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第七章 水泥生产质量管理与控制

Chapter VII Quality Management and Control

of Cement Production
7.1 原料、燃料质量管理与控制
7.1 Quality Management and Control of Raw Material and Fuel
Quality control of raw materials for cement production is a necessary condition for the
preparation of suitable ingredients and uniform and stable raw meal. The quality of fuel not only
affects the calcination of clinker, but also the quality of clinker. Therefore, to produce cement that
meets the requirements of national standards, it is necessary to ensure that the quality of raw
materials and fuel meet the requirements of the production process. Cement plants should achieve
the mining of limestone raw materials at fixed areas, the mining of clay raw materials at fixed
points, and the supply of raw materials and coal at fixed points. The raw fuel entering the factory
should be piled up in batches, inspected in batches and used in a reasonable manner.

7.1.1 原料的质量控制与管理
7.1.1 Quality Control and Management of Raw Materials 石灰质原料的质量控制 Quality Control of Calcareous Raw Materials

I. Quality requirements for calcareous raw materials

石灰质原料使用最广泛的是石灰石,其主要成分为 CaCO3,纯石灰石的 CaO 最高含量

为 56%,其品位由 CaO 含量高低来确定。但用于水泥生产的石灰石不一定就是 CaO 含量越
高越好,还要看它的酸性组成含量,如 SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3 等是否满足配料要求。石灰石的主
要有害成分为 MgO、R2O(Na2O+K2O)和游离 SiO2,尤其对 MgO 含量应给予足够的注意。
The most widely used lime material is limestone, whose main component is CaCO 3. The
highest CaO content of pure limestone is 56%, and its grade is determined by the content of CaO.
However, the limestone used in cement production is not necessarily the higher the CaO content,
the better it depends on its acidic composition content, such as whether SiO 2, Al2O3 Fe2O3 and
other ingredients meet the requirements. The main harmful components of limestone are MgO,
R2O (Na2O + K2O) and free SiO2, and special attention should be paid to the MgO content. The
general quality requirements of calcareous raw materials are shown in the following table:

表 1 石灰质原料的质量要求

Table 1 Quality Requirements for Calcareous Materials

名称品位 SiO2)
CaO MgO R2O SO3 Cl-
Name & Grade Quartz or
Slint (f-
First >48 <2.5 <1.0 <1.0 <4.0 <0.015
Second 45~48 <3.0 <1.0 <1.0 <4.0 <0.015

The requirements for the quality index of the China United Cement Lunan Co., Ltd’s calcareous
raw materials are shown in the following table:

CaO MgO R2O SO3 Cl-
Quartz or Slint
>48.0 <2.80 <1.0 <1.0 <4.0 <0.015

II. Selection of Calcareous Raw Materials

在具体选择石灰质原料时,如果石灰质原料中 CaO 含量低于 48%,可将其与 CaO 含量

大于 48%的石灰质原料搭配使用,以利资源的合理利用。但值得注意的是,含有白云石
(CaCO3·MgCO3 )的石灰石往往容易造成水泥中的 MgO 含量过高。这是因为白云石是
MgO 的主要来源,为使水泥中 MgO 的含量小于 5.0%,应控制石灰质原料中 MgO 含量小
于 3.0%。含有白云石的石灰石在新敲开的断面上可以看到粉粒状的闪光。用 10%盐酸溶液滴
一般也不宜采用。新型干法水泥生产中,考虑到 K2O、Na2O、SO3、Cl- 离子等微量组分对水泥
In the specific selection of calcareous raw materials, if the content of CaO in the calcareous
raw materials is less than 48%, it can be used in combination with the calcareous raw materials
with a CaO content greater than 48% to facilitate the rational use of resources. However, it is
worth noting that limestone containing dolomite (CaCO3•MgCO3) tends to cause excessive MgO
content in cement. This is because dolomite is the main source of MgO. In order to make the
content of MgO in cement less than 5.0%, the content of MgO in calcareous raw materials should
be controlled to be less than 3.0%. Dolomite-containing limestone can be seen on the newly
broken section as a powdery and glittering flash. With 10% hydrochloric acid solution, a small
amount of bubbles are generated on the dolomite. If it is dropped on the limestone, bubbles are

generated violently. Therefore, this method can be used to simply distinguish between dolomite
and limestone. For limestone with high chert content, with brownish black protrusions or nodules-
like inclusions in surface, which is hard in texture, difficult to break and burn. Therefore, its
quality should be strictly controlled. In the same way, after geological metamorphism,
recrystallized marble has completed, coarse crystals and dense structure. Although the chemical
composition is relatively pure, CaCO3 is high in content, but it is not easy to be ground and
calcined, so it is generally not suitable. Taking into account that K2O、Na2O、SO3、Cl- and other
trace components have an impact on the quality of cement production, they are all restricted in the
raw material quality indicators in the new dry process cement production.

采要求;三是控制有害成分,如严格控制 SiO2、R2O、SO3、Cl-含量,确保生产的正常进行。

In recent years, people have paid close attention to the exploration of mining resources for
raw materials in order to ensure that the reserves meet the service life requirements and avoid
being forced to convert the line of production or shut down due to the exhaustion of raw materials.
Second, it can make the raw material reserve grade meet the mining requirements. Third, it may
also control harmful components such as strict control of SiO2 Content to ensure normal

III. The Performance Test Method for Calcareous Raw Materials

The performance test of calcareous raw materials is mainly to study the decomposition
performance and reactivity which have the greatest influence on flammability among many
properties. With the advancement of modern testing technology, it is possible to quantitatively
study the chemical composition, mineral composition, and microstructure of calcareous raw
materials, so as to reveal the effect mechanism of raw material properties on burnability.

(1) 石灰质原料中各种元素(或氧化物)含量。可以用化学分析方法定量确定。

(1) The content of various elements (or oxides) in calcareous raw materials can be quantitatively
determined by chemical analysis methods.

(2) 石灰质原料的分解温度,用差热分析方法可确定其中碳酸钙盐的分解温度。

(2) The decomposition temperature of calcareous raw materials can be determined by differential
thermal analysis.

(3) 石灰质原料的主要矿物组成,可用 X 射线衍射方法进行物相定性分析。

(3) The main mineral composition of calcareous raw materials can be analyzed by X-ray

(4) 石灰质原料的微观结构,可采用透射电子显微镜来研究方解石的晶粒形态、晶粒大
(4) The microstructure of calcareous raw materials can be studied by transmission electron
microscopy to study the morphology, grain size, and the existence of impurity components in the

crystal. Electron probes can be used to test the morphology, content, particle size and uniformity
of impurities.

IV. Quality Management of Calcareous Raw Materials

石灰石原料在生料中的配比约占 80%,所以石灰石的质量控制显得尤为重要。石灰石
The proportion of limestone in the raw material accounts for about 80%, so the quality
control of limestone is particularly important. The quality control of limestone includes the quality
control of mines, outsourced limestone and incoming limestone.


(1) Quality Management in Limestone Mines

要化学成分。如果矿山质量稳定,可 1~2 年测一次,测点的距离也可适当放大,如果矿山
1) A mining network should be prepared in limestone mines. According to the limestone
quality change rules and actual mining usage conditions, the measuring points should be regularly
and shaftly arranged at a certain interval to determine the main chemical composition of limestone
on the surface of the mine. If the quality of the mine is stable, it can be measured once every one
or two years, and the distance between the measuring points can be appropriately enlarged. If the
mine structure is complicated and the composition fluctuates greatly, it should be measured once
every six months or even once a quarter. By comprehensively determining the mine network, the
factory can fully grasp the law of the change of the quality of the limestone mine, predict the
quality of the limestone from mining and entering the plant, and take the initiative to make full
and reasonable use of the mine resources.

2) Implement the planned mining. According to the change rules of mines quality, quarterly
and annual mining plans are worked out and mines as planned. Low-grade limestone deposits
should also be considered for use in order to make full use of mining resources, reduce production
costs and improve economic benefits.

3) Prepare for stripping and mining. In order to strengthen the mine management, it is
necessary to formulate the mine's management regulations and follow the principle of “mining and
stripping simultaneously and stripping first”. The amount of limestone inclusions in the topsoil of

limestone mines should be controlled. If they are not uniformly mixed, it will directly affect the
accuracy of the ingredients. In addition, due to the large viscosity of the soil in the rainy season, it
will affect the normal progress of transportation, crushing, grinding and other processes.
Therefore, it is necessary to make timely preparations for mine stripping and mining to remove the
topsoil and remove interlayer impurities. It is very important for maintaining the normal
production and ensuring the quality of raw materials. For new mines and new mining areas,
preparations for stripping and mining should be made in advance.

4) Make a good mix of different quality limestone. The quality of each mining area of the
limestone mine should be grasped in time. Sampling in the borehole before blasting and sampling
and inspection on the limestone pile after blasting. Determine the appropriate mix ratio and adjust
the mining plan. You can also take samples from the minecart, take a few points for each car, and
synthesize an average sample at multiple points. This method can be used to understand the
quality of incoming limestone.


(2)Quality Control Of Outsourced Limestone Raw Materials

Before signing a supply contract for an outsourced limestone company, its laboratory should
first understand the quality of the outsourced mine. Meanwhile, sampling and inspection should be
carried out according to different appearance characteristics, then different grades of mine samples
should be made. The laboratory determines the quality index of limestone according to the
batching requirements of the cement clinker produced by the factory, and after approval by the
factory director, it is handed over to the supply and marketing department to place the order. When
signing the supply contract, quality indicators and acceptance rules should be formulated at the
same time to ensure the quality of incoming limestone.


(3) Quality control of incoming limestone

The quality control of incoming limestone can be divided into two situations:

1) 外购大块石灰石进厂后,要按指定地点分批分堆存放,检验后搭配使用。

1) The outsourced large pieces of limestone should be stored in batches at designated

locations and put into use after inspection.

2) 有矿山的企业,石灰石在矿山破碎后进厂,或进厂后直接进破碎机破碎并存入石
2) For enterprises with mines, limestone is generally crushed before being transported to
the plant or directly crushed in the plant and stored in the limestone warehouse. If the composition

of the limestone fluctuates greatly, the pre-homogenization of limestone should be considered.

的企业,一般应有 10d 以上的储量,有矿山的企业至少应有 5d 以上的储量。

In order to ensure the continuous and normal production and facilitate the quality control,
there should be a certain reserves of limestone. Enterprises that need to outsource limestone
should generally have reserves to support their production for more than 10 days, and enterprises
with their own mines should have reserves for production for at least 5 days.

进厂石灰石一批进行一次 CaO 测定或全分析;石灰石质量控制指标见表 1。

Each batch of incoming limestone needs a CaO determination or full analysis. Limestone
quality control indicators are shown in table 1. 粘土质原料的质量控制 Quality Control of Clay Material

I. Quality Requirements

的可塑性等。对粘土质原料的一般质量要求可见表 2

The main indicators for measuring the quality of clay are the chemical composition of the
clay (silicon content, aluminum content), sand content, alkali content, and clay plasticity. The
general quality requirements for clay materials can be seen in Table 2

表 2 粘土质原料的质量要求

Table 2 Quality Requirements for Clay Materials

N p MgO R2O SO3 Plasticity
First Class 2.7~3.5 1.5~3.5 <3.0 <4.0 <2.0 >12
2.0~2.7 或 3.5~
4.0 不限
Second Class <3.0 <4.0 <2.0 >12
2.0~2.7 or 3.5~ Unlimited

II. Selection of Clay Materials

为了便于配料又不掺硅质校正原料,要求粘土质原料硅率最好为 2.7~3.1,铝率 1.5~

3.0,此时粘土质原料中 SiO2 含量应为 55%~72%。如果粘土硅率过高,大于 3.5 时,则可能
是含粗砂粒(>0.1mm)过多的砂质土所致;如果硅率过小,小于 2.3~2.5,则是以高岭石
为主导矿物的粘土,配料时除非石灰质原料含有较高的 SiO2,否则就要添加难磨难烧的硅
质校正原料。所选粘土质原料应尽量不含碎石、卵石,粗砂含量应小于 5.0%,这是因为粗砂
为结晶状态的游离 SiO2,结晶 SiO2 含量高的粘土对粉磨不利,未磨细的结晶 SiO2 会严重恶

化生料的易烧性。若每增高 1%的结晶 SiO2,在 1400℃煅烧时,熟料中的游离 CaO 将提高
近 0.5%。此外,还会影响生料的塑性和成球性能,不利于立窑的煅烧。为此,干法生产时,
In order to facilitate the batching without mixing the siliceous calibration material, the silicon
content of the clay material is preferably 2.7% to 3.1% and the aluminum ratio is 1.5% to 3%. At
this time, the SiO 2 content in the clay material should be 55% -72%. If the clay silicon rate is
greater than 3.5%, it may be caused by sandy soil with too much coarse sand (>0.1mm). If the
silicon rate is too small, less than 2.3% to 2.5%, the clay is dominated by kaolinite. Unless the
calcareous raw material contains high SiO 2, it is necessary to add difficult-to-burn silicon-
corrected raw materials. The selected clay material should be free of crushed stones and pebbles,
and the coarse sand content should be less than 5.0%. This is because the coarse sand is crystalline
free SiO2. The clay with high crystalline SiO 2 content is not good for grinding. Crystalline SiO2
will severely deteriorate the flammability of the raw material.

当粘土质原料 n=2.0~2.7 时,一般需要掺用硅质原料来提高含硅量;当 n=3.5~4.0 时,

When the clay material is n = 2.0-2.7, it is generally necessary to mix silicon material to
increase the silicon content. When n = 3.5-4.0, it is generally used together with first-grade
products or second-grade clay materials with low silicon content, or mixed with aluminum
correction materials.


Rotary kiln production does not require clay plasticity. The raw kiln during calcination in the
shaft kiln and Lepol kiln must be pelletized and fed into the kiln. The size, strength, uniformity of
the pellets, resistance to bursting (thermal stability) and other properties have a direct impact on
the ventilation resistance and the uniformity of the calcination of the shaft kiln or Lepol kiln. In
particular, the Lepol kiln heater is more sensitive to ball quality. It requires that the raw ball is not
broken during the conveying and feeding process, and it still has a certain strength during the
calcination process and good thermal stability, so as to ensure the normal production of the kiln,
otherwise it will worsen the kiln's calcination. Raw materials made from generally plastic clays
tend to form balls. The strength of the ball is high, it is not easy to burst after entering the kiln and
the thermal stability is good. The plasticity index of the Lepol kiln and the clay raw material for
the shaft kiln is preferably not less than 12.

III. Test method for performance of clay materials

粘土质原料的矿物颗粒比较细小,大部分颗粒为 0.1~1μm,研究测试相对比较困难,
一般用化学分析方法测定其化学组成,用 X 射线衍射和透射电镜观察其矿物组成和矿物形
和形态要予以足够的重视,因为当石英含量为 70.5%,粒径超过 0.5 mm 时,就会显著影响

The mineral particles of the clay material are relatively small. Most of the particles are 0.1
μm to 1 μm. The research and testing of clay materials are relatively difficult. Generally, the
chemical composition is determined by chemical analysis, the mineral composition and mineral
morphology are observed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope, and the
dehydration temperature of clay minerals is determined by differential thermal analysis. Attention
must be paid to the coarse-grained quartz content, grain size, and morphology in clay materials.
Because when the content of quartz is 70.5% and the particle size exceeds 0.5 mm, the
flammability of raw meal will be significantly affected.

IV. Quality management of clay materials

粘土质原料在生料中配比约占 5%~20%,其质量波动相对较大,所以控制粘土质原料
The proportion of clay material in raw meal accounts for about 5%-20%, and its quality
fluctuation is relatively large, so it is also important to control the quality of clay material. The
quality management of clay materials includes quality control of in-coming & after-coming


(1) Quality control of incoming clay materials

Before entering the plant, the clay material shall be taken for analysis, and the batch test shall
be conducted. After the use requirements are met, the purchase contract shall be signed. First go to
the supply site to determine the quantity used. After entering the factory, they should be stacked in
batches according to the designated location and used after inspection.


(2) Quality control of incoming clay material

为保证生产的连续进行和有利于进行质量控制,粘土质原料应有 10d 以上的储量。进厂

铝率(P),n 值最好在 2.7~3.1,P 值最好在 1.5~3.0 的范围。

In order to ensure the continuous production and facilitate the quality control, the clay
material should have a reserve of more than 10 days. Clay materials entering the plant shall be
sampled on time and a full analysis shall be performed for each batch. The incoming clay material
mainly controls its silicon rate (n) and aluminum rate (P). The value of n is preferably in the range
of 2.7 to 3.1, and the value of P is preferably in the range of 1.5 to 3.0. 校正原料的质量控制 Quality Control of Calibration Materials

I. Calibration material definition


When the raw material ingredients obtained by mixing the calcareous raw material and the
clay raw material cannot meet the requirements of the batching plan, the corresponding raw
materials must be added according to the missing components. Such raw materials mainly
supplementing the deficiency of certain ingredients are called correction raw materials.


(1) Silicon Calibration Materials

当生料中 SiO2 含量不足时,需掺加硅质校正原料。常用的有硅藻土,硅藻石,含 SiO2

多的河砂、砂岩、粉砂岩等。但应注意,砂岩中的矿物主要是石英,其次是长石。但结晶 SiO2
When the SiO2 content in the raw meal is insufficient, a silicon-based correction raw material
needs to be added. Diatomite, river sand, sandstone, siltstone and other materials that contain SiO 2
are commonly used. However, crystalline SiO2 has adverse effects on grinding and calcining, so it
should be used as little as possible. The quartz crystal of river sand is more complete and coarse,
and it is only used when there are no sources such as sandstone. It is best to use weathered
sandstone or siltstone, whose silicon oxide content is not too low, but it is easy to grind and has
little effect on calcination.


(2) Iron Calibration Material

当氧化铁含量不足时,应掺加氧化铁含量大于 4%的铁质校正原料。常用的有低品位铁
If the content of iron oxide is insufficient, iron correction materials with iron oxide content
greater than 4% should be added. Commonly used are low-grade iron ore, iron smelter tailings and
industrial slag from sulfuric acid plants-sulfur iron slag.


(3) Aluminum calibration material

当生料中 Al2O3 含量不足时,需掺加铝质校正原料。常用的铝质校正原料有炉渣、煤矸

When the content of Al2O3 in the raw meal is insufficient, aluminum correction raw
materials need to be added. Commonly used aluminum calibration raw materials are slag, coal
gangue and bauxite.

II. Calibration of raw material quality requirements

对校正原料的一般质量要求见表 3

The general quality requirements for calibration materials are shown in Table 3.

表 3 校正原料的质量要求

Table 3 Quality requirements for calibration materials

指标 MgO Cl-
SiO2 R2O( SO3( Fe2O3 Al2O3
SM (% (%
Index (%) %) %) (%) (%)
) )
> <
Silicon Calibration 70~90 <3.0 <4.0 <1.0
4.0 0.015

Iron Calibration <3.0 <2.0 <2.0 >40

Aluminum <3.0 <2.0 <1.0 >30
calibration material

是长石。石英的主要成分是 SiO2,SiO2 控制在 70%~90%即可,>90%时由于石英含量过高,
Note: The commonly used siliceous correction materials are sandstone, river sand, and
siltstone. The main mineral in sandstone is quartz, followed by feldspar. The main component of
quartz is SiO2. SiO2 should be controlled at 70% to 90%. When the SiO2 is more than 90%, the
quartz content is too high and it is difficult to grind and calcinate. It should be used less. The
quartz crystal of river sand is more complete and coarse, and it is only used when there is no
sandstone source. Weathered sandstone or siltstone is preferred.

III. Quality Management of Calibration Materials

Calibration materials are mostly outsourced. After entering the factory, the calibration
materials should be stored in piles. Each batch should be sampled and tested for a full set of
chemical analysis. It must be used before testing and used in batches.

7.1.2 燃料的质量控制与管理

7.1.2 Fuel quality control and management 原煤的质量控制 control of raw coal

Cement production requires a lot of fuel. Most of China’s cement industry uses coal calcined
cement clinker. Bituminous coal, anthracite and coke are commonly used. However, in addition to
supplying the heat required for the burning of clinker, most of the ash generated after coal
combustion falls into the clinker, which affects the properties of cement clinker. Therefore, coal is

a “raw material” in cement production. Therefore, it is very important for the cement enterprises to
use coal for quality control.

I. General quality requirements of raw coal


Generally, rotary kiln uses bituminous coal and shaft kiln uses anthracite. The distinction
between anthracite and bituminous coal: bituminous coal with volatile content greater than 10% is


(1) Bituminous coal

长。为使回转窑火焰长些,煅烧均匀些,一般要求煤的挥发分在 22%~32%之间。因此,回
When coal is burned, coal with low volatility is not easy to catch fire, short flame and high
temperature concentration; coal with high volatility burns fast and flame is long. In order to make
the rotary kiln flame longer and calcined more uniformly, the volatile content of coal is generally
required to be between 22% and 32%. Therefore, it is best to use bituminous coal with moderate
calorific value and volatile content for calcining clinker in rotary kiln.

火后,能提高火焰的辐射能力,因此,煤粉不宜过分干燥,一般控制水分在 1.0%~1.5%为
If the moisture in the coal used in the rotary kiln is high, it will affect the fire and combustion
of the coal. Because the evaporation of water consumes heat and reduces the temperature, it needs
to be fired at a higher secondary air temperature. However, the presence of a small amount of
water can promote hydrocarbonation and increase the radiation capacity of the flame after the fire.
Therefore, the coal powder should not be excessively dried, and it is generally appropriate to
control the moisture to 1.0% to 1.5%.

粉细,燃烧快,但过细会降低磨机产量,增加磨机电耗。一般控制 0.080mm 方孔筛筛余为

Rotary kiln coal needs to be ground into pulverized coal before entering the kiln. If the
pulverized coal is too thick, the combustion will be incomplete and the coal consumption will
increase; if the pulverized coal is too fine, the combustion speed will be accelerated, and the mill
output will be reduced, increasing the power consumption of the mill. Therefore, the pulverized
coal generally needs to be controlled at 0.080mm square hole sieve with a sieve balance of 8% to


(2) Anthracite


立窑煅烧熟料应尽可能采用挥发分低的煤,最好挥发分不超过 10%,故需用无烟煤。

When the clinker is calcined in a shaft kiln, the decomposition temperature of volatiles due to
coal combustion is lower than its ignition point. If during the calcination process, the fuel has not
entered the high temperature zone, the volatiles will escape in the preheating zone of high
temperature and lack of oxygen and be taken away by the exhaust gas, causing waste of heat.
Therefore, the low-volatile coal should be used for calcining clinker in the shaft kiln. It is better
not to exceed 10%, so anthracite is needed.

