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Rekayasa Proses Pangan

(Food Engineering)

Junaedi Muhidong
Kuliah ke-3


Evaporasi umum digunakan untuk menurunkan kandungan air

dari suatu bahan pangan berbentuk cairan (liquid foods).
Diagram Perubahan Phase Air
Tekanan pd Permukaan Laut
 101.325 kPa (kilo-pascal)
 1 atm
 760 mm Hg
 760 torr
 14.7 psi (lb/in2)
Feel the Pressure
• 120 lb woman putting all her weight on 2 in2
of heals.
– Pressure = 120 lb/2 in2 = 60 lb/in2.
– Is that a lot?
• Comparison: 1 atm = 14.7 lb/in2. Thus of heals is
approximately 4 atm.
• This is the pressure you would feel at a depth of
approximately 133 ft of water.
Batch Type Pan Natural Circulation
Evaporator Evaporator
Single and Multiple-Effect Evaporator
Single Effect
Perubahan diketahui dengan
mengukur kalor (q) dan kerja
(w), yang akan timbul bila suatu
sistem bereaksi. Perubahan
energi-dalam dirumuskan
dengan persamaan E = q - w.

Entalpi :
di mana:
H = entalpi sistem (joule)
U = energi dalam (joule)
P = tekanan dari sistem (Pa)
V = volume sistem ( m 3
{\displaystyle m^{3}} )
Quantity of steam/kg of water evaporated = 195/167
= 1.17 kg steam/kg water.
Area of heat transfer surface = 1.74 m2

• A single effect evaporator is required

to concentrate a solution from 10%
solids to 30% solids at the rate of 250
kg of feed per hour. If the pressure in
the evaporator is 77 kPa absolute, and
if steam is available at 200 kPa gauge,
calculate the quantity of steam
required per hour and the area of heat
transfer surface if the overall heat
transfer coefficient is 1700 J m-2 s-1 °C-1.
Assume that the temperature of the
feed is 18°C and that the boiling point
of the solution under the pressure of Mf= 250 kg/h
77 kPa absolute is 91°C. Assume, also, Xf=0.10
that the specific heat of the solution is Xp=0.30
the same as for water, that is 4.186 x
103 J kg-1°C-1, and the latent heat of P evaporator=77 kPa (absolut)
vaporization of the solution is the same P steam= 200 kPa (gauge)
as that for water under the same U=1700 J m-2 s-1 °C-1
Mass flow
rate steam
Interpolasi Linear

Tan α = (Y-Y1)/(X-X1)=(Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)

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