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Before long, she was done and headed out wearing a white bathrobe.

PROLOGUE Marian walked behind her while she headed towards the dressing table
just beside her bed, pulling out a small chair with a pink cushion
The faint chirping of birds outside, along with the chattering of the stationed on top.
workers in the early morning, slowly woke the young miss from her
slumber. Her nightgown ruffled against the sheets pulled up to her She accepted the offered help from Marian and settled down. Her eyes
shoulders as she tried to open up her eyes. The bright rays of the immediately flickered to the big mirror on top of the table, having
morning sun seeping in through the spaces between the curtains another look at that person's face, that person's golden honey orbs, that
blinded her briefly, but soon enough her sight adjusted to the light. A person's long and soft crimson-colored hair. She stared at her own
soft yawn escaped her lips, rubbing softly her closed eyes with one reflection as if it was never hers, to begin with; truth be told, it really
hand and helping herself off the bed with the other. wasn't.
"Good morning Milady, did you sleep well?" a gentle voice from the It has been almost a month since it happened but she still wasn't used
side greeted as soon as she sat on the edge of the bed. to seeing such a beautiful person every time she looks at a mirror. In a
daze, her hand traveled to her face, and her lips curved up into a subtle
A smile played on her lips as she nodded at Marian who seemed to smile, "Marian, please help me dry my hair" she requested.
have been waiting for her for quite some time, near the doors of her
room, Without protest, "Yes, Milady" the older female nodded and excitedly
took a dry towel, before starting to dab the fabric against her wet
"I did. Good morning, Marian" she slipped on the slippers waiting just locks.
below her feet and walked towards the said female slowly.
All the while her own mind still lingered around the mystery as to why
The ribbon tying her hair slowly slipped off the tips with every step she came to this world. It never once entered her mind that changing
she took and finally, it fell on the floor and her long wavy locks came lives came as easy as changing from a pair of pajamas to an elegant
undone, glowing in a color of fiery red under the faint rays of the off-shoulder dress.
bright sun.
However, life had proven otherwise.
Marian who had taken care of her since she was a child couldn't get
accustomed by how breathtaking she looked, even though she had just
woken up.

"Let's get you ready for breakfast, Milady" Marian urged and lead her
towards the door leading to the bathing room.

