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Sukhapp® Online Internship


Sept-Oct 2020

Course Instructor: Ms. Zainab Ahmed

Assignment # 4

“BDI and BAI Case reports”

Submitted by: Mariam Bashir (MSc-3)

Date: 04-09-2020
Beck Depression Inventory:

Client 1: Child


Name: Eisha Saleem

Age: 15 years

Gender: Female

Education: Matriculation

Socioeconomic status: Upper middle

Current city/ residence: Islamabad




03 Normal


As the results from the questionnaire indicate, the client has mild guilty feelings because she
thinks that she sometimes thinks bad about others that make her feel depressed later on when
she realizes that it wasn’t their mistake.

She feels moderate levels of irritably and that’s because she sometimes feels really tired and
exhausted because of her school workload.

Overall, the client has shown normal symptoms that means she doesn’t have any depression
Client 2: Adult


Name: Sadia Baloch

Age: 41

Gender: Female

Education: LLM

Marital status: Married with three kids

Socioeconomic status: Upper middle

Current city/ residence: Islamabad

Occupation: Not employed




38 Severe Depression


The client has been feeling mild levels of sadness from the past two weeks, and that’s because
she feels like she is leaving an aimless life, she is also not much pessimistic about her future
because she thinks that her family life, responsibilities and restrictions would never allow her to
do anything positive for the society. Also, the client mildly feels restless or wounded most of
the time.

The client sees a lot of failures in her life because she thinks she couldn’t achieve things that
she wanted to. She also feels moderate levels of guilty because she feels like she is not a good
mother and a good wife and also she is disappointed in herself for the same reason as she
thinks people are not happy with her. She also criticizes herself for her faults and mistakes and
has lost most of interest in other people and things. Her sleep pattern and appetite is changed
moderately as she said she can’t sleep at night and has to force herself to eat something in
order to keep going. She is much more irritable than usual and is also feeling it difficult to
concentrate and cannot focus on things for too long.

The client has shown severe symptoms of loss of pleasure when it comes to the things she used
to enjoy. She used to do paintings, cooking and writing but now she doesn’t like to do any of
the stuff at all. She feels severe symptoms of crying, as she said she feels like crying but cant as
she feels lumps inside her throat because of extreme sadness. She has lost all of her energy
because of the mental exhaustion and demotivation she feels, and feels utterly worthless she
thinks she is not bringing any positive change in the society. And she also feels so tired to do
most of the things.

Overall, the client has shown severe symptoms of depression.


Client 1: Child


Name: Eisha Saleem

Age: 15 years

Gender: Female

Education: Matriculation

Socioeconomic status: Upper middle

Current city/ residence: Islamabad




0 Normal


The client got a total score of 0 and doesn’t show any symptoms of anxiety. She is not at all
anxious about anything in her life.
Client 2: Adult


Name: Sadia Baloch

Age: 41

Gender: Female

Education: LLM

Marital status: Married with three kids

Socioeconomic status: Upper middle

Current city/ residence: Islamabad

Occupation: Not employed




29 Severe Anxiety


The client has mild feelings of being terrified, scared and afraid as she says she is constantly in a
fear of something bad happening most of the time, she also has mild level nervous nervousness
and sometimes she feels like choking because of these symptoms. She sometimes feels like she
cannot interact with people properly that’s why has mild feelings of low self-efficacy. She is also
feeling problems of indigestion; whenever she thinks too much she starts having stomach
aches, acidity and abdominal pain. She mildly gets cold sweats occasionally.

The client feels moderate levels of numbness and tingling in the body, wobbliness in legs and
mostly this occurs when she thinks too much about something, She feels it difficult to relax and
She also moderately feels unsteadiness as she is unable to relax thinking what’s going happen
The client has severe feelings of fear regarding her future is in a constant fear of something bad
happening, and cannot relax when her husband and kids are away, and thinks that she is
probably going to hear some bad news about them. She also severely feels her heart pounding
and gets palpitations that she says is sometimes unbearable. She also has fear of losing control
and says that she sometimes is so irritable that she might smack other persons head ad also has
difficulty in breathing.

Overall, the client has shown severe symptoms of anxiety.

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