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This survey research conducted to find out the effect of broken homes on

primary school pupils academic achievement in Jere Local Government Area.

Two objectives and three research questions where formulated to guide the

study. The population of the study consist of all the senior pupils in four selected

school in Jere Local Area. Through the process of simple random sampling a

total number of 100 pupils were selected to participate in the study. The major

instrument used for collecting data was a questionnaire. The data collected were

analyzed through the use of simple percentages. It was discovered based on the

analysis that most of the respondents are not staying –with their parent. They

performed below expectation due to lack of security, care and discipline. Their

school fees are not being paid in time. On the basis of such findings,

recommendation were made that, Borno Government should create academic

and counsel unit in Primary School with adequate funds where students from

broken homes would be given proper guidance and counseling concerning their

psychological and social problem towards.




Broken home occurs as a result of separation of marriage either by death

or divorce. Broken home, contributed a lot to anti-social behaviour society.

ISAKE (1963), stated that most of them were very unsuccessful because

of separation of house, he said broken house can be as a result of divorce of

separation by death of the couple.

The problem of broken homes are universal phenomenal which affect both

developed as well as the under develop country. Yet the courses and effect still

persist with varying degree in the various part of the world.

In an ideal atmosphere, Children should happily be with there parents,

children appreciated the love of their parent towards them, one of the tasks that

should be fulfilled by parents, is to educate their children because the education

of children does not start from school. This is because live schooling of students

started from home. A home is the walls of the house but the people who live on it

make a home. A house only become a home, when if complete. A home also

became a house when is not broken.

Hemm (1970), broken home means a heroic in which the parents are

separated or divorced or are no more by either as a result of death. Children from

such home lack proper care and security. The suffering of such children could be

seen in differed dimension.

In most cases, adequate parental and affection may not be given to the

children properly by the adopted parents that is the guardian. Unfortunately for

the children who find themselves in such a manners can been neglected by the

fear groups and society instead of being love and care for however, the present

day in Nigeria.

The rate of broken homes are increasing unprecedented, consequently

and it is necessary for the psychologist and teacher to find out the relationship

between houses and academic achievement of the concern children.

Parent (1970); homes are a dwelling place we want on to say that it is also

a place of natural shelter from rain, sun and cold which is the season. The other

point he stressed on was security and care while we concluded by the fact that it

provide a place for happy family life with room and equipment for preparing and

eating means for recreation.

When a student imagines his home a “Vacuum Can” Which exposes him

or her to same problems in the environment.

In some societies in Nigeria and other Parents of African such children are

regarded as neglected.

ISAKE and others (1984), mother are considered as the backbones or

major providers of programme of services to individual child.

Based on the needs and understanding of his environment. They said

children from broken home feel very sad when they lack the carrying, affection,

security and concern for lovely home.

Those children are supposed to enjoy. Such children tend to develop a

kind of inferiority complex, and aggression, hostility, reserved and isolated

among their pear groups. They said when children are not secured and not

enjoying the love and parental up bringing, it will affect the cognitive loved of the

children, thereby affecting their academic achievement.

However, as the home became as insecurity, place, the children are

respond by developing tension, prostration and aggression and anger and hatred

toward on or both parents because of their behaviour, that lead to separation and

also broken homes could causes the children to feel isolation and humpies.

Yusuf (1981), reveal that 60 – 70% of backward students of primary

Schools in Jere Government Area, are those children from broken homes, some

of them are rerunning errant, while some of them do not have adequate school

material that will help them study.

Hence, there are frustrated and psychologically disturbed, when they are

in classroom as a result they cannot do well in the school activities.


The statement of the problem is therefore stated thus, to what limit do

broken homes causes by separation divorce or death of parents affect children or

student academic achievement. The children social life could also be affected

because they became a problem to their society juvenile delinquency, introvert,

behavioural disorder etc. that is a sociological deficiency.

The study investigated the extend lack of parental are affection an security

plus discipline affects student academic achievement of students in Jere Local

Government Area.