水泥厂使用的原煤品质以煤的工业分析来表示。水泥厂使用的原煤品质要求见表 4

The quality of raw coal used in cement plants is expressed by an industrial analysis of coal.
The quality requirements of raw coal used in cement plants are shown in Table 4.

表 4 水泥工业用煤的一般质量要求

Table 4 General quality requirements for coal used in the cement industry

窑型 灰分(%) 挥发分(%) 硫(%)
Low Calorific Value
Kiln Type Ash Content (%) Volatile (%) Sulfur(%)
(Kj / Kg)
≤28 18~30 ≥21740
Wet Kiln
≤25 18~30 ≥23000
Lepol Kiln
≤35 ≤15 ≥18800
Shaft Kiln
≤28 22~32 ≤3 ≥21740
Precalciner Kiln

度要细,一般控制 0.08mm 方孔筛筛余 3%左右。2.实际上达不到表中品位要求的煤也常有
Notes: 1. Due to regional differences in coal production and some places where anthracite is
abundant and inexpensive, the cement industry in China has successfully developed a technology
to burn anthracite on a kiln outside the kiln. Anthracite kiln tail pre-decomposition system has
been developed and successfully applied in many cement plants. Due to the high ignition
temperature and long burning time of anthracite, in order to increase the burning speed, the
fineness of the pulverized coal into the kiln should be fine. Generally, the 0.08mm square hole
screen is used to control the remaining 3%. 2. In fact, coal that does not meet the grade
requirements in the table is often used, but it has a certain impact on heat consumption.

II. Detection method of coal quality


煤的工业分析结果计算煤的发热量)。现介绍煤的工业分析方法,主要参照 GB/T212—

The evaluation of coal quality can use elemental analysis or the results of industrial analysis,
that is, the industrial analysis method of coal generally used by cement enterprises. Industrial
analysis mainly includes determination of coal moisture, ash, volatile good calorific value and
calculation of fixed carbon (the results of industrial analysis of coal can also be used to calculate
the calorific value of coal). The industrial analysis method of coal is now introduced, referring
mainly to GB / T212-2008.


(1) Determination of moisture

煤中的;化合水是以化合方式同煤中的矿物质结合的水,也叫结晶水。化合水需在 200℃以
According to the form of water in coal, it is divided into free water and combined water. Free
water exists in coal by means of physical adsorption; combined water is water that is combined
with minerals in coal in a combined manner, also called crystal water. The combined water needs
to be released above 200 ℃. The moisture determined by industrial analysis of coal is free water,
excluding water of crystallization. Enterprises usually only measure total moisture, apply coal
moisture and analysis sample moisture. Total moisture refers to the moisture of incoming coal;
applied coal moisture refers to the moisture of coal used in the production process; analysis
moisture refers to the moisture content of air-dried coal samples measured during the industrial
analysis of coal.

Here is a brief introduction to the moisture determination of air-dried coal samples:

称取小于 0.2mm 的分析煤样 1±0.1g(精确到 0.0002g),放在已恒重的称量瓶中,轻

轻晃动使煤样均匀摊开。将盖斜放留有一定缝隙,将称量瓶放在预先鼓风加热到 105~
110℃的恒温干燥箱中,在不停鼓风的条件下,烟煤干燥 1 小时,无烟煤干燥 1.5 小时。取
性试验,直至连续两次干燥煤样质量的减少小于 0.0010g 或质量增加时为止。在质量增加的
情况下,用增重前的质量进行计算。水份低于 2%时,不做检查性试验。

Weigh 1 ± 0.1g of analytical coal sample less than 0.2mm (accurate to 0.0002g), put it in a
weighing bottle with constant weight and shake it gently to spread the coal sample evenly. The lid
is placed obliquely with a certain gap, and the weighing bottle is placed in a constant-temperature
drying box heated to 105 ° C-110 ° C in advance. Under constant blowing conditions, bituminous
coal is dried for 1 hour and anthracite is dried for 1.5 hours. Take out the weighing bottle, place
the cap flat, put it in a desiccator and cool to room temperature, then weigh. After that, check the
test for about half an hour each time, until the mass reduction of the dried coal sample twice less
than 0.0010g or the mass increase. In the case of increased mass, the mass before weight gain is
used for calculation. When the water content is less than 2%, no inspection test is performed.

The pulverized coal moisture is calculated as follows:


M ad=───×100

式中:M ad---煤粉水分含量,%;

In the formula: M ad: pulverized coal moisture content,%;

m 1---煤样干燥后减轻的质量,g;

m 1---mass reduced after drying of coal sample, g;


m---mass of analyzed coal sample, g.


(2) Determination of ash

称取小于 0.2mm 的分析煤样 1g(精确到 0.002g),放入已恒重的灰皿中,均匀摊平,

移入 815℃马弗炉门口处灰化(炉门开启),待 5~10 分钟后,煤样不再冒烟,以每分钟
不大于 2mm 的速度将灰皿移于炉内炽热部分(若煤样发生爆燃,试验作废)。关上炉门,
继续灼烧 40 分钟,取出灰皿,稍冷,放于干燥器中冷却至室温,称量。以后再进行每次约
20 分钟的检查性灼烧,直至质量变化小于 0.0010g 为止。 用最后一次灼烧后的质量作为计
算的依据。灰分小于 15%时,不进行检查性灼烧。

Weigh 1g of analytical coal sample smaller than 0.2mm (accurate to 0.002g), put it into a
gray dish with constant weight, and evenly spread it. Move the coal sample into the 815 ℃ muffle
furnace door for ashing (the furnace door is open). After 5 to 10 minutes, the coal sample no
longer emits smoke. If the coal sample deflagrates, the test is invalidated). Close the furnace door,
continue to burn for 40 minutes, remove the ash dish, cool slightly, put it in a desiccator to cool to
room temperature and weigh. After that, the inspection burning is performed for about 20 minutes
each time until the mass change was less than 0.0010 g. Use the mass after the last burn as the
basis for the calculation. When the ash content is less than 15%, no inspection burning is

The pulverized coal ash content is calculated as follows:


A ad=───×100

式中:A ad---煤粉灰分含量,%;

In the formula: A ad: ash content of pulverized coal, %;

m 1---灼烧后残渣的质量,g;

m 1---mass of residue after burning, g;


m---mass of analyzed coal sample, g.


(3) Determination of volatiles

准确称量分析煤样 1±0.01g(精确到 0.002g),放入已经预先在 900℃温度下达到恒重

的专用坩锅中,然后轻轻振动坩锅,使煤样摊平,盖上盖,放在坩锅架上,打开 920℃马
弗炉炉门,迅速将其移入恒温区关上炉门,准确加热 7 分钟。坩锅及架子刚放入后,炉温会
有所下降,必须在 3 分钟内恢复到 900±10℃,否则此试验作废。加热时间包括温度恢复时
Accurately weigh and analyze coal samples to 1 ± 0.01g (accurate to 0.002g). Put the coal
sample into a special crucible that has reached a constant weight in advance at 900 ° C, then
gently shake the crucible to flatten the coal sample, cover it, and place it on the crucible rack.
Open the 920 ℃ muffle furnace door, quickly move it into the constant temperature area, close the
furnace door, and heat it accurately for 7 minutes. Immediately after the crucible and the rack are
placed, the furnace temperature will drop, and it must be restored to 900 ± 10 ° C within 3
minutes, otherwise this test is invalidated. The heating time includes the temperature recovery
time. Take out the crucible, transfer to a desiccator, cool to room temperature and weigh.

The pulverized coal volatile content is calculated as follows:


V ad=───×100-M ad

式中:V ad---分析试样的挥发分含量,%;

In the formula: Vad: volatile content of the analysis sample, %;

m 1---分析试样加热后减轻的质量,g;

m 1---Mass reduced after analysis sample heating, g;


m---mass of analysis sample, g;

M ad---分析试样的水分含量,%。

m ad---moisture content of the analysis sample, %.


(4) Calculation of fixed carbon

The fixed carbon content of coal is calculated by the calculation method based on the
measured moisture, ash and volatile yields. The calculation method is as follows:

F Cad=100-(M ad+A ad+V ad)

式中:F Cad---分析试样中固定炭含量,%;

In the formula: FCad: fixed carbon content in the analysis sample, %;

M ad---分析试样水分含量,%;

M ad---analysis of the moisture content of the sample, %;

A ad---分析试样灰分含量,%;

A ad---analysis of ash content of the sample, %;

V ad---分析试样挥发分含量,%;

V ad---analysis of the volatile content of the sample, %;


(5) Calculation of coal calorific value

Calculation formula of bituminous coal air drying base low calorific value:

Q net,ad=100 K 1-(K 1+6)(M ad+A ad)-3 V ad;


III. Quality management of coal

证连续生产,应控制储存量为 10d 以上,做到先进先用,防止热值损失。

The quality stability of coal combustion is relatively poor, so it is best to supply it on a

regular basis. The incoming coal combustion shall be stored in batches according to the place of
origin, and the industrial analysis of coal and full analysis of coal ash shall be performed in
batches. In addition, the incoming coal is used in batches to stabilize the ash and calorific value of
the coal used for firing. Enterprises with more complicated coal sources or using inferior coal
should adopt pre-homogenization measures such as straight-tiling, mixing with forklifts, or
multiple warehouses. The coal should be stored to prevent spontaneous combustion. The coal pile
can be compacted to prevent oxidation. When signing a coal-fired contract, the quality
requirements should be clarified, the quality acceptance of incoming coal should be strengthened
and unqualified coal should not be used for production. In order to ensure continuous production,
the storage capacity should be controlled for more than 10d and the first batch of coal should be
used first to prevent loss of heat value.

When the quality of the raw coal entering the plant changes greatly, the supply and marketing
department shall be immediately notified to find out the reason, and the entry into the plant may
be suspended if necessary. The factory should take emergency measures, strengthen quality
management, and adjust control indicators to adapt to its changing situation.

16 入窑煤粉的质量控制 Quality control of pulverized coal

煤粉生产情况反馈给煤磨操作人员,以便迅速调整。煤粉质量控制要求见表 5:

The stability of pulverized coal quality is an important guarantee for stable and high
production. The quality control requirements for pulverized coal are mainly moisture, fineness,
ash and volatile matter. Sampling and analysis of pulverized coal should be done at least twice per
shift to ensure stable quality, and promptly report the production of pulverized coal to the operator
of the coal mill for rapid adjustment.

表 5 煤粉质量控制要求

Table 5 Pulverized coal quality control requirements

项目 要求
Project Requirements
细度 0.08mm 方孔筛筛余 8%~15%
Fineness 0.08mm sieve of square hole sieve residue of 8% -15%
灰分 目标值±2.0%;合格率>70%
ash content Target value ± 2.0%; pass rate> 70%
挥发分 目标值±2.0%
Volatile Target value ± 2.0%

7.2 生料质量管理与控制
7.2 Quality Management and Control of Raw Material
The quality control of raw meal is a very important link in the cement production process.
The quality of the raw meal has a direct impact on the quality of the clinker and the calcination
operation. In order to obtain raw materials with suitable ingredients and stable quality, the quality
control of the raw material preparation process must be strengthened to ensure the realization of
the ingredient plan.

7.2.1 生料配料方案意义及影响因素

7.2.1 Significance and Influence Factors of Raw Ingredients Scheme 生料配料意义 of Raw Ingredients


The quality of cement depends mainly on the quality of the clinker used. The quality of
clinker depends on whether its chemical composition is suitable for petrographic structure and
whether the quality of raw materials is good. Therefore, in order to obtain high-quality clinker, a
proportion of raw materials must be prepared according to the chemical composition of various
raw materials and according to the requirements of the ingredient plan. The purpose is to meet the
chemical composition requirements for firing high-quality clinker, so raw materials must be mixed
for cement production. 生料配料方案设计需要考虑因素 Considerations in the Design of the Raw Ingredients Scheme

The design of the cement raw meal formula not only involves the flammability of the raw
meal, the homogenization effect of the raw meal, the fuel properties and stable state, and the
conditions of the process equipment to be produced. The key is to consider how to ensure the
maximum economic benefits for the company on the premise of ensuring product quality. Among
several possible solutions, the flammability, abrasiveness, abrasiveness and other properties of raw
materials will directly affect production costs.

缺,就需要硅、铝、铁校正原料给予补充,或者原料中 K2O、Na2O、SO3、Cl- 等有害元素含量
The first consideration in the design of raw meal formula is whether the chemical
composition of the raw material can meet the design of the clinker mineral composition.
Sometimes due to certain ingredients or properties of the raw materials, it cannot meet the
technical performance requirements of the rotary kiln. For example, if there is a shortage of
corresponding elements in the raw materials, it is necessary to supplement them with silicon,
aluminum, and iron calibration materials, or if the content of harmful elements such as K2O,
Na2O, SO3, and Cl- is too high, you must find another raw material or take a bypass ventilation or
condensation and ashing.

The design of raw meal formula also needs to consider the technical properties of the raw
materials, such as the flammability of the raw materials used, which greatly affects the mineral
composition. The ideal batching scheme is to appropriately increase the content of silicate
minerals when the flammability is good.

The design of the company's raw meal formula should also consider the blending amount of
coal ash components. If the kiln ash is directly fed into the kiln, the influence of the kiln ash
composition must also be considered.

18 生料配料常用的计算方法 Common Calculation Methods for Raw Material Ingredients

At present, cement companies use a lot of calculation methods for ingredients. Commonly
used methods are: algebraic method, graphical method, error method, diminishing trial and error
method, titration method, loss on ignition method, and computer-aided calculation of ingredients.
The titration value method and the loss on ignition method are relatively simple to calculate, but
not accurate enough. The algebraic method, error-trial method, and diminishing trial-and-error
method have complicated calculation steps but good accuracy.

7.2.2 生料制备的质量控制

7.2.2 Quality control of raw meal preparation 生料质量要求 Raw material quality requirements

The raw material preparation process is to mix raw materials in proportion. After a series of
processing, it is made with a certain degree of raw material fineness, appropriate chemical
composition and uniform raw material to meet the requirements of calcination.


(1) Chemical composition of raw meal

The chemical composition of the raw meal is determined by the full chemical analysis.
Because the full chemical analysis of the raw material takes a long time, it cannot timely guide the
changing production situation. Therefore, simple and fast instrument inspection methods must be
used to directly control the main factors affecting the quality of raw materials and check the
proportion of various raw materials.

一般中小型水泥厂采用 X 荧光钙铁分析仪来检测生料的氧化钙、氧化铁,但由于不能
Generally, small and medium-sized cement plants use X-fluorescence calcium iron analyzers
to detect calcium oxide and iron oxide in raw meals, but because it cannot detect silica, alumina,
etc., the three rate values of raw meals cannot be accurately controlled.

大型水泥厂都普遍使用 X 荧光多元素分析仪来快速测定生料的化学成分,有在线分析
X-ray multi-element analyzers are commonly used in large cement plants to quickly
determine the chemical composition of raw meals. There are two methods for online analysis and

offline analysis. These two methods can quickly determine the content of each component, adjust
the proportion of raw materials in time, and ensure that the chemical composition of the raw
material has small fluctuations, is uniform and stable, and meets the quality control index of the
raw material.


(2) Fineness of raw material

越细,比表面积越大,增加了煅烧时颗粒之间的接触面积,熟料越易煅烧,熟料中 f-CaO
会降低磨机产量,增加电耗。研究表明,生料细度超过一定限度(比表面积大于 500m2 /kg
The formation of cement clinker minerals is mainly accomplished by solid-phase reactions.
On the premise that the physical properties, homogenization degree, calcination temperature and
calcination time of the raw meal are the same, the speed of the solid phase reaction is directly
proportional to the fineness of the raw meal. The finer the raw material is ground, the larger the
specific surface area, which increases the contact area between the particles during calcination.
The easier the clinker is calcined, the lower the f-CaO content in the clinker. Theoretically, the
finer the raw meal is ground, the better it is for calcination. However, in actual production, if the
raw material is ground too fine, it will reduce the output of the mill and increase the power
consumption. Studies have shown that the fineness of raw meal exceeds a certain limit (the
specific surface area is greater than 500m 2/kg) does not significantly improve the quality of
clinker. Therefore, in the actual production, a comprehensive comparison should be made in terms
of clinker quality, mill output, power consumption and other aspects to determine reasonable raw
material fineness control indicators.

要控制生料中粗颗粒含量。有资料表明,当生料中 0.20mm 方孔筛筛余大于 1.4%时,熟料
中 f-CaO 将显著增加。生料粉磨细度与熟料中 f-CaO 含量的关系见表 1、表 2。

Reasonable raw material fineness should consider two aspects: a certain range of average
fineness and uniformity of raw material fineness. That is to control the content of coarse particles
in the raw meal. Some data show that when the 0.20mm square-hole sieve in the raw meal is
greater than 1.4%, the f-CaO in the clinker will increase significantly. The relationship between
the fineness of the raw meal and the f-CaO content in the clinker is shown in Table 1 and 2.

表 1 生料 0.20mm 方孔筛筛余对熟料中 f-CaO 的影响

Table 1 Effect of 0.20mm square hole sieve residue of raw meal on f-CaO
in clinker

0.20mm 方孔筛筛余(%)
0.90 1.40 2.24 3.06
Sieve residue with 0.20mm square hole (%)
f-CaO(%) 0.76 0.84 1.57 2.24

表 2 生料 0.080mm 方孔筛筛余对熟料中 f-CaO 的影响

Table 2 Influence of 0.080mm square-mesh sieve residue of raw meal on

f-CaO in clinker

0.080mm 孔筛筛余(%)
Sieve residue with 0.080 mm 13.6 13.2 12.5 11.6 10.7 10.4 9.3 5.1
square hole (%)
f-CaO(%) 2.15 1.48 1.08 1.04 0.94 0.74 0.67 0.44

生料细度通常控制在 0.20mm 方孔筛筛余小于 1.5%,0.08mm 方孔筛筛余小于 10%均可

The fineness of raw materials is usually controlled at less than 1.5% with 0.20mm square-
hole sieve and 0.08mm square-hole sieve can meet production requirements. In limestone,
vermiculite or magnesia is high, clay contains a large amount of sand, and the saturation ratio of
raw materials is high. Therefore, the fineness of raw materials should be appropriately increased.


(3) Uniformity of raw materials

The degree of uniformity of the raw materials largely determines the quality of the raw
materials. One of the advantages of the new dry-type kiln is the high degree of raw material
uniformity. From the design point of view, the pre-homogenization of raw materials and the effect
of raw material homogenization are emphasized. This provides a strong quality guarantee for the
calcination of clinker. 入磨物料的质量控制 Quality control of milling materials


(1) Proportion of milling material

The accuracy of the ratio of the input materials to the mill has a great impact on the quality of
the raw meal, the output of the mill and the power consumption of the mill. Ensuring the accuracy
and uniformity of milling is an important link to ensure the uniform and stable composition of raw


(2) Particle size of milling material

磨机产量,降低粉磨电耗。一般入磨物料粒度控制在 25~30mm 左右。随着粉磨设备的大型

The particle size of the material to be ground is an important factor affecting the output and

energy consumption of the mill. Properly reducing the particle size of the materials to be ground
can increase the output of the mill and reduce the power consumption of the milling. Generally,
the granularity of the raw materials is controlled at about 25mm to 30mm. With the enlargement
of milling equipment and the development of production technology, the specific particle size of
the milling materials should be determined according to the production conditions of each
enterprise to obtain the best economic benefits.


(3) Moisture control index and detection method of Milling materiall


1) Moisture control index of milling material

4.0%,会使磨机产量下降 20%,严重时会堵塞隔仓板,使粉磨难以进行。入磨物料过于干
控制在 1.0%~2.0%为宜。烘干兼粉磨的生料磨系统,入磨物料平均水分一般控制小于

For ordinary dry ball mills, the moisture content of the milled materials has a greater impact
on the mill output. If the average moisture content of the materials into the mill reaches 4.0%, the
mill output will be reduced by 20%. In severe cases, the compartment board will be blocked,
making milling difficult. If the materials to be ground are too dry, the drying power consumption
will increase, and the electrostatic effect will be generated inside the mill, reducing the milling
efficiency. Generally, the average moisture content of the milled materials should be controlled
between 1.0% and 2.0%. The drying and milling of the raw material milling system, the average
moisture content of the raw materials is generally controlled to be less than 6.0%.


2) Detection method of material moisture

Big plant materials generally contain a certain amount of moisture. The determination of
material moisture is mainly to determine the percentage of moisture attached to the material.
Material moisture has a great impact on the results of chemical analysis and the accuracy of
ingredients. In actual production, testing and control must be strengthened. Cement plants usually
control the moisture content of slag, clay, coal, green pellets, gypsum, iron powder and other
materials. The moisture detection method is as follows.

Moisture measurement in a dry box:

用 1/10 的天平准确称取 50g 试样,倒人小盘内。放于 105-110℃的恒温控制干燥箱中

烘干 1h,取出冷却后称量。

Weigh a 50g sample accurately with a 1/10 balance and pour it into a small dish. The sample
was dried in a constant-temperature-controlled drying oven at 105 ° C-110 ° C for 1 hour, taken
out and weighed after cooling.

The percentage of moisture in the material is calculated as follows:

m  m1
水分  X 100%

m  m1
水分 
Moisture X 100%

式中 m—烘干前试样质量,g;

In the formula, m is the mass of the sample before drying, g;


m1 is the mass of the sample after drying.


(4) Factors affecting the abrasiveness of raw materials

Grindability of raw materials refers to the amount of electrical energy consumed per ton of
qualified raw materials. The grindability of raw materials used in different factories is very
different, which directly affects the cost of raw materials. There are three factors that affect

1) The ease of grinding of limestone. It depends on the geological origin and mineral structure of
limestone. The greater the free silica content, the worse the abrasiveness.

2) The proportion of aluminum, silicon, and iron correction raw materials blended in the raw meal
and their ease of grinding. Such as slag, river sand, alumina, etc. are more difficult to grind
materials, the higher their proportion, the poorer the grindability of raw materials. More
importantly, the greater the difference between the grindability of these ingredients and limestone,
the more severe the non-uniformity of the raw material ingredients due to the segregation effect
they produce in the subsequent process. This will adversely affect the firing process.

