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Developing a Model of Nutritional Amenorrhea in Rhesus Monkeys

Article  in  Endocrinology · February 2006

DOI: 10.1210/en.2005-0821 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Robert Reid Dean A Van Vugt

Queen's University Queen's University


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0013-7227/06/$15.00/0 Endocrinology 147(1):483– 492
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society
doi: 10.1210/en.2005-0821

Developing a Model of Nutritional Amenorrhea in

Rhesus Monkeys
Marla E. Lujan, Alicja A. Krzemien, Robert L. Reid, and Dean A. Van Vugt
Departments of Physiology (M.E.L., D.A.V.V.) and Obstetrics and Gynecology (A.A.K., R.L.R., D.A.V.V.), Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

Nutritional amenorrhea is defined as cessation of menstrual food intake to first missed ovulation was 62 ⴞ 13 d. Greater
cycles resulting from a chronic negative energy balance. Al- weight loss (46% reduction) over a longer period (10 months)
though it is agreed that nutritional amenorrhea results from was required to inhibit ovulation in the obese monkey. The
reduced secretion of GnRH, the neuroendocrine mechanisms onset of anovulation was not preceded by changes in men-
leading to GnRH inhibition are poorly defined. Because the strual cycle length or progesterone secretion. Realimentation
invasiveness of many neuroendocrine experimental ap- initiated ovulation at a weight that approximated the animal’s
proaches precludes its use in the clinical setting, we set out to weight at the time of the last ovulatory cycle during dietary
establish a model of nutritional amenorrhea in rhesus mon- restriction. By contrast, caloric intake at the return of ovu-
keys. Studies were conducted in four normal-weight and one lation during realimentation was 28% greater. This is the first
obese female rhesus monkey. Dietary intake was gradually demonstration that chronic dietary restriction can inhibit
reduced with the goal of achieving a 15–20% weight reduction. ovulation in rhesus monkeys. This model will be useful for
Dietary restriction inhibited ovulation in all animals. The studying the neuroendocrine mechanisms involved in diet-
weight loss required to inhibit ovulation ranged from 2–11% in induced anovulation in primates. (Endocrinology 147:
the four normal-weight animals and was achieved with a 23% 483– 492, 2006)
reduction in dietary intake. The time of initiating reduced

C HRONIC NEGATIVE ENERGY balance results in the

cessation of menstrual cycles in primates and of
estrous cycles in nonprimate species (1). Anorexia nervosa
ability to conduct prospective studies. In addition, a thor-
ough investigation of neuroendocrine mechanisms involves
a level of invasiveness unacceptable in the clinical setting.
and hypothalamic amenorrhea resulting from strenuous Although inhibition of the reproductive axis by reduced
exercise are examples of nutritional amenorrhea caused by energy intake has been demonstrated in several rodent spe-
chronic energy deficits. Although amenorrhea is no longer cies (12), accurate translation of results to humans is uncer-
considered a diagnostic criteria of anorexia nervosa, it tain given the many differences between the primate men-
remains a hallmark of anorexia nervosa, occurring in the strual cycle and rodent estrous cycles. Nonhuman primate
vast majority of subjects when weight is less than 80 – 85% studies in this area are limited and primarily acute in nature.
of ideal body weight (2). A high incidence of amenorrhea It has been extensively documented that acute fasting or
also occurs in women whose lifestyle includes strenuous
glucoprivation can inhibit gonadotropin secretion in rhesus
exercise (3). Although the etiology and degree of negative
monkeys (13–16). However, the few chronic studies con-
energy balance differ in anorexia nervosa and exercise-
ducted in nonhuman primates to date demonstrated differ-
induced amenorrhea, similarities between the two condi-
tions exist. Both are characterized by decreased gonado- ent menstrual cycle responses to a chronic metabolic chal-
tropin pulse frequency leading to suppression of ovarian lenge. Chronic negative energy balance achieved by
cyclicity and impaired gonadal steroid production (3–7). strenuous exercise inhibited ovulation in cynomolgus mon-
Moreover, women whose life style includes a rigorous keys (17), whereas a 30% reduction in dietary intake did not
exercise component have a higher incidence of disordered inhibit menstrual cycles in rhesus monkeys (18).
eating (8). Given the similarities between the reproductive axes of
Although many studies have described in detail the hy- humans and nonhuman primates and the inhibitory effects
pothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis parameters associated of negative energy balance on reproductive cycles of women
with nutritional amenorrhea (3, 4, 6, 9 –11) these studies and nonprimate species, we hypothesized that dietary re-
cannot address the neuroendocrine events that lead to am- striction would inhibit ovulation in rhesus monkeys. The
enorrhea. Investigations of the neuroendocrine mechanisms purpose of the current study was to determine the degree of
of nutritional amenorrhea in women are limited by the in- dietary restriction required to inhibit ovulation in rhesus
monkeys. The level of dietary restriction required is impor-
First Published Online September 29, 2005 tant to the feasibility of establishing a model of diet-induced
Abbreviations: BMI, Body mass index; CV, coefficient of variation; ⌬, amenorrhea in rhesus monkeys, because the utility of such
change; Lutexp, time of the expected luteal phase.
an animal model would require that ovulation was inhibited
Endocrinology is published monthly by The Endocrine Society (http://, the foremost professional society serving the at a level of dietary restriction that did not unduly compro-
endocrine community. mise animal health.

