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Soul Surfer

A Reaction Paper
By Jessica Mae O. Nubla

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future.” —JEREMIAH 29:11

This reaction paper discusses my takeaways from the movie Soul Surfer, a
biographical movie about a competitive surfer named Bethany Hamilton who lost her left
arm to a shark attack.

Family as your Support Group

Our family plays a big role in our life. This was very much the case for Bethany
Hamilton before and after the shark attack. Her family was supportive of her dreams as a
competitive surfer, and even after the attack, they continued to believe that she can do it
even with just one arm. The way they handled her situation after the attack was a very
healthy approach to her condition. They let her decide whether or not she’s ready to get
back into the water, no one forced her into doing anything, and they didn’t treat her as if
she couldn’t do anything on her own. Bethany was able to focus on getting used to her new
life, because her family gave her space to do so. It was undeniably very difficult for Bethany,
however, her family’s support was the key in her mental health and recovery.

Fight for your Dream

Bethany didn’t allow the fact that she had only one arm become a hindrance or an
excuse to give up on her dream. Instead, her father helped her practice surfing using only
one arm, and she did her best. When they encountered another problem wherein she gets
separated from her board when paddling through waves, her father installed a handle on
her surfboard so she could hold onto in with only one hand. This shows the resilience of
humans, that when they really want to do something, they find workarounds every time
they encounter problems.

Faith in hardship
Bethany was a Christian, and her family generally attended worship services. After
the shark attack, she had a lot of questions for God. She couldn’t understand why this had
to happen to her. She went through a depression after she lost a competition because of her
condition, and she decided to give up on surfing. The real epiphany came when she decided
to go on her youth group’s mission to Thailand. It was a very beautiful scene when she
realized that surfing isn’t everything, and she found a new purpose in life. She realized how
privileged she actually was to be able to do something she loved, and that winning wasn’t

I absolutely loved this movie. Bethany’s story was so inspiring. We have to trust in
His plans for us, and forge the path to help these plans come into fruition. I realized how
much a supportive family can make all the difference in the fight for our dreams. Like what
Bethany’s youth leader said, we have to believe that something good will come out of every
challenge the Lord introduces to our path.

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