于 1%是较为理想的,如果超过此值,含水量越大,生料的易磨性越差。如果进入带烘干的
管磨或立磨,此值可以放宽,尤其是立磨,增大到 8%左右,也不应该成为束缚粉磨能力的
3) Water content of raw materials before entering the mill. Generally speaking, when the raw
material enters the tube mill without drying, the ideal state is that the average water content in the
raw material is less than 1%. If it exceeds this value, the greater the water content, the worse the
abrasiveness of the raw material. If you enter the tube mill or shaft mill with drying, this value can

be relaxed, especially the shaft mill, increased to about 8%. This should not be a factor restricting
the grinding ability. 出磨生料的质量控制 Quality control of raw meal

Whether the chemical composition, uniformity, and fineness of the raw meal meets the
process requirements, which is the prerequisite to ensure the quality of the clinker and maintain
the normal calcination operation. The chemical composition of the raw meal is measured by
chemical analysis. However, due to the long time required for full analysis and the slow feedback
of analysis results, it is not convenient to guide production in a timely manner. Therefore, some
simple and fast inspection methods are often used in production to control the quality of raw


(1) Control of chemical composition and rate of raw meal

The control items of mill raw materials in small and medium-sized cement plants mainly
include: calcium carbonate titration value (or calcium oxide), iron oxide, fineness, coal content in
raw meal and compound mineralizer in raw meal.

The control items of the raw materials of the new dry-type kiln are: calcium oxide, iron
oxide, silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, potassium oxide, sodium oxide and
other raw materials. Three rate values of the material. The proportion of raw material ingredients
should be adjusted in time to ensure that the raw material rate value meets the requirements.


1) Calcium carbonate titration (or calcium oxide)

The ratio of limestone to other raw materials in the raw material can be basically judged by
measuring the content of calcium carbonate drops. There are currently two commonly used
methods: measuring the titration of calcium carbonate in raw meal; and measuring the content of
calcium oxide in raw meal.


2) Iron oxide


The control of iron oxide in the production process is to adjust the amount of iron raw
materials in time to stabilize the raw material composition and achieve the purpose of controlling
the clinker aluminum ratio. After the batching plan is determined, the stability of raw meal’s
aluminum ratio should be achieved, so as to stabilize the thermal system of the kiln and help
improve the quality of clinker.

The raw meal is milled and tested every hour. The control index of chemical composition is:

项目 质量要求
Project Quality requirement
水分 ≤1.0%,合格率≥90%
moisture content Target value ± 0.10, pass rate ≥ 85%
Target value ± 0.10, pass rate ≥ 85%
饱和比(KH) 目标值±0.02,合格率≥70%
Saturation rate (KH) Target value ± 0.10, pass rate ≥ 85%
硅率(n) 目标值±0.10,合格率≥85%
Silicon rate (n) Target value ± 0.10, pass rate≥ 85%
铝率(p) 目标值±0.10,合格率≥85%
Aluminum rate (P) Target value ± 0.10, pass rate ≥ 85%


(2) Fineness control of raw materials


At present, most cement companies use the sieve balance to indicate the fineness of raw
meal, and the measurement methods mostly use the water sieve method and negative pressure
sieve method. The fineness of the raw meal is measured once every hour. The general control
indicators of the fineness of raw meal are:

检验项目 要求
Inspection Project Requirement
0.2mm 方孔筛筛余 ≤2.0%,合格率>90%;
Sieve residue with 0.2mm square hole Target value ± 0.02, pass rate ≥90%
0.080mm 方孔筛筛余 目标值±2.0,合格率>90%;
Sieve residue with 0.080mm square hole Target value ± 0.02, pass rate ≥90% 入窑生料的质量控制 Quality control of raw materials entering the kiln


(1) Homogenization of raw materials into the kiln

In order to ensure the uniformity and stability of the raw material calcined into the kiln, in
addition to controlling the raw material out of the mill, it should also be prepared and
homogenized before the raw material is calcined into the kiln.

There are three ways to homogenize the raw materials: mechanical storage and air agitation.
Small and medium-sized cement plants usually adopt multiple warehouses and mechanical
storage. If the method of homogenization with multiple storages and mechanical inversion storage
is adopted, when the mill is produced, the materials can be evenly fed to each storage. When the
raw material enters the kiln, each warehouse discharges it at the same time, and then enters the
kiln after deployment.

The amount of raw materials can be determined as follows: (Take two storehouses as an

1 号库调配量:

The allocation amount of the No. 1 warehouse:

S  S2
X1 
S1  S 2

2 号库调配量:

The allocation amount of the No. 2 warehouse:


式中: S—生料的 TCaCO3 控制指标;

In the formula: s: tcaco3 control index of raw meal;

X1—1 号库需调配的生料量;

X1: raw meal quantity to be allocated in No.1 warehouse;

X2—2 号库需调配的生料量;

X2: quantity of raw meal to be mixed in 2 warehouse;

S1—实测 1 号库生料的 TCaCO3;

S1: measured tcaco3 of raw meal in No.1 silo;

S2—实测 2 号库生料的 TCaCO3。

S2: tcaco3 of raw meal from No.2 silo was measured.


出磨生料送入生料库,装至搅拌量的 70%左右,(搅拌量为库容量的 70%左右),可按下
For new-type dry-process kiln, air stirring homogenization storehouse should be used. The air
stirring only plays the role of homogenizing the raw materials. If the homogenized raw material
components are to be compounded and controlled, the preparation of the raw materials into the
warehouse should also be performed before mixing. The specific method is: send the raw meal to
the raw material storehouse, install it to about 70% of the mixing capacity (the mixing capacity is
about 70% of the storage capacity).The following formula should be applied to calculate the

M 1TC1  M 2 x  (M 1  M 2 )TC1
(M 1  M 2 )Tc  M 1TC1

式中:X—配库所需的 TCaCO3;

Where: X: TCaCO3 required for distribution;


M1: the number of raw meals that have been stored in the warehouse;


M2: the number of meters of raw materials to be stored in the warehouse;

TC1—已入库生料 TCaCO3 的平均值;

TC1: the average value of TCaCO3 of the raw materials that have been stored in the

TC—生料 TCaCO3 控制指标。

TC: raw material TCaCO3 control index.


(2) The quality control indicators of raw materials into the kiln are:

指标 要求 检验频次
Index Requirement Measurement frequency
目标值±0.02,合格率≥90% 每班测定 2 次
Target value ± 0.02, pass rate ≥90% 2 measurements per shift
目标值±0.10,合格率≥95% 每班测定 2 次
Target value ± 0.02, pass rate ≥90% 2 measurements per shift
目标值±0.10,合格率≥95% 每班测定 2 次
Target value ± 0.02, pass rate ≥90% 2 measurements per shift 生料成分波动的原因及调整方法 Causes of raw material composition fluctuations and adjustment methods

In the actual production process, often due to changes in raw materials, fuel components,
fluctuations in the proportion of various materials, incomplete process equipment and lack of
analysis samples or other representative factors, the chemical composition of raw materials
fluctuates greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze, study and adjust in a timely manner and
return to the target value range as soon as possible.

The main causes of fluctuations in raw material composition are:


(1) Changes in raw material and fuel composition

1)石灰石成分的波动。主要表现在 CaO 和 MgO 含量及其夹带杂质含量的变化。

1) Fluctuations in limestone composition. It mainly manifests in the changes of the content of CaO
and MgO and the content of entrained impurities.

2)粘土成分的波动。主要表现在 SiO2 和 Al2O3 含量的变化,特别是 SiO2 变化较大时,对

2) Fluctuation of clay composition. It is mainly manifested in the changes in the content of SiO2
and Al2O3, especially when the SiO2 changes greatly, the effect on the saturation coefficient of
the raw material is more significant.

成分的波动,会影响生料中 Al2O3、SiO2 含量的变化。其他各种辅助原料的用量虽然很小,
3) Fluctuations in the composition of fuels and other auxiliary materials. The fluctuation of coal
ash content and coal ash composition during the mixing of semi-black raw materials and full black
raw materials will affect the changes of Al2O3 and SiO2 contents in the raw materials. Although
the amount of other auxiliary raw materials is small, when the composition changes greatly, the
raw material composition will also fluctuate.


(2) Fluctuations of various material ratios

In the process of raw meal preparation, although the batching scheme is reasonable, the
fluctuation of various raw materials and fuel components is also small. However, if the proportion
of various materials cannot be strictly controlled, it is also one of the main reasons for the
fluctuation of the raw material composition.

Reasons for fluctuation of material ratio:


1) Process and equipment cannot meet the requirements of ingredients: due to the incomplete
crushing process, the particle size of the material is uneven or the particle size is too large; or
because the accuracy of the feeding and measuring equipment is poor, the flow of various
materials cannot be effectively controlled.

2) Lack of necessary management systems: one situation is when the crushing equipment does not
meet the requirements of the granularity of the material due to wear and tear, the worn parts are
not replaced in time and the necessary adjustments are made. Another situation is that the bin
cannot be fed regularly and quantitatively, causing serious classification of materials.

3) Fluctuation of the moisture content of the material: due to the change of the moisture content of
a certain raw material, the amount of the material is changed. The increase of the moisture content
of a certain raw material will cause intermittent jamming in the silo. If it is not found in time, the
proportion of the material has actually fluctuated.

The causes of fluctuations in the proportion of materials vary, and the specific solutions
should be determined according to the specific circumstances. But in general, the following
aspects can be considered:

1) Use reliable and accurate batching equipment. When a disk feeder is used, a relatively large
size and a slower speed should be selected that will enhance the accuracy of the batching and
easily be controlled. Microcomputers have been widely used for batching.

2) A small grinding head should be used. There is no need to grind the head when batching by the
microcomputer, to avoid the non-uniformity of feeding caused by the classification of different
granularity materials.

3) The moisture content of the materials to be ground should be strictly controlled. When the
moisture content of the grinding material is too high, it should be dried before entering the
grinding, or a small hot air stove should be installed on the raw material grinding head. It should
also cooperate with the mechanical exhaust of the grinding tail to accelerate the evaporation of the
material moisture in the grinding.

4) Operators of the batching post should strengthen their sense of responsibility, strive to improve

the level of operation technology, and conduct timely spot checks, observations and adjustments.


(3) Errors in chemical analysis of raw ingredients.

Sometimes the fluctuations in the chemical composition of the raw materials are caused by
the lack of due representativeness or excessive errors in the analytical data.

1) The sample is not representative. Sampling methods are unreasonable and samples are not
processed properly. These conditions will cause the sample to be unrepresentative. Similarly, the
number of sampling points, the distribution, and the size of the sampling choice all affect the
representativeness of the sample.

2) Inaccurate analysis results create the illusion of analysis data. Inaccurate data causes inaccurate
adjustments, which leads to more chaotic and passive production, which is very harmful.
Therefore, it is required that the analysis data has small error, high reliability and can reflect the
real situation of production. Analytical operations should be carried out in strict accordance with
standards and procedures in terms of weighing samples, preparation of standard solutions,
instrument accuracy, environmental conditions and operating procedures. And regular internal and
external comparisons and comparisons with standard samples are needed in order to find problems
in time, find out the reasons and reduce errors.

Regarding the representativeness of sampling, due to the different types of mills and
technological processes, the sampling methods and locations are also different. But sampling
methods can be basically divided into two types: average sample and instant sample. In fact, the
average sample is a sample that is continuously and evenly retained in each analysis interval
(usually a continuous sampler). As an analysis sample, it reflects the average value of the raw
material composition in a certain period of time. Instantaneous samples taken only in a very short
time, so it only reflects the green component in a certain moment. From the characteristics of the
two types of sampling, it can be seen that if you need to know the average composition of raw
materials in the entire production process of the mill, continuous sampling should be used.
Especially in the process flow with raw material homogenization system, in order to be able to

adjust according to the average composition of raw materials, this sampling method should be
adopted. Instantaneous samples can be used to know in time whether the mix ratio of the raw
materials meets the requirements, so as to adjust the loading of various raw materials according to
the analysis results in time, thereby reducing the fluctuation range of the raw material
composition. If conditions permit, the average and instantaneous samples of the ground meal can
be measured at the same time, so that the changes in the composition of the raw meal can be fully
grasped. It has a good effect on the assessment and adjustment of the raw material ratio. 生料制备问答 Question and Answer for Raw Material Preparation


1. Why the ingredients need to be homogenized before the ingredients?

如果对不均匀的物料仍采取高硅酸率的配料,势必难以避免过高的 f-CaO 出现,甚至会导
Answer: In order to ensure that the effect after the ingredients can achieve the intended
purpose. Therefore, the ingredients in the ingredients of the ingredients must be based on known
ingredients, otherwise this ingredient loses any meaning. Of course, most of the raw materials
used in cement production are from natural sources, and its components cannot be without
fluctuations. In order to minimize such fluctuations within the allowable range, it must be
achieved by means of “homogenization” artificially and relying on equipment. At the same time,
in order to stabilize the kiln's thermal system, the result of raw material batching should also be
kept uniform and stable. It is not only the need for stable clinker quality, but also a prerequisite for
achieving a rapid reaction between the components of the raw meal. Only by improving the
uniformity of the raw material ingredients can we create conditions for properly increasing the
content of silicate minerals in the ingredients. If the material with high silicic acid content is still
used for uneven materials, it will be difficult to avoid the occurrence of excessively high f-CaO,
which may even cause a series of bad consequences such as green burning and damage to the kiln


2. What is the raw material “homogenization chain”? Which links are covered?

Answer: With the birth of the pre-decomposition process, the establishment and maturation
of the raw material “homogenization chain” has played an indispensable role in the development
of this technology. It plays a significant role in supporting the new dry production and eventually
replacing the wet production.


的进步,完整的生料均化系统的内容也在不断变化,使用在线 r 分析仪后,均化堆场与均
The so-called “homogenization chain” is to decompose the homogenization function of
materials to each process link in the preparation of raw materials. The initial complete
homogenization chain contains four indispensable links, namely: the combined mining and
transportation of raw materials and mines, the pre-homogenization and storage of raw materials,
the control and adjustment of the raw material mill ingredients, and the homogenization of raw
materials into the kiln And storage. However, with the advancement of control and detection
technology, the content of a complete raw material homogenization system is constantly changing.
After using the online r analyzer, the homogenization effect of the homogenization yard and the
homogenization storehouse has been greatly diminished. In addition, the stability of the raw coal
composition is not only the need for heating value, but also the stability of the ash content for the
reaction. Therefore, the homogenization of raw coal is even more important. Otherwise, even if
the raw meal system has achieved system homogenization, since the raw coal is not homogenized,
the homogenization chain cannot be considered complete.

In short, in order to ensure the uniformity and stability of the raw material ingredients in the
kiln, to stabilize the decomposition and calcination in the kiln, to produce high-quality clinker
with low consumption, it is necessary to treat the homogenization as a systematic engineering


3. What are the methods of homogenizing raw materials?

In order to ensure the strong reaction ability of the raw material in the solid phase reaction
and the sintered state, for the preparation of the raw material, the uniformity and stability of the
raw material components must be achieved. It has a very important effect on the output and
quality of the cement kiln, and is one of the important factors determining the quality of the
clinker and the quality of the outgoing cement. For this reason, many cement companies have
adopted a series of measures over the years, and have made great efforts in improving the raw
material qualification rate.


(1) Multi-storehouse matching homogenization method

Multi-storage collocation and homogenization, that is, the raw meal is distributed uniformly

layer by layer by the conveying equipment. Raw meals are spontaneously stacked in the
warehouse, and are distributed in a herringbone shape (shaft section). When stacked to a certain
height, the raw materials are discharged uniformly from the bottom of each warehouse. The
unloaded raw material will slowly flow out from the center from the bottom up. It makes the
accumulation of raw materials in the storehouse gradually change from a positive herringbone
shape to an inverted herringbone funnel shape. Through the above-mentioned feeding and
discharging processes, the raw materials can achieve a certain homogenization effect. But the
following points need to be done:

1)需要有 4 个以上的生料库,编成两组,交替均化和使用。因为漏斗形流动均化应严格遵
1) More than 4 raw meal banks are needed to compile into two groups and alternately
homogenized and used. Because the funnel-shaped flow homogenization should strictly follow the
basic principle of not discharging when feeding in a warehouse, and not feeding when
discharging. At the same time, it is necessary to feed the milled raw materials into two or more
raw materials warehouses to make the number of raw materials in the warehouse more and the
thickness of the material layers thinner, so as to obtain a significant homogenization effect.


2) Unequal feeding should be adopted to improve the homogenization effect, which is equivalent
to cutting more layers.

3) The feeding must be uniformly fed from each storehouse at the same time, and one storehouse
cannot be filled before feeding to another storehouse, and the unloading amount must be adjusted

If the raw material quality fluctuation from the mill is small (about ± 1.5%, this situation is
usually the result of pre-homogenization of the raw material components), the upper-layer small
storehouse homogenization method can be used. This method is to set several small warehouses
on top of a large warehouse and fill them up sequentially using the overflow method of the
warehouse material. After the small warehouse is full, all discharge valves are opened at the same
time. The raw materials are collected in the centrally arranged collector through an air conveying
chute or an inclined chute. The raw material entering the collector is stirred there and does not
require additional power. The evenly mixed raw materials can be discharged directly from the
collector into the storage.


(2) Mechanical inversion homogenization


Mechanical dumping is to mix the raw materials in one or several warehouses in a certain
proportion and then pour it into another warehouse. When raw materials are put into storage, they
are inclined and layered by virtue of their natural angle of repose. When it is out of the warehouse,
it cuts the material layer and discharges by its own weight, so it plays a homogenizing role.
Mechanical inversion is a homogenization method that belongs to “funnel flow”.

The mechanical inversion homogenization process requires at least three reservoirs. The raw
meals coming out of the mill enter one of the warehouses through the screw conveyor and the
hoist. The other warehouse unloads the qualified raw materials into the kiln, and the remaining
one or several warehouses simultaneously discharge the materials according to a certain
proportion. It will be sent to the top screw storage conveyor via the bottom screw storage
conveyor and the bottom storage elevator and into another storage tank. The back storage
operation can be repeated according to the uniformity of the raw materials.

1) Divided by storage method: All raw meals are taken into a warehouse. This method of
warehousing has fewer stacked layers, thicker material layers, and poorer homogenization effects,
but requires fewer warehousing layers; Un-milled raw materials are fed into two or more
warehouses at the same time, and the stacking material layer is thinner and the number of layers is

2) Divided by ex-warehouse: The raw materials from a warehouse are out of the warehouse and
into the kiln, the homogenization effect is poor. The raw materials from multiple warehouses are
taken out of the warehouse and into the kiln at the same time. After further blending, the
homogenization effect is better.


(3) Air stirring homogenization

The air stirring homogenization multiple is high, which can improve the quality of raw
materials entering the kiln. It is used in the case where the raw material fluctuates greatly and the
raw meal is difficult to pass. There are many types of air agitation. Generally, they can be divided
into two types: continuous and intermittent.

Air stirring homogenization mechanism: The principle of air mixing and homogenization is

that compressed air is introduced into the bottom of the storehouse to fluidize the powder in the
storehouse. The powder is mixed up and down fiercely under the action of compressed air to
achieve the purpose of homogenization.

The fluidized state refers to a state formed when a material layer composed of solid particles
interacts with an air flow. The process of achieving this fluidization state is called fluidization.
When the air flow is in full contact with the material particles, a gas film is formed around the
particles, which causes the material layer to expand and assume a pseudo-liquefied state. This
pseudo-liquefaction state is called flow state.

1) Continuous air agitation: Continuous air stirring makes the raw material homogenization
operation continuous. It is not only a homogenization device, but also a buffer and storage device
between the raw material mill and the kiln. The raw meal is fed sequentially from various areas
around the top of the storehouse through a feeding device, and the raw meal is brought into the
mixing chamber at the bottom of the storehouse. The purpose of homogenization is achieved by
intense stirring in the mixing chamber by the action of compressed air. The advantages are simple
process flow, small footprint, compact layout, convenient operation and control, easy to realize
automatic control, low power consumption, and low operation and maintenance costs. If there are
occasional large fluctuations in the raw meal ingredients, the instantaneous fluctuations of the raw
meal ingredients in the warehouse will be large, and it is difficult to correct them in advance.
Therefore, the raw material composition after homogenization cannot be adjusted. Continuous raw
material homogenization is suitable for modern large-scale dry-process cement plants.

其原理是在库内生料堆积到一定高度后(库高的 70%左右),将压缩空气通入库底充气箱
滚的搅拌作用。经过 1~2h 的空气搅拌,可使库内料粉充分混合,最终达到均化成分的目的。

2) Intermittent air agitation: the intermittent air agitation has the advantages of simple structure,
convenient operation, good homogenizing effect and high efficiency. The principle is that after the
raw materials are accumulated in the warehouse to a certain height (about 70% of the warehouse
height), the compressed air is passed into the bottom of the warehouse and the air layer enters the
material layer through the breathable layer, so that the volume of the powder in the warehouse
expands. The surface of the powder particles is loosened due to the formation of an air film, so it
has good fluidity (ie, fluidization). At this time, if the intake pressure or flow rate of each zone is
changed according to a certain rule, the four inflation zones respectively form strong and weak
airflow zones, which alternate alternately. Then the liquefied powder will generate differential
flow motion in the warehouse, and then play the role of up and down convection and stirring.
After 1 to 2 hours of air agitation, the powder in the warehouse can be fully mixed, and the

purpose of homogenizing the ingredients is finally achieved.

在 1%以内,以防止库底充气板或尼龙布堵塞。搅拌库内要留有足够的空间,其一,生料充
一般搅拌库内料量为有效容积的 70%~80%,最大不超过 85%。

In order to ensure that the air-mixed raw meal powder can be mixed with each other, the method
of zone stirring is generally adopted. There are three methods of partitioning the bottom of the
storehouse: fan, bar and ring. The aeration tank should be fully inflated first during the stirring.
After the raw material is fluidized, it will be periodically inflated to the bottom area of the tank,
and then turned up and down in turn to achieve the purpose of homogenization. The stirring air
should be kept dry and the moisture content should be controlled within 1% to prevent the bottom
plate of the storehouse or nylon cloth from clogging. Therefore, the aerated air is filtered, and
coke or other water- and oil-absorbing materials are used to separate the oil and water from the
compressed air. There should be enough space in the mixing tank. First, after the raw material is
aerated, the volume increases and the bulk density decreases; second, when the raw material
composition is unqualified after mixing, a calibration material must be added. Therefore, generally
the amount of material in the stirred tank is 70% to 80% of the effective volume, and the
maximum should not exceed 85%.

