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del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935


Elements de les programacions didàctiques

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935



The methodology used in art education, as it cannot be otherwise, should focus on the “know-how". In other words, the
process of learning should be achieved by one’s own experience, acting autonomously, launching initiatives, and weighing the
different possibilities and solutions. Each individual is an active protagonist in the progression toward greater awareness,
appreciation and artistic creation.

We will consider the creative and expressive skills (the child draws, paints, sings, dances, models, plays an instrument, enacts,
presents a story or game expressing his/her own feelings and emotions, ...), and perceptive skills (the child also contemplates
drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, films, video, listens to songs, attends theatre performances, parties, circus ...)
from this point of view. Artistic languages will be cultivated in a more dynamic and creative way through various techniques
and procedures.

On the other hand, pupils of the XXI century cannot be kept from the knowledge of this century’s technologies; therefore,
they will have the opportunity to learn to use, responsibly, the potential that information and communications technology
offers as a way to develop their artistic abilities.

We must bear in mind that each pupil starts off with a set of individual strengths. As a result, we will have to put into effect
different skills so that the pupil learns where his/her strengths lie.

Each pupil’s individual strengths will help us discover the predominance of each of their intelligences. As a result, the tasks
will be designed in consideration of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences with the idea that all pupils acquire all the aspects
they need to develop a permanent learning foundation for life.

In this area pupils begin to learn about and appreciate cultural phenomena in general. Therefore, they will have to learn skills
and attitudes that give them access to artistic expressions that allow them to develop their critical thinking.

Collaborative work in groups will be a way to train different skills and abilities that will instil in the pupil the desire to
cultivate his or her own aesthetic and creative capabilities, as well as an interest in taking part in cultural life and in
contributing to the preservation of the cultural and artistic heritage, both of his/her own community and of others.

The contents of visual arts education are organised around some key concepts related to real life contexts. It is important to
work on the skills in a way that knowledge is put to use and applied to real life projects familiar to the pupils.

Primary Education will help develop the skills in children that allow them:

To know and understand the values and rules for coexistence, to learn to live accordingly, to prepare

for the active task of citizenship and to respect human rights, such as the pluralism inherent in democratic societies.

To develop individual and team work skills, work ethic and responsibility when studying, as well as self-confidence, critical
thinking, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in learning, and entrepreneurship.

To acquire skills to prevent and resolve conflicts peacefully, enabling them to get along on their own in familiar and domestic
environments, as well as in the social groups they interact in.

To learn about, understand and respect different cultures and the differences among people, and to learn about equal rights
and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination of people with disabilities.

To know and use appropriately the Spanish language and, if any, the official language of the autonomous community and to
develop the habit of reading.

To acquire the basic communication skills that enable them to express and understand simple messages and get along in
everyday situations in at least one foreign language.

To develop basic math skills and to start solving problems that require elementary operations in calculation, geometry and
estimates, as well as being able to apply them to situations in everyday life.

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935

To know the fundamentals of the natural sciences, the social sciences, geography, history and culture.

To start using information and communications technology for learning purposes, learning how to analyze and judge the
messages they receive and create.

To use different representations and artistic expressions and to start building visual and audiovisual projects.

To value hygiene and health, to accept one’s own body as well as those of others, to respect differences and to use physical
education and sport to encourage personal and social development.

To learn about and value the animals most similar to human beings and to adopt ways of behaviour that contribute to their
preservation and care.

To develop emotional skills in all areas of their personality and in their relations with others, such as attitudes against
violence, prejudices of any kind and sexist stereotypes.

To promote road safety education and respect that favours the prevention of road accidents.

Working by competencies in the classroom requires reflecting on and reconfiguring the contents from an application
standpoint to allow the practice of the competencies. Competencies can not be studied or taught, they are obtained through
training. To achieve this goal, we will create educational tasks that foster the application of knowledge in pupils through
active classroom methodologies.

To address each competency in a comprehensive way in each unit is overwhelming. Therefore, each competency is defined
by indicators, the principles that allow us to describe each competency more accurately. There are between three to six
indicators for each competency.

The indicator, however, is still too general. Therefore, we decompose it further into what we call competency descriptors,
which “describe” the pupil competent in the area. For each indicator we find between three to six descriptors.

In each educational unit we will further define the competency descriptor by means of competency performance measures,
written in third person present tense. The performance will be the tangible aspect of the competency, which we can train
and evaluate explicitly. It will be clear and objective and will tell us what we should work on and pay attention to in the
planned activities.

For its development, we begin with a framework of competency descriptors, which we define for the project and which can
be applied to the entire subject and course.

While allowing for a specific treatment in some areas, transversal skills, such as reading comprehension, oral and written
expression, audiovisual communication, information and communications technology, entrepreneurship and civic and
constitutional education, will be addressed in a global manner, allowing for and encouraging the most integral teaching-
learning process possible for the pupils.