The objectives of the study are:-

1. To determine the number of pupils of students from broken home in the

selected primary school in Jere Local Government Area.

2. To determine whether actually broken homes have any effect on children,

students or pupils academic achievement.


A. Does lack of parental care, affection and love affect students academic

achievement in school?.

B. Does lack of Parental security affect pupils or students?

C. Does lack of parental discipline of affect student academic achievement?


Many people do not see broken homes as a social problem, which some

how affect children born into such homes. To this end this study aims to some

extent see how this affect a child in his academic achievement through the study

will only be restricted to Primary to Primary School e.g Mafoni Galtimari Primary

School in Jere Local Government Area.

The findings may likely be applicable to other part of the state and also the

country at large. Thus, with the introduction new national policy of education


The investigation will be an effective tool in the hands of guidance and

counseling personnel’s and also psychologist.

It would also be relevant to teachers in order to help their students despite

the problem in the study will also attempt to some extent suggested some

hopeful advice and counseling to people who may like to apply them to their

marital life situation.


The study covers Jere Local Government Area as a case study on the

effect of broken homes on student academic achievement.

The study is limited to some selected Primary School in Jere Local

Government Area examples of selected primary Schools are:-

1. Old Maiduguri Primary School

2. Goni Kachallari Primary School.

3. Muna Koreri Primary School.

4. Shehu Sanda Kyarimi Primary School.

5. Gambori III Primary School.


BROKEN HOMES: Broken homes in this with parental being

separated as a result of death divorce and willful but

temporally staying apart.

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: Here it refers to how well or how

poorly a child can perform in the school.

HOME: This is place where people live together as a family.

DIVORCE: This is an illegal dissolution of marriage.

JUVINAL DELIQUENCY: This is a wrong doing by Young


BEHAVIOURAL CLASS ORDER: This is a situation where an

individual abnormal character such as stealing,

fishing, aggressiveness toward other hostile etc




The review of related literature are examined under the following


Theoretical frame work and nature of broken home.

Broken homes and academic achievement.

Implication of divorce on academicals achievement.

Broken homes implication to teachers in School setting.

Summary and Uniqueness of the study.


The scope and nature of broken home became a central part of many

human personality theories and basis of numerous programmes in education.

Attempts, therefore have been made to know what is broken home and late its

nature and scope.

According to Homeby (1970), broken home is a home in which the parents

are separated or divorced or are no more together as a result of death. Children

from such homes lack proper care and security.

In the same way Udru (1978), define a broken home mean a house in

which the parental are no more living together. Others researchers studies carry

out on broken homes seem to agree that broken home are associated with

increase aggressive and Juvenile delinquency in children.

LOVELL (1973), opened that families spites by death, desertion, divorce

or prolong absence.

In assessing the above definition such as a situation (broken home can

result to poor academic achievement in primary schools as once child misses

such opportunities of guide, securities affection and assistant where necessary.


The latest, most methodologically sound studies on the effect of divorce or

children demonstrate that, many children emerge from the period of transition

following divorce. Psychologically health and perhaps even stronger, more

independent and excellent having successfully mastered the challenges

associated with divorces. The new findings are well come respite to the former

dooms day forecasts, that significantly affect the way we perceived children of

divorce homes.

A more have been investigated into the relationships between broken

homes and academic achievement. DUCAN (1973), started that the relationship

between home variable and academic achievement are positive but the broken

home has made it negative.

However, the existence of this negative relationship between broken home

and academic achievement cannot generally tell us very much of the nature of

the casual relationship, that exist between the variables.

Further investigation and understandings of parents have no time for

them, they indulge in bad behaviour like fishing, stealing and alcoholism etc.

NELL (1981), the students may in approximately one of these situation. In

the first instance, the student may find himself being brought up in a single

parental family there is likely to be increased financial hardships. During time

parental illness there may be few additional social resources to call upon.