484 Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys

Materials and Methods Effect of dietary restriction on ovulation in rhesus monkeys

Animal husbandry Once a BMI of 24 –23 kg/m2 was attained, animals were placed on a
16-wk regimen of dietary restriction with the goal of decreasing weight
Studies were conducted in five adult female rhesus monkeys (Macaca
by 20%. This was accomplished by decreasing the amount of monkey
mulatta). Monkeys ranged in age from 6 –10 yr and weighed between
chow allotted to each animal. The rate and extent of dietary restriction
5.8 –11.9 kg. Animals were housed in groups of two or three in a light-
were dependent on the rate of weight loss in each animal. Every 2 wk,
and temperature-controlled environment (lights on, 0700 –1900 h; tem-
one cube of monkey chow was removed if weight loss had not exceeded
perature, 22 C). Diets consisted of a twice-daily ration of Purina monkey
the desired rate of decline. In each case, the aim of dietary restriction was
chow (Hi Protein Monkey Diet Jumbo, Ralston Purina, St. Louis, MO)
to decrease weight by no more than 20% and dietary restriction by no
supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Water was available ad libitum.
more than 40% over the 16-wk period. An attempt was made to maintain
All animal husbandry practices and experimental procedures con-
the bulk of each animal’s diet by increasing the amount of low calorie
formed to regulations of the Canadian Council on Animal Care and were
vegetables given between the morning and afternoon feedings. An iron-
approved by the Queen’s University animal care committee.
rich vitamin supplement was given daily. Once animals became anovu-
latory, we attempted to maintain each animal’s weight just below
Normalizing body weight to a uniform body mass index (within 500 g) the animal’s weight at the time of the first missed ovu-
Group housing results in the establishment of hierarchies that can lation (i.e. time of the expected luteal phase). Animals were maintained
impact on food availability and consequently adiposity. The clinical on dietary restriction for 8 –10 months, during which time the effects of
impression of varying degrees of adiposity in these five monkeys was leptin administration on ovulation were tested (our manuscript in prep-
confirmed using a modified method of calculating body mass index aration). This was followed by a period of realimentation in which the
(BMI). The weight in kilograms divided by crown-rump length in meters goal was to determine the weight and dietary intake level at which
squared produces an index in rhesus monkeys that is highly correlated ovulations returned. Throughout dietary restriction and realimentation,
with percent body fat (19). Because BMIs were 39.3, 27.2, 25.0, 24.2, and weights were measured weekly using a transfer box, and blood samples
22.1 kg/m2, group-housed animals were separated during meal times were drawn by venipuncture three times a week before the morning
(0900 –1100 and 1400 –1600 h) to standardize their weights and subse- meal. Samples were assayed for progesterone and FSH. A veterinarian’s
quently regulate their dietary intake. Four monkeys were initially placed assessment was performed at the start of the study and at 6-month
on a daily ration of 15 biscuits (calculated to provide 1887 kJ/d), whereas intervals. Hematology and blood chemistry (including liver and renal
the obese animal was restricted to 1415 kJ/d (12 biscuits). Diets were function tests) were performed at 6-month intervals.
further individualized in the subsequent months to achieve a uniform
BMI of 24 –23 kg/m2, which translates into a lean body habitus. Ad- RIAs
justments to diets included 1) increasing the vegetable component, 2)
modifying the number of monkey chow biscuits allotted, and 3) elim- Blood samples were refrigerated overnight, and serum was isolated
inating high carbohydrate treats to those monkeys whose BMI exceeded after centrifugation (2500 rpm). All serum samples were assayed for
24 kg/m2. Food intake was monitored daily, and monkeys were progesterone using a commercial RIA kit available from Diagnostic
weighed monthly during the initial phase of the experiment using a Products Corp. (Los Angeles, CA). The assay sensitivity was 0.02 ng/ml.
transfer box that eliminated the need for sedation. Animals were trained The intraassay coefficient of variation (CV) was 3.6%, and the interassay
to present a limb through an opening in the cage for blood sampling by CV was 3.9%. We have validated this progesterone assay for use in the
venipuncture. Blood samples (1.5–2 ml) were drawn three times a week nonhuman primate (20). A minimum of three consecutive serum pro-
before the morning meal. gesterone values of 4.0 ng/ml or greater was considered indicative of the