(4)CP 库均化:CP 库是 20 世纪 80 年代出现的一种新型均化库,适用于大型现代化程度

(4) CP warehouse homogenization: the CP warehouse is a new type of homogenization storehouse
that appeared in the 1980s and is suitable for large-scale modernized cement plants. Its main
advantages are:


1) CP warehouse homogenization has dual functions of homogenization and storage. It has the
characteristics of simple equipment, compact process layout, small footprint and low investment;


2) The homogenization operation is mainly not air stirring, but the method of controlling flow, so
the air consumption is small and the energy consumption is low;

3)均化效果高,一般均化倍数可达 10 以上;

3) The homogenization effect is high and the average homogenization multiple can reach more
than 10;


4) The operation is continuous and reliable, and the kiln thermal system is stable.

CP 库的均化原理是物料从纵多的卸料点以不同的速度卸到一起得到均化的效果。其条
The homogenization principle of the CP warehouse is that the materials are unloaded together
from different discharge points at different speeds to obtain the homogenization effect. The
conditions are:


1) All raw meal powder in the warehouse must be guaranteed to flow to the outlet at a constant


2) The raw meal in the warehouse must have different residence times.

In actual production, a specified number of discharge openings are provided. Each zone is
centered on the discharge opening, and the surrounding area is divided into several small pieces,
and the material is discharged from these small pieces by aeration.

According to the batching process, the quality fluctuation of the raw meal, the process
parameters of the air agitator, and gradually explore the best inflation process parameters, inflation
pressure and inflation time. The number of re-stirring should be reduced as much as possible to
achieve the purpose of uniform raw material composition, low power consumption and high

7.3 熟料质量管理与控制
7.3 Clinker Quality Management and Control
7.3.1 熟料定义及分类
7.3.1 Definition and classification of clinker 定义 Definition

硅酸盐水泥熟料(Portland Cement Clinker)即国际上的波特兰水泥熟料(简称水泥熟料),

是一种由主要含 CaO、SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3 的原料按适当配比磨成细粉,烧至部分熔融,所得
Portland Cement Clinker is the international Portland cement clinker (referred to as cement
clinker). It is a kind of fine powder made from raw materials mainly containing CaO, SiO2,
Al2O3 and Fe2O3 in proper proportion. After burning to partial melting, the product containing
calcium silicate as the main mineral component is obtained. 分类 Classification

According to the main characteristics and uses of cement clinker, it is divided into general
cement clinker and characteristic cement clinker.


General cement clinker includes ordinary cement clinker and low-alkali cement clinker, and
characteristic cement clinker includes medium-resistant sulfate clinker, medium-heat cement
clinker, low-heat cement clinker, and high-sulfate cement clinker.

7.3.2 熟料技术要求及控制

7.3.2 Technical requirements and control of clinker

多少,应视生产工艺条件具体确定。一般熟料质量控制 项目有:熟料化学成分 (包括
KH、SM、IM 三个率值)、烧失量、游离氧化钙、游离氧化镁、安定性以及强度等物理性能。

The basis for ensuring the quality of cement is to improve the quality of clinker. The quality
and uniformity of clinker quality directly determine the quality and reliability of the cement.
Therefore, the quality control of clinker is an extremely important part of the quality management
of cement production. The quality control of cement clinker is different under different production
processes and calcining equipment conditions. Rotary kiln production, in addition to conventional
chemical full analysis, physical inspection and control of free calcium oxide, generally also need
to control the temperature of the burning zone, the temperature of the exhaust gas at the kiln tail
and the negative pressure at each point. At the same time, the bulk density of clinker also needs to
be controlled. Some plants also carry out inspection and control of petrographic structure. In shaft
kiln production, clinker is crushed after it is discharged from the kiln. In addition to conventional
control, sometimes its bulk density is also controlled. Therefore, the control project should be
determined according to the production process conditions. Common clinker quality control items
include physical properties such as chemical composition of clinker (including KH, SM, and IM
rate), loss on ignition, free calcium oxide, free magnesium oxide, stability and strength.

熟料强度及其他指标检验按照 GB/T 21372—2008《硅酸盐水泥熟料》进行。

Inspection of clinker strength and other indicators should be conducted in accordance with
GB / T 21372-2008 Portland Cement Clinker. 熟料化学成分 Chemical composition of clinker

水泥熟料基本化学性能要求见表 1。

The basic chemical properties of cement clinker are shown in Table 1.

表 1 水泥熟料基本化学性能要求

Table 1The basic chemical properties of cement clinker

(%) 不溶物
Loss (%) (3CaO·SiO2+2CaO·SiO2) CaO/SiO2
f-CaO MgOa SO3b c
on Insoluble 质量比
(%) (%) (%)
ignitio s (%) Mass ratio
n (%)
≤1.5 ≤5.0 ≤1.5 ≤0.75 ≤1.5 ≥66 ≥2.0

a 当制成Ⅰ型硅酸盐水泥的压蒸安定性合格时,允许放宽到 6.0%

a When the autoclave stability of Type Ⅰ Portland cement is qualified, it is allowed to relax to 6.0%

b 也可以由买卖双方商定

b It can also be agreed between the buyer and the seller

c 3CaO·SiO2 和 2CaO·SiO2 按下式计算:

c 3CaO·SiO2=4.07CaO-7.60 SiO2-6.72Al2O3-1.43Fe2O3-2.85SO3-4.07 f-CaO

2CaO·SiO2=2.87 SiO2-0.75×3CaO·SiO2

I. Clinker rate value

The purpose of controlling the chemical composition of clinker is to check whether its
mineral composition meets the requirements of ingredient design, so as to judge the process status
and clinker quality of the previous process, and use it as a basis for adjusting the previous process.
Therefore, the sampling should be representative and can represent the average composition of the
clinker overall during the sampling period.

影响到熟料本身的物理性能特点和其煅烧的难易程度,我国通常用石灰饱和系数(KH 值)、
料强度随 KH 值和 C3S 含量增大而提高。当熟料化学成分一定时,其强度随游离氧化钙增加
而降低,增大熟料中 KH 值,熟料中游离氧化钙也会随之上升。所以,对熟料 KH 值的控制
是非常重要的,控制 KH 值应考虑以下几个方面的因素:

The different proportions of the various oxides in the cement clinker determine the
differences in the composition of various minerals in the clinker, as well as the physical properties
of the clinker itself and the ease of calcination. In China, lime saturation coefficient (KH value),
silicon ratio (n) and aluminum ratio (P) are usually used to express the relationship between the
contents of various oxides in clinker. The three rate values of clinker should be comprehensively
considered according to the raw material composition, process conditions, technical level of each
plant, and the type, strength level and seasonal factors of the cement produced, and reasonable
selection should be made to ensure the quality of clinker. In general, production conditions remain

unchanged. If the free calcium oxide is the same, the clinker strength increases with the increase
of KH value and C3S content. When the clinker chemical composition is constant, its strength
decreases with the increase of free calcium oxide. At the same time, increasing the KH value in
the clinker will increase the free calcium oxide in the clinker. Therefore, it is very important to
control the KH value of clinker. To control the KH value, the following factors should be


(1) Factors such as raw material conditions, process conditions, technical level, and the type of
cement to be produced should be taken into consideration.

(2)采用矿化剂尤其是复合矿化剂时,KH 值可略高些。一般情况下,掺复合矿化剂的 KH
值比单掺时高 0.02~0.04,单掺比不掺矿化剂时可高 0.01~0.03。

(2) If mineralizers, especially composite mineralizers, are used, the KH value can be slightly

(3)原料易烧性好,生料质量比较均匀且粗颗粒少时,KH 值控制指标可略高,反之应低
(3) When the raw material is easy to burn and the raw material quality is relatively uniform with
few coarse particles, the KH value control index can be slightly higher, otherwise it should be

(4)生料 n 低时,KH 值可高些,反之应低些。

(4) When the raw n is low, the KH value can be higher, otherwise it should be lower.

(5)煅烧工艺稳定,操作人员素质好时,KH 值可略高,反之应降低。

(5) If the calcination process is stable and the quality of the operator is good, the KH value can be
slightly higher, otherwise it should be reduced.

(6)夏季生产时 KH 值可略高于冬季。

(6) The KH value can be slightly higher in summer than that in winter.

总之,在保证熟料中 f-CaO 含量在要求范围内的前提下,可根据生产工艺条件适当选择 KH

In short, on the premise that the content of f-CaO in the clinker is within the required range, the
KH value control value can be appropriately selected according to the production process

KH 值 控 制 范 围 为 目 标 值 ±0.02 ; 日 产 2 000t 以 上 的 预 分 解 窑 的 KH 值 合 格 率 应
≥80%,其他窑型的 KH 值合格率≥70%;KH 的标准偏差按回转窑、立窑的不同分别控制
在不大于 0.020 和不大于 0.030 之内。

KH value control range is target value ± 0.02; The qualified rate of KH value of pre-
decomposition kiln with daily output over 2,000t should not be less than 80% and the qualified
rate of KH value of other kiln types should not be less than 70%; The standard deviation of H is
controlled within the range of no more than 0.020 and no more than 0.030 according to the
difference between the rotary kiln and the shaft kiln.

  熟料的 n 和 P 值也应合理、稳定,尽量减小波动。一般而言,n 和 P 值的控制范围


    The n and P values of clinker should also be reasonable and stable to minimize
fluctuations. The n and P values of clinker should also be reasonable and stable to minimize
fluctuations. Generally, the control range of n and P values is the target value ± 0.10, and the pass
rate should not be less than 85%.


  The standard value of the pass rate of the rate value and the standard deviation of the
saturation coefficient are in units of each day. It should be calculated monthly, and then the total
average weighted by the monthly output of the kiln.

    For the determination of the chemical composition of the clinker out of the kiln,
continuous sampling should be performed. Sampling should be representative and measured once
a day.

II. Free calcium oxide

制熟料中 f-CaO 的含量是十分重要的。通过 f-CaO 的含量分析,可以对煅烧情况和熟料质量
Free calcium oxide is calcium oxide that does not participate in the chemical reaction in the
clinker, but exists in the free-state. The dead burned free calcium oxide remaining in the clinker
during hydration is very slow to hydrate. Only after the cement hydrates, hardens and forms a
certain strength, does it begin to hydrate. Due to the uneven expansion of the volume, the strength
of the cement stone will decrease, crack and even collapse, resulting in poor cement stability.
Therefore, it is very important to control the content of f-CaO in clinker. Through the analysis of
f-CaO content, the calcination and clinker quality can be judged.

从理论上讲,熟料中 f-CaO 含量越低越好,但是确定其控制指标时,要综合整个生产

硅酸盐水泥熟料 f-CaO 小于 1.5%。测定游离氧化钙的样品一定要有代表性,要取平均样,
每班每窑测定两次 f-CaO。当煅烧工艺不稳定时,还要增加测定次数。

Theoretically, the lower the f-CaO content in the clinker, the better. However, when
determining its control indicators, it is necessary to consider the entire production process and
technical and economic indicators comprehensively. Excessive requirements often bring
operational difficulties and increased energy consumption. Therefore, f-CaO of Portland cement
clinker is required to be less than 1.5%. The samples used for the determination of free calcium
oxide must be representative, average samples should be taken, and f-CaO should be measured
twice per shift and kiln. When the calcination process is unstable, the number of determinations
must be increased.

熟料中 f-CaO 含量是水泥生产中较难控制而又对水泥质量影响很大的因素。在生产中造

成 f-CaO 含量高的原因有:

The content of f-CaO in clinker is a factor that is difficult to control in cement production and
has a great impact on cement quality. The causes of high f-CaO content in production are:

(1)配料不适宜,KH 值过高;

(1) The ingredients are not suitable and the KH value is too high;


(2) The ratio of coal to raw meal is uneven and inaccurate. Coal quality fluctuates greatly or
coal particles are too coarse;


(3) The composition of the raw material into the kiln fluctuates or the fineness of the raw
material is too coarse, and the calcination in the kiln is not complete;

(4) In the process of clinker calcination, the thermal system is unstable, the discharge is too
fast, the calcination time of the mature material under the bottom fire is insufficient, or the raw
material with partial fire leakage is increased;

(5)熟料冷却太慢,产生二次 f-CaO。

(5) The clinker cools too slowly, producing secondary f-CaO.

对已生产出的 f-CaO 过高的熟料,安定性不合格,可用下列办法进行适当处理,只能

For the c-clinker that has been produced with too high f-CaO, if its stability is unsatisfactory,
the following methods can be used for proper treatment. These methods can only serve as a partial
remedy and cannot solve the underlying problem:


(1) Aging the clinker. Store the clinker with the appropriate wet mix for a period of time.


(2) Add appropriate amount of highly active mixed materials to prepare cement;


(3) Reduce the fineness control index of ground cement;


(4) Filter. Store large pieces and granular clinker in piles, and then use them according to
their quality.

III. Loss on ignition of clinker

Loss on ignition of clinker is also an important indicator for measuring the quality of clinker.
The high loss on ignition indicates that the chemical reaction of the materials in the kiln is
incomplete, and some calcium carbonate or coal particles have not been decomposed or burned. If

the burning loss is high because the coal particles are not burned completely, not only the heat
consumption of the clinker is increased, but also the quality of the cement after grinding is

被卸出窑外。立窑熟料的烧失量应每班每窑测定一次。按 GB/T 21372—2008《硅酸盐水泥熟
料》要求,熟料的烧失量不应大于 1.5%。

Most of the reasons for the high loss of clinker are improper operation. Or because the
balance between coal, wind, and material is destroyed, the thermal system in the kiln is unstable,
and the discharge is too fast, which exceeds the calcination speed of the shaft kiln. Or it may be
missed due to massive, sticky edges, wind tunnel, partial fire or other reasons. Or the coal particles
are too thick, the amount of added coal is too large, and the raw material pellets are too large. It is
too late to burn and decompose, and the clinker is discharged outside the kiln. The burning loss of
clinker in shaft kiln shall be measured once per shift and kiln. According to the requirements in
GB / T 21372-2008 Portland Cement Clinker, the burning loss of clinker should not be greater
than 1.5%.

IV. Magnesium oxide in clinker

During the clinker calcination process, there is a part of uncombined free magnesia (ie,
periclase), which is a harmful component. The hydration of periclase is very slow. Its hydration
occurs in the hardened cement stone, and its volume will expand unevenly, affecting the stability
of cement. Therefore, magnesium oxide in clinker should be controlled within the range specified
by national standards.

国家标准规定,水泥熟料中 MgO 必须低于 5.0%,熟料中 MgO 的含量在 5.0%~6.0%

时,要进行压蒸安定性检验。如压蒸安定性合格,则熟料中 MgO 的含量允许放宽到 6.0%。

National standards stipulate that MgO in cement clinker must be less than 5.0%, and when
the content of MgO in clinker is 5.0% to 6.0%, autoclave stability testing is required. If the
autoclave stability is acceptable, the MgO content in the clinker is allowed to increase to 6.0%.

熟料中 MgO 含量每天测一次,若 MgO 含量较高时,应增加检验次数。

The MgO content in the clinker should be measured once a day. If the MgO content is high,
the inspections should be increased.

V. Clinker weight


控制指标为 1300~1500g/L,立窑为 950~1000g/L。

The clinker weight is the quality of the clinker. The shaft clinker weight is one of the
reference data for judging the quality of the clinker and the temperature in the kiln (mainly the
temperature of the firing zone). Based on the size and uniformity of the material, it can be
estimated whether the firing temperature is normal. When the kiln temperature is normal, the
output is high, the size of the clinker particles is uniform, the clinker has a tight and firm
appearance, and the surface is smooth and approximately spherical. At this time, the standing
weight is higher. The temperature of the material in the sintering zone is too high or the residence
time in the sintering zone is too long. There will be more over-sintered materials, and the shaft
weight of the clinker will be too high. The quality of the clinker is not good. For example, when
the chemical reaction of the materials in the kiln is incomplete, and the clinker particles are much
smaller, and there is also fine powder in them, the shaft lifting weight is low, indicating that the
temperature in the kiln is low. Therefore, the shaft lifting weight of clinker should be controlled
within a reasonable range, and measured regularly, so that it is convenient for the pyrotechnics to
adjust the temperature in the kiln in time. The general control index of rotary kiln is 1300g / L to
1500g / L and shaft kiln is 950g/L to 1000g/L. 熟料物理性能 Physical properties of clinker

In order to ensure that the various physical properties of cement meet the requirements of
national standards, the physical properties of clinker should be tested first, so that the situation can
be grasped in advance, and control measures should be taken in advance. It can keep the physical
properties such as setting time, stability and strength of clinker good and stable.

Physical inspection of clinker has the following effects:

(1) Verification of the batching plan: Through regular inspection of the clinker out of the kiln,
whether the batching plan is reasonable can be verified. After the batching plan is determined,
whether the expected effect can be achieved should be verified by the physical properties of the
clinker. If the production conditions are stable, the clinker strength is high, and other physical
properties also meet the requirements, then the batching plan is reasonable; otherwise, the clinker
quality is poor, the batching plan may be unreasonable and needs to be adjusted.

(2) Check the operation and calcination of the kiln: In the case of reasonable batching schemes
and stable process control, changes in the physical properties of clinker often reflect problems in
operation and calcination. By analyzing the clinker stability and appearance color and shape, you

can determine the problems in the operation method, kiln ventilation, and thermal system in order
to correct and solve in time.

(3) As the basis for the quality control of cement: Through regular inspection of the physical
properties of the clinker out of the kiln, under the premise of ensuring the quality of the cement
leaving the factory, the grinding fineness of the cement, the optimal mixing amount of the mixing
material and gypsum can be reasonably determined. In addition, various control indicators can be
modified in time according to changes in clinker quality.

I. Inspection frequency

熟料物理性能检验:各窑 24h 检验一次,取平均样。

Inspection of clinker physical properties: each kiln shall be inspected once every 24 hours
and average samples shall be taken.

II. Setting time requirements

初凝不早于 45min,终凝不得迟于 390min。

The initial setting should not be earlier than 45min, and the final setting should not be later
than 390min.

III. Stability requirements

The boiling method should be qualified

IV. Strength requirements

各类水泥熟料的抗压强度不低于表 2 的数值

The compressive strength of various types of cement clinker should not be lower than the
values in Table 2.

表 2 水泥熟料抗压强度

Table 2 Compressive strength of cement clinker

Compressive strength / Mpa
3d 7d 28d
≥26.0 — ≥52.5
Common low-alkali cement clinker

Medium heat, medium resistance & high ≥18.0 — ≥45.0
resistance sulfate clinker
— ≥15.0 ≥45.0
Low-heat cement clinker

熟料强度等级检验,必须使用平均样,从取样到成型不得超过 2d。通过将水泥熟料在
Φ500mm×500mm 标准小磨中与二水石膏一起磨细至比表面积为 350±10m2/kg,0.080mm 方
孔筛筛余不大于 4%,制成 P·Ⅰ 型硅酸盐水泥后来进行的。制成的水泥中 SO2 含量应在 2.0%
~2.5%范围内(也可按双方约定)。所有试样的物理检验(除 28d 强度外)应在制成水泥
后 10d 内进行。

For clinker strength grade inspection, average samples must be used, and the process from
sampling to forming should not exceed 2 days. The cement clinker is ground together with
dihydrate gypsum in a Φ500mm×500mm standard small mill to a specific surface area of
350±10m2/kg, the 0.080mm square-hole screen sieve residue should not be greater than 4%, and
finally made into P · I Portland cement. The SO2 content in the finished cement should be in the
range of 2.0% to 2.5% (it can also be agreed by both parties). The physical inspection of all
samples (except 28d strength) should be performed within 10days after making cement.

7.3.3 熟料质量的波动因素及控制

7.3.3 Fluctuation factors and control of clinker quality 影响熟料化学成分波动的主要因素 The main factors affecting the fluctuation of clinker chemical composition

(1) Fluctuation of raw material composition: the composition of raw materials often fluctuates in
the actual production process. The content of each oxide in the raw material composition
determines the content of each oxide in the clinker. Especially when the all-black raw material
process is used, there is a direct correspondence between the chemical components of the raw
material and the clinker. During the preparation of raw materials, limestone, sandstone, shale, clay,
iron powder and other raw materials are out of control when entering the plant, and the
composition has fluctuated greatly; or the use of the homogenization facility is abnormal; Large,
there is a blockage when feeding; or due to too large particle size, stuck on a certain device in the
process; or the failure of the measuring equipment such as a belt scale itself and other factors will
cause the instability of the raw material composition. Therefore, to overcome the fluctuation of
clinker composition, it is necessary to start by controlling the composition of raw materials. First
of all, the qualified rate of milled raw materials should be increased, the standard deviation of the
ingredients should be reduced, and raw materials with uniform composition should be prepared.
The raw materials should be homogenized before entering the kiln to improve the qualification
rate of raw materials into the kiln and reduce its standard deviation.

(2) Inaccurate and uneven coal blending: Because the blending of raw meal has the dual meanings
of blending and blending, the change of coal quality or the correctness of blending ultimately
affects the composition of clinker. Due to the fluctuation of the ash content and heating value of
the raw coal entering the plant, the feeding amount of the kiln and furnace has changed greatly.
Coal with lower heating value generally contains higher ash, and the amount of coal required also
increases. The superposition of these two factors makes the amount of coal ash added to the
clinker ingredients increase, and the high aluminum content in the ash will also change the three-
factor value of the ingredients. Therefore, in order to ensure the accuracy of the coal blending
ratio, the coal blending ratio must be strictly controlled according to the batching requirements. If
the coal quality changes or the coal blending quantity cannot adapt to the calcination operation of
the kiln, and to deal with the special abnormal conditions in the kiln, the laboratory must revise
the coal blending index and change the batching plan after research by the quality management
personnel. It should be avoided to greatly increase or decrease the proportion of coal blending
based on the intuitive feeling of the workers at the scene.

(3) Fluctuations in the amount of dust collected by the kiln end dust collector: The amount of dust
collected by the dust collector is not uniform, because the pulse vibration is performed at intervals.
The longer the interval, the more uneven the ash collected. The composition of this ash after high
temperature calcination in the kiln is different from the original composition of the raw meal.
Regardless of whether the ash is a regenerative silo or a kiln, it will cause a kind of interference to
the stability and uniformity of the raw material composition, but the interference to the
regenerative silo is relatively small.