A big white bathtub along with expensive looking bottles of what it

seemed like shampoo, soap, and other toiletries greeted her. Two other
maids helped her take off her nightgown and get in the warm water
inside the bathtub and started cleaning up her. Careful with every
touch on her smooth ivory skin.
halls for the students. A terrace from above also had chairs and tables
CHAPTER 1 set outside exclusively for those in the Royalty course to use.
The soft rustling of papers being gently crumpled as she bumped It doesn't stop there.
shoulders from shoulders matched her steps, hastily making her way to
reach the Academy's stadium amidst the busy street she was currently The three main buildings circled around a castle-like tower stationed in
trudging on. Eyes in the muted color of honey kept a stoic and calm the middle, with a flag fluttering with the wind at the top, showing the
glow as she avoided meeting anyone's gaze. symbol of the Gregoire Academy which is a Phoenix in Gold and Blue
color. Everything about the school was like a scene pulled out from a
The white printed sheets of paper she held in her arms are slowly fairytale and screamed prestigious.
having creases, but nonetheless, anyone who'd seen the thick rim of it
stuck between her chest and coated arms would be impressed. It's not However, Loreign didn't care.
just that. Bags of black tinted the lower areas of her slightly puffy
eyes, proving how much time and effort she poured into making what She never bothered to take a good look at the school she's attending.
seemed like a research paper. She never once took the time to walk along the path leisurely while
holding her bag. It simply wasn't productive for someone like her.
She swiftly passed through every person in front of her until she
reached the crossing area with the ground painted with white and Instead, she hurried along to the quadrangle behind the buildings
noticeable lines and two traffic lights stationed across each other to where the students are expected to gather. She took an empty seat at
ensure the safety of every student and citizen. Her tightly ponytailed the front and immediately started rereading the documents she had in
ebony hair swayed side to side with every swift stride she took and her hand for the 6th time today. Loreign wanted no errors when she
finally, she stood in front of the golden gates, the entrance to the submits her work, she spent 3 weeks revising and revising until she
esteemed Gregoire Academy. After a brief scanning of her could finally deem it praiseworthy by the professors. Her eyes stayed
identification card, Loreign proceeded inside. on the pale piece of paper checking each word in every sentence and
the information she gave to present that topic.
A 10-meter long walkway greeted every student walking towards the
main building inside the prestigious campus. Perfectly trimmed bushes A good 30 minutes passed by and the quadrangle slowly became filled
lined up at the sides of the whole walk, some adorned by flowers with students sitting with their own social groups, courses, and classes.
varying from different colors of blue, violet, and pink and some were Luckily for Loreign, she also finished proofreading her own work, so
in the plain color of green. At the end of the path, a fountain with a she peeled her eyes away from it and started looking around. The
mermaid statue holding a harp elegantly sat as the water came out students were all in their own little groups and own little worlds,
from her mouth. talking about things either related to their studies or fashion which
mostly applied to girls.
And finally, the main building that seemed like a mansion from a
fairytale. The outside was painted white and complemented by And Loreign remained alone for the rest of the waiting time and
occasional lines in royal blue, the glass windows from the side were listened to another speech of their dean. She didn't mind though. She
wide enough to see the chairs lined up inside the parlors and waiting preferred her own company over the others who all seemed like they
have all the time in the world to be smiling like that.
'How lucky, wasting time as if it's unlimited'
Loreign made her way to the third building where students in the
Aristocrat Class are also in. There are 3 groups the students in The rest of the day went on smoothly after Loreign submitted the
Gregoire Academy are divided, The Nobles, The Aristocrats, and The report she had created. She walked out of the room and directly headed
Scholars. straight to the exit at the rear side of the campus. Right outside the
gates were cars and limousines lined up waiting, of course, she too had
As it said so in their class name Nobles are royalties in their own one. Loreign hopped inside the white car waiting in line without
countries, in other words, the princes and princesses. muttering another word.

The Aristocrats are the sons and daughters of big companies or "So how was school?"
influential families who are next in line to inherit their family business.
The question was supposed to be a sign of concern, however, her
Lastly are the Scholars, they are students who aced the entrance exam aunt's sarcastic tone changed its entire meaning. Haruno Meiko, the
and passed the scholarship test and got sponsored by their selected half-sister of her father.
Loreign glanced at the woman wearing a dark green dress, face void of
Loreign belonged to the Aristocrats, being the heiress to her father's any reactions.
growing Trading Business which is supposed to be launching
internationally if it weren't for her father getting sick. "It was fine, I learned a lot"

That was her main problem. If she wasn't ready to run the family An irritated scoff escaped the older woman's lips, seeing how unfazed
business by the time he's gone, the whole company will fall under the she seemed to be.
reign of her aunt.
"You seem to be having fun." Haruno starts, "I don't think that's a good
'That man's dying' attitude when our company's going bankrupt?"

Yes, that man. Not once did she ever called him father, and not once Hearing the emphasis on the word our, as if to tell her that the
did he made her feel like his daughter. For him, Loreign is simply a company will surely belong to her urged a flat hum from Loreign.
tool to replace him when he's gone and for Loreign he is simply the
reason she came to be. If anything, Loreign called hin President. "Well yes Auntie," she snapped back, "Studying business patterns and
market trends in the last 5 years is definitely fun"
But never a father. 
Her tone was cheerful, eager to answer even, but her reply was more
They were in a contract where he is the contractor and Loreign is a than enough to keep the old woman shut.
worker he had wrapped around his fingers.
A small smile played on Loreign's lips as she faced the woman again.

"How about you Auntie?"

