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Organizational Behavior

Salido, Maurren F. July 6, 2020

Section 1

Teamwork at IDEO

1. Groups can be either homogenous which can be functional team since they are the same
or heterogenous which can be cross-functional because of the difference. IDEO used
teamwork to innovate its products because the heterogeneous group increases creativity
when the tasks are more complicated. The effort that they will exert is collective and will
able to increase creativity since they use their differences to create something new. It is
because teamwork requires brainstorming, they will be able to meet in the middle despite
their differences. This will also serve as an advantage since they differ, they will have
different ideas which are contributed to make the new products.

2. The philosophy that was instilled in the corporation of IDEO is teamwork. They believe
that teamwork is the key to innovation since when tasks are done by a team
brainstorming will occur. It is because each individual has different behavior, culture,
ideas, skills, etc. And when they are combined there will be group diversity. Since there
is group diversity, they will be able to widen their perspective in creating their products.
By practicing camaraderie each one of them will share their ideas and thoughts based on
their skills, culture, etc. This will result in innovation for the company much easier.

3. The characteristics I would look for staffs in the project team are the following.
 Imaginative: having a vast imagination is needed as they visualize the new
 Dependable: as a member of the team one must be dependable since they will help
each other. 
 Flexibility: this is needed as they interact with the team members they need to
adjust with their differences. 
 Loyalty: cohesiveness is important to keep the team intact and increase their
productivity because they are satisfied with their work. 
 Work ethic: this is important because being part of a team, this must be strictly
implemented to avoid conflict. 

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