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zhōng wén kǒu yǔ

中 文口 语

dì sān jiǎng

Lǐ chóng huì
After seminar three, you will be able to:
1. Produce Chinese consonants j, q and x.
2. Produced all the combined sounds with the vowel i, ia, ie, iao, iu, ian, in, iang,
iong, üe, üan, ün.
3. Produce third tones followed by a first, second or third tone.
4. Produce two or three third tones in succession.
5. Count from 1 to 100 in Chinese.
6. Use measure words, 个gè ,块kuài,杯bēi (number - measure word – noun 三个
瑞典人sān gè ruìdiǎn rén)
7. Give location by using 在zài.
Sounds review
tóu tào bā dǔ pī pèi bù hǎo
láo lù gū kǔ gāo pào sào bǎ
pí bèi kū dǎo kū sù tài ǎi
tái bì bāo hǎo gōu dào fèi lǎo

kǎo bèi fā dāi dì tú pù lù

sǎo dì fā bāo mì móu lù dì
pǎo lù mā mī fèi ái mèi lì
mǎ lì lā kāi tài láo tài dù
ji is similar to the ‘j’ in ‘jeep’.

qi is similar to ‘ch’ in ‘cheap’. Note also that Chinese q is strongly aspirated.

xi is similar to the ‘sh’ in ‘sheep’.

y As “y” in the words "yes", "yet". Special cases: the syllable "yi is pronounced as the Pinyin "i“
and the syllable "yu" is pronounced as the Pinyin "ü" (the letter "y" is in these cases used to
mark the beginning of new syllables). See the following descriptions of simple finals!
ia Chinese y followed by a Chinese a.
ie similar to English ‘yeah’ when pronounced as a single syllable (as in the Beatles song ‘She
loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah”).
iao Chinese y followed by a Chinese ao.
iou (iu) Chinese y followed by a Chinese ou . Ou is similar to the ‘yo’ in ‘yoke’.
ian Chinese y but not followed by a Chinese an. In this combination only, the an changes to a
sound similar to the ‘en’ in English ‘men’.
in Chinese i followed by a Chinese n is similar to the English ‘in’ as in ‘machine’, and not the ‘in’
as in the English word ‘pin’.
iang Chinese y followed by a Chinese ang.
ing Chinese i followed by Chinese ng. Similar to English ‘sing’, but with the lips spread wide for
the i.
iong Chinese yu followed by ong.
üe Chinese yu followed by e as in ye.
üan Chinese yu followed by an an as in yan.
ün Chinese yu followed by a faint i as in English hit, then a Chinese n.
jiá qiá xiá
jiáo qiáo xiáo
jiáng qiáng xiáng

xīn xīng
jīn jīng
qīn qīng

Tā yě qín lái wǒ yě qín

他也 勤 来 我 也 勤
Shēng chǎn tóng xīn tǔ biàn jīn
生 产 同 心土 变 金
Gōng rén nóng mín qīn xiōng dì
工 人 农 民 亲 兄 弟
Xīn xīn xiāng yìn tuán jié jǐn
心 心 相 印 团结紧
When a third tone is followed by a first, second, forth tone or a neutral tone, you
don’t need to rise it up to the full length.
Běi jīng jiǎn dān
北 京 简 单

lǚ xíng Měi guó

旅行 美 国

kě pà wǎn fàn
可怕 晚 饭

xǐ huan běn zi
喜 欢 本子
Two 3rd Tones In Sequence
When two 3rd tone syllables occur in succession, a change takes place: the tone on the
first of the two syllables changes from 3rd to 2nd. (you will quickly find this
change to be quite natural.) For example nǐ hǎo becomes ní hǎo.

When three 3rd tone syllables come together in succession, the last of the three
remains 3rd tone, the next to last changes to 2nd tone, and the first can either
change to 2nd tone or remain.

nǐ hǎo lǎo zǎo

hǎo bǎo děi zǒu
lǎo bǎn mǎi mǐ
bǎng hǎo hǎi dǎo
nǐ mǎi dǎ sǎn
dǎ sǎo mǎi hǎo
一 yī 二 èr 三 sān 四 sì 五 wǔ 六 liù 七 qī 八bā 九 jiǔ

十 shí
十 shí, 十一 shí yī (eleven), 十二 shí èr (twelve),

二十 èr shí (twenty) 二十一 , 二十二,


三十 sān shí 四十 sì shí …

一百 yì bǎi (one hundred)

多少duō shǎo how many/ how much

rén mín bì人
kè lǎng克朗 民币 měi yuán
kronor RMB 美元

20 gè kè lǎng 10 kuài rén mín bì 30 kuài měi yuán

20 个 克 朗 10块 人 民 币 30块 美 元
wǔ máo
五 毛
liǎng fēn
两 分

When a Chinese noun is used with a numeral, the numeral has to have a measure word between
it and the noun. 个 ge is by far the most common measure word and it can occur with a wide
range of nouns.
Numberal + measure word + noun
Measure word

liǎng bēi chá
两 杯 茶
liǎng bēi pí jiǔ
两 杯啤酒
yī píng kuàng quán shuǐ
一 瓶 矿 泉 水

yī bēi kā fēi
yī hé niú nǎi 一杯 咖 啡
一盒 牛 奶

cí diǎn běn zi
词典 本子

书 书包 shū bāo

Chinese interrogative pronouns are inserted at the place where normally the answer
would appear, so Chinese does not put the interrogative pronouns at the start of the
sentence as English does.
duō shǎo qián
多 少 钱 how much
Yī píng Ruì diǎn pí jiǔ duō shǎo qián
A:一 瓶 瑞 典 啤 酒 多 少 钱?
How much is a bottle of beer?
Yī píng Ruì diǎn pí jiǔ shí èr kuài qián
B:一 瓶 瑞 典 啤 酒 十二 块 钱。
A bottle of beer is twelve Kuai.
Place word