(4) The pulverized coal burner was improperly selected or operated, resulting in incomplete
combustion of the pulverized coal. In this case, the ash will fall into the clinker unevenly and the
ingredients of the mature clinker will be uneven as well.

(5) The samples taken are not representative: The grain sizes of shaft kiln clinkers vary widely,
and the external and internal components of large clinkers are not identical. In addition,
considering the fluctuation of the raw material and the uneven coal blending, the chemical

composition between the clinker blocks and the blocks is also very different. Therefore, it is
difficult to collect the average sample of clinker, and it also causes some artifacts to the production
control. In order to obtain a true average sample, care should be taken when sampling: the
sampling location is preferably behind the crusher; the sampling interval, sampling volume and
sampling method should be uniformly specified by the laboratory. 影响熟料物理性能波动的主要因素 Main factors affecting the physical properties of clinker

速度基本适应煅烧速度的要求,达到慢速常开,基本不停。出窑熟料温度应在 150℃以下。
(1) Shaft kiln thermal system is unstable: due to the large change in the position and thickness of
the bottom fire, the sintering degree of the clinker out of the kiln is greatly different. In the
operation of the shaft kiln, it is necessary to stabilize the bottom fire. Feeding, coal blending, air
supply and discharge must be relatively balanced and stable. During the continuous movement of
feeding and discharging, the relative balance should be maintained to achieve the stability of the
bottom fire layer. It is required to determine the feeding amount of the ball tray according to the
normal calcining speed of the machine shaft kiln, so that the ball tray is constantly open, the thin
material is evenly added, and the kiln surface is processed in time. The discharge speed of the
machine shaft kiln basically meets the requirements of the calcination speed, and it reaches the
slow and normally open speed, which basically keeps on. The temperature of kiln clinker should
be below 150℃. Only in this way can the bottom fire be stabilized.

(2) The ventilation of the kiln section is uneven: It causes a large difference in the calcination
speed, and the unloaded clinker has both advantages and disadvantages. The uneven ventilation of
the shaft kiln is its inherent disadvantage, which is manifested by insufficient ventilation in the
middle and excessive ventilation on the sides. In order to make the cross section of the kiln evenly
ventilated, a proper bell mouth angle should be selected according to the specific conditions of
each plant. In operation, the feeding has a great influence on the ventilation uniformity of the kiln
section. The principle of feeding should be "pressing the second rib, raising the middle fire,
flashing the fire, blocking the wind tunnel". Try to achieve uniform and good ventilation
throughout the kiln section to realize shallow and dark fire operation. Feeding should be carried
out according to the calcination speed of the shaft kiln, thin capping, adding and pressing.

(3) Sticky edges, partial fires and missing raw materials: this is one of the main reasons for the

fluctuation of the clinker in the shaft kiln, and every effort must be made to prevent the occurrence
of the above situations from all aspects. When there are local sticky edges, they must be disposed
of in time, otherwise they will become more and sticky, which will affect the ventilation and
partial fire. The partial fire in the shaft kiln is usually accompanied by leakage. In severe cases, the
collapse of the kiln or the explosion of carbon monoxide may occur, so it is necessary to prevent
this from happening as soon as possible.

(4) Inconsistent operations between shifts: Each shift operates at a different level. In particular, the
relationship between yield and quality cannot be handled very well. They only pay attention to the
output of this class and increase the unloading amount. When the shift is about to be shifted, they
are forced to slow down the unloading, blow a strong wind, increase the material to raise the
bottom fire and manage to shift without considering the balance between quantity and quality. In
this way, although the output of this shift is high, when the next shift starts, it is often forced to
continue to slow down or stop unloading. It will cause the bottom fire of the kiln to fluctuate
greatly. Therefore, the principle of team integration, namely, the former shift should prepare for
the next shift, and the three shifts should ensure the safety of shaft kiln production, which is
beneficial to the whole plant, must be established when the shaft kiln is operated. The output index
should be determined at an economically reasonable level, and the assessment and reward
methods should promote the stability of the shaft kiln operation.

7.3.4 熟料的质量管理

7.3.4 Quality management of clinker

Rotary kiln and shaft kiln calcined clinker often affect its quality due to various abnormal
conditions. Therefore, quality management must be strengthened to facilitate the control of the
quality of factory cement. 熟料的储存 of clinker

Clinker out of the kiln is not allowed to directly enter the mill and should be stored. The
temperature of clinker can be reduced through storage, prevent dehydration of gypsum and ensure
the grinding efficiency. In addition, the clinker storage can improve the grindability of the clinker
and increase the mill output.

There are two types of clinker storage: round storage and stacking sheds. When the quality
fluctuation is not large, it can be mixed into the warehouse. Poor quality should be stacked

separately and used together.

入磨熟料温度最好小于 100℃,熟料的储存期应在 5d 以上。

The temperature of the clinker to be ground is preferably less than 100 ° C, and the storage
period of the clinker should be above 5 days. 熟料的均化和使用 and use of clinker

The quality of the clinker is not uniform. The homogenization of the clinker should be done
to reduce its quality fluctuation and ensure the quality of the factory cement.

The homogenization methods of clinker are usually:

(1)熟料搭配入磨。 在用圆库储存熟料时,可用多库搭配的方法,即根据各个库熟料的质
(1) Mix clinker into the mill. When using a circular storehouse to store clinker, the method of
multiple storehouse matching can be used, that is, the mix ratio of each storehouse's clinker can be
determined according to the quality of each storehouse's clinker. When storing clinker in stacking
sheds, the ratio of good and bad clinker to grinding should be determined according to the quality
of each stack.

(2) If the clinker out of the kiln does not fluctuate greatly in overall quality, it can be stacked in
layers and cut shaftly. This can achieve homogenization of clinker.


(3) Mechanical storage.

(4) For certain clinker with physical properties or chemical composition exceeding national
standards. If the content of magnesium oxide in the clinker exceeds the standard or the setting
time is abnormal, measures must be taken to strictly control the mix ratio and confirm that it has
reached the national standard before entering the mill to avoid waste products.


(5) The storage and use of clinker should have original records to facilitate the control of cement

7.4 水泥制成质量管理与控制
7.4 Quality Management and Control of Cement

Cement making is the last process of cement production. The purpose of quality control of
cement production is to ensure that the quality of the cement in the factory meets the requirements
of national standards. The quality control items of cement production mainly include: the ratio of
the raw materials to be ground, the fineness or specific surface area of the cement, the content of
sulfur trioxide, the amount of mixed materials and the physical properties of the cement.

7.4.1 我公司生产的水泥品种简介

7.4.1 Brief introduction of cement varieties produced by our company 我公司生产的水泥品种有哪些? What are the types of cement produced by our company?

答:目前我公司生产的水泥品种为 P.O52.5 水泥、P.O42.5(R)水泥、P.C32.5(R)水泥。

生产许可证具备生产 P.O52.5R 水泥。

Answer: at present, the types of cement produced by our company are P.O52.5 cement,
P.O42.5 (R) cement, and P.C32.5 (R) cement. The production license is equipped to produce
P.O52.5R cement. 我公司生产的水泥品种性能指标要求和各自用途是什么? What are the performance index requirements and uses of different types of cement
produced by our company?

Answer: I. The requirements of each physical performance index are as follows:

1. 凝结时间:初凝不得早于 45min, 终凝不得迟于 300min。生产缓凝水泥时根据用户

1. Setting time: the initial setting should not be earlier than 45min, and the final setting
should not be later than 300min. It is determined according to user requirements when producing
retarded cement.

2. 安定性:沸煮法检验合格。

2. Stability: The boiling method is qualified after inspection.

3. “CUCC”中联牌水泥强度等级按规定龄期的抗压强度和抗折强度来划分,各强度
3. The strength grade of cement produced by CUCC (Chian United Cement Corporation) is
divided according to the compressive strength and flexural strength of the specified age. The
strength of each age grade cement meets the values in the table below.

品种 强度等 抗压强度 抗折强度 3d 抗压强度标准偏

Type 级 Compressive Flexural strength 差
Strength strength Standard deviation of

3天 28 天 3天 28 天 3D compressive
3 days 28 days 3 days 28 days strength
普通硅酸 52.5R 30.0±2.0 ≥56.0 ≥5.0 ≥7.0
52.5 28.0±2.0 ≥56.0 ≥4.0 ≥7.0
42.5R 26.0±2.0 ≥48.0 ≥4.0 ≥6.5
42.5 24.0±2.0 ≥46.0 ≥3.5 ≥6.5
(P.O) ≤1.0
复合硅酸 32.5R 15.0±1.0 ≥36.0 ≥2.5 ≥5.5
e Portland 32.5 18.0±1.0 ≥38.0 ≥3.5 ≥5.5

II. The requirements of each chemical performance index are as follows:

不溶物 烧失量 三氧化硫 氧化镁 氯离子

(质量 (质量分 (质量分 (质量分 (质量
分数) 数) 数) 数) 分数)
品种 代号
Insolubl Loss on Sulfur Magnesiu Chloride
Type Code
e matter ignition trioxide m oxide ion
(mass (mass (mass (mass (mass
fraction) fraction) fraction) fraction) fraction)

Ordinary P·O - ≤5.0 ≤3.5 ≤5.0a
Portland cement
(P.O) ≤0.06c

P·C - - ≤3.5 ≤6.0b
Portland cement
If the cement autoclave test is satisfactory, the magnesium oxide content (mass fraction) in the
cement is allowed to increase to 6.0%.
If the magnesium oxide content (mass fraction) in the cement is greater than 6.0%, a cement
autoclave stability test is required and qualified.
If there are lower requirements, the indicator should be determined through negotiation
between the buyer and the seller.

Alkali content (alternative index)


The alkali content in the cement is expressed by the calculated value of Na2O + 0.658K2O. If
active aggregate is used, when the user requests to provide low-alkali cement, the alkali content in
the cement should not be greater than 0.60% or determined by the buyer and the seller through

III. Uses of various types of cement

P.O 52.5R、P.O 52.5 水泥适用于重要结构的高强度混凝土和预应力力混凝土工程及有抗

P.O 52.5R and P.O 52.5 cement are suitable for high-strength concrete and pre-stressed
concrete projects of important structures and concrete projects with requirements for frost
resistance, impermeability and wear resistance. It has fast setting and hardening and good frost
resistance, and is more suitable for projects that require rapid setting, high early strength, repeated
freezing and thawing in winter construction and severe cold regions. Such as: bridges, high-rise
buildings, cement products, roads, airport runways, etc.

P.O 42.5R、P.O 42.5 的普通硅酸盐水泥除适用于上述范围外,还可适用于大体积混凝土

P.O 42.5R and P.O 42.5 ordinary portland cements are not only suitable for the above-
mentioned range, but also suitable for mass concrete projects, such as pavement, pier, ordinary
foundation, general civil buildings, and concrete with impermeability requirements.

P.C 32.5 水泥水化热低,适用于一般工业、民用建筑及水利工程。

P.C 32.5 cement has low heat of hydration and is suitable for general industrial, civil
construction and hydraulic engineering.

7.4.2 水泥制成质量控制项目

7.4.2 Cement Made Quality Control Project

The control items for grinding cement usually include: the ratio of the materials to be ground,
the specific surface area or fineness, SO3, MgO, chloride ion, the amount of mixed materials and
the physical properties of the cement (setting time, stability and strength). Portland cement and
ordinary portland cement should control the loss on ignition. Portland cement also needs to control
the insoluble content, and the selectivity index has the alkali content. 入磨物料的配比 Proportion of feed material


In cement production, the ratio of the raw materials to be ground is generally based on the
properties of the materials (including the chemical composition, strength of the clinker, the
activity of the mixed material, the nature and composition of gypsum) and their strength in the
process of cement hydration and hardening Determined. At the same time, the type, grade and
other special physical properties of the cement to be produced will also be considered. In the
actual production process, most of them are based on the quality of clinker produced by our
factory, and the variety and quality of mixed materials. Generally, the economical and reasonable
blending ratio is determined by experimental methods.

以在日常生产控制过程中,我公司每 4 小时检测一次水泥混合材含量情况。

The improper ratio of the feed materials or the unstable material flow during the
manufacturing process will directly affect the quality of the cement. Therefore, in the daily
production control process, our company detects the cement mixture content every 4 hours. 出磨水泥细度 Fineness of grinding cement

Cement fineness plays an important role in cement quality and economic benefits. The
implementation of the new cement standard puts forward higher requirements for the product
quality of cement enterprises. Cement grinding fineness, particle gradation and particle shape have
obvious effects on making full use of cement activity and improving the properties of cement

是早强越高;当熟料中 f-CaO 含量较高时,利于 f-CaO 消解,改善水泥的安定性。但不恰当
Cement fineness affects cement performance and mill output and power consumption. To a
certain extent, the finer the cement, the higher the cement initial strength. When the content of f-
CaO in the clinker is high, it is beneficial to the f-CaO digestion and will improve the stability of
the cement. However, improperly increasing the fineness of cement grinding will reduce mill
output and increase power consumption. In addition, the cement is too fine, the water demand
increases, and the compactness of the cement stone structure decreases, which will affect the
strength of the cement. Therefore, the fineness index should be reasonable, and the actual situation
of the enterprise should be comprehensively considered. In production, the fluctuation of fineness
should be minimized to achieve the purpose of stabilizing mill output and cement quality.

硅酸盐水泥和普通硅酸盐水泥的细度以比表面积表示,不小于 300㎡/kg;矿渣硅酸盐
水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥、粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥和复合硅酸盐水泥的细度以筛余表示 ,
0.080mm 方孔筛筛余不大于 10%或 0.045mm 方孔筛筛余不大于 30%。具体控制指标企业可
根据生产实际确定,控制指标:0.080mm 方孔筛筛余:≤目标值,合格率≥85%;或比表
面积:≥目标值,合格率≥85%。检验频次:分磨 1h 检验一次。

The fineness of Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement is expressed by specific

surface area, that is, not less than 300 ㎡ / kg. The fineness of slag portland cement, pozzolanic
portland cement, fly ash portland cement and composite portland cement is expressed by the sieve
residue, that is, the sieve residue of 0.080mm square hole sieve is not more than 10% or 0.045mm
square. The sieve residue of the sieve is not more than 30%. Specific control indicators can be
determined according to the actual production. Control indicators: 0.080mm square-hole sieve
screen: ≤ target value, pass rate ≥ 85%; or specific surface area: ≥ target value, pass rate ≥ 85%.
Inspection frequency: once every 1h. 出磨水泥中 SO3 含量 SO3 SO3 Content of out-milled cement

为了调节水泥的凝结时间,在磨制水泥时,需要加入少量石膏。水泥中 SO3 主要来自石

膏。生产中可以通过测定水泥中的 SO3 含量来控制石膏的加入量,以保证水泥的凝结时间和
SO3 含量均符合国家标准的规定。

In order to adjust the setting time of the cement, a small amount of gypsum needs to be added
when the cement is ground. SO3 in cement mainly comes from gypsum. In production, the amount
of gypsum can be controlled by measuring the SO 3 content in the cement to ensure that the setting
time and SO3 content of the cement meet the requirements of national standards.

C3A 生成水化硫铝酸钙胶体,包裹在 C3A 的表面,阻碍 C3A 内部继续水泥水化而使水泥缓
但当石膏掺入量过多时,在水泥石凝结后,仍有一部分石膏与 C3A 继续水化生成一种水化
不良。所以在确定水泥中 SO3 控制指标时,要根据小磨关于最佳石膏掺入量的试验结果,同
时考虑熟料中 SO3 含量和所生产水泥品种,合理选定。

The role of gypsum: it is mainly used in cement to adjust the setting time. An appropriate
amount of gypsum can form hydrated calcium sulphoaluminate colloid with C 3A during cement
hydration process, which is wrapped on the surface of C 3A, hindering the cement hydration inside
C3A and retarding the cement. Therefore, when the amount of gypsum is insufficient, it cannot
offset the rapid setting effect of calcium hydrated aluminate, which causes the rapid setting
phenomenon of cement. However, if the amount of gypsum is too much, after the cement stone is
set, a part of the gypsum and C 3A will continue to hydrate to form a hydrated calcium
sulfoaluminate crystal, which causes volume expansion, which means that the cement is
unqualified for stability. At the same time, gypsum is an active activator of slag, which can
improve the strength of cement, especially early strength. In short, too little gypsum does not
inhibit the rapid setting of the cement, and too much gypsum will cause poor stability of the
cement. Therefore, in determining the SO3 control index in cement, the test results of the optimum
gypsum content in the mill must be based on the test results. At the same time, it is necessary to
consider the SO3 content in the clinker and the type of cement produced and choose reasonably.

生产实际确定。控制目标:目标值±0.3%,合格率>80%。检验次数:分磨 2h 检验一次。

Control indicators: The national standard stipulates that slag portland cement is ≤4.0% and
other cements are ≤3.5%. Specific indicators can be determined according to the actual
production. Control target: target value ± 0.3%, pass rate> 80%. Inspection times: 2h inspection

55 混合材掺加量 Dosage of mixed materials

The amount of mixed materials should be comprehensively determined according to the type
of cement, strength grade, quality of clinker and the type and quality of mixed materials. Adding
mixed materials in the production of cement can not only increase the output of cement, reduce
the cost of cement, but also improve some physical properties of cement. Cement enterprises
should conduct comprehensive research through experimental research to determine the types of
mixed materials and their blending amounts. The amount of mixed materials of different cement
varieties should meet the requirements of national standards.

The role of mixed materials: increase production and reduce costs; improve and adjust certain
properties of cement; beneficial to environmental protection, but will reduce strength, especially
early strength.

控制指标:目标值±2.0%,检验频次:分磨 4h 检验一次。

Control index: target value ± 2.0%, inspection frequency: once every 4h after grinding. 出磨水泥 MgO MgO for grinding cement

水泥中的 MgO 是一种有害成分,它与硅、铁、铝化合物的化学亲合力很小,在熟料煅

MgO in cement is a harmful component, and it has little chemical affinity with silicon, iron,
and aluminum compounds. In the process of clinker calcination, it generally does not participate in
chemical reactions, and most of them exist as free periclase. The hydration rate of periclase is
extremely slow. In cement stone, often it will continue to hydrate and generate volume expansion
after a few years, making the cement stone poor in stability.

水泥中的 MgO 主要来自熟料,对于 MgO 含量较高的熟料,要事先控制,搭配使用,

以保证水泥中 MgO 含量在国家标准规定的范围内。

MgO in cement mainly comes from clinker. For clinker with high MgO content, it should be
controlled in advance and used in combination to ensure that the MgO content in the cement is
within the range prescribed by national standards.

GB175-2007《通用硅酸盐水泥》中,要求 P·S·A 型、P·F 型、P·C 型水泥中的 MgO 含量不

大于 6.0%,并加注说明:“如果水泥中 MgO 含量大于 6.0%时,应进行水泥压蒸试验并合
格;对 P·Ⅰ 型、P·Ⅱ 型、P·O 型水泥中 MgO 含量的规定为小于 5.0%,如果水泥压蒸试验合格,
允许放宽至 6.0%。”

GB175-2007 General Portland Cement requires that the MgO content in P · S · A, P · F, and
P · C cements should not be greater than 6.0%. It is necessary to add a note: "If the MgO content

in the cement is greater than 6.0%, a cement autoclave test should be performed and passed; the
MgO content in P · Ⅰ, P · Ⅱ, and P · O cement should be less than 5.0. %, If the cement autoclave
test passes, it is allowed to increase to 6.0%. "

生产硅酸盐水泥和普通硅酸盐水泥时,对出磨水泥的 MgO 含量应每个编号测定一次。

如果 MgO 含量较高,应增加检测次数。

When producing Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement, the MgO content of the
ground cement should be determined once for each number. If the MgO content is high, increase
the number of tests. 氯离子 Chloride

对氯离子含量的要求,其限量是水泥中的氯离子含量小于 0.06%,是参照混凝土设计应用
Chloride ion in cement concrete will cause the steel bar to rust, which will cause the concrete
to crack and damage. At present, the production of cement has the disadvantage of borrowing
grinding aids to join salt additives. Therefore, GB175 General Portland Cement has added
requirements for chloride ion content. The limit is that the chloride ion content in the cement is
less than 0.06%, which is determined by referring to the concrete design and application code.

烧成过程中大部分挥发,残留氯离子含量很少,通常熟料中氯离子的含量在 0.02%~
The sources of chloride ions are raw materials, fuels, and mixed materials, and the sources are
different in different regions. Most of the chlorides in the raw materials are volatilized during the
clinker firing process, and the residual chloride ion content is very small. Generally, the chloride
ion content in the clinker is between 0.02% and 0.045%. Therefore, if the chloride ion content in
the cement is high, it can be considered that it mainly comes from the various additives used. The
standard also notes: "When there are special requirements, this indicator is determined through
negotiation between the buyer and the seller". In this case, it can not only ensure the durability of
cement concrete, but also reserve a reasonable space for co-processing solid waste in cement
production. 水泥烧失量 Cement loss on ignition

Inspection of the loss of cement burning mainly controls the calcination of mixed materials
and clinker. Due to the increasing variety of component materials in cement, such as limestone, fly
ash, etc., as well as some gypsum grades, and the quality of clinker calcination (the calcination
status of clinker in shaft kiln is not as good as that of rotary kiln, Loss is higher than that of rotary

kiln clinker). Therefore, in order to ensure that the amount of mixed materials in the cement
complies with the national standard and the quality of the clinker, the burning loss of the cement
must be limited.

国家标准中规定了硅酸盐水泥和普通硅酸盐水泥中的烧失量指标, P·Ⅰ 不得大于

3.0%,P·Ⅱ 不得大于 3.5%,P·O 不得大于 5.0%。

The national standard specifies the loss on ignition index in Portland cement and ordinary
Portland cement. P · I shall not be greater than 3.0%, P · II shall not be greater than 3.5%, and P ·
O shall not be greater than 5.0%. 出磨水泥的物理性能 Physical properties of grinding cement

Physical properties include stability, setting time and strength grade. These properties must
meet the requirements of national standards. If some properties do not meet national standards,
necessary measures should be taken to remedy them, such as homogenization, to ensure the
quality of the factory cement. 碱含量 Alkali content

Alkali can affect the performance of cement. Alkali dissolves quickly in cement, can increase
the alkalinity of the liquid phase, accelerate the hydration rate, stimulate the activity of the mixed
materials in the cement and improve the early strength of the cement. However, when the alkali
content is high, the later strength of the cement will increase slowly.