FIG. 1. Establishment of dietary re-

quirements for normalization of BMI
and ovulation in female rhesus mon-
keys. Daily food consumption, BMI,
and progesterone concentrations are
shown for two monkeys initiated on a
standard allotment of monkey chow
(1887 kJ/d). One animal consistently
consumed less than the entire meal
(B). Weights stabilized between 22
and 24 kg/m2, and seven or eight ovu-
lations were documented during this
Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 485

luteal phase. This cutoff was based on progesterone measurements over Results
six consecutive cycles in five rhesus monkeys with regular ovulatory
menstrual cycles (mean follicular phase progesterone, 1.8 ⫾ 0.1 ng/ml; A moderate reduction in weight was required in three
range, 1.0 –3.7 ng/ml; mean luteal phase progesterone, 8.5 ⫾ 0.4 ng/ml; animals (monkeys 1, 2, and 3) to bring their BMI into the
range, 4.0 –21.9 ng/ml). An integrated weekly FSH value was deter- 23–24 kg/m2 range, whereas a moderate increase was re-
mined for serum pools generated by combining equal volumes of each quired in one animal (monkey 4). These four monkeys were
serum sample collected during a 1-wk period. Serum pools were sep-
arated into follicular and luteal phases based on earlier progesterone initiated on a fixed allotment of monkey chow totaling 1887
measurements. Serum pools were assayed in duplicate for FSH in a kJ/d. The effects of a regimented diet on BMI and proges-
single assay using reagents provided by the National Hormone and terone secretion are presented in Figs. 1 and 2. BMI declined
Pituitary Program. The standard curve consisted of FSH reference prep- in the two monkeys depicted in Fig. 1. Monkey 2 consistently
aration AFP 6940A. Unknowns were incubated with recombinant FSH
antibody (AFP 782594), followed by the addition of 125I-radiolabeled consumed less than the entire meal and consequently fell
FSH (AFP 6940A). A sheep antirabbit ␥-globulin (Prince Laboratories, below the target BMI of 23–24 kg/m2 (Fig. 1B). This animal
Toronto, Canada) was used to precipitate the antigen-antibody complex. eventually increased her food consumption, and BMI in-
Precipitation was facilitated by adding 12.5% Carbowax (Sigma-Aldrich creased to 22.1 kg/m2. Both animals exhibited a cyclical
Corp., St. Louis, MO) before centrifugation. Assay sensitivity, defined as
the amount of reference preparation required to reduce binding by 2 sd
pattern of progesterone secretion indicative of ovulation. Eight
below the zero standard divided by the sample volume, was 0.1 ng/ml. ovulatory cycles were documented in each animal over the
The intraassay CV was 9.6%. 8-month baseline period. The two monkeys depicted in Fig. 2
had discrepant responses to the fixed diet. Monkey 3 depicted
Statistics in Fig. 2A had an initial BMI of 27.2 kg/m2, but underwent
rapid weight loss when fed 1887 kJ/d. Two ovulations were
A repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison test documented in this animal before it became anovulatory. Ca-
were used to determine differences in mean BMI and dietary intake at
baseline, last ovulation, first missed ovulation, and first ovulation after loric intake was increased to 2358 kJ/d, and its BMI increased
realimentation. Menstrual cycle length, follicular phase length, luteal from 21.3 to 24 kg/m2, at which point ovulation resumed. The
phase length, and mean luteal phase progesterone and FSH concentra- second monkey depicted in Fig. 2 had an initial BMI of 22.1
tions before, during, and after dietary restriction were compared using kg/m2, which was below the desired BMI. This animal was
a repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison test.
The level of significance was set at P ⱕ 0.05. The effects of dietary
anovulatory for the first 3 months of the study. BMI increased
restriction and realimentation on ovulation were assessed by visual to 24.6 kg/m2 after 16 wk of individual feeding, and cyclical
inspection of the progesterone profiles. progesterone secretion indicative of regular ovulations ensued.

FIG. 2. Dietary requirements for normalization of BMI and ovulation in female rhesus monkeys. Daily food consumption, BMI, and progesterone
concentrations are shown for two other monkeys initiated on a regimented diet. One animal lost weight and became anovulatory on a diet of
1887 kJ/d (A). Ovulation resumed after dietary intake was increased to 2358 kJ/d. The second animal was initially below the desired BMI and
anovulatory (B). Ovulatory cycles were established after approximately 100 d on a regimented diet of 1887 kJ/d that resulted in weight gain.
486 Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys

The effects of dietary restriction and subsequent realimen- tous weight loss that required increasing the dietary intake
tation on BMI and progesterone secretion in these four mon- from 13 to 18 biscuits/d over a 3-wk period to stabilize her
keys are presented in Figs. 3 and 4 (presented in the same weight. Weight declined in monkey 4 (Fig. 4B) during the
sequence as in Figs. 1 and 2; data from Figs. 1 and 2 are initial stages of dietary restriction and then stabilized despite
included for added perspective). The two monkeys depicted an additional reduction in dietary intake that resulted in
in Fig. 3 exhibited a linear reduction in BMI during dietary anovulation. Realimentation stimulated ovulation in both
restriction. Dietary restriction inhibited ovulation in both animals. The times from initiating realimentation to first
animals, as evidenced by an abrupt cessation in cyclic pro- ovulation were 85 and 64 d (similar to the previous
gesterone secretion. Despite a higher initial dietary intake examples).
and BMI, ovulation offset occurred sooner in monkey 1 than Weight and changes in weight associated with ovulation
in monkey 2 (36 vs. 93 d). Dietary intake was increased offset and onset are reported in kilograms and BMI units in
subsequently in both animals to maintain their weight near Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Ovulation offset occurred at a
the weight of ovulation offset. Therefore, dietary intake at the mean weight of 5.8 ⫾ 0.3 kg (BMI of 21.8 ⫾ 0.9 kg/m2)
time of initiating realimentation in these two animals was compared with a starting weight of 6.2 ⫾ 0.2 kg (BMI of
similar to dietary intake at baseline. An additional increase 23.4 ⫾ 0.4 kg/m2). This constituted an average weight loss
in food intake during realimentation initiated ovulation. of 0.4 ⫾ 0.10 kg (0.1– 0.7 kg). The weight at the time of the last
Ovulation onset occurred within a similar time frame as luteal phase during caloric restriction was identical with the
ovulation offset in these two animals (55 and 101 d to onset weight at the time of the first luteal phase during realimen-
vs. 36 and 93 d to offset). Dietary intake, BMI, and proges- tation (5.9 ⫾ 0.2 kg). Likewise, the change in BMI (⌬BMI) was
terone secretion during food restriction and realimentation similar for ovulation offset and onset (1.6 ⫾ 0.5 vs. 1.9 ⫾ 0.3
are shown in Fig. 4 for the other two monkeys (same animals kg/m2). The time from initiating dietary restriction or reali-
as depicted in Fig. 2). Neither animal exhibited a linear re- mentation to ovulation offset and onset, respectively, corre-
duction in BMI during dietary restriction. Monkey 3 (Fig. 4A) lated with the absolute change in weight (r ⫽ 0.93; P ⫽
exhibited a delayed pattern of weight loss in response to 0.0009).
dietary restriction. The first missed ovulation occurred after Dietary intake and changes in energy intake associated
a very small decline in weight (BMI declined from 24 to 23.5 with ovulation offset and onset are shown in Table 3. The
kg/m2). This monkey subsequently experienced a precipi- mean change in food consumption required to inhibit ovu-

FIG. 3. Effects of dietary restriction (DR) and realimentation (RA) on BMI and ovulation. Dietary intake, BMI, and progesterone secretion
resulting from DR and after RA are shown for the same two monkeys depicted in Fig. 1. The shaded areas represent the time from initiating
DR or RA to ovulation offset or onset, respectively. Both animals exhibited a linear reduction in BMI during DR. DR inhibited ovulation in both
animals. Ovulation offset was more abrupt in monkey 1 (A) than in monkey 2 (42 vs. 114 d). Dietary intake was subsequently adjusted to maintain
both monkeys near the weight of ovulation offset. RA resulted in weight gain and initiation of ovulation.
Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 487

FIG. 4. Effects of dietary restriction (DR) and realimentation (RA) on BMI and ovulation. Dietary intake, BMI, and progesterone secretion
resulting from DR and after RA are shown for the same two monkeys depicted in Fig. 2. The shaded areas represent the time from initiating
DR or RA to ovulation offset or onset, respectively. Neither animal exhibited a linear reduction in BMI during DR. Monkey 3 (A) exhibited a
delayed pattern of weight loss. The first missed ovulation occurred before significant weight loss. Subsequent weight loss required adjusting
the level of DR. Weight declined in monkey 4 (B) during the initial stages of DR and then stabilized despite an additional reduction in dietary
intake that resulted in anovulation. Realimentation resulted in weight gain and initiation of ovulation in both animals.

lation was similar to the magnitude of the increase that compared with food intake before dietary restriction (Lutexp
stimulated ovulation (443 ⫾ 30 vs. 413 ⫾ 102 kJ/d). However, vs. basal, P ⬍ 0.01), but was not different from food intake
the level of dietary intake at first ovulation during realimen- at the time of the last ovulation during dietary restriction.
tation was considerably greater than the energy intake at Dietary intake at first ovulation during realimentation (cycle
offset [2123 ⫾ 174 vs.1504 ⫾ 148 kJ/d at the time of the 1) was significantly greater than dietary intake at all relevant
expected luteal phase (Lutexp)]. Even when compared with time points (most notable comparisons being the follicular
the energy levels during the last follicular phase of dietary phase of final ovulation during dietary restriction and the
restriction, dietary intake at the time of first ovulation during dietary intake at the time realimentation was initiated). The
realimentation was 25% greater (2123 ⫾ 174 vs. 1710 ⫾ 228 same comparisons were not statistically significant when
kJ/d). These results are shown graphically in Fig. 5. Dietary performed for BMI.
intake at first missed ovulation was significantly reduced The transition from ovulatory to anovulatory status (and

