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Will y Jaden Smith


- Daniel Alva

- Christian Limo

- Renzo Vargas

Interviewer: Hi Will, how are you?

Will Smith: good thanks, happy to come with my son Jaden

Jaden: Hi XXX nice to see you

Interviewer: Can you tell me what your first job together was?

Will Smith: Our first work together was in the movie "The pursuit of happiness"

Interviewer: Jaden, How old were you when you did that movie?

Jaden: I was 7 years old.

Interviewer: It seems that you both have a passion for music, do you think you

could work together on a video clip?

Will Smith: Not really, we haven't done that before. He is currently studying and

I work abroad. He is a very good rapper, and thank you, I appreciate the

question but no, maybe one day.

Interviewer: tell me about your new movie together After Earth

Will Smith: is a movie based on a thousand years in the future, it has wonderful

action and special effects, where a father and son try to survive.
Jaden: my dad is great, we had a lot of fun shooting the movie

Interviewer: Jaden, Does your father teach you tricks to act better? Do you think

he is the best?

Jaden: for me he is the best, he teaches me a lot and I think he knows


Interviewer: What’s your routine on weekdays?

Will Smith: I get up at six o’clock, do my exercise routine, then I take a shower

and go to work, I like to come back home at noon to have lunch with my family.

In the afternoon, I usually go to give interviews and take time to be with my

fans. At night, I like to have dinner with my family and talk about our day.

Interviewer: And what can you tell us, Jaden?

Jaden: I like to train a little in the morning. Lately, I have been practicing surf

with my sister Willow. During the day I’m used to hang out with my friends or

work on my music. Sometimes I spent all afternoon on the studio we have at

home. I also like playing some videogames or posting photos or videos on my

Instagram account.

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