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What questions do you make to get to know SITUATION 2

1. Are you full time student?
Yes, My major is law
3. How do you get to work?
Favorite things
I take a taxi
What Kind of questions can you ask to get
Do you like your neighborhood?
to know a person?
Yes, I do. Is quiet
Do you have brothers or sisters?
Where are your parents from?
Yes I do. I have two brothers
My father is from Ibague and my mother is
Who do you live with?
from Magangué.
I live with my parents
Where do you live?
What is your best friend like?
I live in Sincelejo
She is beautiful and smart
What do you do in your free time?
What do you do and your friends do when
I listen to music, I watch the movie you get together?

What is your favorite food? We talk about anything and listen music.

My favorite food is spaghetti

How old are you?

I am 21 years old

What is your favorite movie or music?

My favorite music is Kpop



2. What does your name mean?

My name mean born at Christmas

4. Do you like your name?

No, I don’t. I think it's long


1. Are you an only child?

2. What does your sister? Where does
she work?
3. Do you walk to get to work?
Do you walk to work?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Are your parents from here?
6. What do you and your friends do
when you get together?
7. Does your sister live with you?
8. How are your classmate like?

1. Too
2. Too
3. Either
4. Either

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