When the alkali content is high, it also has the following adverse effects on the performance
of the cement: potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide generated during cement hydration will
consume gypsum, destroy the retardation mechanism of gypsum, cause early setting,
agglomeration and increased water demand of cement; in addition, the alkali content in the cement
and the active aggregate undergo an alkali-aggregate reaction, which results in local swelling,
causing the building to crack, deform and even collapse.

求提供低碱水泥时,水泥中的碱含量以(Na2O+0.658K2O)表示,不应大于 0.60%,或由买
Alkali content is listed as a selective indicator in GB175—2007 General Portland Cement. If
active aggregate is used, when the user requests to provide low-alkali cement, the alkali content in
the cement is expressed as (Na 2O + 0.658K2O). It should not be greater than 0.60% or be
determined by agreement between the buyer and the seller.

7.4.3 出磨水泥的管理及控制程序

7.4.3 Management and control procedures for cement grinding

Strengthening the management of the out-milled cement is to ensure the stability of the
cement quality. The management of out-milled cement mainly focuses on the following tasks:

(1) 严格控制出磨水泥的各项质量指标,对于生产工艺条件较差,质量波动较大的厂,应尽
(1) The quality indicators of the out-milled cement should be strictly controlled. For factories with
poor production process conditions and large quality fluctuations, the sampling time and
inspection tonnage of the out-milled cement should be minimized. In addition, the frequency of
inspections should be increased to grasp the fluctuations in quality so as to make a reasonable mix
at the factory.

(2) 严格出磨水泥入库制度。出磨水泥应严格按照化验室指定的库号和时间入库,并做好入
(2) The cement storage system should be strictly implemented. Out-milled cement should be
stored strictly in accordance with the warehouse number and time specified by the laboratory, and
a record of storage should be made. No cement of different varieties or strength grades (labels)
can be mixed in the same warehouse. If the variety or grade (label) is changed or the high-strength
grade cement is changed from a low-strength grade in the production process, the high-strength
grade of cement should be used for washing and out-milled, conveying equipment and packaging
equipment, and the cleaned cement will all be treated as low-strength grade cement. .

(3) 出磨水泥要有一定的库存量(不低于磨机 5 天的产量),这样便于根据出磨水泥的快速

(3) There must be a certain amount of stock for the output cement (not less than the output of the
mill for 5 days), so that it is easy to determine the quality of the factory cement based on the rapid
or three-day strength of the output cement and other quality indicators. At the same time, it is also
possible to perform necessary homogenization in the warehouse according to the quality of the
out-milled cement or reasonably allocate it before leaving the factory to stabilize the quality of the
factory cement. The homogenization methods in the cement warehouse include air stirring,
mechanical inversion, and multiple warehouse matching. For those production conditions that are
not normal, the quality fluctuations are large, and the pass rate of the cement stability of the mill is
poor, the inventory should be increased accordingly. At the same time, necessary homogenization
measures must be taken to prevent unqualified cement from leaving the factory.

(4) 出磨水泥不得在磨尾直接包装或水泥出磨后上入下出的库底包装,防止质量不合格的水
(4) Out-milled cement shall not be packed directly at the tail of the mill or the bottom of the
warehouse shall be packed in and out after the cement is out-milled to prevent unqualified cement

from leaving the factory.

The process of out-milled cement control is as follows:



做化学分析 LSH-229

测定细度 测凝结时间 做试体成型 测定强度


测定混合材含量 测定三氧化硫含量 LSH-206




1. 为强化入库水泥质量管理,取样分为取样工取瞬时出磨水泥样、值班长取连续入库
1. In order to strengthen the quality management of the stored cement, the sampling is
divided into the sampling process to take the instant grinding cement sample, and the continuous
storage cement sampling by watchkeeper. The ground cement samples are sampled every hour for
specific surface area and sulfur trioxide; the stored cement samples are sampled twice per shift for
comparison of surface area and cement calcium oxide content, which is convenient for monitoring
and adjusting cement admixture.

7.4.4 影响出磨水泥强度的因素有哪些

7.4.4 What are the factors that affect the strength of ground cement?


Answer: There are many factors that affect the strength of cement, such as the differences in
cement operated by the experimenters, the wear of test equipment accessories, the differences in
test conditions and the test materials, all of which will affect the determination of various qualities
of cement. Because these affect the national standards, there are specific regulations, and there are
requirements for operating procedures and test conditions. In addition, the testing equipment / and
instruments must be regularly evaluated, and generally do not cause major problems. This paper
only summarizes and discusses the issues that have the greatest impact on factory cement or that
must be noticed.

(1) 首先取决于熟料的质量也就是熟料的矿物组成与矿物结构。硅酸盐水泥熟料中的四种矿
因素,其中 C3S 的早期强度最大,28d 强度基本上依赖于 C3S 含量。C2S 的早期强度虽不高,
但长期强度增长的幅度较大,一年后其强度可赶上甚至超过 C3S。C3A 的早期强度增长很快,
但 C3A 对水泥强度的影响,不同研究者看法不尽相同,一般认为 C3A 主要对早期的强度有
利,但强度绝对值并不高,而且,后期强度几乎不增加,甚至有倒缩小、现象。与 C3A 相比,
C4AF 的早期强度较高,而后期强度还能有所增长。所以,一般情况下 C3S 含量越高,熟料
(1) First of all, it depends on the quality of the clinker, which is the mineral composition and
structure of the clinker. The four mineral compositions (C3S, C2S, C4AF, C3A) in Portland
cement clinker, each exist in a separate phase and reflect their respective reaction characteristics in
an aqueous solution. Therefore, the hydration rate of each mineral, the crystal form and size of the
hydration product, and the trend of strength development over time vary. Therefore, the mineral
composition and content are the most important factors for the strength growth of the cement, the
early strength and the later strength. Among them, the early strength of C3S is the largest, and the
28d strength basically depends on the C3S content. Although the early strength of C2S is not high,
the increase in long-term strength is large, and its strength can catch up to or even exceed that of
C3S one year later. The early strength of C3A increased rapidly, but different researchers have
different opinions on the effect of C3A on cement strength.

(2) 水泥的细度。水泥强度的发展,与水泥的细度也有着密切的关系,特别是水泥的早期强
小于 30um 的颗粒,可提高水泥的水化、硬化速度,进而提高水泥的强度。目前比较公认的
水泥最佳性能的颗粒级配为: 3~32μm 颗粒总量不能低于 65%,<3μm 细颗粒不要超过
10%,>65μm 颗粒最好为零,<1μm 的颗粒最好没有。因为 3-32μm 颗粒对强度增长起主要
作用,特别是 l6~24μm 颗粒对水泥性能尤为重要,含量越多越好;<3μm 的细颗粒容易结
团,<1μm 的小颗粒在加水搅拌中很快就水化,对混凝土强度作用很小,且影响水泥与外
加剂的适应性,易影响水泥性能而导致混凝土开裂,严重影响混凝土的耐久性; >65μm 的
颗粒水化很慢,对 28d 强度贡献很小。

(2) Fineness of cement. The development of cement strength is also closely related to the fineness
of cement, especially the early strength increase of cement is particularly obvious. The fineness is
expressed by sieve residue, specific surface area and particle gradation. It is generally believed
that cement contains more than 30um particles, which can increase the hydration and hardening
speed of the cement, and then increase the strength of the cement. At present, the particle
gradation of the best recognized cement performance is: the total particle size of 3μm to 32μm
cannot be less than 65% and the fine particle size less than 3μm should not exceed 10%. Particles
smaller than 65μm are preferably zero and particles smaller than 1μm are preferably absent.
Because 3μm to 32μm particles play a major role in strength growth, especially 16μm to 24μm

particles are particularly important for cement performance, the more content the better. Fine
particles smaller than 3μm are easy to agglomerate, and small particles smaller than 1μm are
quickly hydrated during mixing with water, which has little effect on the strength of concrete and
affects the adaptability of cement and admixtures. In addition, it is easy to affect the performance
of cement and cause cracking of the concrete, which seriously affects the durability of the
concrete; particles smaller than 65 μm hydrate slowly and contribute little to 28d strength.

(3) 水泥中石膏种类及掺加量。石膏虽然主要用于调节凝结时间,但也能改变水泥的强度。
石膏对强度的影响受细度、C3A 的含量和碱含量的制约。当加入适量的石膏时,有利于提高
(3) The type and amount of gypsum in cement. Although gypsum is mainly used to adjust the
setting time, it can also change the strength of cement. The effect of gypsum on strength is limited
by fineness, C3A content and alkali content. Adding an appropriate amount of gypsum to the
cement is conducive to improving the strength of the cement, especially the early strength.
However, when the amount of gypsum is too much, it will cause the volume expansion of the
cement and reduce the strength.

(4) 生产中水泥的温度控制。合理控制入磨物料温度与出磨水泥温度有利于水泥磨机保持良
(4) Temperature control of cement in production. Reasonable control of the temperature of the
materials to be ground and the temperature of the ground cement will help the cement mill to
maintain good crushing and grinding capabilities. It can prevent over grinding of the cement mill,
which in turn affects the cement particle gradation.

(5) 水泥混合材类型。在水泥生产过程中,掺加混合材能够改善水泥性能、调节水泥标号。水
(5) Type of cement mix. In the cement production process, the addition of mixed materials can
improve the cement performance and adjust the cement grade. Cement mixed materials are
divided into active mixed materials and inactive mixed materials. The main role of the active
mixture is to improve cement performance, expand the range of cement strength grades, reduce
heat of hydration, increase production and reduce costs. The inactive mixed material mainly plays
a filling role and reduces the cost of cement production. At present, our company mainly uses fly
ash, slag and limestone as the inactive mixture. In the actual production process, the mixing
amount of the mixed material is controlled, and the mixing ratio of the particularly active and
inactive mixed materials is controlled. It is very important for stabilizing cement quality,
especially strength.

(6) 养护箱的温度。它对水泥的 1d 和 3d 的强度影响很大。温度控制不好,会使 1d 和 3d 的强

水温对 3d 及后期强度影响也很大,必须想法保持好。养护箱温度每升高 1℃,约提高 1d 抗
压强度 1MPa;养护水池水温每提高 1℃,提高 3d 抗压强度约 4%~6%,提高 28d 抗压强
度约 2%~4%。温度一旦降低,强度随之下降。

(6) The temperature of the curing box. It has a great influence on the 1d and 3d strength of
cement. Poor temperature control will cause large fluctuations in the intensity of 1d and 3d. This

easily leads to the illusion that we will make wrong judgments and cause deviations in quality
control. The water temperature of the conservation pool also has a great effect on the 3d and later
strength, and it must be kept in mind. Each time the temperature of the curing box is raised by 1 °
C, the compressive strength is increased by about 1 d. For every 1 ° C increase in the water
temperature of the conservation pool, the compressive strength for 3 days is increased by about
4% to 6%, and the compressive strength for 28 days is increased by about 2% to 4%. Once the
temperature decreases, the strength decreases.

(7) 压力试验机球座灵活与否对试验结果影响很大。因有时漏进灰砂,必须经常清理。另一
(7) The flexibility of the ball seat of the pressure testing machine has a great influence on the test
results. Due to sometimes leaking lime sand, it must be cleaned frequently. On the other hand, the
oil in the tee must be changed frequently and added frequently, because it will be lost over time.
The oil must not be too thin or too thick, it must remain flexible and pressure resistant. The three
cylinders of the anti-buckling fixture must be able to rotate freely. If some do not rotate and do not
maintain for a long time, it is easy to grind the plane, resulting in high bending strength.

7.4.5 引起出磨水泥与出厂水泥强度标准偏差的原因及采取措施

7.4.5 Causes of the standard deviation of the strength of ground cement and ex-works cement and
the measures taken

In the production control process, the factors that have a large impact on the standard deviation of
the strength of the mill and the cement out of the factory are:

一、 入磨原材料质量:
I. Quality of raw materials:

(1) 入磨熟料质量。熟料强度标准偏差是影响水泥强度标准最直接的因素。要想控制出磨水
(1) Quality of clinker. The standard deviation of clinker strength is the most direct factor affecting
cement strength standards. In order to control the strength standard of the ground cement, the
quality of the clinker must be stabilized first, and the clinker must be reasonably exported.

(2) 混合材质量。当入磨矿渣及石灰石出现较大质量波动时,特别是炉渣及石灰石杂质含量
(2) Quality of mixed materials. When there are large fluctuations in the quality of the slag and
limestone, especially the slag and limestone impurities, it is easy to cause large fluctuations in the
strength of the cement.

(3) 水泥生产用助磨剂抽查是否及时,强度增强不稳定对出磨水泥强度影响较大。

(3) The spot check of grinding aids for cement production is timely, and the instability of strength
enhancement has a greater impact on the strength of the grinding cement.

II. Production process control:

(1) 出磨水泥比表面积与入库水泥比表面积偏差较大,特别入库水泥比表面积偏低时造成出
(1) The specific surface area of the out-milled cement and the specific surface area of the
incoming cement have a large deviation. In particular, if the specific surface area of the stored
cement is low, the strength of the ground cement may be low, which affects the quality stability of
the ground cement.

(2) 配料电子称的稳定性。特别老线炉渣称经常波动较大,造成混合材掺加不均匀。

(2) Electronic scale stability. The old line slag said that it often fluctuates greatly, causing uneven
mixing of mixed materials.

(3) 在出厂水泥旺季时,受水泥库位较低的影响,入库水泥均化不及时,造成出厂水泥强度
(3) During the peak season of the factory cement, due to the lower cement storage location, the
homogenization of the cement entering the warehouse is not timely, causing fluctuations in the
strength of the factory cement.

(4) 当熟料质量不稳定时,混合材调整不及时,混合材掺加不能根据熟料质量的变化而变化。

(4) When the quality of the clinker is unstable, the adjustment of the mixed material is not timely,
and the mixing of the mixed material cannot change according to the change of the quality of the

(5) 低强度等级水泥改产高强度等级水泥频繁,特别是冲系统改产阶段产生的不稳地因素较
(5) The conversion of low-strength grade cement to high-strength grade cement is frequent,
especially the instability factors generated during the punching system's production change phase,
which lead to a high standard deviation of the strength of the factory cement.

(6) 中控的稳定操作性。水泥中控操作要平稳、高效,杜绝大起大落、刻意逃样等现象,对出
(6) Controlled stable operation. The central control operation of the cement should be smooth and
efficient, avoiding extreme fluctuations and non-sampling situations. For the large deviation
between the outgoing cement and the incoming cement, and the continuous specific surface area
failure of the single mill, the laboratory should timely report to the cement department, and the
cement department should make timely rectification.

Take measures:

(1) 加强对入磨原材料的质量监控,充分均化搭配入磨原材料,确保入磨物料的稳定性。

(1) It is necessary to strengthen the quality control of the raw materials to be ground, and fully
homogenize the raw materials to ensure the stability of the raw materials.

(2) 原料配料称稳定运行,对生产控制过程中工艺控制点出现较大偏差时,设备保障部应配
(2) Raw material ingredients should run steadily. When there is a large deviation in the process

control point during the production control process, the equipment support department shall
cooperate with the laboratory and the cement department to complete the inspection and
inspection of the zero drift of the electronic ingredients of each raw material, the change in the
range, and the out of control of the ingredients scale. In addition, the phenomenon of material
breakage and inaccurate material proportioning in the batching scale should be eliminated to
ensure that the raw materials into the mill are evenly mixed.

(3) 水泥中控操作要平稳、高效,杜绝大起大落、刻意逃样等现象,对出磨水泥与入库水泥
(3) The central control operation of the cement should be smooth and efficient, and large
fluctuations and non-sampling should be avoided. For the large deviation between the outgoing
cement and the incoming cement, and the continuous specific surface area failure of the single
mill, the laboratory should timely report to the cement department, and the cement department
should make timely rectification.

(4) 水泥部严格按照化验室质量管理通知单助磨剂配比掺量执行,在生产控制过程中,化验
(4) The cement department should strictly follow the laboratory's quality management notice for
the proportion of grinding aid. During the production control process, each shift of the laboratory
should conduct spot checks on grinding aids in a timely manner. Tonnage deduction is carried out
when the testing of the strength of grinding aids fails to meet the standards.

(5) 水泥部中控室严格按照化验室质量管理通知单物料配比方案执行。化验室根据质量管理
(5) The central control room of the cement department shall strictly implement the material ratio
plan of the laboratory quality management notice. The laboratory shall sample and analyze the
specific surface area of the ground cement and sulfur trioxide according to the quality
management regulations, and report the results to the central control room in a timely manner. The
integrated samples of the stored cement are inspected twice per shift, and the specific surface area
and calcium oxide of the stored cement are analyzed and reported to the central control room in
time. In the production control process, the central control room of the cement department must
ensure the consistency of the specific surface area of the ground cement and the specific surface
area of the stored cement to prevent large deviations. The laboratory should be based on the
specific surface area of the belt and the calcium oxide content. In addition, the cement admixture
should be adjusted in a timely and appropriate manner to ensure that the strength of the ground
cement is up to standard and stable.

(6) 水泥部中控室严格按照化验室质量管理通知单执行水泥生产的改产过程,对低等级水泥
改高等级水泥时要冲洗系统 30 分钟后执行,冲洗系统后方可改入高等级水泥库。

(6) The central control room of the Cement Department should strictly follow the laboratory
quality management notice to carry out the process of cement production reform. When changing
from low-grade cement to high-grade cement, the system should be flushed after 30 minutes. The
flushing system can only be changed into the high-grade cement warehouse.


Controlling the quality of the factory cement is not only the work of the laboratory of the
production quality department, but also the strong cooperation of the clinker department, the
cement department and the equipment support department. It can achieve resource sharing, reduce
intensity fluctuations, reduce the standard deviation of the strength of the factory cement, and
meet user needs.

7.4.6 水泥质量异常情况的原因分析

7.4.6 Cause analysis of abnormal cement quality 水泥需水量偏高的原因? What is the reason for the high water demand for cement?

Answer: The main reasons affecting the water demand of cement are as follows:

1. 熟料烧成:熟料矿物中铝酸三钙的需水量较大,游离氧化钙含量及碱含量高,均使需水性
1. Clinker firing: The water requirement of tricalcium aluminate in the clinker mineral is large,
and the content of free calcium oxide and alkali is high, which also increases the water demand;
2. 水泥粉磨:细度越细,需水量越大;

2. Cement grinding: the finer the fineness, the greater the water demand; 

3. 混合材: 混合材掺的越多,需水量越大。

3. Mixed materials: The more mixed materials, the greater the water demand.


1. 优化生料配比,减少游离氧化钙和碱含量,保证熟料质量;

1. Optimize the proportion of raw meal, reduce the content of free calcium oxide and alkali, and
ensure the quality of clinker;

2. 可以通过添加助磨剂、调整选粉机转速、优化钢球级配等措施来拓宽水泥颗粒分布范围,
2. Adding grinding aids, adjusting the speed of the separator, optimizing the gradation of steel
balls, and other measures can be taken to broaden the distribution range of cement particles and
avoid over grinding of cement;

3. 合 理 掺 加 混 合 材 及 控 制 掺 加 量 , 如 果 熟 料 和 混 合 材 易 磨 性 差 别 大 考 虑 分 别 粉 磨 。
3. The mixed material should be reasonably added and the amount of the mixed material should be
controlled. If the grindability of the clinker and the mixed material is greatly different, consider
grinding separately.

4. 施工时通常通过加高效减水剂来解决。

4. It is usually solved by adding superplasticizer during construction. 水泥安定性不良的原因? What are the reasons for poor cement stability?

答:一般是由于熟料中的游离氧化钙、游离氧化镁或石膏掺入量过多造成的。其中 f-CaO 是
一种最常见、影响也最严重的因素。呈死烧状态的 f- Ca,水化速度很慢,在硬化水泥石中继
续与水生成六方板状的 Ca(OH)2 晶体,体积增大近一倍,产生膨胀应力,以致破坏水泥
石。其次是游离氧化镁,即方镁石,它的水化速度很慢,水化生成的 Mg(OH)2 时,体积
膨胀 148%。但急冷的熟料中方镁石结晶极小,对安定性影响不大。第三是水泥中 SO3 过高,
即石膏掺加量过多,多余的 SO3 在水泥硬化后继续与水和 C3A 形成钙矾石,产生膨胀应力
Answer: It is generally caused by the excessive amount of free calcium oxide, free magnesium
oxide or gypsum in the clinker. Among them, f-CaO is one of the most common and most
influential factors. The dead burned f-Ca has a very slow hydration rate. In the hardened cement
stone, it continues to generate hexagonal plate-shaped Ca (OH) 2 crystals with water. The volume
is almost doubled, and expansion stress is generated, which destroys the cement stone . In
addition, free magnesia, periclase, has a very slow hydration rate. When hydrated to form Mg
(OH) 2, the volume expands by 148%. However, in the rapidly cooled clinker, the crystal of
periclase is extremely small and has little effect on the stability. If the SO3 in the cement is too
high, that is, too much gypsum is added, the excess SO3 will continue to form ettringite with
water and C3A after the cement hardens, which will cause expansion stress and affect the stability
of the cement. 影响水泥凝结速度的因素? What are the factors that affect the setting speed of cement?

答: 1. 水泥熟料的矿物组成和含量。矿物组成对于凝结速度的影响,应从两方面进行考虑,
和水接触的表面开始的,含量越多,相对作用面积也就越大。尤其是初凝速度,主要受 C3A
和 C3S 含量的控制。

Answer: 1. Mineral composition and content of cement clinker. The influence of mineral
composition on the setting speed should be considered from two aspects, on the one hand, the
hydration speed of the mineral should be considered. On the other hand, the content of minerals
should also be considered. Because the hydration starts from the surface where the clinker
particles are in contact with water, the larger the content, the larger the relative area of action.
Especially the initial setting speed is mainly controlled by C3A and C3S content.

2. 温度变化。温度升高,水泥水化作用加快,凝结时间会缩短,反之,温度降低,水
2. Temperature change. If the temperature increases, the hydration of the cement will
accelerate and the setting time will be shortened. On the other hand, if the temperature decreases,
the hydration will slow down and the setting time will increase. Therefore, during construction in
hot seasons and high temperatures, attention must be paid to changes in initial setting time. For
construction in winter and cold conditions, attention should be paid to keeping warm to ensure
normal setting time.

3. 水泥的细度(或比表面积)的大小。当水泥粉磨过细时,水泥水化速度加快,放出

大量的热,特别是 C3A 的水化更快、更完全,水泥凝结速度相应加快。

3. The fineness (or specific surface area) of the cement. When the cement powder is too fine,
the hydration speed of the cement is accelerated, and a large amount of heat is released. In
particular, the hydration of C3A is faster and more complete, and the setting speed of cement is
correspondingly accelerated.