All these will mean in the school, the student may have to withdraw due to

non payment of school fees or in cases when he is not withdraw. He may not be

able to catch up with his mates.

FOSUKUN (1954), argued that serious conflict will be arises between the

home and the school with this category of children lack motivation, the parent are

unable or refused to provide the basis needs of the children, subsequently their

academic achievement will be adversely affected.

In the school for instance the student live with either of the parent but lives

with a guardian, unless the guardian is keenly interested in his ward progresses.

There might be a complete absence of contact between the guardian and the

school. This is a teacher need to submit report and to discuss, the academic

progress of the students with the parents.

BOY (2004), on the outcome of the divorce for children series to indicate

that conflict between parents has a greater impacts on school behaviours, grades

and self-concept irrespective fighting violent behaviour or physical or verbal

abuse between many spouses.

Studies also show the lowered socio-economic circumstances of many

women following divorce (matter most often care the custodian parent) is a

significant effect because lack of money means moving to new neighborhood,

less advantage school and possible decreased availability of access to parents

due to the strains of balancing work, home and child care responsibilities.

When a home becomes broken it implies that either one parent is absent

leaving the child in the care of a guardian absence of such parents could be

caused by divorced or death.

According to Rohner et al (1975), body contact most important

requirement for the infant attachment to wrath has adverse effect on intelligence

and the creativity of the student to them, a student from such a home will face a

problem of learning, disability he is aggressive and unable to obey school rules.

Similarly, Harlaw and Harlow (1963), found that, the children separated

from their mothers can lead to psychological problems anxiety state, depressive,

illness which in turn affect the learning and interaction ability of the student in the

school, many children from broken homes often feel inferior to others, sometimes

people around are ignorant and ask questions? Like your fathers day – to day

where is you day? Or how can you sometimes contracted of this number and

other times at another number? These innocent question often forces the child

pain age reality act his family situation over age even the form that you.

EKERUCHE (1988), stated that physical contact plays an important role in

students upbringing. He went on to advice parents to make it as point of duty to

hug their children and their wives perspectives as their tight schedule.


Trustnecy et al (1984), stress both parents express concern about their

relation with their children and their competence as parents. However, in general

none custodian parents weather, they are mothers or fathers experience lesser

stress in day today student rearing but fell more dissatisfied, deficiently,

powerless and shut out in their relation with their children. On the side of the

student from divorce family it should be noted that in every home the parent

student relationship is based on acceptance.

It is based, on hostility the student would well come the separation and

prefer to live with one of the parent whom he or she like most the student will

only develop emotional feeling, if an separation through a court of law and the

decision is such that the student handed to be, appropriate manner one of the

parent least preferred. The choice or custody can adversely affect his school

performance; certainly parents are not very responsible and in most cases fail in

their parental obligation. For example some fathers are drunkard, some other are

selfish, are always afraid to carry out the fatherly functions. The same applied to

certain mothers who fail to provide warm affection that are necessary for the

student proper development.

In other case although separation has occurred yet both parents have

interest in student education and they do provide necessary situation, so that the

student does not experience frustration, a situation that will adversely affect him

in the classroom. Some parents have decided on joint custody.

Asaju (1980), suggested that to avoid the non-win pain of custody flight

more and more parent are turning to Join Custody, equal responsibility in

carrying for children. The process seems to work except for one confusion the

student was not sure where he lived.

Experience has shown too that, some parents are not tolerant of others,

the custodian parent so as far as barring the other parent from seining the

children. The carried parent will then resort to seeing the children secretly.

Each of the parents will not speak well of the other and they may resort for

using the children as tool for black mail of the other.

A student under such atmosphere is clouded with fears, lack love and

sense of direction.

In the classroom, the academic achievement of such student bound to be

drastically affected as he lives in the world of confusion and received no moral

backing from home. The strongest argument against divorce are frequently made

on behalf of the children of divorced parents. It has been believed that children

are damaged by the divorce of their parents and that this predisposes them to

delinquently and emotional mal adjustment. A number of studies like Udry

(1978), and Frude (1981), shows that when a children from broken homes are

compared with children from intact marriages the alter are better adjusted and

have better relationship with parents.