Her eyes fell on the jewelry shining on Haruno's neck, wrists, and That's why instead of enduring a whole day with Haruno, Loreign
fingers. "I see you have been having fun buying new rings! I wonder went to the library.
where you got the money from?" Loreign's dull yellow eyes stared
intently at the older female, eyeing how uncomfortable she scooted The soothing sound of pages slowly turned as if rifled by the wind is
around in her seat. one of the things that Loreign enjoyed as she herself read through
another book she had in her hand. Her eyes scanned the words written
But Loreign wasn't finished yet. on each page slowly careful not to leave any of the details out. It was
the third book she started reading when she arrived at the library this
"I mean, we are going bankrupt right, Auntie?" morning and she had 3 more books to go through.

The sweet tone end of her question sent chills through Haruno's spine, Her mind would occasionally wander but she was eager to finish all of
as it ironically contrasted to what her words meant. the books today. The books proved vital for her to be able to inherit
the family business and fortune that's why she wasn't in any position to
"I-I always had thes—!" Haruno defended, only to stop after a sudden slack off. Loreign wanted that position ever since her mother died, she
realization that she got caught again in her own niece's bare laid trap. wanted to have the power to bring her deceased mother's case in light.

"I never said you didn't, Auntie" "Tch. They think that their crime's old and forgotten just because
Mom's case is closed"
The driver stationed at the front of the car had his eyes glancing back
and forth at Haruno. The older woman fumed in embarrassment, Anger burned inside her yellow eyes but it immediately diminished,
huffing loudly as she faced the other leaving Loreign alone. along with her once clenched fist that she just unfurled. 'It's no use
getting angry now'
Loreign on the other hand savored another victory from outsmarting
her hateful aunt. She wasn't one to get mad with only a few spiteful Hours passed and it was currently 8 in the evening. The Library staff
words, but these past few days, her aunt seemed to be successful in tapped Loreign's shoulder, "We are closing now. You can fill-up the
irritating her with her mindless comments. form at the desk if you want to bring home that book" a woman
wearing a gray uniform and a white handkerchief around her neck
Of course, she had her own ways to get to the woman's nerves too. said.

Saturdays were supposed to ba resting day and studying during Loreign closed the book in her hand and flashed a generic smile at the
weekends isn't really her thing but it was way better than being stuck stranger, "It's okay, I just finished reading all of these" she slowly rose
at home where her despicable and conniving aunt. Haruno officially up from her seat and stacked the books in a tower before heading off to
moved into their house yesterday, and as much as Loreign wanted to return it to their shelves.
drive her out she couldn't.
The staff curiously looked at her from time to time as she walked
Her aunt still held more power compared to her. towards the exit. '6 books in just one day? Did she really read it
properly?' is what ran through the worker's mind.
Her black braided hair stayed resting on her shoulders as she made her revenge and decided to use her? However, as she ventured further into
way out of the Gregoire Grand Library. She walked along the same the darkness, the surroundings slowly lit up in a warm color of blue.
path back to the main building in peace.
The moon guided the way all the while Loreign braced herself for
Being a student for almost a year now, Loreign had the chance to visit what is to come. Even though she herself is in a tight spot, Loreign's
the buildings inside the Academy when she goes off to find a peaceful mind wandered off to the signing of rights that will be held tomorrow.
place to study. More or less, she knew where all the corridors go. She needed to be there or else, her aunt will take over.

