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Prefix-Suffix Worksheet

Define the following terms using your prefix-suffix list. Underline the prefix &/or
suffix in each biological term.

Example: THERMOMETER – therm means heat & meter means measure of so a

thermometer is an instrument used to measure heat.

 1. Biology-  bio meaning life

2. Osteocyte- osteo meaning bone

3. Dermatitis-derm meaning skin

4. Epidermis- epi meaning nature

5. Hematology- hema meaning blood

6. Herbicide- herb meaning grass

7. Neuritis- neur meaning nerve

8. Protozoa- pro meaning first

9. Carnivore- meaning a thing that eats meat

10. Polysaccharide—meaning many sugar

 11. Hypertension- hyper meaning above

 12. Hypodermic- hypo meaning below

 13. Macronucleus- macr meaning large

 14. Pseudopod- meaning a false split

 15. Intracellular- meaning to be inside or between a cell

Using your prefix-suffix list, write the biological term for each of the following.
Example: A bacteria killer – cide means killer so the term is bactericide.

16. White cell- means lucacyte

17. Outside skeleton-means exoskeleton

 18. Middle layer of the leaf- means mesofill

 19. Outside of the cell- means extracelluar

 20. Study of animals-meaning zology

21. Study of form- meanings study of form

 22. A one-celled organism- meanings unicelluar

 23. A term describing an organism made up of many cells- meaning multicelluar

 24. Green leaf- meaning chlorophyll

 25. Person that studies cells- meaning statoligist

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