But when another crucial comparison was made between children from

broken home forced better in every comparison less delinquent behaviour better

adjustment to parent when the adolescents from intact but unhappy homes. For

children the absence of emotional supports on effective role model agent of

socialization, trainer or skills disciplinarian and better agent.

However, in marriage where the father has been distant, uninvolved and

non supportive, there may be little to lose and much to gain from opportunities for

new relationship, self sufficiency and relief from conflict. From the evidence

available it can no longer be maintained that divorce is entirely detrimental to

children. It may be said that marital conflict and disruptions are disturbing to

children and disorganized their lives. If divorce removed the sources of conflict

then divorce is better for the children than living in conflict. In the case of death

being a casual factor of broken home, the situation appears to be different from

that of the father pact in fostering the student development is to provide the

student with a second adult model so that they body can identified with a number

of his own sex and about the behaviour and attitudes of the apposite sex.


The section take into consideration Broken Homes and its implication for

the teacher and the students achievement even when the school situation are

different the problems is common phenomenon such as broken homes problems

that are from the parents and not from the school situation affect at the student

school environment.

According to Clark and lesser (1963) elaborated on such broken homes

are often different for the teacher to over come in the absence of such vital

feedback he has about each students. Thought the teacher needs to know

generally problems children from broken home are likely to encounter such

problems includes frustration, insecurity, anxiety and emotional blocks. It is

generally believe that individuals exposed to such problems mentioned have the

difficulties of organizing themselves and to concentrate to do any school work


In a divorce situation the attitude of the parents would consent seriously

on whether their children would perform well or fail to perform well. For example

for some individual will fail to strive in a confused and tense atmosphere. If

separation occurred and the students is in the custody of the parents preferred

his school work will not be seriously disturbed.

Wodton (1959) reported that in the field delinquency, especially delinquent

girls the evident supporting the view broken homes play an important role, which

involved emotional in strong and consistent. There are form of broken home

which has emotional and stresses, but merely students from broken homes, are

emotionally disturbed which lead to badly affected in their academic


Children who were reported with emotionally disturbed in a researched

conducted by Yusuf (1981) revealed that about 272 children or 32% of them

came from broken homes obviously a relationship exist between broken home

and the emotionally disturbed among are common.

School administration can lead the way in reassessing attitude policies a

programme that affect families involved in divorce transition. By emphasizing

high expectation. By and a positive school environment and by providing support

to mobilize students strengths. Significant contribution can be made to the likely

hood of positive outcomes for our children recent students identifying the factors

most highly corresponded with positive outcomes points to the following ideas.

The knowledge to broken homes should indicators to the teacher that the

students coming from needs problem teacher are, often confronted with it lack of

adequate knowledge of the background wit it lack of adequate knowledge of the

background. The teacher needs to know not only that the students is from a

broken home but the circumstances that lead to the broken of the home (and

present condition of living of the student. The disturbing effect of such an

unsatisfactory environment the responds very well in academic achievement.


Attempt were made in this chapter to defined the concept broken home

various definition provided by earlier researchers with more emphasis on divorce

as the control issue.

(West, 1980), most of the researcher however arrived of a definition with

the control issue being that the parent are no more living together as husband

and wife.

In an attempt to portray the nature of broken home, divorce, death of

parent and separations have been identified, as being the course of broken

homes. Divorce being major constraints or broken home has its causes identified

further, economic booms, post war period, in the relationship between home and

academic achievement. The student of the broken homes are said to be likely to

find themselves in one of the three situation that is being catered for big a single

parent, being read.

Each of those variables brings some hardship to the students.