这儿 zhèr here

那儿 nàr there

哪儿 nǎr where

家 jiā home
学校 xué xiào school
在 zài (expressing location)

Noun Place Word

昆明 在 这儿
Kūn míng zài zhèr

Kunming here

Kunming is here. 
Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ xìng lǐ, wǒ jiào lǐ chóng huì. Wǒ bù gāo, yě bù ǎi. Wǒ bú pàng yě bú shòu.
你 好!我 姓 李,我 叫 李 崇 慧。我 不 高,也 不矮。我 不 胖 也 不 瘦。
Wǒ bú piào liang, yě bù chǒu. Wǒ shì Zhōng guó rén. Zhōngguó zài Yà zhōu. Zhōng guó hěn
我 不漂 亮, 也不 丑。我 是 中 国 人。中 国 在 亚 洲。中 国 很
Dà, Zhōngguórén hěn duō. Zhōngguó hěn piàoliang. Wǒ shì lǎo shī, Wǒ hěn máng, yě hěn lèi
大,中 国 人 很 多。中 国 很 漂 亮。我 是 老 师,我 很 忙, 也 很 累,
kě shì wǒ hěn gāo xìng. Wǒ péngyou jiào Ānnà. Tā shì ruì diǎn rén Ānnà bù gāo, tā hěn
可 是 我 很 高 兴。我 朋 友 叫 安 娜。她 是 瑞 典 人。安娜 不 高,她 很
piàoliang, yě hěn gǎo xiào. Tā bú shì xué sheng yě bú shì lǎo shī tā shì yá chǐ bǎo jiàn shī
漂 亮,也 很 搞 笑。她不 是 学 生,也 不 是 老 师,她是 牙 齿 保 健 师。
Ānnà jiā zài bó lún è.
安娜 家 在博伦厄。

牙齿保健师 yá chǐ bǎo jiàn shī dental hygienist

博伦厄 Bó lún è Borlänge

Wǒ xǐ huan chī ruì diǎn cài. Ruì diǎn cài hěn hǎo chī. Wǒ bù xǐ huan chī miàn bāo hé
我 喜 欢 吃 瑞 典 菜。瑞 典 菜 很 好 吃。我 不喜 欢 吃 面 包 和
miàn tiáo, miàn bāo hé miàn tiáo bù hǎo chī. Wǒ xǐ huan hē kě kǒu kě lè, Ānnà bù xǐ huan
面 条,面 包 和 面 条 不 好 吃。我喜 欢 喝 可 口 可 乐,安娜 不喜 欢
hē kě kǒu kě lè, tā xǐ huan hē pí jiǔ. pí jiǔ bù hǎo hē.
喝可 口 可 乐,她喜 欢 喝啤酒。啤 酒 不 好 喝。

Wǒ hěn kě, wǒ yào mǎi yī píng kě kǒu kě lè. Kě kǒu kě lè duō shǎo qián? Wǒ bù zhī
我 很 渴,我 要 买 一 瓶 可 口 可乐。可 口 可乐 多 少 钱?我 不 知
dào. Wǒ yǒu yī, èr, sān, sì, wǔ, liù, qī, bā, jiǔ, shí, shí yī, shí èr, ā, wǒ yǒu
道。我 有 一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,十,十 一,十 二,啊,我 有
shí èr kuài qián. Yī píng kě kǒu kě lè sān kuài qián, wǒ yào mǎi sì píng. Kě kǒu kě lè hěn
十二 块 钱。一 瓶 可 口 可 乐 三 块 钱,我 要 买 四 瓶。可 口 可乐 很
pián yi, bú guì.
便 宜,不贵。

知道 zhī dào to know

便宜 pián yi cheap
贵 guì expensive
一 yī one
二 èr two
三 sān three
四 sì four
五 wǔ five
六 liù six
七 qī seven
八 bā eight
九 jiǔ nine
十 shí ten
百 bǎi handred
克朗 kèlǎng krone
人民币 rénmínbì Renbinbi
美元 měiyuán Dollar
欧元 ōuyuán EUR
个 gè Most common measure word
块 kuài Measure word
杯 bēi Cup or glass
瓶 píng bottle
盒 hé Pack or box
笔 bǐ pen
书包 shūbāo School bag
书 shū book
词典 cídiǎn dictionary
本子 běnzi Note book
本 běn Measure word for books
在 zài To be at
这儿 zhèr here
那儿 nàr there
哪儿 nǎr where
家 jiā home
学校 xué xiào school

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