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Republic of the Philippines


Narciso Street, Surigao City



Educational Trends
When it comes to learning, experts are always looking for the best tools and tactics for
educating children. While many of these trends are actually strong and worthy of
implementation, adoption of them within schools can be haphazard, which often drives
schools to look at ways to reform, sometimes too rapidly. Teachers can be faced with
mandated changes in tools, curriculum, and best practices as administrators race to
adopt the latest and greatest trends. However, these constant changes can lead to
inconsistency and frustration, making teachers' lives more difficult. Adequate training
isn't always made available, and many teachers are left to fend for themselves to figure
out how to implement whatever has been adopted.On the flip side, some schools are
resistant to change, and teachers who are educated about learning trends may not
receive funding or support to adopt them. This can lead to a lack of job satisfaction and
teacher turnover, and it can hold students back from delving into a new way to learn that
may actually help them achieve more.

Teacher Competencies
There currently is an abundant knowledge-base to inform us that in schools teachers
play the critical role in student learning and achievement. Research reveals that how
teachers instruct and these interactions with students is the cornerstone around which
to build effective schools. A summary of the available studies accumulated over the past
40 years on a key education driver, teacher competencies offers practical strategies,
practices, and rules to guide teachers in ways to improve instruction that improves
student performance and the quality of the work experience. Four groupings of these
competencies can help organize and simply for teachers what they need to master to
maximize their performance: classroom management, instructional delivery, formative
assessment, and personal competencies. These four categories also provide the
essential core around which decision makers can construct teacher preparation, teacher
hiring, teacher development, and teacher and school evaluations.
What are teacher competencies? Competencies are the skills and knowledge that
enable a teacher to be successful. To maximize student learning, teachers must have
expertise in a wide-ranging array of competencies in an especially complex environment
where hundreds of critical decisions are required each day. Few jobs demand the
integration of professional judgment and the proficient use of evidence-based
competencies as does teaching.

Why is this important? The transformational power of an effective teacher is

something many of us have experienced. Intuitively, the link between teaching and
student academic achievement may seem obvious, but what is the evidence for it?
Research confirms this common perception of a link and reveals that of all factors under
the control of a school, teachers are the most powerful influence on student success.
What separates effective teachers from ineffective ones, and how can this information
be used to support better teaching?

Instructional delivery: Research tells us what can be expected from a teacher

employing instructional strategies and practices that are proven to lead to increased
mastery of lessons. Better learning happens in a dynamic setting in which teachers offer
explicit active instruction than in situations in which teachers do not actively guide
instruction and instead turn control over content and pace of instruction to students
(Hattie, 2009).

Classroom management: Classroom management is one of the most persistent areas

of concern voiced by school administrators, the public, and teachers (Evertson &
Weinstein, 2013). Research consistently places classroom management among the top
five issues that affect student achievement.

Formative assessment: Effective ongoing assessment, referred to in education

literature as formative assessment and progress monitoring, is indispensable in
promoting teacher and student success formative assessment, is recognized as an
essential tool for improving performance in sports, business, and education. Formative
assessment consists of a range of formal and informal diagnostic testing procedures,
conducted by teachers throughout the learning process, for modifying teaching and
adapting activities to improve student attainment. Systemic interventions such as
Response to Intervention (RtI) and Data-Based Decision Making depend heavily on the
use of formative assessment.

Personal competencies (soft skills): An inspiring teacher can affect students

profoundly by stimulating their interest in learning. It is equally true that most students
have encountered teachers who were uninspiring and for whom they performed poorly.
Unfortunately, effective and ineffective teachers have no readily discernable personality
differences. Some of the very best teachers are affable, but many ineffective instructors
can be personable and caring. Conversely, some of the best teachers appear as stern
taskmasters, but whose influence is enormous in motivating students to accomplish
things they never thought possible. The finest teachers display enthusiasm and
excitement for the subjects they teach. More than just generating excitement, they
provide a road map for students to reach the goals set before them. The best teachers
are proficient in the technical competencies of teaching: instructional delivery, formative
assessment, and classroom management. Equally significant, they are fluent in a
multilayered set of social skills that students recognize and respond to, which leads to
greater learning. These skills must be defined as clear behaviors that teachers can
master for use in classrooms.


1) Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Artificial Intelligence Training – Explore the Curriculum to Master AI and Deep Learning.
AI existed even before the internet was born, but it is now that the data processing and
compute power backbone became strong enough to sustain an entire technology by
itself. AI is everywhere today, from your smartphones to your cars to your home to your
banking establishment. It is the new normal, something the world cannot do without.

2) Blockchain:

Blockchain Training – Explore the Curriculum to Master Blockchain.