The literature review in this section agued in support and against. The

view that it is the next conditions prevailing in the broken homes that is

responsible for students low performance. A number of studies show that

children of divorce homes are intact unlike unhappy homes. Irrespective of its

possible implication to teacher in school setting, the literature review revealed

that the problem mostly reencountered by subjects of broken homes are those

frustration, insecurity, anxieties and emotional feedings such problems made the

children unable to concentration in the claims and subsequently fail to achieved.

In general teachers are advised on understand the problems of broken homes

children so to be able to treat them along side with other children.

Researchers like Yusuf (1983), have carried out a study on this topic. He

has covered several of the effect of broken homes on student academic


Inferiority complex is a result of lack of care, love, security, social state

and affection inferiority complex is a psychological deficiency that can affect the

academic achievement of the individual students.



This chapter deals mainly with the methodology or strategies in which the

researchers used in collecting valid and reliable information and data for the stud,

which includes:

a. Research design

b. Population and sample

c. Research instrument

d. Procedure for data collection

e. Method of data analysis


The research is survey design on the effect of broken homes on academic

achievement of students in selected schools in Jere Local Government Area.

Ndagi (1984), survey research is a type of descriptive research in which

respondents for testing hypothesis concerning the states of some educational

problem are measures. It is also techniques involving larger number of

persons and described population characterized by the selected of unbiased


It involved using questionnaire and sometimes interview test and

generalizing the result of the survey to the population from which it’s drawn.


The population study consist of the senior students in the four (4) selected

primary schools in Jere Local Government Area. Twenty five (25) respondents

per school have been selected sample random sampling thereby bringing the

total number of respondents to hundred (100) participated in study.


The instrument used in collecting data for this study is a questionnaire,

which was constructed by the researchers under the supervision of the


The questionnaire was divided into three parts. Part one deals with

personal data of the responded, part two also deals with number of students from

broken home and part three deals with the effects of broken home on academic

achievement of the respondents.


The items selected for the questionnaire were scrutinized typed out and

printed clearly in the computer. They were distributed to twenty five (25) senior

students in each four – selected primary school under Jere Local Government

Area. The respondents were asked to fill in the forms and return it to the

researchers for analysis the researchers divided themselves into two groups.

Each group visited two (2) primary schools to finish it on time.

The exercise was carried out within (3) days.

There were a total number of 100 questionnaire distributed. The

respondents were selected randomly without bias.

Moreover, for the purpose of administrate ring the questionnaire that was

first taking to the office of the primary school. The headmaster directed the

teacher concerned in the school to co-operate and feed the researchers with the

necessary information refined for the study.

There were certain difficulties recounted by the researchers while

administering the questionnaire. The schools were located at different or areas

and there was a winds gap from one school to other. Therefore the researchers

had to spend a lot of resources and energies before reaching the school.

Thus, the researchers had to pay for their transportation.

However, in spite of the difficulties encountered by the researchers in

administering the questionnaire, the excise was a huge success.


The data collected were organized and analyzed through simple

percentage using the following formular = obtain scores x 100 thing is to say the

reconvened tick one response which could be either (yes) or (N0) the number of

such responded now be counted from each item which will be the obtained

score. The obtained score would then be divided by hundred and any item that

has percentage score 50% and above would be taken as point 60 studies and be





This chapter discusses the presentation and analysis of data based on the

investigation carried out on the effect of broken homes on academic achievement

of students with particular reference to some selected primary schools in Jere

Local Government Area of Borno State.

Percentage (%) were employed as the statistical tools for analyzing data.

The result of the analysis are presented in percentage terms merge for Yes or

No”. The data for the research work was obtained through the questionnaires.