Moreover, the development of values common to all the areas will help our pupils learn to act according to a set of values,
which build a well-established society in which we can all live.

The diversity of the pupils and learning styles will lead us to work from their different potentialities, relying on their
strengths in order to respond to their needs.

In the area of music we will focus on training for all the competencies in a systematic way, emphasising the descriptors most
related to the area.

Mathematical competency and basic competencies in science and technology

Music contributes to the acquisition of “mathematical competency and basic competencies in science and technology”. It does
so by addressing geometric concepts and representations present in architecture, design, furniture, everyday objects, nature and
in those occasions when referents are needed to organize the work of art in space. Likewise, elements in music, such as rhythm
and scales, are directly related to mathematical competency.

Linguistic communication

Several factors contribute to the development of linguistic competence: communication exchanges prompted in various

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935

activities and projects, the use of principles that govern music, the explanation of the processes and the vocabulary specific to
the area of music.

More specifically, songs or simple enactments are conducive to the acquisition of new vocabulary and the development of
skills related to speech, such as breathing, diction or articulation. This competence is also developed through the description of
projects, the discussion of the solutions proposed during project development and the presentation of the projects.

Digital competency

Music contributes to the development of digital competency through the use of technology as a tool to show processes related
to music and visual arts and by familiarising pupils with the creation of artistic productions and image and sound analysis and
the messages transmitted through them.

Cultural awareness

The different aspects that compose art education contribute directly to the acquisition of cultural awareness. In this stage the
emphasis is placed on the knowledge of different artistic codes and on the techniques and resources that are unique to each.
The objective is to help pupils begin to perceive and understand the world around them and to expand their choices for
expression and communication with others. The possibility of representing an idea in a personal way, making use of the
resources that artistic languages provide, promotes initiative, imagination and creativity, while teaching respect for other forms
of thought and expression.

Music, by exposing pupils to different cultural and artistic expressions, from their own environment and from other cultures,
gives pupils the tools to evaluate those expressions and to form opinions about them increasingly grounded on knowledge.
Pupils can, thus, build valid criteria with which to critique cultural products and, thereby, broaden their entertainment

Social and civic competency

Arts education encourages participation in collective experiences: using collage, exhibitions, musical experiences, etc., as a
way to express ideas, feelings, and individual and group experiences. Interpretation and creation require, in many cases, team
work. Working in groups entails acceptance of norms for working collectively, cooperation, taking responsibility and sharing
space appropriately. These are rules and standards for proper social and civic development. The area of music, therefore,
contributes to the development of social and civic competence.

The indicators for this competency may facilitate the development of each of the descriptors mentioned below:

• Develops the skill to establish a dialogue with others in situations of coexistence and work and for conflict resolution.

• Demonstrates concern for the disadvantaged and respect for different speeds and abilities.

• Shows willingness to participate actively in established areas of participation.

Initiative and entrepreneurship

Creativity requires individual autonomy, launching initiatives and consideration of various possibilities and solutions. The
creative process does not only contribute to originality and the search for innovative ways. It also fosters flexibility, because of
the different responses that may be obtained from a single starting assumption. In this regard the area of arts education
contributes to the “initiative and entrepreneurship” competence, playing a significant role in the process that takes the pupil
from the initial exploration phase to the final product. This process requires advanced planning and effort to achieve original,
non-stereotypical results. Teamwork, planning and organising abilities and project development require the development of
basic skills such as perseverance, responsibility, self-criticism and self-esteem, all of which contribute directly to the
development of this competence.

Learning to learn

The teacher contributes to the "learning to learn" competency to the extent that he/she fosters in pupils reflection on the
processes involved in object manipulation, the experimentation with techniques and materials, and the exploration through the
senses of sounds, textures, shapes or spaces. The goal is that the knowledge so acquired provides children with a sufficiently
rich experience to apply it to different situations. It is advisable to establish patterns to guide the development of the capacity
of observation, so that the practice of observation provides sufficient and relevant information to children. In this sense, the
area builds the competency of learning by providing protocols of inquiry and planning suitable for other learning experiences.

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935


Block 4. Listening.

Recognizes different types of vocal and instrumental ensembles.

Identifies musical instruments from the symphony orchestra, from the band and from folklore in recordings of simple pieces.

Recognizes and describes the structure of songs and different musical fragments.

Block 5. Musical interpretation.

Sings songs in tune and with clear articulation as a soloist, in a duet, in a trio and in a choir, in an uninhibited and pleasant
way, showing confidence in his/her own abilities and showing respect for others.

Recognizes and classifies musical instruments by their family and subfamily describing their defining characteristics orally
and in writing.

Recognizes the basic elements of the score of a musical piece, interpreting and extracting correctly all the information
provided by the text.

Searches for, selects and organizes information about events, creators and professionals relating to music.

Plays and memorizes simple musical pieces with the recorder as a soloist and in a group, developing correct breathing and
fingering habits.

