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(GRADE 12)
MARCH 23-27, 2020

1. Explain the development of one’s self and others as a product of socialization
and enculturation.


Enculturation occurs when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer
who will perpetuate and ensure the continuance of such asset. On the other hand,
socialization takes place when prospective culture bearers learn the body of knowledge
and skills through education /conscientization, training, exposure and experience.
Enculturation/socialization results to:
 Identity formation – an individual’s identity is formed through his interactions
with others. One’s socialization with individuals or groups allows him or her to
imbibe certain characteristics and interests that contribute to his/her identity.
(Idea derived from Newman, 2012) For example, the centuries of Philippine
Chinese exposure to Filipino culture made them imbibe facets of Filipino
character in the same way Filipinos learned to love Chinese culture like food (e.g.
preference for noodle-based cuisine like pancit)
 Norms and values – norms are those culturally determined rules that guide
people regarding what is “right”, “wrong”, “proper”, or improper” (Newman, 2012).
“Norms create predictability in daily affairs and interactions, making it easier to
live with other members of society (Newman, 2012). These norms are
fundamental to the establishment of social order in any societies (Newman,
2012).” It must be noted that norms did not exist out of thin air. They were initially
designed and created by persons who benefitted from their existence or suffered
from their absence (Coleman, 2000).
Values are created and shaped in the community through time. These are
also experimented by a particular society to check its relevance an
appropriateness to existing norms and laws. 2 important values of
Filipinos: values of industry and values of utang na loob.
 Statuses and roles – a status is any position that an individual can occupy that
in society (Newman, 2012). It is not a ranked position, but simply a label that
implies certain roles that must be performed (Newman, 2012). For example, one
can be a student, a singer or a computer genius. While it is true that some
statuses are acknowledged and recognized as prestigious (e.g. Chief Justice,
Hollywood Star etc.), there are of course exception to the rule. Role is defined as
an obligation or responsibility and privileges that is attached to a status.
Difference is you occupy a STATUS but you play a ROLE.
Two types of status:
1. Ascribed status- it is given at birth or is assigned later in life. Some examples
include age, sex, ethnicity, membership in a family, etc.
2. Achieved status- it is acquired wilfully and consciously through effort, talent,
decisions, accomplishments. Some examples include being someone’s
girlfriend/boyfriend, being the top student in one’s class, being a black belter in
karate, etc.

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