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NAME: __Kristian Karl B. Kiw-is______________________________________________

I. Choose the most appropriate research design for the following studies. Write the letter of your choice beside the number in
CAPITAL letters only.
A. Descriptive
B. Correlational
C. Experimental
C 1. What is the effect of timing of the initial bath on the temperature of the newborns?
A 2. What are the most common problems and concerns of nursing students in the operating rooms where they are assigned?
A 3. What are the characteristics of women who experienced post-traumatic syndrome?
B 4. What is the relationship between the general weighted average (GWA) in the NCM subjects and GWA in the nurse’s
licensure exam?
B 5. How effective is guided imagery in the long term abstinence among adult smokers?
C 6. What are the sources of stress among ER and OR nurses?
B 7. What is the relationship between perceived social support and level of stress of spouse caregivers?
A 8. Knowledge about NCov and compliance to the preventive measures employed 
A 9. Extent of knowledge about novel corona virus respiratory distress syndrome 

A.  Indicate the types of research (Quantitative or Qualitative) and specify what specific type of research under that 2 basic

1. Qualitative basic research The child birth practices of Aetas.

2. Qualitative basic research Embracing the Journey: Living with a partner with Impotence
3. Quantitative applied research Most Commonly used Herbal Remedies in Barangay Irisan
4. Qualitative applied research The construction of a Valid and Reliable Assessment Tool
5. Quantitative basic research The Experience of pre-menstrual menopause in women in early stage breast cancer.
6. Quantitative basic research Lived experience of Filipino Nurses working as caregivers in United Kingdom
7. Quantitative applied research A research study comparing the differences in self-esteem of battered men and non-
battered men
8. Quantitative basic research The relationship between grades in RLE and lectures among 4 year nursing students

9. Qualitative applied research Nurses and unions: evolution of Filipino Nurse’s perception towards unionism

B. The following terms and concepts are associated either with Quantitative (QN) or Qualitative (QL) research. Write QN
or QL on the space provided before the number.
QN___1. Deductive reasoning
QL___2. Naturalistic paradigm
QN____3. Subjective approach
QL____4. Cause-effect relationship
QL____5. Logical positivism
QL____6. Ethnography
QL____7. Phenomenology
QN____8. Experimental studies
QL____9. Holistic
QL____10. Grounded theory
QL____11. Theory Development
QN____12. Deductive Reasoning
QN____13. Field Testing
QN____14. Numerical Data
QL____15. Structured Interview
QL___16. In-depth Interview
QL___17. Requires few respondents
QN____18.Focus Groups

1. “relationship of social support and academic performance of nursing students of a selected college of nursing”, from this
research title:
1. Identify its relevance to the nursing education and nursing practice
- The relevance of the relationship of social support and academic performance of nursing students of a selected college of
nursing, it helps the nursing students to understand more regarding on the relationship of social support and academic
performance and to learn more about the social support and academic performance of nursing students and the it can also
enhance the skills and high level of functioning of the nursing practices in dealing with the social support and academic
2. Identify its specific purpose as  a research study
This study aims to analyze the relationship of social support and academic performances of nursing students of a selected college of
To understand the relationship of academic performance and social support of nursing students considering the number of
supporters and the satisfaction with them.
3. Identify its category or classification in research
Quantitative Research


Basic Research

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