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Salido, Maurren F. July 14, 2020

Section 1

Maine Media Workshops–Building a Contingent Workforce

1. Workers on media workshops do not receive a consistent salary because it is often based
on how many students they have or how many can they accommodate. Therefore the
main conflict that the Maine Media Workshops is the commitment of their employees.
During chapter four we discussed three types of commitment it can be an affective
commitment that is about the emotional attachment of the employee, normative
commitment when he or she is obliged to stay, and lastly is the continuance commitment
because one cannot take the risk of leaving. In the case of Maine's is employees often
choose professional works because they are paid ten times more than they would receive
in the workshop. 

2. The sources of conflict that are a hindrance to the recruitment stage are the following.
The first is the structural conflict where the conflict came from the features of the
organization and since their salary is not consistent they tend to reject the job. It can also
be values of conflict because the belief system of an individual does not match with the
belief of the organization. Maybe the person is not willing to give up a practical job to his
or her passion. Task conflict can also be a source of pf conflict during the employment
stage. This is because the task he or she was given does not satisfy her expectations and
his or her needs. 

3. The staffing of the workshop is a huge problem because not all individual is willing to
give up their professional work and do their passion for teaching and enhancing talents. It
is understandable because we all need to survive daily. But the workshop must also
conquer this so that they will be able to improve their workshop. They aim to double the
hiring for the workshop. One way is they are adding more programs to attract new
employees as well as customers. They are also conducting research about what is best for
the organization. In this way, they will know where they lack and what they can do about

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