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In this in it you will:

1) Read about the ways people greet each other
2) Learn vocabulary about Greetings and nationalities
3) Learn to use the simple present tense with adverbs of frequency
4) Talk about how things are going
5) Listen to a talk about hellos and goodbyes
6) Write a e-mail to fin dan e-pal

1) Get thinking! Guess the country that each greeting comes from.

 Greeting:bonjour
a) spain
b) france
c) germany
 Greeting: konnichi wa
a) japan
b) korea
c) china
 Greeting: buenos dias
a) brazil
b) hawaii
c) mexico
2) A look at the Reading about gretings. Read these statements and circle corret,
incorret, or doesn¨t say.

 There is only one way to bow

a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Doesn¨t say

 In germany Friends greet each other with a Kiss on the rigth cheek
c)Doesn¨t say
 in the united states always shake hands when they meet someone for the first time
a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Doesn´t say

 in Britain and the United States, people often just say hello
a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Doesn´t say

 The numbers of kisses sometimes changes from one part of a country to

a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Doesn¨t say

 Arbs belive that eye contact is important when they greet someone
a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Doesn´t say


 why is eye contact important for arabs?
RTA/ the Arabs believe that eye contact shows interest in the person,
they say it is good education.
 What are two common ways of greeting peolpe around the world?
the ways of greeting according to people is shaking hands greeting each
other with a kiss and bowing
 Do the japanese touch the other person or Kiss them when they greet?
RTA/ The Japanese bow their heads
 Is the greeting in Inda the same as iin Japan? Explain
RTA/ no the greeting of japan and india are different in japan they bow
their heads and in india they join hands on his chest and his bow

 In which parts of the world do Friends Kiss each other when they meet?
RTA/ In many countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America,
friends hug and kiss each other on the cheek. The number of kisses
changes from country to country. In Mexico, people kiss once. In Spain
there are two kisses, and you always start with the right cheek. In Egypt,
they kiss three times, but in the south they kiss five times

4) A underline all the verbs in the simpke present in the Reading on page 2.
EVERYONE IN THE SAME WAY? The answer, son. Each culture has its
own rules for what to do and say. Sometimes in the same culture there are
different rules. Greetings are not just words. How people use their bodies
also varies from culture to culture. Shake hands or bow your head? Do they
touch the other person or not? In Japan, people bow their heads. In India,
peoples join hands on his chest and bow. The traditional greeting for the
people of Tahiti and the Maoirs of New Zealand is to press their noses
together. A handshake is a popular gesture. In some countries, such as
Germany, friends generally wave to each other when they meet someone
for the first time or in a formal situation such as a job interview. In Saudi
Arabia, men shake hands.
Every time they meet or leave, sometimes ten times a day with the same
person! In many countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America,
friends hug and kiss each other on the cheek. The number of kisses
changes from country to country. In Mexico, people kiss once. In Spain
there are two kisses, and you always start with the right cheek. In Egypt,
they kiss three times, but in the south they kiss five times! The rules for
eye contact vary from culture to culture. The Chinese, Japanese, and
Indonesians think that too much eye contact is rude. In other cultures, it is
rude. Do not look people in the eye. Arbs and Koreans always look into the
eyes of other Perones. They believe that eye contact shows interest
5) B complete these sentences whit the simple presento r present continuos of the
verb in presents
a) In japan, people bowwhen tehy meet
b) To wave your hand mean hello or goodbye in the USA
c) Right now, they shake hands
d) Does she smile when you say hello?
e) You don´t how do you do?
f) Look! He greets to us!

6) for photo, make sentences in the simple present or present continuous with de
words given.
a) the two men bow to each other
b) Japanese men always bow to each other
c) European men have no eye contact

a) between two mexican women greet each other with a kiss

b) friends from mexico usually greet each other with a kiss on the cheek
c) Chinese don't shake hands with Korean friends

7) Writing
A complete this postcard. Write 1 word for each space
Dear aut Mary
We are having a great time here in Belgium. The Belgiansspeak French but
they also english, so we don´t have a problem. We staying in a hotel in
the center of Brucelles,
the hotel was close to all shops . There chocolate shops everywthere. we
went to the store two or more times day. Right now we are eating
chocolate and writing this card see you son
8) read this e-mail. What nationalyti is Elena? Why does she write this e-mail
RTA/ Helena and live in Montreal, Canada and helena writes the letter
because she wants to find dad

9) write an e-mail (60 words) to fin dan e-pal.follow these steps

hello my name is yanira benavides i am an eighth semester systems
engineering student, i live in ipiales nariño, my mom lives in santander de
quilichao she is a school teacher I have a brother and four sisters they are
already professionals and each one already has his At work, my favorite
hobby is playing soccer, watching movies and eating ice cream. I love cats
and dogs.
I wish everyone a happy day

A describe de photo,discuss in your group. How would you greet this
extraterrestial? What do you do? What do you say? I would say hello to an
alien, that would be strange, I would ask you a lot of questions about the
universe where they live.

12) Look at situación a and situation b carefully. Thalk about them whit your
parther and circle the one that uses the idiom correctly

a) Mrs garcia says to her husband, this car has too many problems, we need
a new car. Mr garcia says i´m so happy we see eye to eye about the car

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