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1.What do you need to go with the flow more on?
What is going with the flow? It’s rolling with the punches. It’s accepting change without getting angry or
frustrated. It’s taking what life gives you, rather than trying to mold life to be exactly as you want it to be.
No matter how hard we try to plan ahead life will always going to throw surprises your way. Whether we are
enjoying with friends or working on college project, there is always the danger of someone or something
interfering and keeping things from going smoothly. A person who knows how to go with the flow can adapt
to any situation and still come out successful.
As asked me to write about going with the flow, so this is my attempt to share some of the things that work
for me. As always, I don’t have any claims to perfection, and I’m learning as I improve, some tips are-
• Realize that you can’t control everything.
• Become aware-You can’t change things in your head if you’re not aware of them. You have to
become an observer of your thoughts, a self-examiner. Be aware that you’re becoming upset, so that
you can do something about it. It helps to keep tally marks in a little notebook for a week — every
time you get upset, put a little tally. That’s all — just keep tally. And soon, because of that little act,
you will become more aware of your anger and frustration.
• Breathe-when you feel yourself getting angry or frustrated, take a deep breath. Take a few. This is
an important step that allows you to calm down and do the rest of the things on this list. Practice this
by itself and you’ll have come a long way already.
• Get perspective.
• Practice- it’s important to realize that, just like when you learn any skill, you probably won’t be
good at this at first. Who is good when they are first learning to write, or read, or drive? No one I
know. Skills come with practice. So, when you first learn to go with the flow, you will mess up. You
will stumble and fall. That’s ok-it’s part of the process. Just keep practicing, and you’ll get the hang
of it.
• Laugh- it helps me to see things as funny, rather than frustrating. If you can learn to laugh at things,
you’ve come a long way. Try to laughing even if you don’t think it’s funny- it will most likely
become funny.
• Keep a journal – this is one of the best uses of a journal actually. Once a day, try to recall what all
your tally marks were for- and then write about those situations. What did you get upset? What did
you try to do? Did it work, and if not, why not? What can you do next time? This kind of recollection
and examination, after the fact, will help you learn from the process.
• Meditate- If you aren’t good at keeping a journal, at least do a daily review in your head. Do some
meditation, or have a bath, or a cup of hot tea, and as you’re de-stressing, go over your day and
examine it. Don’t get frustrated — you’re learning. Do some deep breathing, and then go over each
situation, trying to see it as a detached observer. This kind of review will help you improve in the
learning process.
• Accept change and imperfection. When we get things the way we like them, we usually don’t want
them to change. But they will change. It’s a fact of life. We cannot keep things the way we want
them to be … instead, it’s better to learn to accept things as they are. Accept that the world is
constantly changing, and we are a part of that change. Also, instead of wanting things to be “perfect”
we should accept that they will never be perfect, and we must accept good instead.
• Enjoy life as a flow of change, chaos and beauty. Remember when I asked what “perfect” is, in the
paragraph above? It’s actually a very interesting question. Does perfect mean the ideal life and world
that we have in our heads? Do we have an ideal that we try to make the world conform to? Because
that will likely never happen. Instead, try seeing the world as perfect the way it is. It’s messy,
chaotic, painful, sad, dirty … and completely perfect. The world is beautiful, just as it is. Life is not
something static, but a flow of change, never staying the same, always getting messier and more
chaotic, always beautiful. There is beauty in everything around us, if we look at it as perfect.
2.What does real peace look like for you?
According to me Peace is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviours and
the freedom from fear of violence.
The true example of real peace-
There was a king who had great fascination and love for paintings. One time he decided to offer a very
valuable prize to the artist who would paint a beautiful picture depicting peace. On the final day of the
judgement many artists brought their paintings with the hope of winning that valuable prize. The king
looked at all the paintings and selected two in particular and now he had to choose one out of the two
paintings for the valuable prize.
The first painting- a beautiful calm lake with clear transparent waters. The lake was a perfect mirror to the
towering mountains surrounding it, above it was a blue sky with white fluffy clouds like cotton balls floating
on space. Anybody who saw this painting thought it was the perfect masterpiece representing peace.