This is the tech that powers bitcoins, the whole new parallel currency that has taken
over the world.
Interestingly, blockchain as a technology has far-reaching potential in everything from
healthcare to elections to real estate to law enforcement.
Understand how blockchain works and your career is as sorted as the secure ledger
this tech is based on!

3) Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:

Virtual is real! VR and AR, the twin technologies that let you experience things in virtual,
that are extremely close to real, are today being used by businesses of all sizes and
shapes. But the underlying technology can be quite complex.
Medical students use AR technology to practice surgery in a controlled environment.
VR on the other hand, opens up newer avenues for gaming and interactive marketing.
Whatever your interest might be, AR and VR are must-have skills if you want to ride the
virtual wave!

4) Cloud Computing:

AWS Solution Architect Training – Explore the Curriculum to Master AWS.

This one is a veteran.
Most other technologies on this list are alive only because of the proliferation of cloud
By allowing companies to save money, and users to simplify their computing needs,
Cloud Computing is one of the most trending technologies that will stay popular in 2019,
without a doubt.

5) Angular and React: Angular and React Training –

Explore the Curriculum to Master Angular and React. Angular and React are JavaScript
based Frameworks for creating modern web applications.Using React and Angular one
can create a highly modular web app. So, you don’t need to go through a lot of changes
in your code base for adding a new feature. Angular and React also allows you to cr

6) DevOps Training – Explore the Curriculum to Master DevOps tools.

This is the odd one out in the list. It is not a technology, but a methodology. DevOps is a
methodology that ensures that both the development and operations go hand in hand.
DevOps cycle is picturized as an infinite loop representing the integration of developers
and operation teams by:automating infrastructure,workflows and continuously
measuring application performance.It is basically the process of continual improvement,
so why not start with yourself.eate a native mobile application with the same JS, CSS &
HTML knowledge.

7) Internet of Things (IoT):

Another buzzword that no longer remains a buzzword but has become a full-fledged
technology ecosystem in itself.
IoT essentially is connecting many devices and creating a virtual network where
everything works seamlessly via a single monitoring center of sorts.
IoT is a giant network of connected devices – all of which gather and share data about
how they are used and the environments in which they are operated.
This includes everything from your:

8) Intelligent Apps (I – Apps):

I-Apps are pieces of software written for mobile devices based on artificial intelligence
and machine learning technology, aimed at making everyday tasks easier.
This involves tasks like organizing and prioritizing emails, scheduling meetings, logging
interactions, content, etc. Some familiar examples of I-Apps are Chatbots and virtual
As these applications become more popular, they will come with the promise of jobs
and fat paychecks.

9) Big Data:
Big Data and Hadoop Training – Explore the Curriculum to Master Big Data and
Hadoop. Big data refers to problems that are associated with processing and storing
different types of data. Most of the companies today, rely on big data analytics to gain
huge insight about their: customer, product research, marketing initiatives and many

10) RPA (Robotic Process Automation):

RPA Training – Explore the Curriculum to Master RPA.Generally, any desk job in any
industry involves tasks that are repetitive in nature and can be automated. RPA or
Robotic Process Automation allows you to automate such routine and repetitive tasks.
You don’t need to write any code to automate repetitive tasks. In 2019, the trend of bots
and machine learning is only going to skyrocket, which means RPA will become an
invaluable skill to have.


In-service education is designed for the manpower development of the school system
and the educational enterprise as a whole. If teachers are to perform their functions
effectively and efficiently, it becomes imperative for them to require training in new skills
and modern methodology. The higher the elvel of educational attainment by teachers,
the higher the level of educational standard in the country. No wonder the national
Policy on Education (2014) asserted that no level of education can rise above the
quality of its teachers.
To meet the growing needs of education in a global economy it becomes imperative to
provide sound in-service education for teachers to update their skills, knowledge and

Concept of In-Service Education

In-service education can simply be defined as the relevant courses and activities in
which a serving teacher may participate to upgrade his professional knowledge, skills,
and competence in the teaching profession. Therefore, it encompasses all forms of
education and training given to a teacher who is already on the job of teaching and
learning. According to billing (1976) in-service education is staff development which is a
deliberate and continuous process involving the identification and discussion of present
and anticipated needs of individual staff for furthering their job satisfaction and career
prospects and of the institution for supporting its academic work and plans, and
implementation of programmes of staff activities designed for the harmonious
satisfaction of these needs.
Generally, the teachers are regarded as the hub of educational development.
Therefore, in-service education is concerned with the activities and courses in which a
serving teacher may participate for the purpose of upgrading his professional skills,
knowledge and interest, subsequent to initial training. In this case, in-service education
is designed to fill the gap of professional inadequacies of a serving teacher.

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