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Stephen Hawking is considered to have one of the most gifted minds in history.

Therefore, it is not surprising that his theories and beliefs on the universe will blow your mind.

He was called to talk about universe’s biggest puzzles- Where do we come from? What

constitutes our intentions? and Are we alone? These questions were answered by compiling his

previous answers from interviews, essays and speeches. But what him famous was because of his

theory of the origin of the universe.

His theory about the universe was based on theory of cosmology explained by a

union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, which explains how subatomic

particles behave. He thinks that the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing and that

the laws of natures are fixed and from that thought he believes that God has nothing to do with

the creation of the universe, hence it is all because of science. His idea about how the universe

began by means of a sudden explosion of an ultra-dense singularity smaller that an atom. As a

result of this explosion, emerged all the matter, energy and empty space which a universe

contains and all these things evolved into the cosmos we perceive today Like the other scientists

their concepts are combined laws of gravity, relativity, quantum physics and etc. Stephen

Hawking’s explanation for his theory involves quantum mechanics, which explains the behaviors

of the subatomic particles, it was stated that these subatomic particles (protons and electrons)

appears out of nowhere then it sticks around for a while and disappears again to another location.

As a matter fact, Stephen Hawking said that this behavior is reasonable to relate this to the big

bang theory because the universe also started out as a subatomic particle itself. When he was

asked, if the creator has something to do with this origin, he clearly thinks that science has more

compelling explanation rather than the Divine creator itself. It is important to be open minded
with this religious cosmology and the scientific explanation about the origin of the universe in

order for us to understand that there are some things that are cannot be explained by science and

that there is also more than just the creation of the creator. It is important to be open minded with

religious cosmology and the scientific explanation about the origin of the universe in order for us

to understand that there are some things that are cannot be explained by science and that there is

also more than just the creation of the creator.

In conclusion, Stephen Hawking’s theory about the universe was based on theory

of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, it

is all based in science , it was clearly evident in his explanation that his theory about the universe

has nothing to do with the Creator. In spite of the fact that his theory of the universe may render

the divine creator and also the laws of nature incompatible, it still leaves ample area for faith,

hope, surprise and, especially, gratitude. This discussion is very broad and there are still more

things to be discovered and observed about our universe, and hopefully someone will finally

answer all our questions and doubts regarding with this topic.

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