The second painting had mountains too- rugged, dry, bare; above these mountains an angry sky overcast
with dark clouds, lightening streaks here and there, a massive downpour of rains, a rumbling ferocious
waterfall cascading down on one side of this bare mountain. “peace?”, thought the people who saw this
painting. As the king looked closer, he saw behind the rumbling waterfall a branch of a bush growing out of
a crack in a rock. On the branch was a mother bird who had made a nest and within the nest was very
peacefully, with great affection feedings its little ones.
Which one do you think did the king choose for his valuable prize?
The second one! The king explained: peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, where
there is no trouble, where there is no hard work, where there is no trials, where there is no tribulations,
where there is no difficulties. Peace means to be in the middle of all mayhem and chaos and yet to stay calm,
yet to stay focussed, yet to make that inward journey and isn’t that the story of real life as well? Spirituality
is the art of bringing us to that inner calm, to that inner peace in our life with all kinds of difficulties, roubles
and problems surrounding us. That is the real meaning and definition of REAL PEACE.

3. How to raise your standard? What things in your life that you will no longer accept?
The quality of your life is the reflection of your standards you could make millions and still stay poor in your
mind. Being poor is not about making less money being poor is a mentality. It’s a choice to live a low
standard of life when I say low standard, I don’t mean the luxuries and pleasures that rich people can afford.
You can raise your standards regardless of how much money you make. It’s not about money, it’s about
mindset different people have different values. We can have high standards in some area of our lives while
we may avoid the other areas.
The five major areas of life where you can raise your standards:
In 2015, 79% of adults did not meet recommendations for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical
activity. Over 1 in 3 adults (about 92.1 million) had at least one type of cardiovascular disease Clearly, an average
person is a not a healthy person. Getting diagnosed with diseases has become a common thing. Smoking,
excessive drinking, eating unhealthy foods and a sedentary lifestyle are the major reasons for such an epidemic.
Your health and fitness have to rise above an average person if you want to live well and feel good in your body.
Raise your standards by eating healthy foods, training your body, sleeping well and relaxing on purpose.
If you want to raise your wealth standards, learn to manage your finances. Spend money wisely, track your
expenses, save for the rainy day, negotiate and invest you can live a frugal life without being a miser by
buying things, services or experiences that truly enhance your life. Avoid impulse shopping for yourself but
don’t hesitate to spend money on the people you love.
You can also make more money by making yourself invaluable and ask for what you deserve.
Being invaluable means doing extraordinary work. Constantly seek opportunities to learn and improve your
work. Keep making progress and don’t settle for average work.
When you raise your work standards, you get a better outcome. As a result, you love your work. Average
work leads to lousy results, and that’s when we hate our work. So, Develope strong work ethic, keep your
commitments and over-deliver to stand out from the crowd. Find your strengths and develop upon them to
provide value to the world.
Average work will be replaced by the machines. Develop creativity and thinking skills to secure your place
in the future workforce.
Meeting new people is great. But, if you’re not careful about people who you surround yourself with most of
the time, you may get stuck in a mediocre or stereotypical thinking patterns. Don’t lower your standards to fit
in with other people. Find people who raise the bar and help you improve.
Watch out for the people who show jealousy, selfishness, passive aggression, dishonesty, or narcissism.
Surround yourself with people who accept you, respect you and inspire you to become better.
These people will not be perfect but they should inspire you in one way or another. Every person is different
and has flaws. Learn to accept them if both of you help each other grow and are compatible with each other.
Raising your relationship standards also means connecting with each other by giving your full attention, love,
and effort. It involves making sacrifices, caring for other’s needs, making others feel loved, and not taking
others for granted.
You raise your standards every time when you —ignore the lizard brain, say no to distractions, delay
gratification or choose voluntary discomfort.
Daily small choices set the foundation for your standards. Stop reacting to temptations. The urge to open
social media, check notifications, eat unhealthy foods, skip workouts, buy unnecessary stuff, dwell on the
past, or waste time will always be there. It is your duty to recognize them and kill them before they kill you.
