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Student’s Name: Junwoo Class Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PT

Teacher’s Name: Mary Date Covered: Aug 9 – Sept 8

Junwoo’s strong point is ,he’s a little fast learner if he listens and focus well in our class. He
can answer my questions right away if he’s listening well. He’s behavior is okay too.

He’s weak point is , I think his attention. But I understand that kids as his age tends to get
distracted easily and gets bored easily. That’s all ^^

For this term, I’m really happy to see that he learned right away and uses the
sentences/phrases that I corrected, the use of : I will, I have/I don’t have, I can/I can’t .
(example: he used to say “teacher no book” but now now he will say “ I don’t have a book’,
Before he will say “teacher pencil or teacher bathroom or teacher drink water ” now he will say
“Teacher I will get a pencil” “I will go to the bathroom” “I will drink water” ).

We will start with a little conversation for 2-5 minutes (like talking about the weather, about
his mood and his pokemon friends). I will correct his sentences everytime he talks . And another
5 minutes to review our lesson from previous day. After that, we will proceed with his book. I
will read first and he will follow, with that I can listen if he pronounce the words correctly. Then
I will ask him if there any words that he can’t understand, (If there are, I will send the meaning
in Korean) I would like to require an English notebook for him, so that he can write his
vocabularies. I will also ask him to use in a sentence the new words we learned. And Every
Friday I will give him a short spelling test. Before we end our class we will have our 5 minutes
game.^^ I’ll try my best to make our class fun.


None so far ^^ Aja Junwoo!

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