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Math 1201 Unit 4 Discussion Assignment

What happens if we graph both   and   on the same set of axes, using the x-axis for the input to
both   and   ? 

Answer 1:
The graphs of a function and its inverse function share a special geometric
property with the line y=x . Because they are symmetrical across the line y = x  {–2
< x < 2} if we fold the graph below in half on the line y = x {–2 < x < 2} the graphs
of     {-2 < x < 2} and },   {–2 < x < 2} would match each other

Then post your own example discussing the difficulty of graph both   and   on the same set of axes. 
In this case the function, y=x 2 +2 passes the Vertical Line Test (VLT) however, it does not pass the
Horizontal Line Test (HLT) therefore we have to limit the scope of the function and concentrate on only

a portion of the graph

y= χ 2+ 2starting at point (0,2) to + infinity.
The this case the function, χ = y 2+ 2passes the Horizontal Line Test (HLT) however, it does not pass the
Vertical Line Test (VLT) therefore we have to limit the scope of the function and concentrate on only a

portion of the graph

χ = y 2+ 2 starting at point (2,0) extending to + infinity.

Suppose   is a function from the set of real numbers to the same set
with  . We write   to represent   and  . Is it true
that  ? Why?

No this is not true. Because the if they are the inverse of each other they are
opposite or the reverse of each other.
Is the set {  l  } infinite? Why? 

Abramson, J. (2017). Algebra and trigonometry. OpenStax, TX: Rice University. Retrieved

Mathispower4u. (2010, June 4). Inverse functions [Video file]. Retrieved from

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