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“If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts,
he shall end in certainties.” A quote from Francis Bacon, an author, which incase lets us see the most attributes of
men that in sudden expectations on luck when we can’t even deliberately see that like isn’t just a piece of cake
that you just devour without slicing it into equal pieces. There should be equity in everything we do—refrain from
being eccentric—and we can start this by practicing and applying these qualities on our own perceptions. Well, if
it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle.
Most people dwell into the part where they always say, “this is my fate and nothing can stop it,” or even
“wish me luck.” These to phrases create rhetorical mindset that our work will depend on what destiny wants it to
be. Just go with the flow and when it happens, it happened. We have superstitions and that one is what we call
luck. When you see those top buildings and glass windows like skyscrapers, there are random comments saying
how lucky they are to be up there. Being in a high company and in a successful industry needs a very tight
training as well as elaborated steps on how to be at a high standing.
Creating high companies like that takes time and management. Moreover, this needs a perceptive attitude
in able to create a successful one to drive. There are ups and downs in life and there are things that cannot be
controlled at hand. Particularly, failures and hardships that we cannot control—everything in life comes with a
price that may not be solved by money, but one thing that can give answers to is management. Luck. Yes, there is
luck but not only luck, but luckily loft for being optimistic in times of downfalls. One thing, management does not
only rely on the business, but also for the person who compassionately possess this being. It does not only make
you a successful one with opaque objects and money at hand, but it will improve your well-being and your self-
esteem. You won’t even notice that time lapses and you are already at the top.
We often say the metaphor that “time is gold,” in any circumstance, how can we be able to apply this
quote? We cannot take this literally, but we can take this as a catalyst for being a good person and a good
manager. We cannot prevent those deadlines from coming to us and we cannot make the time and calendar as a
basis. Time will abet us to estimate whether you can finish the job or not. The clock cannot be stopped from
ticking—this is one of the barriers in coming through a not so successful but average creation. We always say that
time is far away from being materialized then yet unconsciously, we’ll see that the end line is at the tip of our
noses. Then we cram. Lastly, we get frustrated and regret that time that this will be a potential success to the
pursuant you’ve been manifesting to your own life.
Time is gold. Yes, it is but time as it is, time is diamond. Not literally that time is the most precious one.
The precious thing that the quote was pertaining to is the person who uses it. If we learn to manage our time, that
person is precious since that entity can make so many essential things with that scope of time given. We cannot
rely on the time given. There are many things that we can rely on, but the clock cannot stop ticking. It won’t
adjust for you to do something and it cannot, most certainly stop deadlines from coming over and over. Managing
your time is one of the absolute values of life that needs the sheer attention. Time cannot always be the catalyst to
start, but the person itself.
A part of management is that it gives you more opportunities. The term expanding an individual’s aspects
and perceptions will be given enunciation. When listing all the things that are needed to be accomplished, not only
you will have the benefit but also the people that surrounds you. We know that the universe is infinite and if we
pertain it here in this biological factor of the universe, it will give a never-ending scene of successful projects.
We’ll face everything with great judgement and a profound, positive being. We’ll have the things right if we
manage it—it will not only feel right, but it will place a set that it is right without doubtless reasons.
In line with the set space, this will also give a well-endowed concept of managerial. This will expound the
person to not only focus on the shallow thing that are needed, but it will also let the person improve the visceral
reflexes to break down all the tiny pieces of a plan. With that said, the essentials given in practicing management
will be more appreciated if it will be materialized. You’ll start with no doubt and will end with flying colors.
If you do practice this, it will be a modern Jace Herondale—the most organized and sympathetic fictional
character that I am reading. Any perilous event he will conquer and frankly planned actions to a none-dubious

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