4. 水泥中石膏的掺加量及碱含量的高低。为获得水泥正常的凝结时间,必须调节水泥
不同龄期的强度、水泥安定性的影响。据相关质料统计,现代硅酸盐水泥中 SO3 与 Al2O3 的
适宜比例为 0.5~0.9,平均约为 0.6。碱含量过高会缩短水泥凝结时间,增大需水量,有可
4. The amount of gypsum in the cement and the level of alkali content. In order to obtain the
normal setting time of cement, it is necessary to adjust the effective amount of sulfate at the
beginning of cement hydration so that it only produces ettringite and not monosulfoaluminate or
dihydrate gypsum. The effect of gypsum on the setting time of cement is not directly proportional
to the amount added, but has a sudden change. When the added amount exceeds a certain amount,
a slight increase will greatly change the coagulation. The determination of the optimal amount of
gypsum should not only consider the setting time, but its influence on the strength and cement
stability of different ages should also be noticed. According to relevant material statistics, the
appropriate ratio of SO3 to Al2O3 in modern portland cement is 0.5 to 0.9, with an average of
about 0.6. If the alkali content is too high, it will shorten the cement setting time and increase the
water demand. It may cause alkali aggregate reaction with the concrete aggregate, which will
seriously damage the concrete structure.

5. 水泥中混合材掺加量的高低等均可影响水泥的凝结时间。凝结时间较长的水泥要求
5. The amount of mixed materials in the cement can affect the setting time of the cement.
Cement with longer setting time requires a lower amount of mixed materials. 水泥产生假凝、快凝的原因及采取措施? What are the reasons and measures for false setting and quick setting of cement?

Answer: False setting means that after cement is mixed with water, the material will show the
characteristics of setting within a few minutes. After vigorous stirring, the cement slurry will
return to plasticity and reach normal setting.

不能在恢复塑性;水泥的快凝多是由水泥中 SO3 掺加量不足或配料不当而引起的,而产生
Quick setting of cement is different from false setting. The fake setting heat is very small and
the fast setting releases a lot of heat; re-stirring the fast setting cement cannot restore plasticity.
The rapid setting of cement is mostly caused by insufficient amount of SO3 in cement or improper
ingredients. The reason for the false setting is that the temperature during the cement grinding

process is too high, and some of the dihydrate gypsum is dehydrated into hemihydrate gypsum.
When the cement is reconciled, the hemihydrate gypsum quickly hydrates into dihydrate gypsum
crystals and precipitates, forming a dihydrate gypsum crystal network, so that the cement slurry
quickly solidifies. After vigorous stirring, the solidified cement slurry can be restored to plasticity
again, but rapid setting cannot.

Measures to avoid false coagulation:

1. 降低入磨熟料温度,保持良好的磨机通风。

1. Reduce the clinker temperature into the mill and maintain good mill ventilation.

2. 掺加适量的混合材。

2. Add the right amount of mixed material.

3. 将假凝的水泥存放一段时间。

3. Store sham cement for a period of time.

4. 水泥熟料中 C3A 和碱含量不要太高,并控制水泥中的 SO3

4. C3A and alkali content in cement clinker should not be too high, and control SO3 in cement.

5. 制备混凝土是适当延长凝结时间。

5. Concrete is prepared by appropriately extending the setting time. 水泥烧失量偏高的原因? What are the reasons for the high cement loss on ignition?

Answer: Effect of hardening temperature and humidity: Generally speaking, increasing the
temperature and humidity during hardening can speed up the hardening speed of cement and
improve early strength. At present, the main ingredients of cement are clinker, gypsum and mixed
materials (limestone, fly ash and slag). In fact, controlling the loss on ignition in cement is to limit
the amount of gypsum and mixed materials to ensure the quality of cement. To control the burning
loss of cement, we must first control the burning loss of clinker, and the quality of clinker should
be guaranteed. After all, the proportion of clinker is the largest. Although the proportion of the
blending material is not large, the loss on ignition is relatively high, and the loss on ignition varies
greatly. Therefore, the amount of gypsum and mixed materials is the main reason that affects the
loss of cement burning loss. Changes in the moisture and loss of ignition of limestone and
gypsum, as well as material falling on the sensor of the mixed material batching scale, changes in
belt weight, running edges, and other factors, leading to more or less mixing of some mixed
materials, resulting in loss of ignition Changed. In the process of cement quality control, the
problem of high cement burning loss can be solved mainly by homogenizing with raw materials

and adjusting the proportion of inactive mixed materials. 什么是水泥的水化和水化速度?影响水泥水化速度的因素? What is the hydration and hydration rate of cement? What are the factors affecting the rate
of cement hydration?

Answer: The reaction of cement and hydration, from the anhydrous state to the reaction containing
bound water, is called the hydration of cement.

Factors affecting the rate of cement hydration are:

(1) 熟料矿物组成:水泥的水化速度很大程度上取决于所用熟料的矿物组成。由于 C3A 矿物

另外,C3S 在结构中也存有晶腔结构,并且分子结构也是不稳定的,有一个特别易于析出
的 CaO,所以其水化速度较快。通常熟料的四种矿物的水化速度为:C3A>C4AF>C3S>C2S。
所以,当水泥中 C3A 矿物含量高时,水泥的水化速度较快。

(1) Clinker mineral composition: The rate of hydration of cement is largely determined by the
mineral composition of the clinker used. C3A minerals have large voids in the crystal structure, so
that they can undergo severe hydration with water during hydration. In addition, C3S also has a
crystal cavity structure in the structure, and the molecular structure is also unstable. There is a
CaO that is particularly easy to precipitate, so its hydration rate is fast. The hydration rates of the
four minerals of clinker are: C3A> C4AF> C3S> C2S. Therefore, when the C3A mineral content
in the cement is high, the hydration rate of the cement is faster.

(2) 水灰比:增大水灰比可使水泥的水化速度增加。

(2) Water-cement ratio: Increasing the water-cement ratio can increase the hydration rate of

(3) 水泥的细度:水泥粉磨得越细,颗粒表面积就越大,与水接触的面积就越大,水化速度
(3) Cement fineness: The finer the cement powder is ground, the larger the particle surface area,
the larger the area in contact with water, and the faster the hydration rate.

(4) 养护温度:提高养护温度,可提高水泥的水化速度。

(4) Curing temperature: Increasing the curing temperature can increase the hydration speed of the

(5) 外加剂的加入:加入不同的外加剂如缓凝剂、促凝剂、促硬剂、活性或填充性混合材料等。
(5) Addition of additives: Add different additives such as retarders, coagulants, hardeners, active
or filling mixed materials. It has different effects on the hydration rate and hydration degree of
cement. 什么是水泥的硬化?影响水泥硬化速度的主要因素有哪些? What is the hardening of cement? What are the main factors affecting the hardening speed

of cement?

Answer: The hardening speed of Portland cement is the growth rate of cement strength. Mainly
affected by clinker mineral composition and structure, cement grinding fineness, temperature
during hardening, admixtures and other related factors. It is described as follows:

(1) 熟料矿物组成的影响:水泥的硬化速度不是四种矿物硬化速度的简单加和,但也有一些
规律性,一般 C3S 矿物含量多的水泥硬化速度快,早期强度高,C3A 矿物含量相对多的水
泥凝结时间早,硬化速度更快,早期强度发展迅速。C3S、C4AF 矿物含量多时,硬化速度较
(1) Effect of clinker mineral composition: The hardening rate of cement is not a simple addition of
the four mineral hardening rates, but there are some regularities. Generally, cements with a large
content of C3S minerals have fast hardening speed and high early strength. Cements with
relatively large amounts of C3A minerals have early setting time, faster hardening speed, and
rapid strength development in the early stage. When the content of C3S and C4AF minerals is
large, the hardening speed is slower. But it is good for the later strength of cement.

(2) 水泥粉磨细度的影响:提高水泥的粉磨细度,水泥颗粒的表面积增大,因而水化反应进
(2) Effect of cement grinding fineness: Increasing the grinding fineness of cement will increase
the surface area of the cement particles, so the hydration reaction will proceed faster, the cement
hardening speed will increase faster, and the early strength will be higher. However, it is not
economically and technically reasonable to grind too fine, so it is better to choose a "best fineness"
to make the particle size of the cement reasonable.

(3) 硬化温度、湿度的影响:一般来说,提高硬化时的温度、湿度可加快水泥的硬化速度,
(3) Effect of hardening temperature and humidity: Generally speaking, increasing the temperature
and humidity during hardening can speed up the hardening speed of cement and improve early

(4) 外加剂的影响:加入少量外加剂也能促使水泥的硬化速度。如氯化钙、三乙醇胺等,都
(4) Effect of admixtures: Adding a small amount of admixtures can also promote the hardening
rate of cement. Such as calcium chloride and triethanolamine are coagulants. In addition, factors
such as water-cement ratio also have an effect on the hardening speed. 水泥中碱含量过高有什么危害?如何降低水泥碱含量? What harm will be caused by too high alkali content in cement? How to reduce the alkali
content of cement?


Answer: Alkali in cement exists in the form of sodium oxide and potassium oxide. If the content is
higher, the active aggregate silicate or active carbonate is contained in the sand aggregate. In the
presence of water, alkali aggregate reaction is prone to occur-a cancer called concrete. It usually
manifests as concrete expansion cracking, which is usually not discovered until a few years after
construction. When the standard is severely exceeded, the adaptability of the cement to external
additives will be reduced, the concrete slump loss will be large, the rheological properties will be
deteriorated, and the later strength will be reduced. Therefore, important concrete projects must
control the alkali content in cement and concrete. In addition, the gravel aggregate used should
also be tested for alkali activity to ensure the durability of the concrete and the safety of the

In the cement production process, raw materials, fuel materials, raw material preparation,
clinker calcination, and cement grinding can all affect the alkali content of cement to varying
degrees. For the control of the cement production process, low-alkali clinker or an appropriate
amount of high-alkali clinker should be selected to control the alkali content of the ground clinker.
At the same time, the raw materials with high alkali content, such as red vermiculite and
construction waste, should be reasonably controlled under the premise of ensuring the
comprehensive alkali content of cement.

7.5 出厂水泥质量管理与控制
7.5 Quality Management and Control of Ex-factory Cement
The quality management of ex-factory cement is the last and most important part of the
quality control of cement production. Before the cement leaves the factory, the enterprise must
strictly implement various national cement standards and related regulations, and must ensure that
the internal control indicators of the enterprise are stricter than the current technical standards, so
as to ensure the physical quality of the factory cement.

7.5.1 出厂水泥的质量控制要求有哪些

7.5.1 What are the quality control requirements of ex-factory cement?

(1) 出厂水泥合格率 100%,即水泥的全部技术要求,如烧失量、MgO、SO3、细度(比表面

(1) The passing rate of ex-factory cement should be 100%, that is, all technical requirements of the
cement, such as loss on ignition, MgO, SO3, fineness (specific surface area), setting time, stability
and strength. All indicators must meet the corresponding cement type and strength level. National
standards and related regulations.

(2) 28d 抗压富裕强度合格率 100%

(2) 28d compressive rich strength pass rate is 100%

《水泥企业质量管理规程》对出厂水泥 28d 抗压富裕强度的主要要求是:

The main requirements of the Quality Management Regulations for Cement Enterprises on the
28-day compressive rich strength of ex-factory cement are:

(1)通用水泥 28d 抗压富裕强度不小于 2.0MPa

(1) The compressive rich strength of general cement 28d should not be less than 2.0MPa.

(2)白水泥 28d 抗压富裕强度不小于 1.0MPa

(2) The compressive rich strength of white cement 28d should not be less than 1.0MPa.

(3)中、低热水泥 28d 抗压富裕强度不小于 1.0MPa

(3) The 28d compressive rich strength of medium and low heat cement should not be less than

(4)道路水泥 28d 抗压富裕强度不小于 2.5MPa

(4) The 28d compressive rich strength of road cement should not be less than 2.5MPa.

(5)快硬水泥 3d 抗压富裕强度不小于 2.0MPa

(5) The 3d compressive rich strength of fast hard cement should not be less than 2.0MPa.

(6)钢渣水泥 28d 抗压富裕强度不小于 2.5MPa

(6) The 28d compressive rich strength of steel slag cement should not be less than 2.5MPa.

(3) 均匀性合格率 100%。即每季度进行一次均匀性试验,10 个分割样的细度、凝结时间、安

定性、SO3、烧失量、强度等指标必须符合标准;28d 抗压强度变异系数(Cv)≤3.0%。

(3) The uniformity pass rate is 100%. That is, a uniformity test is performed every quarter. It is
required that the fineness, setting time, stability, SO3, loss on ignition and strength of the 10
divided samples must meet the standards. 28d compressive strength variation coefficient (Cv) ≤

(4) 袋装水泥合格率 100%。水泥可以散装或袋装,袋装水泥每袋净含量为 50kg,且应不少

于标志质量的 99%;随机抽取 20 袋总质量(含包装袋)应不少于 1000kg。

(4) The qualified rate of bagged cement is 100%. Cement can be bulk or bagged. The net content
of each bag of cement is 50kg, and it should be no less than 99% of the marked mass; the total
weight of 20 bags randomly selected (including the packaging bag) should be no less than 1000kg.

(5) 28d 抗压强度控制值≥水泥国家(行业)标准规定值+富裕强度值+3S。

(5) The 28d compressive strength control value ≥ the specified value of the national (industry)
standard of cement + rich strength value + 3S. .

( Ri R ) 2
n 1

式中 S—月(或一统计期)平均 28d 抗压强度标准偏差;

In the formula, S: monthly (or a statistical period) average 28d standard deviation of compressive

Ri—试样 28d 抗压强度值,MPa;

Ri—compressive strength value of sample 28d, MPa;

R—全月(或全统计期)样品 28d 抗压强度平均值,MPa;

R—the average 28-day compressive strength of the sample for the whole month (or the entire
statistical period), MPa;

n—样品数,n ≥20,当 n 小于 20 与下月合并计算。

n—number of samples, n ≥20, when n is less than 20, it is calculated by combining with next

(6) 28d 抗 压强 度月 (或 一统 计期 )平 均变 异系 数( CV )≤ 5.0% (强 度等 级 32.5 ) 、

(CV)≤4.0%(强度等级 42.5)、(CV)≤3.5%(强度等级 52.5 及以上)。

(6) 28d monthly (or one statistical period) average coefficient of variation (CV) ≤ 5.0% (strength
level 32.5), (CV) ≤ 4.0% (strength level 42.5), (CV) ≤ 3.5% (strength level 52.5 and above) ).

CV   100%

(7) 水泥安定性不合格或某项质量指标未达到产品标准的不准借地存放。

(7) Cement with unsatisfactory stability or a quality index that does not meet product standards is
not allowed to be stored.

(8) 不断提高水泥实物质量。特别是申请或通过水泥产品质量认证、获得 “免检产品”称号

(8) The physical quality of cement will be continuously improved. In particular, for products that
have applied for or passed the quality certification of cement products and obtained the title of
"inspection-free products", their substances must meet the relevant national regulations, and the
physical quality of the manufactured cement must also meet the relevant national regulations and
contract requirements.

7.5.2 出厂水泥的管理

7.5.2 Ex-factory cement management 水泥出厂的依据 Basis for ex-factory cement

为使水泥生产正常运行,加快水泥储库的周转,水泥厂不可能等到水泥 28d 强度出来

In order to make the cement production run normally and speed up the turnover of the cement
storage, it is impossible for the cement plant to wait until the 28d strength of the cement comes out
before leaving the factory. Instead, it must be shipped in advance with reference to relevant quality
indicators. The basis for deciding the cement factory is as follows:

(1) 熟料质量

(1) Clinker quality

Clinker quality is the guarantee of cement quality. In the daily production control process, the
growth law of clinker strength (3d-28d) should be grasped, and the influence of clinker strength at
various ages and changes in clinker chemical composition and rate value on clinker strength
should be grasped. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the difference in strength
reflected in the clinker test mill and cement mill due to different process conditions.

(2) 出磨水泥质量

(2) Grinding cement quality

In order to effectively control the quality of the factory cement in production, it is necessary
to carry out a comprehensive inspection of the outgoing cement by shift or store number to guide
the management of the delivery of the cement. If there is a difference in the quality of the cement
in each warehouse, or even if it does not meet the national standards, the necessary storage and
matching should be carried out according to the inspection results to make the factory cement
qualified and reach the required strength level and strength target value.

(3) 出磨水泥与出厂水泥的强度关系

(3) Strength Relation between Grinding Cement and Ex-factory Cement

After grasping the strength relationship between the ground cement and the factory cement,
we can estimate the strength of the factory cement based on the strength of the factory cement, and
control the delivery of the cement products. The relationship between them varies from cement
company to cement company. It is related to the performance of the cement, the sampling method
and the uniformity of the cement. Each cement enterprise should find out the correlation between
the strength of the cement leaving the factory and the cement out of the mill through a large
amount of statistical analysis in production practice. However, the inspection data of the ground
cement cannot be used as the inspection data of the factory cement.

(4) 根据出厂水泥的检验结果

(4) According to inspection results of ex-factory cement

一般根据实测 3d 强度,并根据本厂水泥强度发展规律来推算 28d 强度。但在水泥出厂量大,
且库存量较小或供需矛盾比较紧张时,往往等不到 3d 强度结果出来,水泥就要出厂,在这
种情况下,也可用 1d 快速强度的测定方法来预测出厂水泥的强度,用这种方法的企业必须

握 1d 快速强度与 3d、28d 强度之间的关系,否则就很难以保证出厂水泥和富裕强度 100%合
Before leaving the factory, the cement must be sampled according to the number and tonnage
stipulated in the national standard, and a full set of physical and chemical performance inspections
must be performed. After confirming that all indicators meet the national standard and relevant
regulations, the laboratory can confirm that the product meets the factory requirements. The
inspection samples of the ex-factory cement can generally be left by the packaging machine, or
can be sampled from the cement bag in the finished product warehouse according to the
prescribed method. The strength grade of the factory cement is generally based on the measured
3d strength, and the 28d strength is estimated based on the cement strength development law of
the factory. However, when the amount of cement leaving the factory is large, and the inventory is
small or the conflict between supply and demand is tight, often the result of less than 3d strength
is often required while the cement needs to leave the factory. In this case, you can also use the 1d
rapid strength measurement method to predict the strength of the factory cement. Enterprises using
this method must have stable production conditions, a sound quality management system, and the
laboratory can accurately grasp the development law of cement strength. In addition, it is
necessary to grasp the relationship between 1d rapid strength and 3d and 28d strength, otherwise it
will be difficult to ensure that 100% qualified cement and affluent strength are qualified. 出厂水泥的均化 Homogenization of Ex-factory cement

Due to the constraints of production process conditions and production control levels in
cement plants, the quality of cement fluctuates greatly, and the homogenization effect is not ideal.
It will cause the qualified rate of cement homogeneity to decrease, and the coefficient of variation
of homogeneity experiment will be difficult to reach the specified index. Therefore,
homogenization of cement is a prerequisite for stabilizing the quality of cement in the factory.

To strengthen the homogenization of cement, homogenization measures such as air agitation,
mechanical inversion or multi-storage can be used to improve uniformity and reduce the standard
deviation of the strength of the factory cement. When using multi-storehouse collocation, it is
necessary to grasp the actual collocation amount of each storehouse at any time, and cut the
material in strict accordance with the ratio prescribed by the laboratory. The company shall
conduct a cement homogeneity test every quarter, and strive to achieve the quality indicators of a
single package of cement to meet product standard requirements. 水泥的包装 Cement packaging

Cement packaging is an important part of cement factory management, so national standards
and relevant regulations must be strictly implemented.

76 包装质量 Packing quality

中规定,“水泥可以散装或袋装,袋装水泥每袋净含量 50kg, 且应不少于包装标志质量的
99%;随机抽取 20 袋水泥总质量(含包装袋)应不少于 1000kg。其他包装形式由供需双方
The quality of cement packaging must strictly comply with national standards and relevant
regulations. GB175—2007 General Portland Cement stipulates that cement can be packed in bulk
or in bags, and the net content of each bag of bagged cement is 50kg, and it should be not less than
99% of the quality of the packaging mark; randomly selected 20 bags of total cement (Including
packaging bag) should be not less than 1000kg. Other packaging forms are determined by the
supplier and the buyer through consultation, but the requirements regarding the quality of the bag
must meet the above requirements. These regulations are based on:

(1) 在施工中,施工单位往往是按每袋水泥(50kg)来计算和配制混凝土,质量不足会降低
(1) In construction, the construction unit often calculates and formulates concrete based on each
bag of cement (50kg). Insufficient cement quality will reduce the grade of concrete and affect the
quality of the project. Overweight will cause unnecessary waste of cement.

(2) 袋装水泥出厂一般按照每袋 50kg 计算发放的水泥总质量,每袋水泥超重或质量不足都

(2) Bagged cement is generally shipped at a total weight of 50kg per bag. The overweight or
insufficient quality of each bag of cement will cause economic losses to both the supply and
demand sides. 袋重合格率 Qualified rate of bag weight

以 20 袋为一抽样单位,在总质量不少于 1000kg 的前提下,20 袋分别称量,计算袋重

合格率,小于 49.5kg 者为不合格。当 20 袋总质量少于 1000kg 时,即袋重不合格(袋重合格
Taking 20 bags as a sampling unit, under the premise that the total mass is not less than
1000kg, 20 bags are weighed separately, and the pass rate of the bag weight is calculated. If it is
less than 49.5kg, it is unqualified. When the total weight of 20 bags is less than 1000kg, the bag
weight is unqualified (the bag weight pass rate is zero).

