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Chapter 2.

Analytical Exposition Text

Analytical Exposition Text is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon

A. The Purpose: To persuade the readers or listeners that something is in the case ( untuk membujuk
pembaca atau pendengar bahwa sesuatu yang dibahas tersebut adalah hal yang penting)

B. The Generic Structures:

1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point of view. (Memperkenalkan topik dan
menunjukkan sudut pandang penulis)

2. Argument : Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position. The number of arguments may
vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation. (Menjelaskan argumen untuk
mendukung posisi penulis. Jumlah argumen mungkin berbeda, tetapi setiap argumen harus didukung
oleh bukti-bukti dan penjelasan.)

3. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view / to strengthen the thesis. We can use the following
phrase to make conclusion in reiteration : (Menyatakan kembali sudut pandang penulis / untuk
memperkuat tesis.

Kita dapat menggunakan frase berikut untuk membuat kesimpulan dalam Reiteration :

From the fact above …

I personally believe …

Therefore, my conclusion is …

In conclusion …

C. The Language Features:

- Using relational process

– Using internal conjunction

– Using causal conjunction

– Using Simple Present Tense

– Using compound and complex sentence.

– Use word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly, and reasoning through causal conjunction, such
as in addition, furthermore, however, therefore.

D. Example
The Importance of the English language


I personally think that English is the world's most important language. Why do I said that?

Argument 1:

Firstly, English is an International language. It is spoken by many people all over the world, either as a
first or second language.

Argument 2:

Secondly, English is also the key to open doors to scientific and technical knowledge which is needed for
the economic and positive development of many countries in the world.

Argument 3:

English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs. Applicants who master either active or passive
English are more favorable than those who don't.


From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English to greet the global era.

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