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Most Essential Learning Competencies Webinar Series

Horizontal Integration of Subject Area Competencies

Last May 26, 2020, there was a seminar conducted from Webinar Group that can help us
teachers expand our knowledge. Tuesday afternoon the seminar was assign to me is all about
Horizontal Integration Competencies the speaker of the topic was Mr. Joseph Andagan .During
the seminar Mr. Andagan explained first what is Integration- it means that it is the combine or
combination of every subject area that involves different skills with one theme. The main point is
it divides into 3 which is the problem, Concern, and the real world Situation. Which means the
teachers and students work together to select specific interest to them and together plan how,
when, where, and why they need to pursue it.

Horizontal Integration also help the learner explore knowledge through their
environment. The big question is why they just say so that learner explore knowledge through
environment? Because as mention in the talk horizontal integration characterize as student
directed to real world application, there was a Philosopher of Education once said Learning is by
doing learners do it by their selves with the facilitation and guidance of the parents as well as the
teacher. Next one id Research Based the learners have the quiry but they must solve the problem
by their own its just like problem solving set up that will practice their Higher Order Thinking
Skills. Last is Social Skills, they can build harmonious relationship within family members
through communication because learner will be needed the guidance of the parents mos
especially if it will be a long distance learning. The key points should always remember about
Horizontal Integration Learning it is an Experimental Learning because student can see the
relationship among ideas and concepts as they plan and experience by their own.

‘ The Individual is Most Important’

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