TABLE 1. A comparison of body weight (kg) at the onset and offset of anovulation in diet-restricted rhesus monkeys

Dietary restriction Realimentation

Kgi Kgfol Kglut Kganov ⌬Kg Daysanov Kgi Kgov ⌬Kg Daysov
1 6.2 6.1 6.0 6.0 0.2 36 5.1 5.4 0.3 55
2 5.7 5.3 5.1 5.0 0.7 93 5.0 5.6 0.6 101
3 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.1 0.1 48 5.6 6.2 0.6 85
4 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.6 70 5.9 6.3 0.4 64
Mean 6.2 5.9 5.9 5.8 0.4 62 5.4 5.9 0.5 76
SEM 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 13 0.2 0.2 0.1 10
SEM/mean (%) 2.8 3.9 4.1 4.4 4.0 3.7
Kgi, Initial weight immediately prior to dietary restriction or realimentation; Kgfol, mean weight during the last follicular phase before
anovulation; Kglut, mean weight during the last luteal phase before anovulation; Kganov, mean weight at the onset of anovulation; ⌬Kg, change
in weight required to inhibit or stimulate ovulation; Daysanov, number of days to achieve anovulation; Kgov, weight when ovulation resumed
(follicular phase and luteal phase values were identical); Daysov, number of days to resume ovulation.
488 Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys

TABLE 2. A comparison of body mass index (kg/m2) at the onset and offset of anovulation in diet-restricted rhesus monkeys

Dietary restriction Realimentation

1 23.8 23.5 23.2 22.9 0.9 19.6 20.8 1.2
2 22.1 20.2 19.8 19.3 2.8 19.2 21.7 2.5
3 24.0 24.2 24.0 23.5 0.5 21.7 24.0 2.3
4 23.5 21.5 21.4 21.4 2.1 21.0 22.4 1.4
Mean 23.4 22.4 22.1 21.8 1.6 20.4 22.2 1.9
SEM 0.4 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.3
SEM/mean (%) 1.8 4.1 4.3 4.3 2.9 3.0
BMIi, Initial BMI immediately before dietary restriction or realimentation; BMIfol, mean BMI during the last follicular phase before
anovulation; BMIlut, mean BMI during the last luteal phase before anovulation; BMIanov, mean BMI at the onset of anovulation; ⌬BMI, change
in BMI required to inhibit or stimulate ovulation; BMIov, BMI when ovulation resumed (follicular phase and luteal phase values were identical).

vice versa) was abrupt. Mean menstrual cycle length, follic- anovulation (see inset). The onset of ovulation after reali-
ular phase length, luteal phase length, and luteal phase pro- mentation was accompanied by a return to a variable pattern
gesterone concentrations of the last two menstrual cycles of FSH secretion (Fig. 7B).
observed during dietary restriction and the first two ovula- The degree of dietary restriction necessary to inhibit ovu-
tory cycles after realimentation were comparable to these lation was not associated with significant morbidity. Ani-
same cycle parameters in cycles before and during the earlier mals remained attentive to their surroundings and continued
stages of dietary restriction (Table 4). to use perches in the exercise pens. They retained their ap-
A fifth animal included in this study was inordinately petites throughout the study. Routine biochemical and he-
obese (BMI of 39.3 kg/m2). As shown in Fig. 6, this animal matological parameters remained within normal limits
progressively lost weight and attained a lean BMI after 8 –9 throughout the period of dietary restriction. No measures of
months on a diet of 1415 kJ/d. Cyclic progesterone secretion bone metabolism were performed. One animal exhibited sig-
confirmed normal ovulatory function during this extended nificant alopecia during dietary restriction, which was re-
period of weight loss. An additional reduction in caloric versed by realimentation. Realimentation was accompanied
intake inhibited ovulation. Anovulation occurred at a BMI of by weight gain and resumption of ovulation. Animals remain
21.5 kg/m2 (within the range of the four normal-weight in good health 2 yr after study completion.
monkeys). The animal remained anovulatory for several
months while maintained on a diet of 1061–1533 kJ/d. She
was removed from the study before realimentation due to
development of a central nervous system infection. This study demonstrates that ovulation in rhesus monkeys
Also shown in Fig. 6 are integrated weekly FSH concen- was inhibited by a reduction in dietary intake. This is the first
trations for this animal. Several large excursions in FSH tem- documentation that dietary restriction can inhibit ovulation in
porally associated with ovulations were seen. These large nonhuman primates. A previous study concluded that ovula-
fluctuations were absent during the subsequent anovulatory tion in rhesus monkeys was not inhibited by a 30% reduction
period. Mean weekly FSH concentrations normalized to ovu- in dietary intake (18). A greater degree of dietary restriction in
lation offset during dietary restriction and ovulation onset the current study is the most likely explanation for the differ-
after realimentation are shown in Fig. 7. Mean FSH concen- ence in outcomes. Anovulation occurred in our study when
trations were more variable during the 10 wk before anovu- food intake was decreased by 21%, resulting in an average
lation compared with the 15 wk of documented anovulation dietary intake of 1504 ⫾ 148 kJ/d. By contrast, a 30% reduction
(see Fig. 7A). In addition, FSH levels determined at 4-wk in dietary intake in the study by Lane et al. (18) translated into
intervals showed a significant decline in FSH secretion with a daily intake of 1709 ⫾ 55 kJ. Although the level of dietary