Temptations are immature. They seek the momentary pleasure and disregard the future. You don’t have to act
on your urges. Making right decisions in the face of strong urges is the sign of true wisdom.
When you’re faced with urges, acknowledge them and do the right thing anyway. You will feel proud and
your self-confidence will become unshakable.
You don’t have to give up all the pleasures in life. You can enjoy pleasurable experiences in moderation. Find
a healthy balance for yourself but don’t indulge beyond your allowance.
Your thoughts determine your actions. If you want to put quality thoughts in your mind, you must craft your
environment in a way that most thoughts in your mind are useful or helpful.
Destructive thought patterns lead to depression, worry or anxiety. Your internal self-talk is the way to speak
with your subconscious. Make sure you talk to yourself from a higher perspective.
Become your own life coach. Use the power of self-affirmation to feel powerful and inspired to become
If you raise the standard of your mindset, you will not be shattered by the failures or setbacks. You will see
obstacles as an opportunity to learn and grow. You will get inspired instead of getting jealous. You will
participate in healthy competition instead of comparing yourself with others. Identify where your standards
are lacking and commit to raising the bar. Think about the cost and consequences of not raising your
standards. Change your limiting beliefs and take action to silence self-doubt.
Raising your standards is not about being an egomaniac. It’s about having a healthy level of self-respect.
Take inspiration from mentors or the best work in your field and add your own touch to create the best work
you can at the moment. Your work will only improve if you set a high expectation for yourself. This,
however, should not stop you from shipping your craft because quantity brings quality.
What things in your life that you will no longer accept?
Life can be a hard pill to swallow. On a daily basis, we are consumed with regrets, failures and insecurities
that plague our minds and control our actions.
We are overwhelmed by situations we cannot change and things we wish we could take back. We
experience heartbreak, loss and fear, along with betrayal, jealousy and bad memories.
However, life doesn’t have to be so hard. There’s an art to learning to let things go and leaving the worries
of the past to yesterday. Because in life, we’re all carrying the same load, yet what differentiates us is how
we choose to carry it.
Those who go through life with a seemingly unaffected attitude are the people who understand the angles of
life and the differences between what can be changed and what cannot. In understanding those differences,
they are able to move on and enjoy life as it’s presented.
It’s the people who can move on effortlessly from one heartbreak to the next. They don’t fret about the
inevitable and move on to bigger and better things before they have time to cry about the past.
You shouldn't be choking on life. All you need is water, a good mindset and an understanding between the
things that can be changed and the things that must be accepted.
The things which I will accept and try to change in my life are as follows-
There are some things, like the weather and the stock market, that you cannot change. However, there’s
always something you can do. If you hate the cold, move to Hawaii. If you hate losing money in the stock
market, start a company that will get you big earnings.
If you absolutely can’t accept something, then you must make bold moves to change it. However, the sooner
you start accepting the things you cannot change, the happier you will be. The more you change the things
you refuse to accept, the greater person you will become.
Holding on to regrets is like bringing a jar full of bees into your house. There’s no need for them and they
will only end up stinging you when you’re trying to watch TV.
It’s irresponsible, dangerous and downright stupid. Accept your regrets as moments passed that have nothing
to do with you now and stop bringing them into your life. You can’t change your past mistakes, but you can
change how you make up for them.
You may not like where you are now, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the power to change where
you’re going. Only the weak let their current situation determine their future one.
The strong and the passionate take charge of their futures and don’t let their surroundings stop them from
getting somewhere else.
4.Personality A or B, strategy (emotional or problematic focused) and stressful situations and how you
cope up with that.
A personality
People who have a Type A personality tend to focus on competition. They love to achieve greatness and
they don’t like it when it takes a lot of time to experience success. People with this personality are often
working on multiple projects at the same time because they have an almost desperate need to be seen as a
winner. They sometimes feel insecure, especially if they aren’t seen as being successful, and push
themselves to the breaking point on a regular basis for the chance to reach their goals quickly.