Group description after the initial evaluation

Number of pupils:

Group dynamics (talkative, ability to change from one activity to another with ease,…):

What strengths do you observe in the group regarding the development of curricular objectives?

What needs do you perceive and how are you going to address them? (Planning of methodological strategies, classroom
management, strategies to monitor the effectiveness of measures,…)

What strengths related to competencies do you observe in the group?

Individual needs

Which pupils need closer monitoring or individualised strategies for their learning process? (Take into account pupils with
educational needs, who are gifted, and others with undiagnosed needs, but who are at risk and require specific attention,
because of family history...)

What organizational measures are you going to adopt? (Planning for reinforcements, layout of space, management of group
time to promote individual intervention.)

What curricular measures are you going to adopt? What resources are you going to use?

What type of monitoring are you going to use with each pupil?

How and how often are you going to evaluate their progress?

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935


In this section we promote the teacher’s reflection and self-assessment by looking at the implementation and development of
the pedagogical plan. To achieve this, a sequence of questions is asked upon completion of each unit. These questions allow
the teachers to assess how the program is being implemented in the classroom and to develop strategies to improve the unit.

Similarly, we propose a tool to evaluate the pedagogical plan as a whole. This tool can be implemented at the end of each
quarter in order to apply improvements to the following quarter.

Timing of the units ,

Development of the teaching objectives

Management of the unit’s contents

Descriptors and performance of competencies

Performance of tasks

Selected methodological strategies


Clarity of evaluation criteria

Implementation of various evaluation tools

of learning standards

Attention to diversity

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935


Document de Control de programacions


Elements que conté la programació Està Observacions

1. Introducció.
a) Justificació.
b) Contextualització.
2. Objectius.
a) Objectius general de l’etapa/cicle.
b) Objectius específics de l’àrea o matèria.
3. Competències clau.
a) Apareixen les competències clau.
b) Relació entre les competències clau i els objectius de l’àrea o
c) Relació entre les competències clau i els criteris d’avaluació.
4. Continguts. Estructura i classificació.
5. Unitats didàctiques.
a) Les unitats didàctiques estan organitzades d'acord amb el
b) Les unitats didàctiques estan distribuïdes temporalment.
6. Metodologia. Orientacions didàctiques.
a) Metodologia general i específica de l’àrea o matèria.
b) Activitats i estratègies d’ensenyança i aprenentatge.
c) Activitats complementàries.
7. Avaluació.
a) Criteris d’avaluació.
b) Estàndards d'aprenentatge.
c) Instruments d’avaluació i recursos.
d) Tipus d’avaluació.
e) Criteris de qualificació (ordinari i extraordinari).
f) Activitats de reforç i ampliació.
g) Avaluació del procés d’ensenyança i aprenentatge.
h) Objectius.
i) Estableix moments per a l'avaluació.
j) Estableix procediments i instruments de recuperació.
k) Estableix procediments i instruments d'avaluació de l'alumnat

Av. del Mar, 23
Inspecció Territorial d'Educació
12003 Castelló de la Plana
Direcció Territorial de Castelló
Tel: 012/964333881 Fax: 964333935

amb matèries o àrees pendents i concreta per les

avaluacions extraordinàries
l) Existeixen programes individuals de suport a l'alumnat
m) Lliura informació individual de competències
ll) Relaciona amb els estàndard d'aprenentatge
8. Mesures d’atenció a l’alumnat amb necessitat específica de
suport educatiu o amb necessitat de compensació educativa.
9. Elements trasnversalrs
a) Foment de la lectura.
b) Utilització de les TIC.
c)Fa palès l'emprenedoria.
d) Té en compte l'educació cívica i constitucional.
10. Consta l'avaluació de la pràctica docent.
A completar pel Cap de Departament / Coordinador Està Observacions
11. Les programacions responen als criteris elaborats per la CCP
12. Les programacions contenen tractament transversal d'educació
en valors.
13. Hi ha professorat que ha optat per realitzar una «programació
alternativa»*. (en ESO, Batxillerat o CF)
14. Es contempla l’avaluació de les programacions i seguiment?
15. La programació està disponible per a la comunitat educativa?
16. Està ben definit l'us de les llengües cooficials i /o estrangera?
17. S'ha relacionat la programació amb plans de millora o Avaluació

* «Programació alternativa»: segons l'Art. 107.2 del Decret 234/1997 i l'Art. 5.2 de l'Orde 45/2011, hi ha possibilitat de fer
programacions alternatives, però aquestes són variacions sobre la programació del departament, mai «substitucions»; per
tant, els continguts, objectius, competències, estàndards avaluables i els criteris d'avaluació han de seguir els paràmetres
normatius (real decrets, decrets i ordres) i el PEC, tanmateix, els criteris de qualificacions, tipus de de proves, etc, que ha
establert el departament.


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