抽查袋重时,质量记录至 0.1kg。计算平均净重时,应先随机抽取 10 个纸袋称重并计算

When the bag weight was spot checked, the mass was recorded to 0.1kg. When calculating
the average net weight, 10 paper bags should be randomly selected for weighing and the average
value should be calculated, and then the average weight of the paper bags should be subtracted
from the actual measured bag weight. The calculation of the qualified rate of bag weight can be
calculated according to the following formula:

袋重合格率  100%

Bags 49
with a net .5kg
weight of 以上的包数
more than 49.5kg
Qualified rate of bag weight  100%
Total number of spot checks
其中 20 袋总重量≥1000kg

20 bags total weight ≥1000kg

企业化验室要严格执行袋重抽查制度,每班每台包装机至少抽查 20 袋,同时考核 20
The enterprise laboratory must strictly implement the bag weight random inspection system,
with at least 20 bags inspected per packaging machine per shift. At the same time, the total weight
of 20 bags and the weight of a single bag shall be evaluated to calculate the pass rate of bag
weight. 水泥包装袋的技术要求 Technical requirements for cement bags

The Package of China United Cement has the following technical requirements for cement
packaging bags:

1. 制袋材料

1. Bag making material

(1) 制袋材料(指制袋基材及粘合剂)对水泥性能无害,并符合相应材料标准的要求。

(1) Bag-making materials (refer to bag-making substrates and adhesives) should be not harmful to
the performance of cement and meet the requirements of corresponding material standards.

(2) 纸袋应有4层或4层以上符合 GB/T7968 或 3 层或 3 层以上符合 QB/T1460 中 4.1 的纸袋

纸制成, 允许增加再生纸,但不得夹在最外层或最里层。
(2) The paper bag should be made of 4 or more layers of paper bags that comply with GB / T7968
or 3 or more layers that comply with 4.1 of QB / T1460. It is allowed to add recycled paper, but it
must not be sandwiched between the outermost or innermost layers.

(3) 各类编织材料必须复合成复合材料。

(3) All kinds of woven materials must be compounded into composite materials.

(4) 复膜塑编袋的编织布复膜技术要求及成型袋(包括打孔的)物理性能应符合表 1 中技术

(4) The technical requirements for the woven fabric and laminated film of the laminated plastic
woven bag and the physical properties of the formed bag (including perforated) shall meet the
technical requirements in Table 1.

Physical properties of laminated plastic woven bags and composite bags

单位面积质量/(g/m2) 拉伸负荷(N/50mm)不小于
Mass per unit area/(g/m2) Tensile load (N/50mm) is not less than

复膜塑编袋 粘合向
D Bondin 褶边向
材料 经向 纬向 向
Laminated g Frill
Material Vertical Zonal Bottom
plastic woven directio direction
bag D n
New material
再生料 ≥400 ≥350 ≥250 ≥200 ≥200
Recycled ≥77
D 含复膜质量且复膜质量不小于 6 g/m2
D contains lamination quality and the lamination quality is not less than 6 g / m2.

(5) 其他材料袋的材料应符合相应材料应符合 GB8947 标准的要求。

(5) The materials of other material bags should meet the requirements of the corresponding
materials and GB8947 standards.

(6) 水泥包装袋如有内衬纸则必须使用纸袋纸。

(6) Cement bags must be lined with paper if they are lined with paper.

2. 牢固度

2. Firmness

Five samples of any sample bag were heat-treated according to the regulations and expressed
as the number of times of drop test without damage. The requirements are shown in the table

材料 合格
Material qualified
Paper bag
Laminated plastic woven bag & compound bag

The company's cement packaging bags must not be lower than the qualified requirements.

3. 外观

3. Appearance

The appearance needs to be flat, without cracks, without degumming, without sticky bore,
and clear and complete printing. It has to be in effective size to meet contract requirements.

4. 适用温度

4. Temperature

The applicable temperature of the packaging bag refers to the maximum temperature of the
cement when the packaging bag is used to pack the cement.

号中标明的温度,最低不得低于 80℃。

The applicable temperature of the packaging bag depends on the material. Except for the
paper bag, the other material bags must be determined through tests. It shall comply with the
temperature indicated in the code, and the minimum shall not be lower than 80°C.

5. 制袋材料对水泥强度的影响

5. Effect of bag-making materials on cement strength

3d 抗折强度比 Rf≥93%、3d 抗压强度比 Rc≥95%

3d flexural strength ratio Rf≥93%, 3d compressive strength ratio Rc≥95%

6. 防潮性能

6. Moisture resistance

3d 抗压强度比 Rc≥85%

3d compressive strength ratio Rc≥85%

7. 编织袋的质量

7. Quality of woven bag

内装中联牌水泥质量为 50kg 的每条编织袋的质量不得小于 72g,且编织净筒(不包括

封口材料的质量)的质量不得低于 61g。

The weight of each woven bag with 50kg of China United Cement inside shall not be less
than 72g. And the weight of the woven clean cylinder (excluding the quality of the sealing
material) must not be less than 61g.

8. 水泥包装袋版面印刷内容

8. The printing content of Cement packaging bag layout

(1) 正面印刷内容

(1) Content printed on the front

The print on the front of Z China United Cement packaging bag is as follows:

a) 水泥品牌、注册商标图形;

a) Cement brand and registered trademark graphics;

b) 水泥生产许可证标志(QS)及编号: 许可证标志由原来的“质量安全”字体变更为“生
b) Cement production license mark (QS) and serial number: The license mark was changed

from the original "quality and safety" font to "production license";

c) 水泥品种;

c) The type of cement;

d) 水泥代号和强度等级;

d) Cement code and strength grade;

e) 水泥产品执行标准;

e) Implementation standards for cement products;

f) 水泥净含量;

f) Net content of cement;

g) 水泥生产企业名称、地址和服务电话;

g) The name, address and service telephone of the cement production enterprise;

h) 水泥储存条件:不得受潮和混入杂物;

h) Cement storage conditions: must not be damp and mixed with debris;

(2) 侧面印刷内容

(2) Contents printed on the side

The two sides of the cement packaging bag should be printed as follows:

a) 水泥产品名称,强度等级;

a) Cement product name, strength grade;

b) 质量认证标志:ISO9001-2008 认证。

b) Quality certification mark: ISO9001-2008 certification.

(3) 背面印刷内容

(3) Content printed on the back

The back of the cement bag is suitable for printing the following:

a) 水泥包装袋生产日期和适用温度;

a) Production date and applicable temperature of the cement packaging bag;

b) 制袋企业名称和地址

b) Name and address of bag-making enterprise

(4) 版面和字体

(4) Layout and font

B.5.1 版面印刷应清晰完整,无斑点、无重影。

B.5.1 The layout should be clear and complete, without spots and ghosting.

B.5.2 根 据 水 泥 品 种 不 同 包 装 袋 两 侧 采 用 不 同 的 颜 色 印 刷 水 泥 名 称 和 强 度 等 级 :
P.O52.5、P.O42.5(R) 水泥包装袋采用红色,P.C32.5(R)采用蓝色。

B.5.2 The cement name and strength grade should be printed in different colors on both sides of
different packaging bags according to the type of cement: P.O52.5, P.O42.5 (R) cement packaging
bags are red, P.C32.5 (R) should use blue.

7.5.3 散装水泥的质量管理

7.5.3 Quality management of bulk cement

The bulk transportation of cement has low freight rate, less loss, and saves paper bags, which
saves a lot of high-quality wood and greatly reduces the labor intensity and environmental
pollution of workers. It is easy to realize mechanization and automation, which is an inevitable
trend in the development of cement packaging. However, in practical applications, bulk cement is
different from bagged cement in terms of delivery time and number, storage conditions, and
service life. The quality control of each process of the former should be stricter than bagged
cement to ensure the quality of bulk cement.

The quality control of bulk cement should pay attention to the following points:

(1) 凡有散装水泥的企业,除建造必要的水泥贮库外,还必须建造专门的散装库。散装库的
(1) Any enterprise that has bulk cement must build a special bulk warehouse in addition to the
necessary cement storage. The number of bulk depots depends on the bulk volume, and the
capacity of each depot is preferably equal to the tonnage of each number of our factory.

(2) 以散装为主的企业,各道工序的质量控制比袋装水泥出厂的企业更要严格,要提高半成
品质量合格率,降低熟料的 f-CaO 含量,保证熟料质量及出磨水泥安定性合格率。

(2) In bulk-based enterprises, the quality control of each process is more stringent than in the case
of bagged cement leaving the factory. In addition, the quality qualification rate of semi-finished
products should be increased, the f-CaO content of clinker should be reduced, and the quality
qualification rate of clinker and the stability qualification rate of cement for grinding should be

(3) 出磨水泥不允许直接入散装库,应先输入水泥贮存库,经检验出磨水泥安定性及其他质
(3) The out-milled cement is not allowed to directly enter the bulk storage, and it should be
imported into the cement storage first. After inspection, the stability of the ground cement and
other quality indicators should be qualified. After homogenization, it can enter the bulk warehouse
to ensure the uniformity of the bulk cement.

(4) 入散装库的水泥,应进行过筛处理以防止装车堵塞,如改变品种、等级时往散装库输送

(4) The cement entering the bulk storage should be sieved to prevent blockage of loading. If the
type and grade is changed before conveying the cement to the bulk storage, the original cement
stored in the conveying equipment such as the reamer should be turned on and put into the
packaging silo. This can avoid mixing different types, grades or substandard cements into the bulk

(5) 散装水泥库底应设置卸料及返料输送系统,即一旦将不合格的水泥装入散装库,可将水
(5) A discharge and return material conveying system should be set at the bottom of the bulk
cement storehouse, that is, once the unqualified cement is loaded into the bulk storehouse, the
cement can be unloaded and returned to the cement storehouse. In order to make the quality of the
bulk cement in the factory uniform and reduce the standard deviation, it can also use the return
material system to match the warehouse.

(6) 散装水泥出厂时,必须在装车的同时按本厂每编号吨位数取样进行全套物理性能和化学
(6) When the bulk cement is shipped from the factory, it must be sampled according to the number
of tonnages of each number of the factory to carry out a full set of physical properties and
chemical composition inspection at the same time as loading. It is not allowed to use the
inspection data of the ground cement to replace the inspection data of the factory cement. The
sampling of bulk cement can be carried out at the cement inlet at the top of the bulk warehouse or
at the bulk material discharge opening. The method is simple and reliable.

(7) 散装水泥出厂时,必须向用户提交与袋装水泥标志内容相同的卡片。化验室按国家标准
(7) When leaving bulk cement, the user must submit a card with the same content as the bagged
cement logo. The laboratory shall send the factory quality report to the user in time according to
the requirements of national standards.

7.5.4 水泥(熟料)出厂确认程序

7.5.4 Cement (clinker) ex-factory confirmation procedure

1. 水泥管理工程师根据《质量控制综合记录》、
1. The cement management engineer should confirm the quality based on the data of
Comprehensive Quality Control Record, Quality Management Notice and Outbound Notice, then
arrange the quality control of the next process.

2. 计量、质量控制过程和各检验数据等出现异常及时通知水泥管理工程师。

2. If there is any abnormality in the measurement, quality control process and various inspection
data, the cement management engineer should be notified in time.

3. 确认依据,根据入库水泥的三天与二十八天强度预测值及其他物理指标和化学指标确认 ;

3. Confirmation basis: It should be confirmed according to the three-day and twenty-eight day
strength prediction values of the stored cement and other physical and chemical indicators. The
three-day and 28-day strength prediction value of the stored cement is determined by the
relationship between the one-day rapid strength value of the stored cement and the measured
three-day and 28-day strength. Prediction formula R (forecast) = a + bR (fast) (correlation
coefficient r≥0.75)

(1) 水泥质量工程师根据近一个季度不少于60组数据的强度检验结果,运用回归分析建立出
(1) Cement quality engineers should use regression analysis to establish a formula for predicting
the strength of ground cement in one day and the strength of ex-works cement in three or twenty-
eight days based on the strength test results of not less than 60 sets of data in the last quarter. For
the result of the quick strength test of the cement for one day of each number, the strength of the
factory cement for three days or twenty-eight days can be calculated according to this formula.
Cement quality engineers verify the regression equation on a quarterly basis. If the verification
error is large, it is necessary to re-establish the regression equation and modify the rapid strength
of the ground cement for one day.

(2) 当出磨水泥质量出现波动或 28天抗压强度月(或一统计期)平均变异系数不满足

(2) If the quality of the ground cement fluctuates or the 28-day compressive strength monthly (or a
statistical period) average variation coefficient does not meet Cv≤5.0% (strength level 32.5),
Cv≤4.0% (strength level 42.5), Cv≤3.5% Strength level 52.5), it should be confirmed according to
the factory cement.

(3) 当生产工艺、配料方案、原燃材料、水泥品种及检验方法发生重大变化时应重新建立出磨
(3) When major changes occur in the production process, batching scheme, raw fuel materials,
cement varieties and inspection methods, the regression equation between the rapid strength of
ground cement and the three-day and twenty-eight day strength of ex-factory cement should be re-

(4) 出厂水泥工程师每月按品种及等级对水泥出厂二十八天抗压强度的标准偏差进行计算,
(4) The factory cement engineer should calculate the standard deviation of the 28-day compressive
strength of the cement according to the type and grade every month. If the value is greater than
1.65, the cause should be found in time, and corrective and preventive measures should be taken
from the process to reduce the fluctuation range of the cement strength value. If the correlation or
accuracy of the regression equation is greatly affected, the regression equation should be re-

(5) 水泥出厂确认不能免除或代替出厂水泥检验,水泥出厂确认结果不能作为出厂检验结果
(5) The cement factory confirmation cannot dispense with or replace the factory cement

inspection, and the cement factory confirmation result cannot be provided to the user as the
factory inspection result. However, it can be used as a guide for cement leaving the factory.

(6) 目前PO42.5水泥为1#2#3#库,PC32.5水泥为5#7#库,PO52.5(R)水泥为6#库,PC32.5R水
磨水泥一天快速强度决定下发出厂通知。化验室应每班统计各水泥库料位, PO52.5(R)
(6) At present, PO42.5 cement is 1 # 2 # 3 # storehouse, PC32.5 cement is 5 # 7 # storehouse,
PO52.5 (R) cement is 6 # storehouse, and PC32.5R cement is 4 # storehouse. When producing
PO42.5 and PC32.5 cement into the warehouse, the warehouse cement should stop shipping in
bulk. It should wait for the laboratory to issue a factory notice based on the rapid strength of the
cement for one day. The laboratory should count the material level of each cement storehouse
every shift, and the PO52.5 (R) PC32.5R cement should always maintain a high material level.
When the storage location is close to 4 meters from the bulk discharge port, the cement of this
type should be contacted and dispatched in time. The cement depot should stop delivery during

4. 如没有水泥管理工程师的特别通知,化验室进出厂岗位即可签发水泥出厂通知单。

4. If there is no special notice from the cement management engineer, the laboratory can issue a
cement delivery notice when entering the factory.

5. 出厂熟料由出厂工程师根据入窑生料和煤粉质量对应状况、出窑熟料游离钙检测数据与
5. According to the corresponding status of raw clinker and pulverized coal quality, the outgoing
clinker is tested by the factory engineer. At the same time, regression analysis should be used to
establish a prediction formula based on a full analysis of the calcium oxide and the strength of the
clinker for three to twenty-eight days. Calculate the intensity for three days and twenty-eight days
based on calcium oxide. In the case of free calcium, the clinker calcium oxide needs to be not less
than 64.0%. The clinker out of warehouse notification can be issued only after confirming that the
clinker quality is qualified, which is monitored and executed by the shift supervisor. If there is
quality instability, the batching engineer should notify the laboratory supervisor to monitor during
the shift. The factory engineer has a notification to adjust the factory at any time according to the
monitoring situation.

6. 经管理工程师确认不合格的水泥(熟料),由管理工程师下达停止出厂通知。

6. The unqualified cement (clinker) confirmed by the management engineer shall be notified by
the management engineer to stop delivery.

7.5.5 简述成品水泥存放超一个月没出厂和包装袋重不合格的处理确认规定

7.5.5 Briefly describe the Treatment requirements of the finished cement that has not been shipped
for more than one month and the packaging bag is unqualified.


Answer: I. Treatment of cement stored for more than 1 month

1. 水泥部付货要本着先包装的成品先付货的原则,尽量避免水泥存放时间过长。

1. The cement department pays the goods based on the principle of first-packed and first-delivery
to avoid excessive storage of cement.

2. 水泥在站台存放超过1个月,或雨季存放不超1个月但有受潮现象,水泥部付货管理人员
2. If the cement is stored on the platform for more than 1 month, or if it is stored for less than 1
month in the rainy season but there is moisture, the delivery manager of the cement department
needs to notify the laboratory in a timely manner.

3. 化验室发出停止该批水泥出厂通知,并进行现场标识。

3. The laboratory should issue a notice to stop the batch of cement from leaving the factory and
carry out on-site identification.

4. 化验室表观检查发现水泥受潮,应立即作出回水泥磨的处理决定,书面通知水泥车间,
4. In the laboratory's inspection, if the cement is found to be damp, it should immediately make a
decision to return to the cement mill, notify the cement workshop in writing, and supervise the

5. 化验室经重新取样检验,确认符合标准规定后,重新签发出厂通知;不符合标准规定的 ,
5. After re-sampling and inspection, the laboratory shall re-issue the factory notice after
confirming that it meets the requirements of the standard; for those that do not meet the
requirements of the standard, it shall be processed back to the cement mill, notify the cement
workshop in writing, and supervise the implementation.

二、 发现包装质量和标志不符合标准的处理确认
II. Treatment measures for packaging quality and markings that do not meet standards

1. 化验室每班每台包装机分品种至少抽查20包,同时水泥车间自检,发现质量标志不符合
1. In the laboratory, each packing machine has a random inspection of at least 20 packages. At the
same time, the cement workshop should conduct self-inspection. If it finds that the quality mark
does not meet the standard, it should be stored separately. The laboratory should issue a notice of
stopping the factory and identify it on the spot.

2. 经化验室检查,包装标志问题可以更正的,由水泥车间负责更正。经化验室检查合格的 ,
2. After inspection by the laboratory, if the problem of the packaging mark can be corrected, the
cement workshop is responsible for correcting it. If the laboratory passes the inspection, the
factory notice shall be re-issued; if it cannot be corrected, a decision to deal with the broken
package and return to the cement mill shall be made and the cement workshop shall be notified in

3. 如发现包装质量有问题,应立即停止包机生产,化验室发出停止该批水泥出厂通知,由

3. If there is any problem with the quality of the package, the charter production should be stopped
immediately. The laboratory should issue a notice to stop the shipment of this batch of cement,
and the cement workshop will be responsible for weighing each batch of cement, with a single bag
of net content ≥49.5 kg and 20 bags of total mass ≥1000 kg. The laboratory notice can only be
reissued after the laboratory confirms that it is qualified. Store separately in a single bag with a net
content of <49.5 kg, and return it to the cement mill.

7.5.6 售后服务

7.5.6 After sales service

Cement enterprises should establish and adhere to the system of visiting users and do a good
job of after-sales service. Companies should visit or visit representative users at least once a year.
You should also actively and extensively solicit users' opinions on the quality and performance of
cement, packaging quality, shipping conditions, and execution of contracts, promptly feedback
and take measures to improve accordingly.

1. 水泥出厂后发现质量问题的处理措施

1. Measures for quality problems found after the cement leaves the factory

(1) 水泥出厂后,如发现质量不符合标准或对某项检验结果有怀疑时,应立即向收货单位发
(1) After the cement leaves the factory, if it is found that the quality does not meet the standards or
if there is any doubt about the results of an inspection, it shall immediately send a notice to the
receiving unit to suspend the use of the cement.

(2) 因试验条件、仪器设备或人员操作等原因造成实验结果不准确,应报请省级行业主管部
(2) Due to the test conditions, the operation results of the equipment or personnel will cause the
inaccurate test results, and it shall be reported to the provincial competent department of industry
for approval, and the sealed sample of this number of cement shall be sent to the provincial or
above quality supervision.

(3) 如果水泥经复验证明为不合格,企业应及时派人负责处理。对尚未应用于工程上的水泥
(3) If the cement is found to be unqualified after re-confirmation, the enterprise shall promptly
send someone to handle it. Responsibility should be paid for cement that has not been applied to
the project. For those that have been used and affect the quality of the project, the enterprise shall
take remedial measures in conjunction with the relevant departments to ensure the safety of the
project and shall indemnify the customer for all economic losses.

(4) 迅速组织人员查明事故原因,针对质量管理中存在的问题,研究制定出具体解决措施,
(4) Personnel should be quickly organized to identify the cause of the accident, and to study and

formulate specific solutions to the problems in quality management. Similar incidents should be

(5) 及时对事故直接责任者和有关负责人作出严肃处理,如因水泥质量造成工程质量事故、
(5) The staff that directly responsible for the accident and the persons in charge should be dealt
with seriously in a timely manner. If engineering quality accidents, personal injury accidents, and
major economic losses are caused by the quality of cement, the person responsible shall be
investigated for legal liability.

(6) 对事故发生原因及处理结果,应以书面材料报省、地、市主管部门和水泥质检机构,并
(6) For the cause of the accident and the results of the accident, written materials shall be reported
to the provincial and municipal authorities and the cement quality inspection agency, and the
decisions of the competent authorities shall be carefully implemented.

2. 当用户对水泥质量提出异议时,可进行仲裁检验

2. When users raise objections to cement quality, arbitration inspection can be conducted

(1) 水泥出厂后三个月内,如购货单位对水泥质量提出疑问或施工过程中出现与水泥质量有
(1) Within three months after the cement leaves the factory, if the purchaser asks about the quality
of the cement or there are problems related to the quality of the cement during the construction
process, the laboratory shall send personnel to investigate and verify in time with the relevant
departments. If the purchaser requires an arbitration inspection of the cement quality, the
enterprise should actively send the sealed sample of the same number to the cement quality
supervision and inspection institution for inspection in accordance with the regulations.

(2) 若用户对水泥安定性、初凝时间有疑问,要求现场取样仲裁时,生产厂应在接到用户要
求后 7d 内会同用户共同取样,送水泥质量监督检验机构检验。生产厂在规定时间内不去现
(2) The user has doubts about the stability and initial setting time of the cement and requires on-
site sampling and arbitration, the manufacturer should take a sample with the user within 7 days
after receiving the user's request and send it to the cement quality supervision and inspection
agency for inspection. If the manufacturer does not go to the site within the specified time, the
user can take a separate sample for inspection and the results are equally valid.

(3) 所送的仲裁样必须是双方共同确认的封存样或是按规定抽取的现场样(指仲裁安定性和
(3) The arbitration sample sent must be a sealed sample jointly confirmed by the two parties or a
field sample drawn in accordance with regulations (referring to arbitration stability and initial
setting). When submitting the arbitration sample, there should be a signed certificate or valid
certificate from both parties.

(4) 仲裁检验由国家认可的省级或省级以上水泥质量监督检验机构进行。

(4) The arbitration inspection shall be conducted by the provincial-level or higher-level cement
quality supervision and inspection institution recognized by the state.


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