasola-
the anterior nasal spine.1 A supraperiosteal bolus bial angle. Pinch the skin during the injection,

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2017

Enhancing the columella height is performed
in cases where the nostrils are flat or the columella
is retracted.1 In treating the columella, Ultra Plus
or Voluma may be used. An injection is given at
one site in the anterior cartilaginous septum using
a linear retrograde technique or as a small bolus
(Fig. 9). Injectors should be alert to avoid injecting
directly into the tip of the nose and to avoid the
columellar branches of the superior labial vessels.
As with the other injections of filler in the nose,
pinch the skin during injection, aspirate before
injection, and inject very slowly with low pressure.
(See Figure, Supplemental Digital Content 9, which
shows injection technique for increasing the colu-
mella height. Pinch the skin during the injection,
aspirate before injection, and inject very slowly
Fig. 8. Increasing the nasolabial angle with Ultra Plus or Voluma. with low pressure, staying deep and in the midline,
A supraperiosteal bolus injection is given into the anterior naso- Stay deep and
labial spine. Area of caution: avoid injecting in the cartilage of maintain the needle in the midline. Avoid lateral
the anterior septum, and avoid the columellar branches of the displacement and avoid widening the columella.
superior labial vessels. Inject into the space behind the columella itself,
but in front of the anterior septum. Massage softly
after the injection. Stop the injection immediately
aspirate before injection, and inject very slowly for skin color change or severe pain.
with low pressure, staying deep and in the mid- Injections into the nose should be attempted
line, Pay atten- only by experienced injectors because of the high
tion to the injection volume to avoid elongation risk of necrosis and blindness. For Asians with very
of the upper lip. Massage softly after the injec- flat noses, the use of a blunt microcannula is advis-
tion. Stop the injection immediately if there is a able. However, even with this precaution, the above-
change in skin color or severe pain. mentioned complications may occur. Proper training
and gentle technique are highly recommended.

Bunny Lines
Bunny lines may appear during facial ani-
mation, such as smiling, laughing, frowning, or
speaking. In addition, they may appear in some
patients after treatment of glabellar or crow’s
feet lines with neurotoxins if the nasalis muscle
is not also blocked.6 Bunny lines develop from
contraction of the transverse fibers of the nasalis
muscle on the dorsum.6 Contraction of the pro-
cerus muscle lowers the medial aspect of the eye-
brow and can also contribute to horizontal lines
in this area. Treatment of bunny lines is made
Fig. 9. Increasing the columella height with Ultra Plus or Voluma. at two lateral injection sites, one on each side
An injection is given in the anterior cartilaginous septum using a of the nose (Fig. 10). In some patients, a third
linear retrograde technique or as a small bolus. Area of caution: medial site is also treated. Insert the needle to
avoid injecting directly into the tip of the nose, and avoid the one-third of its depth and inject onabotulinum-
columellar branches of the superior labial vessels. toxinA into the transverse part of the nasalis

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 4 • Injection Guide for Midface

Fig. 10. Treatment of bunny lines with onabotulinumtoxinA. Fig. 11. Elevation of the nasal tip with onabotulinumtoxinA. An
Injections are made at two lateral sites, one on each side of the injection is made at a medial site at the columella base. X indicates
nose and optionally at a medial site. Asterisks indicate depth of that depth of injections should be one-half the needle depth.
injections, which should be one-third the needle depth.

complete elevation of the nasal tip may not be

muscle. (See Figure, Supplemental Digital Con- fully achieved with this technique.
tent 10, which shows injection technique for
bunny lines. Insert the upper one-third of the
needle into the transverse part of the nasalis
muscle, Avoid Injectable fillers are much more important
far lateral injections because of the risk of lip than neuromodulators in the midface, where they
ptosis caused by compromise of the levator labii are used to correct volume loss and provide struc-
superioris alaeque nasi muscle. tural support. Injections in the midface need to be
performed carefully to avoid displacement of filler
Elevation of the Nasal Tip beyond the area to be treated. Specifically, injections
into the midcheek region need to be performed
The tip of the nose is drawn downward by
with caution to avoid the infraorbital artery. In addi-
contraction of the depressor septi nasi muscle
tion, injections near the nose require specific train-
during smiling.6 The nasal tip may also droop
ing and experience because of the risk of serious
at rest as a result of aging.6 Treatment with ona-
complications, including blindness and necrosis.
botulinumtoxinA elevates the nasal tip at rest
and prevents it from drooping during smiling. Maurício de Maio, M.D.
This is achieved by a transcutaneous medial injec- Clinica Dr. Maurício de Maio
tion at the columella base (Fig. 11). Insert the Avenida Ibirapuera, 2907 cj 1202
Moema EP 04029200
needle to one-half of its depth and inject ona- São Paulo, Brazil
botulinumtoxinA into the depressor septi nasi
muscle. (See Figure, Supplemental Digital Con-
tent Figure 11, which shows injection technique
for elevation of the nasal tip. Insert the needle to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
one-half of its depth into the depressor septi nasi This article was sponsored through an educational
muscle, Avoid grant from Allergan plc (Dublin, Ireland). Medical writ-
injecting in patients who have a very long upper ing assistance was provided by Barry Weichman, Ph.D.,
lip. Sensitive patients may benefit from a topical of Peloton Advantage (Parsippany, N.J.) and funded by
anesthetic in this area. In certain cases such as Allergan plc. No honoraria or other forms of payment
volume loss in the maxillary complex with aging, were made for authorship.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2017

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