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Princess Marie L.

Dalupere July 5, 2017

Grade 11- De Acosta

The readings talk about how Jesus speaks to the need to put the Lord first in our
lives. We are called to open our hearts to the Lord with room for the Holy Spirit to
remain. We are to love God first, and through that love all other relationships will come
into proper alignment. Also, the readings clearly emphasize hospitality to other people.
As I listened to the homily of the priest, I questioned myself and reflected. Did I
put God in the center of my life? Have I lived my life in accordance to His will? Am I
being hospitable to others? To answer the first question I can probably say yes
especially now that I am serving the Church and most importantly Him by being an altar
server. I believe that it is not yet enough but I can say it’s a start towards a deeper and
stronger bond with Him.
I realized that ever since I started becoming an altar server, I always try my best
to serve Him during the Holy Mass every Sunday despite the responsibilities of being a
student and a granddaughter at home as well. I felt like I have developed my faith in
Him and felt closer to Him which I never felt when I was a little younger. Sure, I go to
Church, I pray often and the like, but it’s different now. I can’t tell exactly what it is but
I’m pretty sure there’s something has changed in my spiritual being.
On the other hand, when we talk about hospitality, it is defined as friendly
treatment to others or the act of providing other people food, drink, etc. In the gospel,
Jesus talks about giving back to those who do good to his followers. This means that
whatever we do to those who follow Jesus we will receive a hundredfold. He wants us to
do good deeds to those who are in need: to the poor loitering in the streets, beggars
asking for alms, to a relative who asks for help, the oppressed and many others.
Lastly, when we truly prepare a room for the Lord in our hearts, we will die to sin
in order to live in Christ as what the second reading speaks about. We must trust in Him
to live in our hearts so that He can bring us to eternal life. He will know what we truly
desire-unending love and happiness- without us having to ask for it. And by achieving
these, we must keep in mind that we do good not because we want something in return
someday but for the simple reason that we want to obey Jesus.

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