The result are presented according to the research question raised earlier

as showing the table below:




15-16 01-02 03 04
15-16 7-4 8 5
16 10-16 2 6
19-20 8-9 10 4
TOTAL 22-28 25 29
TOTAL 100%




01 02 03 04
MALE - - 25 5
FEMALE 25 - 25 5

TOTAL 25 25 25 25


Research question One: Number of student from broken home


1. Do your father and mother stay together? 40 60
2. Is your mother alive? 70 30
3. Is your father alive? 25 75
4. Do you stay with your parent? 25 75
5. Do your parents loves you? 65 35
6. Do your parents pay your school fees on time 40 60
7. Do your parents care for your progress in school? 53 47

Table 4.2 above presents frequency distribution on the number of students from

broken homes. 60% of the respondents stated that their father and mother are

not staying together.

Similarly, 65% of the respondents agreed that, their mother are alive,

while 70% also agreed that their father are alive. 70% of the students responds

that they are not staying with their parents. The 65% of the students agreed that

their parent love them, 60% of students state that their parent does not pay their

school fees on time. Finally 530% agreed that their parents care for their

progress in school.




1. Do you perform poorly in your home assignment 64 36

because of absence of your father

2 Do you perform poorly in your test because of

absence of your father or mother?

58 42
3 Do you perform poorly in your terminal exams 51 49

because of absence of your father or mother?

4 Do you perform poorly in your group assignment 36 65

because of absence of your father or mother?

5. Do you perform poorly in your quiz, drama, debate 48 52

because of absence of your father or mother?

6. Do lack of security affect students from broken 70 30

homes in school?
7 Does lack of security from home affect students to 48 52

be perform poorly in schools

8 Does insecurity affects your academic achievement 35 65
9 Does indiscipline affect the performance of students 55 45

from broken homes?

10 Does a student from broken homes that lack 82 18

security perform below expectation?

11 Did your parent taught of you when you come later 53 47

from school?
12. Do your parents provides you necessary security for 51 49

13. Do your parents beat you when you do bad 51 49
14 Do your parents ask the school authority to 41 59

discipline you when you do wrong things



64% of the respondents agreed that they perform poorly in their home

assignment because of absence of their father or mother, while 58% also agreed

that they perform performs poorly in this test because of absence of their father

or mother.

Similarly, 51% of the respondents also agreed that they perform poorly in

their terminal exams because of absence of their father or mother.

65% of the respondents disagreed that they perform poorly in their group

assignment because of absence of their father or mother.

Similarly 52% of the respondents also disagreed that they perform poorly

in their quiz, drama, debate because of absence of their father or mother.

Similarly, 70% of the respondents agreed that lack of security affects

students from broken homes in school, 52% of respondents disagreed that lack

of security from homes affect students to be performing poorly in school.

Similarly 55% respondents agreed that indiscipline affect performance of

students from broken homes, 65% or respondents disagreed that insecurity

affects their academic achievement.

Similarly, 82% of the respondents agreed that students from broken

homes lack security, perform below expectation, 53% or respondents disagreed

that their parents are taught of them when they come late from school.

Similarly, 51% of the respondents each responded to item 12 and 13

positively that their parents provides necessary security for them and parents

beat them when done bad.

Finally, 59% of respondents disagreed that parents ask the school

authority discipline them when they do wrong things.


It is evident from the first findings of this study that about 75% of the

respondents are not staying with their parents.

According to Hornby (1970), broken homes is a home in which the parents

separated or divorced or are no more together as a result of death. Children from

such homes lack proper care and security.

The second findings indicated that 70% agreed that lack of security affects

students from broken homes in schools and 82% of the respondents agreed that

students from broken homes that lack security perform below expectations.

Yusuf (1997), stated that 60 – 70% of backward students in Jere Local

Government Area are those children from broken homes. Some of them are

rerunning errant while some others do not have adequate school materials that

will help them to study hence that they are frustrated and psychological

disturbed, when they are in the classroom as a result they cannot do well in the





This research work studied the effects of broken home on student’s

academic achievement in Jere Local Government Area.

The work was organized into five chapters. Chapter one presented the

background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study,

research question, relevance the study, scope of the study and operational

definition of terms.

Chapter two also presented the review of related literatures by some

researchers and educational covering the theoretical framework and nature of

broken homes, and it relation to achievements, implication of divorce of

academic achievement, broken home implication to the teachers in school

setting, summary of literature review and uniqueness of the study.