However, as she continued to stride along the hallways, she realized A faint sound of shimmer snapped her back from a trance. Only then
that she's getting nowhere because the trail she was sure she was did she realize that she had stopped walking. The overwhelming force
familiar with turned into nothing she's ever seen before. she felt pushing her from behind was no longer there. Instead, the quiet
tranquility of the place calmed Loreign down.
CHAPTER 3 "I have to get back" she muttered and spun her heels back to the
direction where she came from. Even though she didn't have any
Loreign flickered her gaze behind her and proved her suspicions right, explanation of what just happened, getting home was what mattered
she was really on a different path. The walls surrounding her looked the most to Loreign.
the same as the ones back at the main track to the main building,
however, no rooms were seen lined up on the left side. Her mother and father were the ones who established their business,
her mother died trying to protect it from people who wanted to take
It was bare. Empty. And Loreign was there accompanied by the them down. She needed to get back now.
echoing sound of her heels hitting the solid ground.
But then, her determination faded as she stopped.
"I don't have time for this." she huffed, pulling out her phone to try and
access the campus navigation map online. Only to be greeted by her This time, on her own. Her gaze landed on the mirror magically
screen glitching all of a sudden and powering off. floating on the walls of the academy, reflecting the moon's shine in
resplendence. But that wasn't what caught her attention. It was her
A weird feeling kept coming to Loreign, knowing that her phone isn't eyes. Her usually dull and dead-looking eyes shone in brightly in
damaged in any way providing no clear explanation as to why it golden color reflected in the mirror.
suddenly malfunctioned. Chills went down from her spine as she felt a
strong force pulling her towards the darker part of the hallway. She wanted to go, but her gaze seemed fixed on her own self portrayed
by the mirror. The more she looked at it, the more she felt sucked in. It
Loreign knew to herself that she isn't some heroine in a horror movie was suffocating and every part of her body began to ache.
getting all stupid but she couldn't bring herself to walk away. Maybe
her will was weaker that's why her legs are moving on its own, It was a subtle pain at first.
carrying her weight.
But then it continued to worsen as if the bones inside her body are
She bit her lower lip and tried to anticipate what would be the outcome being crushed at the same time. "AAAGGGGHHHH!!" Loreign let out
of this. Is this some sort of paranormal thing where a ghost seeks a loud screech before she fell on the ground.
She didn't have any strength left and succumbed to the dark. to this room. But she didn't budge no matter how hard Loreign tried to
pry her away from that place.
A faint bright light blinded her for a second as Loreign desperately
opened her eyes. A few seconds more and slowly her sight began to Loreign was aware that even if she's not that tall or strong in build, she
adjust but it was only her eyes that got used to the lighting inside the would at least pose a problem when she kept pushing this other girl
room. away. But why is it that the maid was still chuckling while holding her
in her arms?
Loreign's heart raced seeing thick white sheets covering her hips and
waist, pillows wrapped in soft cases, a big sized bed she sat on, and Struggling was futile when the older woman lifted her up and dragged
another female wearing what it seemed like a maid outfit standing her towards a table with a big mirror on top. She was trying to get out
beside her. This wasn't her room. of the woman's hold but Loreign ended up sitting on the chair.

"I-Is this some sort of prank? I really need to go home" "I need to get out of here. Let me go and I won't report this to the
authorities miss" Loreign hissed again, glaring at the woman.
Her words only received confused looks from the other female, "But
you are home, Milady" "What are you even saying, Milady?" the maid cooed and started
fidgeting with her hair. "I haven't seen you this energetic before!"
"M-Milady?" Loreign stuttered, getting annoyed that this joke was
going too far. "Who are you? Who paid you to play this kind of joke "I said let me go!" she wiggled out and climbed up a seemingly tall
on me? Was it a student at Gregoire Academy? Or did my aunt sent table near the window. This was her last resort, if she doesn't go now,
you to keep me from attending the ceremony?" she asked continuously the company will meet its end.
not leaving out any of the possible facts explaining why she's in this
place. She was about to jump, after finding a good spot to cushion her fall,
however, instead of cars and other modern buildings greeting her,
The maid's brows furrowed even further, "I don't understand what you farms, villages, and forests did instead.
mean Milady, I haven't played a single joke on you since I served you"
Loreign turned slowly at the maid frantically bringing her down, "H-
Loreign gulped down the forming lump inside her throat and heaved a Hey, w-what year is it?"
heavy breath, telling herself to calm down. 'Panicking won't do me any
good'. She removed the soft blanket on top of her and got off the bed, "Oh, it's the Imperial Year 25, and today's the annual celebration of the
feeling unbelievably light but she was too occupied to pay attention to founding of the Theisen Empire, Milady"
that detail.
She headed towards the doors only to get stopped by the same maid
with hazel brown hair and eyes of the same color, "M-Milady! You
cannot go out wearing that!"

"Stop calling me Milady, we're in the 21st Century miss." Loreign

hissed and tried to get through the woman standing in front of her exit

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