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My Philosophy of Education

Quintaveon Noble

My Classroom Environment
(at least 4 sentences)
My classroom enviroment should atleast be quite.
But if the class had a good day they can talk.
And if they had a good week then on friday can be device day.
They also always have to raise there hands and ask questions.

My Ideal Classroom
(at least 4 sentences)
To have respect, and to care for each other.
Almost like a family. Because we technically are a family.
If you or anyone in the class argue you´ll be sent to the principal.

Student/Teacher Relationship
(at least 4 sentences)
If the student is respectful ill give respect back. They must be caring for eachother. A teacher and a
student should never argue. And they should always make sure they see eye to eye.

Motivating My Students
(at least 4 sentences)
If a student does good on a quiz ill give them candy. If a student doesnt do so well then ill give them 2
or 5 more extra credit points to redeem thereself. But if they dont show effort they wont get credit.

My Primary Goal
(at least 4 sentences)
I just want my students to love. Well not all of the ofcourse. Also i want all of my students
To be able to talk to me about anything. And i want them all to succeed.

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