Chapter three comprises of research design, population and sample

research instruments, procedure for data collection and method of data analysis.

Chapter four also consist of presentation and analysis of data discussion

of results.

Chapter five covered summary, conclusion, recommendation and

suggestions for further studies.


The study conclude that, most of the respondents are not staying with

their parents. They perform below expectation due to the, lack of security care

and discipline in school are not been paid.

The study further concluded that some of the factors which causes

psychological effects on students academic achievement as a result of

broken home, are lack of care security and discipline.


The following are the broken stated recommendation of the study:-

1. The government should create academic and counseling units in schools

with adequate found, while students from broken homes should be given

proper guidance and counseling concerning their psychological needs and

social problems towards their studies for appropriate discipline.

2. More learning materials should be provided to the students from broken

homes by their parents and guidance for effective learning

3. Proper monitoring, security and discipline should be given to the students

by their guidance and single parents.

4. Government should found or create sufficient orphanage homes and

finance them so that they will take care of broken homes.

5. Religious scholars should offer to parents on dangers of broken homes

and their effect on academic performance.

6. Principal and teachers should monitor the affairs of students from broken

homes and counsel them from time to time in their schools.


More studies should be taken on the influence of broken homes on

student’s academic achievements.

On the other parts of the country, since this research was only limited on

Jere Local Government Area.

A study to be undertaken on the comparative analysis of broken homes

students and normal students and their academic performance


Asaju R, (1980) Cognitive Development and parental loss

among the gifted, the exceptionally gifted and the creative

psychological report pages 29

Clarck, and Lesser, (1963) Educational disturbance and school

learning, journals of science research Association Vol.(4)

and (5). 105 – 130

Ducan, (1973) Principled of teaching spectrum books limited, Jublee

House King Road, P.M.B 5612 Ibadan.

Foskum, B. K (91954)psychology applied to Teaching Boston

Highten Midfin Company.

Homeby Y. Udi (1981) Educational and conventional Guidance in Nigerin

Secondary School Jos, Savana Press ltd.

Isaken Hl and 06 (1963) Counselers place in the guidance process.

Rohner, (1975) Patterns of anxiety among Uganda adolescents

journal or applied Cross Culture psychology P. 120 – 124

Uche, I (1978) and West (1980): Home environment and school London

University of London Press Ltd.

Woot A. B. (1959): organization of behaviour new York John Wilky and


Yusuf B. (1981) statistic of broken home Journal broken home

in Borno State statues vol. (1) – (2) P. 7 – 8.




(Please fill in the space)

1. Name of school …………………………………………………….

2. Class:…………………………………………………………………

3. Age:……………………………………………………………………

4. Sex:……………………………………………………………………



(please tick where appropriate)


1. Do your father and mother stay together?
2. Is your mother alive?
3. Is your father alive?
4. Do you stay with your parent?
5. Do your parents loves you?
6. Do your parents pay your school fees on time
7. Do your parents care for your progress in school?



(Please tick where appropriate)

1. Do you perform poorly in your home assignment

because of absence of your father

2 Do you perform poorly in your test because of

absence of your father or mother?

3 Do you perform poorly in your terminal exams

because of absence of your further or mother?
4 Do you perform poorly in your group assignment

because of absence of your father or mother?

5. Do you perform poorly in your quiz, drama, debate

because of absence of your father or mother?

6. Do lack of security affect students from broken

homes in school?
7 Does lack of security from home affect students to

be perform poorly in schools

8 Does insecurity affects your academic achievement
9 Does indiscipline affect the performance of students

from broken homes?

10 Does a student from broken homes that lack

security perform below expectation?

11 Did your parent taught of you when you come later

from school?
12. Do your parents provides you necessary security for

13. Do your parent beat you when you do bad
14 Do your parents ask the school authority to

discipline you when you do wrong things


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