B personality
People who have a Type B personality tend to be more relaxed. They don’t take stressful situations
personally. They can still be highly competitive, but they don’t have the same urgency to see a successful
outcome happen. You’ll find that this personality trait tends to procrastinate a lot, waiting until the last
possible second to submit work – and if there isn’t a firm deadline in place, they’ll just submit the work on
their own time. If given the choice between working or chilling with their friends, they’ll likely choose the
What are the emotional or problematic focused strategy?
Stress management techniques can fall into two categories:
• problem-focused coping
• emotion-focused coping.

Problem-focused coping
Basically speaking, problem-focused (or solution-focused) coping strategies aim to eliminate sources of
stress or work with the stressors themselves.
While problem-focused strategies need to fit well with the specific stressors they are addressing, emotion-
focused coping techniques work well with most stressors and need only fit the individual needs of the person
using them. Finding the right emotion-focused coping strategies for your lifestyle and personality can
provide you with a vital tool for overall stress relief and can enable you to achieve greater physical and
emotional health.
Emotion-focused coping
Emotion-focused coping techniques aid you in becoming less emotionally reactive to the stressors you face,
or altering the way you experience these situations so they impact you differently.
This is part of why emotion-focused coping can be quite valuable-shifting how we experience
potential stressors in our lives can reduce their negative impact. With emotion-focused coping, we don't
need to wait for our lives to change, or work on changing the inevitable-we can simply find ways to accept
what we face right now, and not let it bother us. This can cut down on chronic stress, as it gives the body a
chance to recover from what might otherwise be too-high levels of stress.
Another advantage to emotion-focused coping is that it allows us to think more clearly and access solutions
that may not be available if we are feeling overwhelmed. Because stressed people do not always make the
most effective decisions, emotion-focused coping can be a strategy to get into a better frame of mind before
working on problem-focused techniques. In this way, emotion-focused coping can help with both emotions
and solutions.
Which are the stressful situations and how you cope up with that?
Here are some steps which can be taken to cope with a stressful situation.
1. Understand the Situation
• Take some time to think about the situation you're facing. Try to describe your situation in a
sentence or two. What's stressful about this situation for you right now? It can help to write down
your thoughts.
For example: My family just moved, so I switched to a new school in the middle of the year. The
stressful parts are not knowing anyone, missing my old friends, and dealing with all new schoolwork.
• Notice and name the feelings you have about the situation. Accept your feelings — it's
understandable to feel the way you feel, given your situation. It can help to write down your feelings,
For example: I feel lonely and sad because of missing old friends and my old school. I'm mad that
we had to move, especially now. I'm worried about keeping up in math and social studies. I feel left
out because I'm the new kid. I guess anyone would feel this way if they were in my situation.
2. Commit to a Positive Attitude
A positive attitude helps us see the possibilities within a situation, while negative thinking narrows our view.
• Don't dwell on the negative. Don't get stuck dwelling on negative feelings — or focusing on the
bad aspects of your situation for too long. Your power lies in how you react to — and cope with —
the situation you're facing. Be aware of any negative thoughts (like "I can't do this"), and replace
them with more encouraging words. This is the time to believe in yourself.
For example: Others have switched schools before and come through it. I know I can manage this.
• Notice and appreciate life's good stuff. Be sure to notice some positive things in your life, too. Yes,
even now. Each day, think of three things you're grateful for. Gratitude helps fuel a positive attitude
and keeps problems — even the big ones — in perspective.
3. Take Action
• Get support. Find someone to talk to about your situation. Ask for help or advice. Be with people
who believe in you, make you laugh, and help you feel good about yourself. Sometimes just a
listening ear helps a lot. It helps you know that someone understands and cares about what you're
going through.
• Care for yourself. Take especially good care of yourself when stress in your life is high. Be sure to
eat nutritious foods and minimize junk food. Get daily exercise and sleep. Do something every day
that helps you relax — whether it's yoga, a soothing bath, cooking, playing with your pet, taking a
walk, listening to music, or playing your guitar.
Stressful situations can test our strength, for sure. Whatever you're facing, it can help to think through the
situation, accept the emotions you feel, and keep a positive attitude. Focus your efforts on what you can
influence, get support, and care for yourself. All these things can help you cope with your situation, lessen
the stress, and help you come through feeling strong and confident.

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