TABLE 3. A comparison of food intake (kJ/d) at the onset and offset of anovulation in caloric-restricted rhesus monkeys

Dietary restriction Realimentation

kJi kJfol kJlut kJanov ⌬kJ kJi kJov ⌬kJ
1 1887 1887 1769 1533 354 2005 2123 118
2 1533 1179 1179 1179 374 1415 2005 590
3 2359 2241 2123 1887 472 2123 2595 472
4 1887 1592 1533 1415 472 1297 1769 472
Mean 1916.5 1724.8 1651.0 1503.5 418.0 1710.0 2123.0 413.0
SEM 169.5 225.1 198.6 147.5 31.5 207.2 173.7 102.0
SEM/mean (%) 8.8 13.1 12.0 9.8 12.1 8.2
kJi, Initial food intake immediately before dietary restriction or realimentation; kJfol, mean food consumption during the last follicular phase
before anovulation; kJlut, mean food consumption during the last luteal phase before anovulation; kJanov, mean food consumption at the onset
of anovulation; ⌬kJ, change in food intake required to inhibit or stimulate ovulation; kJov, food consumption when ovulation resumed (follicular
phase and luteal phase values were identical).
Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 489

FIG. 5. Effects of dietary intake and BMI nor-

malized to menstrual cycle events during di-
etary restriction and realimentation (Real).
Basal dietary intake, expressed in kilojoules
per day, and weight, expressed as BMI, are
compared with three time points during di-
etary restriction [the follicular phase of the
last menstrual cycle (Foll), the luteal phase of
the last menstrual cycle (Lut), and the time of
the expected luteal phase (Lutexp)] and two
time points during realimentation. Dietary in-
take at first missed ovulation was signifi-
cantly reduced (†, P ⬍ 0.01, Lutexp vs. basal).
Dietary intake at first ovulation during reali-
mentation (cycle 1) was greater than at all
relevant time points (*, P ⬍ 0.05 vs. Foll; **,
P ⬍ 0.01 vs. Lut; ***, P ⬍ 0.001 vs. Lutexp; *,
P ⬍ 0.05 vs. initiation of realimentation). The
same comparisons for BMI were not statisti-
cally significant (n ⫽ 4).

restriction employed was greater in terms of percent decrease ovulation is simply the difference between energy intake and
from habitual levels, according to our study this absolute level energy expended, then a deficit, regardless of how it was
of dietary intake would not be expected to inhibit ovulation. achieved, should adversely affect ovulation. This premise is
Our results in rhesus monkeys complement those of Wil- supported by the demonstration that LH pulse frequency in
liams et al. (17), who observed that chronic strenuous exercise women was inhibited by a negative energy balance regard-
induced amenorrhea in cynomolgus monkeys. Their study less of whether it was achieved by reducing energy intake or
concluded that anovulation resulted from a negative energy increasing energy expenditure (22). It is also supported by
balance rather than some other factor associated with exer- the two nonhuman primate studies combined, because ovu-
cise, because ovulation was reinitiated in exercising monkeys lation was inhibited in both. However, it remains to be de-
by increasing food availability (21). In contrast to exercise- termined whether the subtle differences cited above are due
induced amenorrhea, our study showed that dietary restric- to differences in how the energy deficits were achieved.
tion did not produce transitional menstrual cycles. Follicular Our demonstration that dietary restriction reversibly in-
phase length, luteal phase length, and luteal phase proges- hibits ovulation in rhesus monkeys also establishes the link
terone secretion in the last two cycles during dietary restric- between energy intake and reproductive function in pri-
tion were comparable to these cycle parameters before or mates. Energy deficit has been documented previously as the
during the early stages of dietary restriction. This observa- root cause of reproductive axis dysfunction in women with
tion is at variance with that by Williams et al. (17), who hypothalamic amenorrhea resulting from self-imposed di-
reported that follicular phase length was increased and etary restriction or strenuous exercise (3, 6, 23). Several stud-
plasma LH and luteal phase progesterone secretion were ies have demonstrated that acute energy deficits resulting
reduced in the menstrual cycle immediately preceding ex- from short-term fasting or increased energy expenditure in-
ercised-induced amenorrhea. The much shorter time span hibited the hypothalamic-gonadotropic axis, as reflected by
from initiation to anovulation observed with dietary restric- reduced LH pulse frequency in human and nonhuman pri-
tion compared with exercise (62 ⫾ 13 d vs. 14.3 ⫾ 2.2 months, mates (13, 22, 24, 25), although females may be more resistant
respectively) may account for the absence of transitional to acute fasting-induced inhibition of LH secretion compared
menstrual cycles in our study. A regimen of dietary restric- with males (26 –28). Although the current study did not at-
tion that produces over a 2-month period a negative energy tempt to characterize changes in LH pulse frequency, inhi-
balance that inhibits ovulation may be too short a time frame bition of ovulation is the expected outcome if dietary restric-
for borderline energy levels to produce transitional men- tion chronically reduced LH pulse frequency below the
strual cycles. Because neither study quantified the degree of threshold that supports follicular maturation or that is nec-
energy deficit, this explanation remains speculative. A sec- essary to generate an LH surge. We have demonstrated that
ond difference that merits consideration is the method by a similar degree of dietary restriction in ovariectomized rhe-
which a state of negative energy balance was achieved in the sus monkeys inhibits the elaboration of the estrogen/pro-
two studies. If the energy available to fuel processes such as gesterone-induced gonadotropin surge (29). Anovulation

TABLE 4. A comparison of menstrual cycle parameters during dietary restriction and realimentation in rhesus monkeys

Dietary restriction Realimentation

Cycle ⫺3⫹ Cycle ⫺2 Cycle ⫺1 Cycle 1 Cycle 2
MC length (d) 27.6 ⫾ 0.8 28.6 ⫾ 1.3 29.0 ⫾ 1.5 n/a 33.0 ⫾ 2.4
FP length (d) 16.0 ⫾ 0.9 15.6 ⫾ 2.2 17.5 ⫾ 2.7 n/a 20.5 ⫾ 3.2
LP length (d) 10.9 ⫾ 1.2 11.2 ⫾ 2.2 12.1 ⫾ 1.6 12.0 ⫾ 2.9 12.5 ⫾ 1.0
LP P4 (ng/ml) 9.5 ⫾ 0.6 10.2 ⫾ 0.7 10.2 ⫾ 0.9 10.2 ⫾ 2.0 10.9 ⫾ 0.7
MC, Menstrual cycle (d); FP, follicular phase (d); LP, luteal phase (d); LP P4, luteal phase progesterone (ng/ml); n/a, not available.
490 Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys

inadequate food intake in a communal setting being resolved

by separating pairs at mealtime. Monkey 3 was exceptional
because it underwent rapid weight loss and became anovu-
latory when fed 1887 kJ/d. Food intake was increased to 2358
kJ/d, and its BMI increased from 21.3 to 24 kg/m2, at which
point ovulation resumed.
Although these data indicate that the level of energy intake
is a critical determinant of ovulatory status, they also suggest
that energy stores may play a role. Inadequate energy stores
may explain why monkeys 3 and 4 did not ovulate for several
months while on a diet that eventually stimulated ovulation.
Both animals gained weight before ovulating. Conversely,
monkey 2 continued to ovulate despite dietary intake being
reduced 1 month earlier to 1179 kJ/d. Ovulation offset occurred
without an additional reduction in dietary intake, but was ac-
companied by a modest weight loss. Much more striking was
the delayed effect of dietary restriction on ovulation in the obese
monkey. This animal continued to ovulate at regular intervals
despite a 42% decline in weight (11.9 to 6.8 kg) over 10 months.
By contrast, the normal-weight monkeys became anovulatory
after an average weight loss of 0.43 ⫾ 0.1 kg (0.1– 0.7 kg). The
extended period of weight loss in the obese monkey indicated
that this animal was chronically exposed to a negative energy
balance. Despite a chronic energy deficit, anovulation did not
ensue until BMI reached a level similar to that at which the other
animals became anovulatory. Our speculation that energy
stores maintained ovulatory function during the first 9 months
of dietary restriction is tempered by dietary intake having been
further reduced just before the first missed ovulation. There-
fore, anovulation may have been affected by an additional
reduction in dietary intake alone or a reduction in dietary intake
in combination with reduced availability of oxidizable meta-
bolic fuels. Several reports suggest that fatness affects the re-
sponse of the reproductive axis to caloric restriction. Fat ham-
sters were less susceptible to starvation-induced anestrus than
FIG. 6. Effects of dietary restriction on BMI, progesterone, and FSH lean hamsters (33). Lean women were more prone to disruption
in an obese monkey. A regimented diet of 1415 kJ/d caused BMI to of the neuroendocrine axis in response to a 72-h fast compared
decline from 39.3 to 21.5 kg/m2 over the course of 10 months. Large with normal-weight women (34), whereas gonadotropin secre-
excursions of FSH just before increased progesterone secretion prob-
ably reflect the preovulatory FSH surge. An additional reduction in tion in obese women was not affected by a 21-d fast (35). How-
dietary intake and weight loss resulted in anovulation and a more ever, in distinction to the above findings, it has been reported
static pattern of FSH secretion. that morbidly obese women who had a 25% weight loss after
biliopancreatic diversion became amenorrheic despite still be-
was not preceded by a reduction in FSH concentrations. A ing obese (mean BMI of 35 kg/m2) (36).
reduced GnRH pulse frequency may explain the mainte- The mean dietary intake during the follicular phase of the
nance of FSH concentrations while inhibiting ovulation, be- last menstrual cycle before ovulation offset was 1725 ⫾ 225
cause a low GnRH pulse frequency can stimulate FSH se- kJ/d. However, there was considerable variability (1179,
cretion while inhibiting LH secretion (30 –32). 1592, 1887, and 2241 kJ/d). In fact, of the three measures
This study provides insight into the dietary intake re- (weight, BMI, and dietary intake), the variability in dietary
quired to support ovulation in rhesus monkeys. Three of four intake was considerably greater than that for weight and BMI
normal-weight monkeys ovulated when given a diet of 1887 (see sem expressed as a percentage of the mean in Tables 1–3).
kJ/d. Monkey 1 had a stable weight on this diet and ovulated Normalizing dietary intake to weight or BMI reduced vari-
regularly. Monkey 2 consumed less than the entire meal and ability only slightly. Normalizing dietary intake to fat-free
lost weight. Eventually, food consumption increased to 1533 mass or some other measure of body composition may better
kJ/d, and weight stabilized at a BMI of 22.1 kg/m2. The predict the threshold for ovulation in future studies.
decreased appetite followed by partial recovery may reflect The inhibitory effect of dietary restriction on ovulation was
acclimatization to being separated twice a day at mealtime. reversed by realimentation. The absolute change in food intake
In addition, this animal was the smallest of the four, weigh- (⌬ kJ) and weight (⌬ BMI) associated with ovulation during
ing approximately 10% less than the others. In contrast, mon- realimentation was similar to the absolute change in these same
key 4 gained weight and became ovulatory after 3 months on variables associated with inhibition of ovulation during dietary
a diet of 1887 kJ/d. This response is probably the result of restriction. However, ovulation occurred at a significantly
Lujan et al. • Dietary Restriction Induces Anovulation in Monkeys Endocrinology, January 2006, 147(1):483– 492 491

FIG. 7. Effects of dietary restriction (DR) and reali-

mentation (RA) on FSH secretion. A, Mean (⫾SEM)
integrated weekly FSH concentrations during DR (n ⫽
5). The ovulatory period is represented by the shaded
area. The inset in A shows mean integrated FSH con-
centrations expressed at 4-wk intervals. FSH secre-
tion was significantly reduced during anovulation (by
Tukey-Kramer test: a, P ⬍ 0.05 compared with 5– 8 wk
before anovulation; b, P ⬍ 0.05 compared with 1– 4 wk
before anovulation). B, Mean (⫾SEM) integrated
weekly FSH concentrations during RA (n ⫽ 4). The
ovulatory period is represented by the shaded area.
FSH secretion was more variable during ovulatory

higher energy intake level during realimentation compared affords opportunities to prospectively study the neuroen-
with the energy consumption during the final follicular phase docrine mechanisms that inhibit the menstrual cycle in
of dietary restriction (2123 ⫾ 174 kJ vs. 1725 ⫾ 225 kJ). This response to inadequate nutrition. Although it remains to
difference was seen in all animals. The hysteresis exhibited in be documented, it is likely that this primate model will
our dataset is not due to a lag effect caused by a faster rate of prove useful for studying changes in bone metabolism
realimentation. The rate of realimentation (⌬kJ/d of realimen- associated with long periods of anovulation induced by
tation to ovulation onset, 5.2 ⫾ 1.1 kJ/d) was actually slower dietary restriction.
than the rate of dietary restriction (⌬kJ/d of food restriction to
ovulation offset, 7.1 ⫾ 1.1 kJ/d). This finding may have impli- Acknowledgments
cations for dietary requirements to reestablish menstrual cy-
We acknowledge Dr. A. F. Parlow and the National Hormone and
clicity in women with anorexia nervosa and is consistent with Peptide Program for supplying FSH assay reagents.
the report that return of menses in women with anorexia ner-
vosa occurred at a mean weight that was 2.05–3.6 kg greater Received July 7, 2005. Accepted September 22, 2005.
than the weight at which menses were interrupted (37, 38). Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Dr. Dean A.
In summary, moderate dietary restriction of lean rhesus Van Vugt, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3022 Etherington
Hall, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6. E-mail:
monkeys reliably inhibited ovulation. The level of dietary
restriction required to inhibit ovulation did not compro- This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Re-
mise the health of the animals. Ovulation was reestab- search Grant MOP-57934 (to D.A.V.V.).
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